So, Ganirelix is like my Lupron then. Gotcha. I just want to get going. I do my first Lupron injection (again) in 39 hours! :yipee: I know time will fly once I start them! And, last BCP on Wednesday! I can't wait. I'm a wreck. I think I would have to ask them not to make me take BCP for so long ever again if this doesn't work. I can't go through what the BCP does to me. It makes me literally hate my life. I'm in misery.
So, Ganirelix is like my Lupron then. Gotcha. I just want to get going. I do my first Lupron injection (again) in 39 hours! :yipee: I know time will fly once I start them! And, last BCP on Wednesday! I can't wait. I'm a wreck. I think I would have to ask them not to make me take BCP for so long ever again if this doesn't work. I can't go through what the BCP does to me. It makes me literally hate my life. I'm in misery.

I don't think any of the meds are doing anything to my mood. It's the waiting that's getting to me! And honestly this isn't even the worst part. I'll be freaking out waiting to find out how many if any embryos I get and then freaking out during the 2ww. I need help!
So, Ganirelix is like my Lupron then. Gotcha. I just want to get going. I do my first Lupron injection (again) in 39 hours! :yipee: I know time will fly once I start them! And, last BCP on Wednesday! I can't wait. I'm a wreck. I think I would have to ask them not to make me take BCP for so long ever again if this doesn't work. I can't go through what the BCP does to me. It makes me literally hate my life. I'm in misery.

I don't think any of the meds are doing anything to my mood. It's the waiting that's getting to me! And honestly this isn't even the worst part. I'll be freaking out waiting to find out how many if any embryos I get and then freaking out during the 2ww. I need help!

Oh, me too! I don't know why BCP do this to me... but its misery. I'm anxious about egg collection... Will I under-produce? (don't worry too much about that, because I had 6 with IUI) Will I over-produce and end up with OHSS? Then, what if nothing fertilizes? Then, what if we wait till blast and none of them make it? I'm CRAZY!
ME TOO megg!!! And if I go according to schedule my OTD is on my second wedding anniversary which sucks because last year's wedding anniversary was ruined because I had my D&E a week before and I was miserable. So I'm so superstitious now. But who knows how the timing will work out becaus it depends on me doing my trigger shot on Monday and ET after 5 days.
Yeah, the dates are still just guesses for now. But, I just want to know what the punchline is at the end! LOL I can't stand not knowing!
You two are funny, exactly how I felt!!!! It is a nightmare isn't it, all the moods, what if's etc etc. I was really scared that I didn't have enough (still am), I was also scared that they let my follicles grow too large before my trigger shot (still am), is that why I only produced 7 eggs????

I am still suffering following egg collection, tummy is really sore, gets worse when I have a full bladder but I am surprisingly relaxed, in fact I am bored of sitting around doing nothing and think i'd be better back at work! I think I've already convinced myself that it's not going to work and then if it does it'll be a nice surprise, but I have my frostie to fall back on.

Going to go for a walk to the pub in a minute, DH can't wait to have a beer!!!! I guess I'll be on OJ then!
I hope you feel better soon MrsG.

I just got back from the office. Have to wait to for a call telling me what to do next. The tech told me there were 8-10 follicles with some other smaller one's that may grow enough to be included in the final count. Does anyone know what's an optimal follicle count and size? I have headaches from the shots, am tired of waking up early to go to the office and sore from the shots and blood draws!
I believe we all decided that 12 was a good number, but I'm sure "optimal" is different for each person. I would imagine that the optimal number would the most you can grow whilst maintaining quality. So, maybe the 8-10 is that number for you. That's not bad at all. I'd be happy with 8-10 when my turn comes 'round. Sorry about the headaches and soreness, honey!
I had 12 but only ended up with 7 eggs, I think the more you have, the more likely they are to be growing at different speeds, I think my lack of eggs was because some were too big. If you've got 8 - 10 at similar size I'm sure your be just fine.

