IVF/ICSI in July

Be happy about it a really good sign!!

Cheers ladies for all the info so what is FSH.

Oh the only reason I was being Miss negative was that I am not currently on IVF this cycle, hence why I was helping to get some balance, sorry didn't want anyone thinking there was any negative vibes, all positive ones here for you ladies!!

I was only joking hun. You're allowed to be As negative as you like. When will you start your cycle? Hope you don't have to wait too long.

My sack of drugs is arriving on tuesday. I'be put myself on aspirin for the.past 5 days. I normally bleed with afnfor 4 to 5days but I'm still bleeding fresh blood today! I may stop taking it and start just.before my transfer. Don't wanna bleed to death before I reach that point!
Hello Ladies

How's everyone doing? I haven't been on for a while works been really busy:growlmad:

I'm thinking of getting some sort of meditation or music to help keep me calm and chilled doing this whole process. Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought it might help leading up to ec and when they put then back in. I'm trying to get myself as prepared as possible!

Also I read somewhere (no idea where!) that women who lay down for longer after they had, had the eggs put back in had a better chance of getting pregnant. Has anyone else seen this research? I think I read about it 6 months ago but didn't really pay attention at the time. I think they lay down for 30mins instead of others who did it for 15mins. I'm a bit worried I won't manage 30 mins, I understand your bladder needs to be a bit full and women often need a wee quite quickly after. Since I always need a wee I know I'll be desperate to go stariaght after. Sorry ladies tmi I know!

Hope everyones doing ok.

Hi everyone!

Caline - i'm sorry you didn't get the natural cycle you were hoping for - any chance you can switch?

Angel - any sign of AF yet?

I've been a bit crap lately and not really been giving you guys any support....I will do my best to try and get on here more!!!! :comp:

Chesca xx

YEEHAAA! Witch has arrived!! Called the clinic this afternoon but nobody available to talk so they will call me back Monday! At least now things are starting to roll!

Chesca, what you been at? Doin' ok i hope?!

Hi Angel,

I'm so glad AF has arrived for you!!! So what's the next stage for you?

I've been feeling a little down/ fed up lately, partly due to being toooooo busy at work and partly due to TTC. So many people around me are pregnant and I'm just finding it very hard to deal with. Also, we haven't told anyone other than family about the IVF and this is kinda making it harder! Very much looking forward to our holiday just wanna put the start of this year behind me and start as fresh with FET when we get back. Lots of PMA.. well i'm trying now but hoping to be full of PMA when I get back!! :happydance:

Chesca xx
Hi springflower,

I have read/ heard something like that too. Surely 30 minutes has to be better than 15???
Prob TMI I know but when DP and I were TTC naturally I used to lie there with legs in the air, bottom/ hips propped up with a pillow and I didn't get up for an hour.... lol!! My goodness, that sounds really silly reading it out load!!! lol!

Chesca xx
Chesca, thanks - not really sure what next step is until my schedule comes through but i think things start happening at the end of the month - tablets i think first??

LOL i do the legs in air thing too but instead of pillow, DH lets me put my legs up on his shoulders - if anyone were to see us....!!!!

When do you head off on hols?

Springflower, not sure about relaxation/meditation as i am last person to ask - find it impossible to switch off and sit still for any length of time but this time around, im going to take a few extra days off work after EC/ET and at least just potter about the house. I didnt last time and it didnt work so it cant hurt to try something different!!
I know I was trying to think of some relaxing project to do around ec/et. I was thinking of scrapbooking or something else projecty like that...........any suggestions...

I know I was trying to think of some relaxing project to do around ec/et. I was thinking of scrapbooking or something else projecty like that...........any suggestions...


How long have you been married? You could make a scrapbook of wedding memoriblia, or if you've been married as long as you've been TTC, perhaps you can plan a dream trip for a significant wedding anniversary (possibly scrapbook it), this could be pure fantasy, or perhaps plan a vow renewal - again fantasy or for real!

Caline- Not sure yet when or if we will be starting a cycle, as we have a HSG first, need to completely rule out the one tube, and also make sure nothing in there that would mean the tube has to be removed before staring IVF.

My pal is having her twins on Thrusday, she has her legs up for half an hour!

Hello Ladies

Think I'll try and lie down for as long as possible after ET then! I want to give the eggies the best chance I can!

