IVF/ICSI in July

Blue12 did your clinic suggest the accupuncture? I have heard it mentioned a lot on here but its never been suggested to me?

Thanks again Angel for this thread. It is so critical to have the support.

My clinic didn't suggest it, but I had heard about it a lot on here. Then I got a couple of books on ivf - including one called a couples guide to ivf - and there was much talk of it. Then I bought a few other books about the mind body connection and they mention acupuncture. Then my clinic gave me some magazines made by care? I think or the national fertility association? and in them there was a lot of talk about acupuncture. And in these magazines (from the clinic) it quoted that it increases ivf success rates at least 30%.

At this point I figured it couldn't hurt. One day a flyer came in the mail and it was a wellness clinic that specializes in acupuncture for fertility and ivf. SO I called lol.

I love acupuncture. It is an hour session 1-2 times a week - where essentially I relax for a whole hour - I focus on my breathing and do visualizations of my body doing what it is supposed to do. My first cycle after starting acupuncture I had huge changes to the colour of my af. Normally I had some brown at the beginning and at the end and now it is all fresh blood bright red. Sorry if that is tmi lol - but now I visualize fresh healthy blood flowing through my whole body too lol.

I know some people don't really believe in tcm - but I figure after all the money I am spending on ttc and ivf might as well spend a bit more to increase my chances lol.

:dust: to everyone
Hi ladies,

Sorry i'm only just replying, it's been one of those weeks!

I live in the Nottinghamshire area.
With FET there are some tablets to take on day 1 of my cycle and pesseries involved also.

I know that the idea of injections is quite scary but it's really not as bad as you imagine. I was very scared of the whole needle thing but honestly they were all very thin and small. I was on Buserelin and Menopur injections and I did them in my tummy as I found this easier and didn't get any brusing. The biggest tip I can give you is just to relax, get comfortable and give your self time to do it. Once you've got the first few out of the way it gets easier I promise!!

For my first cycle I completely gave up caffine and alcohol and just tried to eat a well balanced diet. Acupuncture is great and very relaxing! I also had Reiki which was a great stress reliever for me and do lots of meditation too. I've continued to eat really well and very rarely have caffine but I will hold my hands up and say I have been having a little alcohol from time to time. As my next cycle is FET I kinda came to the conslusion that a little drink wouldn't do me any harm.

Blue12 - i just wanted to wish you luck for IUI, got my fingers crossed for you!

Good luck to everyone with their IUI/IVF/ ICSI cycles, it's very comforting to know we are not alone on this journey.

Chesca xxx
chesca - what hospital/clinic are you at. I live in sheffield so not far from nottinghamshire
chesca - what hospital/clinic are you at. I live in sheffield so not far from nottinghamshire

Hi Aclio!
I'm at CARE in Nottingham, just of junction 26 of M1. What about you Hun? Xx
I'm at Jessops Hospital in SHeffield. We have 1 go on the NHS so fingers crossed xx
I have been having accupuncture for a year now. It changed my cycles initially and made them shorter and more regular. I have heard it increases sucess of IVF by 20-30%, or something like that. I enjoy it too. I don't do relaxation or anything, but chat to my accupuncturist who stays in the room, and has a wealth of knowledge about fertility/IVF etc.

Chesca, have heard really good things about CARE in Nottingham, one of the best places I think. Are you having FET? I am starting FET in June. My last one I had progynova tablets (once down regged), then cyclogest. Are you on a short protocol? You start day 1 of cycle, while I start down regging day 21 of cycle.

ACLIO, same as me. One stingey NHS go! lol. Hope it works for you :flower:

Bebecake, its our turn to get lucky this time :hugs:
I have been having accupuncture for a year now. It changed my cycles initially and made them shorter and more regular. I have heard it increases sucess of IVF by 20-30%, or something like that. I enjoy it too. I don't do relaxation or anything, but chat to my accupuncturist who stays in the room, and has a wealth of knowledge about fertility/IVF etc.