How long now before your trigger? Good Luck
For anyone who did IUI with injectables before IVF... Is there any correlation to how one responds from one to the next? I mean, I worry greatly about whether I'll produce enough or too many or whatever. I produced 6 mature follies with IUI on 50U of Follistim. For IVF, I'll be on 225U of Follistim for 2 days, and then 150U with 0.5 vial of Menopur until they tell me to stop. I just wonder if I should have any idea what to expect based on my production from my IUI cycle.
Megg, did you not have a follicle count before you started? Mine was 14, so that's the maximum I could have got.
Well, I haven't started yet. Last time, I had a baseline u/s, but I don't seem to have one scheduled this time. My baseline last time was 13, I think? My first scan isn't until Dec 3 this time... which is after 6 days of stimming. I'm going to hope that the 13 last time was a good sign... it was 8 on one side and 5 on the other. FX'd! I'd love 13! I'd love even 10!
For anyone who did IUI with injectables before IVF... Is there any correlation to how one responds from one to the next? I mean, I worry greatly about whether I'll produce enough or too many or whatever. I produced 6 mature follies with IUI on 50U of Follistim. For IVF, I'll be on 225U of Follistim for 2 days, and then 150U with 0.5 vial of Menopur until they tell me to stop. I just wonder if I should have any idea what to expect based on my production from my IUI cycle.

I don't know the answer Megg but I can tell you my experience.

For my IUI I was on 50 puregon (follitism) and I got 2 follicles.

For my IVF I was on 100 puregon and 75 menopur(1 vial) and I got 24 follicles. Towards the end of my ivf cycle I was only on 25 puregon and 75 menopur.

Re: The baseline scan - most of my baseline scans I had 30-35 follicles but on my first ivf cycle I had 46 follicles at my baseline.
For anyone who did IUI with injectables before IVF... Is there any correlation to how one responds from one to the next? I mean, I worry greatly about whether I'll produce enough or too many or whatever. I produced 6 mature follies with IUI on 50U of Follistim. For IVF, I'll be on 225U of Follistim for 2 days, and then 150U with 0.5 vial of Menopur until they tell me to stop. I just wonder if I should have any idea what to expect based on my production from my IUI cycle.

Hi megg!!!

I had mine counted at the Spanish clinic and they said there were 10-11 on right ovary and 4-5 on the left but the hospital in Holland says about 7-8 on my right and 4-5 on my left. I always average it out to 11... :haha: Apparently you will only have a set amount of follicles all the way through your life, you are born with them. Some people have 40 and some people have 2 and no matter what meds you take they will never increase (sadly) So i know i will only ever have about 12 even if they up my dose to 10,000 IU of Menopur!!!! :flower::haha:
Well i went to the appointment today its was a nightmare. We left the house on time with some time to spare and set off... then we saw that the road was closed to the exit where we had to go so we followed the diversion signs and they diverted us to another route which was also closed off!!!! After going round in circles for 30 mins, passing IKEA 4 times we decided to call the hospital so say we would be late. They said they only had staff there until 12pm and by now it was 11.45am. I started to get worried and when we were getting nowhere close i thought... this is it, its all going to be over before we have hardly begun. I started crying. At 12.05 the hospital called and said they would hold on for another few minutes and evertually we found a way through. I ran to the door while Allan went to park the car and the entrance was locked!!!! He had to come back and drive me round to the other road and main entrance. It was hell but we got there and the whole hospital was desserted apart from the receptionists and the sonographer. I apologised profusely and thanks them for waiting and went in.

The good news is that the follicles are growing but the bad news is that they have not grown enough yet. They have told me to continue the meds for another two days and then go to the hospital for a scan on Monday again at 11am and then hopefully they can schedule me in for egg collection which should be on Thursday now. If they have still not grown enough then they said they will not stop the meds and will continue to stimm me. We have 9 follies ( 1 more than last time) :-

Right Ovary

2 x 18mm
1 x 16
1 x 15
1 x 14
1 x 3

Left Ovary

1 x 16
1 x 12
1 x 4

As you can see the left ovary is a lazy b*stard and two of my follies have gone on vacation (talk about bad timing!)

The sonographer said the smaller ones may catch up, I don't know if they will be big enough to contain eggs and she doesnt either at this stage but she said there is hope... so more stabbing for me!!