I'm taking two weeks off work from EC. But I'm starting to wonder whether thats a good idea, I think it might be too long and will allow me too much time to stew on things, I might be better off at work. At least I'll keep busy there!

Blue - I love the idea of scrap booking! I definately need a project, even if I don't take the full 2 weeks off! Have you gots loads of photographs that need developing and putting into albums? Unfortunately I'm all up to date with mine. But I think I might do something with pictures of our parents and grandparents, I've been planning that for a while. I also thought about redecorating but that might be a bit ambitious!

Think I will be spending a lot of time on the forum as well :haha:
Ohh I also bought these this lunch time. A Relaxation CD - For Pre & Post Embryo Transfer and Zita West's Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception. Have no idea if they are any good, but they're worth a go!
Hiya ladies!

Angel - we are off to Aruba on 25th June for 2 weeks - total RnR!!

Was just reading some of the posts on here about EC/ET. I took a bit of time off before EC as I was finding it difficult to do my job as I was very over emotional on the Buserelin/ Menopur. I though I would love being at home but it just gave me too much time to think (and eat!)!! They always advise that you take a week off from date of EC to ET and a few days after to rest. I have decided that when we have FET I'm gonna just take a week off. As I have a desk job it will be fairly easy for me to carry on as normal. Some of my Cyber friends who were cycling at the same time as me did the same and found the TWW can't half drag. They have both recently had FET and returned to work after a fews day off and they found it much better getting on with things.
Hope that helps some of you! Everyone is different though, so just go off how you feel.

Springflower - have you tried the CD yet? Let me know how you get on, i'm always after a new relaxation CD!

Chesca xxx
Oh did you get that CD online or at a store? I am very interested too. Tell us what it is like.
Chesca - im jealous VERY jealous!

Well, im starting to get moving now! Have my planing meeting on 30th June, start meds on 1st July. Have to go do a clamidia test with the clinic on Thurs as they have now decided they wont accept the one my GP carried out as it was a mouth swab not urine sample. Just adds to the hassle but at least makes me feel like progress is being made! Did you all have one as its not something i hear mentioned?
I don't remember having a urine test - but I did have a bunch of swab tests like a pap...?
Hey Ladies:flower:

Chesca - I am VERY jealous of your hols!! I've never been to Aruba, but have heard its lovely.

Think I'm going to stick with the 2 weeks off for the time being. Work have been understanding so will be fine if I come back early. Hmm think I ought to, now you said the things about eating, if I'm on my own they'll only be cat food left!:haha:

ANGEL223 - Wow Angel, not long for you - about two weeks! That's so exciting! Re the C test, I had one at the start of fertility tests. I didn't even know I'd had it!

Blue - I got the CD online and it hasn't arrived yet. Should be here in the next few days. I'll let you guys know what it's like.

Hope everyone's doing well:hugs:
I had a chlamydia test done by a vaginal swab. It was also to check for any other infections.

Have found out today that DH has a problem with sperm shape (after previously being told he had no problems). He has to go back to do a 3rd SA. And we may have to have ICSI instead of IVF. I'm feeling pretty worried about this now as I've always assumed the issue lay solely with me, so I don't know much about male factor problems. DH keeps saying not to worry, there's nothing we can do etc. He doesn't seem to grasp that I am worried this might lower our chances.
Is sperm shape what they mean by 'morphology'? And is there anything that could improve it?

Chesca you lucky thing. I hope you have a lovely holiday and come back feeling like a new woman!

Take care all xxx
Just wondering how everyone's doing ? It's just hit me that I start sniffing on Monday!
Anyone else due to start soon? Hope you're all ok
Well i had my test this morning- waste of a journey really - an hours drive, pee in a pot and leave!!

Starbright - you must be the first to start? What do you sniff - i dont think thats an option at my clinic?? Still another few weeks for me!

Wouldnt worry too much about the ICSI -they only need one sperm per egg and its injected directly in so i think(?) it increses fertilisation chances but clearly not overall chances! I know its shattering when you have gotten this far but im sure it will be fine!
Hi everyone.

Starbright I will be a day behind you - I am starting DR on Tuesday - but I am not sniffing - I will be doing injections. I can't wait for it to start although I am terrified of it not working either. Actually work and social life right now is soo busy I have hardly had any time to even think about what is coming lol.

:hugs: to everyone!

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