Chesca, have heard really good things about CARE in Nottingham, one of the best places I think. Are you having FET? I am starting FET in June. My last one I had progynova tablets (once down regged), then cyclogest. Are you on a short protocol? You start day 1 of cycle, while I start down regging day 21 of cycle.

ACLIO, same as me. One stingey NHS go! lol. Hope it works for you :flower:

Bebecake, its our turn to get lucky this time :hugs:

Hi Caline

Yeah, i'm hoping to be having FET in late June or July - Depending on AF as my periods are all over the place!

I'll be taking Oestrogen tablets from day 1 of my cycle then Utrogestan from around day 15 and FET will be around day 17. I so excited for FET but nervous at the same time! I'm just hoping and praying our embies survive the thawing process and we get our much longed for BFP!

We got funding for 3 IUI and 1 IVF/ICSI but at initial consultation DP's sperm count wasn't good enough for IUI so we had to go for IVF/ICSI. We are funded for FET too - have you got funding for this too Caline?

Chesca xx
If it isnt too rude, can someone tell me how much accupuncture costs per session, how often do you have it and do you have to find one specialising in infertility issues? I like the idea of it sorting out my cycles as i have loads of brown spotting leading up to my period which cant be good even though the dr says its nothing to worry about!

Im also on a short cycle but im a little confused as im not sure what day of my cycle it starts. Nurse mentioned day 21 i think???

Hope everyone is doing ok - who is the first to start?

Just through I'd jump on board. DH and me are having our information session for IVF in a couple of weeks, so I think the actual treatment will start in June or July. I'm starting to get anxious about it all so I think it will be lovely to talk to other people going through this at the same time.
Hugs and good luck to you all
Hi Starbright - you might be around the same time as me.

I'm really worried ladies. I had a stange rash on my feet so my doctor dipped my urine and found protein and blood in it. She sent another 2 samples away and lots of blood for testing. I've just had a call from the doctors saying I've got to go in tomorrow cos they've found something. I'm really worried that it's something serious.
Aclio - I know that it's easier said than done but try not to worry! Did the Dr give you any idea of what it might be? I'll be thinking of you tomorrow Hun, let me know how you get on. Xxx
Chesca, I got funding for up to 6 IUI's and one IVF. We tried IUI but on that cycle I didn't ovulate and DH's sperm are low too so we were advised to go straight for IVF with ICSI backup, which we did need.

Angel, I pay £40 per session, which lasts an hour. You could find one via here:


Where abouts do you live? Mine is in Marlow, Bucks. I think its best to find one specialising in fertility.

ACLIO, hope it goes ok at the docs. Let us know.
Oh Aclio, you must be so worried. Hope you were able to sleep ok. Protein and blood in urine is usually sign of infection in the bladder. Some antibiotics and it clears up.

Big hug to you for today :hugs: :hugs:
Thank you ladies, I have to wait till 3.30 to find out the results. I hope it is just a simple water infection. I've done a stupid thing and googled it. Protein and trace of blood in urine could be a sign of kidney problems, so I'm hoping its just a simple infection. I just know today is going to be the slowest day ever :(
Caline - thanks for the info & link. Typical, none in N Ireland!! Will have to get the yellow pages out and see how i get one!

Aclio, hope you get good news this afternoon. Remember we are always here for you!

It wasn't good new. I've got to see a kidney specialist as my kidneys are leaking protein. To top it all off it could stop me from having ICSI :cry::cry:

I'm sick of bad news now, as if ICSI isn't bad enough without out this as well. I just want to cry and not stop
Oh hunny I am so sorry!!!

Do you know when you can get to see the Kidney Specialist? I hope they can get you in and sorted before you are due to start treatment!!

Sending you and DH big hugs!!!

ACLIO, sorry this has happened. Hope you get the kidney specialist referral really fast. Did they say what might be causing this? Have they collected your wee over 24 hours, or are they just going on a single dipstik? Did your bloods show anything?

Its probably best to get this sorted before you have your IVF as you don't want to get complications in pregnancy because of it, but it must be soooo frustrating for you. Hang in there. :hugs:
Aww ACLIO that sucks! Hope you can get sorted soon and that it doesnt hinder your schedule! Thinking of you. xxx

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