Hello Happy! Glad to see you are still around. It's too bad we haven't heard from Want, Chase, Sandoval, JDH and Wanna in such a long time. I hope they and their LOs are doing well.
I hope Dominic has an easy adjustment to his helmet. Rose has had hers for almost a month now. She is a spirited little thing so the first week was really hard. Since then she is doing absolutely fine with it. She has figured out how to sleep well with it on and she doesn't fuss at all when we take it off or put it back on. Kids are so resilient. If Rose can get used to it, I'd be willing to bet your Dominic will also. It's really not a bother at all like I thought it would be. Good luck!
Hello Happy! Glad to see you are still around. It's too bad we haven't heard from Want, Chase, Sandoval, JDH and Wanna in such a long time. I hope they and their LOs are doing well.
I hope Dominic has an easy adjustment to his helmet. Rose has had hers for almost a month now. She is a spirited little thing so the first week was really hard. Since then she is doing absolutely fine with it. She has figured out how to sleep well with it on and she doesn't fuss at all when we take it off or put it back on. Kids are so resilient. If Rose can get used to it, I'd be willing to bet your Dominic will also. It's really not a bother at all like I thought it would be. Good luck!
Hi ladies, Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Nicholas is a handful, and I love spending every second I can with him. DH made a great video of our son's 1st year. If you all are still here and want to see it, let me know.
I have been checking some of the posts and it's nice to see everyone is doing well and some of those pics are so cute.
The main reason I decided to post again is to let you all know that, well.....we got another BFP with our 2nd attempt of our frosties. So excited as the first number came back 242 on the 12th day and 564 on 14th day. And well, 2,724 on the 17th day. Hoping it's twins. Fingers crossed.
Hi ladies... I've not been on in so long!! How is everyone doing? Can't believe how old everyone's babies are! 15 months old here and a real character haha. Dh and I decided to go ahead with ICSI no 2 so we had all our appointments, paid upfront and were waiting on my period starting so we could commence treatment but we got a natural instead!!! I'm in disbelief at the moment as dh's sperm count was really really low at 55,000! Nowhere near even 1mil so we've no idea how we did it!! I'm only 5 weeks at the minute so I'm very nervous and just trying to stay positive that it will hang in there.
I'd love to hear how you are all getting on! x
Not yet, I've just did a million tests at home lol. They've gotten progressively very dark so I feel ok about it. I've booked in for an early viability scan at the clinic we were supposed to be having treatment with, to look for a heartbeat. There's no way I could wait until 12 weeks for a scan! Scan is booked for 5th November so not too long to wait.
What stage are you at now with your cycle First? Here's hoping for an easier pregnancy and birth for you x
I'm so sorry it wasn't good news for you I hope you're able to try again soon xx
The scan was great! Seen our little blob and a strong heartbeat, what a relief! I was measuring 7wk 1 day so roughly what I thought. I feel like I can be positive about it now and try to enjoy it! How have you been First? x