IVF Tips for Success


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
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Good morning ladies,

I will be starting my first ever IVF round in about a month and I am looking for everyone who has been through it to throw any advice they can my way! I already know much of the technical aspects of it and protocols and such. I am more so looking for tips you thought really helped, any old wives tales, all of that stuff. For example, did you do pineapple core? If so when, how much and did it help? Did you do a specific diet (gluten and dairy free, caffeine free, alcohol free)? I am just looking to gain as much information as I can from all you tough ladies who have been through this experience before.

Thanks so much!!! Drop any 2 cents you have here :)
Hi MN, do you mind I join?
I will be going for my first IVF in June or July too (after 4 unsuccessful IUIs), and it would be great to hear others experience and tips :)
Hope IVF is the answer for both of us!
So stoked to hear you're​ going ahead with IVF mnelson!! I don't have any tips for you lol
Hahaha no problem Belle, Hopefully you don't have to make it over here to IVF land!
Yeah I just hear so many people do all of these things like pineapple core for example, but do you still do it 1-5 days post retrieval or does it make more sense to do it 1-5 days after transfer?
I just want to do anything (regardless of how ridiculous it sounds) to feel like I have any fragment of control over this process :) Spoken like a true Type A woman.

Would love to hear from you IVF ladies!

And welcome Hope!! So nice to have a cycle buddy :)
Hi girls.
I have had 2 cycles of ivf.
1st cycle was bfn with no frozen embryos.
2nd cycle bfp with 2 frozen embryos..
My daughter is now 2 and I am scheduled to start my 1st FET cycle in June.
The only thing I done for both cycles was the fresh pure pineapple juice the day of egg transfer for about 5 days.. 1 class per day.
Basically lay on the sofa for about 5 days no lifting etc just took it easy. No baths, just shower..
It is 3 years tomorrow since my last egg transfer.. dreams do come true and I wish yous all the luck in the world. Stay positive & be kind to yourself xx
Looks like I'll be starting round the same time as some of you's x
Jack thank you for sharing! I'm on my first IUI cycle and luckily the IUI will be happening on the weekend! I plan to lounge around that day and do as little as possible. I've never bought in to that pineapple thing BUT I'm going to give it a go this cycle LOL. There is lots of fresh pineapple in season this time of year anyway!

Mnelson you aren't the only Type A woman here haha.
Before retrieval I started taking royal jelly & coq10 which are both supposed to help with egg quality. (I also take omega 3, vitamin D & prenatals.) I drank pomegranate juice for my lining and switched to full-fat dairy. I gave up alcohol and coffee about a week before I started stims, and only had one cup of black tea a day.

After transfer I wore warm socks & took it really easy for the first couple of days. No lifting, pulling, etc. I drank lots of water, got enough sleep and stayed as calm as I could. I also took the whole week off of work, which was really wonderful.

Best of luck to you!!!
Scooby, think I'll try the pomegranate juice for my lining... thanks for info xx

Good luck belle.. everything crossed x
Hi! I'm assuming you've read about supplement cocktails and doing a low inflammation diet. I was VERY lucky and had my first IVF work with only three eggs retrieved. A few sort of "out there" things that worked for me: fertility yoga, fertility meditation (Circle and Bloom) and I always took a few deep breaths and said a prayer before administering my shots. I can give more details if this stuff is of interest to you!
Hi! I did fertility yoga, Circle and Bloom IVF meditation tapes, and said a prayer before my shots. I'd be happy to give more details if this stuff is of interest to you!
Awesome for the info Zebra! Yes I am doing quite a few of those. It was just my 30th Birthday yesterday, so the diet and drinking went a little out the window. But starting about 1 month out from transfer I will be back on the strict anti-inflammatory diet, no alcohol, no caffeine, I do acupuncture, as well I take Vit D, Vit C, Vit E, Ubiquinol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, MTHF, a prenatal with DHA and melatonin... wow this sounds like a lot haha.
I am also contemplating doing a intralipid IV treatment one week before transfer per my naturopath.

I sound crazy enough as it is, but I am pretty much throwing everything in I can do as long as it can't hurt! :)
OMG I can't believe you are starting stims June 24! I'm seriously so excited for you! I really think this is going to work right away!
Ugh I know I cannot believe it either! How is the IUI tww going???
I will be doing my first IVF starting at the end of June. I would love to hear tips as well! When I looked on pinterest for IVF tips/tricks I saw A LOT of people get WARM wool socks because they say that if your feet are cold then your uterus is cold. (probably some chinese medicine I am guessing?) But I did go out and got some long almost knee high socks.

I tried pineapple core with my IUI, so I don't believe that will help me personally.
I don't believe acupuncture will help either, I also was going for months and around IUI time. I have a friend who did acupuncture for 1 of her 2 IVF's. She got pregnant both times so I will not be doing that either.

BUT I will say if acpuncture helps you relax then by all means go for it! I just personally think for myself I won't be including it (and to save money since we are paying out of pocket for IVF)

I plan on getting massages weekly to help relax though lol :)
TWW is going. Its been a long time since I've been this focused on day by day progression during the TWW. Normally I just lose track of the days entirely. I'm only 5 dpo today so nothing too exciting going on. I'm having progesterone SE starting up, acne, bloated, constipated, and really fricken irritable/emotional. It's too early for it to be anything other than progesterone though so I'm not getting my hopes up.
Like zebra2017 has written, acupuncture is a must (in my personal opinion) It worked for my friends who got pregnant on their first attempt in Poland. x
Good luck! I'm in the middle of it now. I haven't really tried any of the "old wives tales" type suggestions, but I did give up coffee and alcohol during my birth control phase. I drink about one cup or less of caffeinated tea now... trying to switch completely to caffeine-free. My doctor told me to stay very hydrated and eat plenty of protein. Also said to give up vigorous exercise, which has been hard for me. On more of a logistical note, I recommend setting an i-phone alarm for your nightly injections. You'd be surprised how it can slip your mind, even after doing them for about a week, and my doctor said to try very hard to do them at around the same time each night. On the first night, give yourself PLENTY of time to watch the videos and get comfortable with it. (It took me about 30 mins to figure it out, then work up the nerve to stick in the needle.)
Such great advice, thanks so much ladies!! Keep it coming :):)
JB- lol yeah I am not thrilled about having to give myself injections! My husband had a different work schedule when I needed IM injections and he was able to give them to me. Now he has a new work schedule and I am all by myself. I may drive to a friends house if I need the trigger shot.

I am gonna be such a wuss with the first shot. AND I AM A NURSE!!!! LOL doesn't feel good to be at the other end of the needle lol

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