I reiterated the fact that I had been told that I could have sedation for the EC since last time it was like Texas Chain Saw Masacre and if i didn't pass out from the blood splattering the doctor or the blood loss then I would for sure pass out from the sheer pain of the procedure. The last two times I was kept awake and the last time I was that scared I was hyperventilating and they said they could not proceed until I calmed down. It was hell on earth and i said i could not go through that again. So.. I have been told I can have 75 (mg - think i cant read her writing) of Pethidine. I asked if that was enough.. i want loads... knock me out... i dont care if i sleep for a week but i cant handle that pain again!! She said it was enough to tranqualise a horse! I was happy with that and left. If she hadnt of prescribed me that I was prepared to lie on the floor and grab her ankles in full on begging mode.
Sammy - why won't they sedate you without you having to beg? Our cycles are looking to be only 1 day apart now. As of this past Thursday they were thinking that I may do my trigger shot Monday and go for EC Wednesday. I have to go in to the office tomorrow morning again so hopefully I'll get the go ahead for a Monday trigger shot when they call tomorrow afternoon.

MrsG - They were thinking I'd do my trigger shot on Monday but who knows.

The office called a couple of hours ago to tell me to keep the same doses of meds for tonight and come back in the morning. I guess that's a good thing that I don't have to increase the meds? Off to take a nap before heading out for the evening. I'd rather stay in bed.

How's everyone else? Isi? Mercy?
Sammy - why won't they sedate you without you having to beg? Our cycles are looking to be only 1 day apart now. As of this past Thursday they were thinking that I may do my trigger shot Monday and go for EC Wednesday. I have to go in to the office tomorrow morning again so hopefully I'll get the go ahead for a Monday trigger shot when they call tomorrow afternoon.

MrsG - They were thinking I'd do my trigger shot on Monday but who knows.

The office called a couple of hours ago to tell me to keep the same doses of meds for tonight and come back in the morning. I guess that's a good thing that I don't have to increase the meds? Off to take a nap before heading out for the evening. I'd rather stay in bed.

How's everyone else? Isi? Mercy?

Hey, no i didnt have to beg... was suprised they never offered me sedation from the word go though???? Last time I took 2 tablets and one rectal pessary and then 4 injections in my foof and i could still feel every god damn stab for EC! It was hell i can tell you.... when we had an apt with the doctor he said I could have sedation but i have always been worried as they dont do this as procedure so i WAS prepared to beg if i had to! :haha:
Thanks for the info, girls. The 6 I had were just the mature ones. The baseline for IUI showed maybe 15? So, 15 once, 13 another time... I guess I have a decent shot at several.

Glad you get to be knocked out, Sammy. I can't imagine being awake for it. They've assured me I'd have "twilight sleep" or MAC anesthesia for it. I had it for the polypectomy and am excited to have it again! :) It was great!

Maxxi - I think its a good sign you don't need to increase the meds.

AFM... I start my Dexamethasone and Lupron at 7:15am! That's only about 8 hours away! I'm excited to start again!
Sammy, so glad you'll be sedated. I kinda like anesthesia -- it's good to be unconscious for some things!

Maxxi -- good luck with the trigger. That was the most annoying part, I think -- not knowing when I'd trigger, when i'd have to cancel class, etc.

Megg, sounds like a good number of follies. My FSH was slightly elevated at just over 10 -- and I had 3 baseline scans for follies and came in at 6, 7, and 9. BUT I ended up with loads more on the aggressive stims they put me on -- and had 13 eggs, which was perfect according to my clinic. My dr said that ideally they'd like 10 eggs, what with the odds of fertilization & growth.

Even though my little blasts might not implant, I know that everything went as perfectly as medicine can hope for (up to egg transfer) -- 13 eggs, 8 fertilized, 4 went to blast -- 2 transferred, 2 frozen. It was more than *I* hoped for! Now, there's nothing really that can be done -- it's up to nature & God. But it feels good to know that the IVF cycle was textbook perfect.

Friday is my test date -- going in for a blood test. (11 days post transfer)
That does sound great, honey! I hope to be so lucky! :thumbup: Can't wait for you to tell us its BFP!

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