january 2012 mums to be!!!!

every nite claire, we just let him bash abt! i put in the johnston bath and rub him with the cream after......he is just so unsettled during the day! i defo need help....he wont sit contented at all!

Sorry to hear that he's not content. I think its just their age because they are still too small to do much and cant really touch, grab what they want. Darcey gets bored really easily when put down in her chair or under her mat. She loves cuddles. I find it easier to get and about and lots of fresh air.

We did the bath bottle bed routine and worked a treat so will def be doing that again!!

:happydance: so glad it worked for yo....did she sleep long???did you put her down at 7.30 as well?

Its great, shes doing really well. She doesn't seem to go down much before 10pm, so we will work on bringing that forward if I can. But for now shes feeding every 3-4 hours and settleing down after each feed apart from the 5-6 oclock feed, she is difficult to put down. Sometimes she will, sometimes she wont and ends up sleeping on me.
But Im definatly going to keep to it and try and bring her bath forward gradually...even to 9ish depending on her feed times.
So big thank you Trixie, I can finally sleep :)
thats great news claire....

conor hasb slept all day, i hope he sleeps tonite!!!
thats great news claire....

conor hasb slept all day, i hope he sleeps tonite!!!

Was gonna ask, do you do conors last feed downstairs or in yours/his room? Also is he asleep when put him down for night? xx

p.s hope he sleeps for you
Hi girls! Havent been on in forever!

Alexa was doing so well sleeping through the night then all of a sudden last week she switched it up. She had one bad day where she got overtired and was up for almost 10 hours. Now she fusses all night. Thank goodness she doesn't cry much.

Trixie, Alexa also has silent reflux. The Enfamil ar made her so constipated so we are giving her similac sensitive with some cereal mixed in. The doctor prescribed Zantac which I have to her for a few days but she hated it and it didn't seem to help.

Any ideas how to straighten out the whole day/night situation? Once she finally tires out, around 3am she will sleep a good 5-6hrs.
hi bella, conor was finally diagnosed with reflux last nite, had to take him to hosp he was so bad......the tit of a doc on call asked me if i thought crying constituted an emergency !!! bloody plonker....eh i think so.....i think i was the emergency!!!

he has been put on ranitidine 10mg 3 times daily, and the enfamil and lactalose......please god let it work!

bella just stick to the routine of bath bottle bed at 7-8.30 and put her down in a dark room....we moved conor into his own room cause i think we wer disturbing him...we have a small house so he is in the next room. he sleeps his 5/6 hours straight from 8.30pm then every 2-3 hours after that. but it gives me a break in the evening so hopefully eventually he will sleep 8.30 till at least 6!

claire, conor is usually drunk from the bottle so that helps when putting him down...he drinks 6 oz. i take him downstairs...OH usually keeps him in his room (which has only been twice!) we put a chair in the room today so ill prob stay there and feed him and put him down.
Hello ladies. How is everyone doing. Its been quiet on here, I guess we're all busy with our babies.
We're doing fine, Darcey is sleeping up to 5hrs sometimes now so thats lovely. But still struggle to get her down before 10pm. Ive noticed she takes a big feed before bed, anyones else do this???
Hi Claire, lucky you!! Indi cluster feeds late evening eventually going down around midnight then sleeps for about 3 hours then goes 2 hours between feeds after that. She's been quite 'fussy' during the days barely allowing me to eat or go to the toilet! ...but today she has been really mellow :) I hope it doesn't mean she won't sleep so well tonight. xx
Hello Ladies :) How is everyone? Looks like we've all been busy bees.
We're all good this end. Darcey is feeding really well and sleeping a good 5hr stretch after her last feed at night. Shes really settled now and we have a bit of a routine now which helps both of us. She fusses alot less and is generally more content...I guess this will happen as they get older. She 7 weeks today.

How are your LOs with feeding, sleeping? Hope you're all enjoying every moment...dont they change and grown so quickly!
Hello Ladies :) How is everyone? Looks like we've all been busy bees.
We're all good this end. Darcey is feeding really well and sleeping a good 5hr stretch after her last feed at night. Shes really settled now and we have a bit of a routine now which helps both of us. She fusses alot less and is generally more content...I guess this will happen as they get older. She 7 weeks today.

How are your LOs with feeding, sleeping? Hope you're all enjoying every moment...dont they change and grown so quickly!

Hi :) I'm glad you are doing well. We are good too! I love it! Indigo has been going down around 11/11.30 which is a marked improvement on 12/1am! Then I get 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours sleep then 1 to 2 hours after that. Feeding is great, couldn't be better, I love it :)
Watched a video of her on the day she was born last nigh, I don't even remember her being so small! She's such a chub, intrigued to find out her weight on Monday at our 8 week check.
We are doing amazing and I am loving watching her change everyday. Alexa will be 3 months on Friday. She goes down between 11-12 and sleeps til about 6-7am. She then has a bottle and we lay in bed and talk and cuddle for a half hr (my fav time of day!) and then she goes back down for about 2 hrs. I'll either go back to sleep or get up and start my day.

She only cries when she's hungry and babbles and smiles all day long. I'm just waiting for her first real giggle!
How lovely Bella, sounds like you have a happy little girl.
Glad things are going well coco :)
I think i jinxed what I said the other day, Darcey does have a stuffy nose but she seems to have gone backwards. Not sleeping very long and waking often for feeds. Any kind of routine I had going has gone out the window ha, im hoping its just because she is feeling a bit unwell and because this is the new routine!
I cant believe she'll be 8 weeks on friday...time has flown!
I spoke too soon as well! Alexa has been stuffy since Sunday and has been super cranky...for her anyways. She's been teething and I can feel the bump on her gum...hoping it cuts through soon!
I spoke too soon as well! Alexa has been stuffy since Sunday and has been super cranky...for her anyways. She's been teething and I can feel the bump on her gum...hoping it cuts through soon!
Oh no, maybe we should keep quiet when are babies are doing well. Hope she feels better soon x

Darcey was a bit better last night, but still not her usual self and feeding more often which is a killer, I got used to a good 5hr stretch after her last feed x
We are doing amazing and I am loving watching her change everyday. Alexa will be 3 months on Friday. She goes down between 11-12 and sleeps til about 6-7am. She then has a bottle and we lay in bed and talk and cuddle for a half hr (my fav time of day!) and then she goes back down for about 2 hrs. I'll either go back to sleep or get up and start my day.

She only cries when she's hungry and babbles and smiles all day long. I'm just waiting for her first real giggle!

hi bella that sounds like bliss!!!! i swear that conor had a giggle when i was drying him the other night.....it obviously was a fluck but cant wait for the real thing.....his reflux still isnt sorted....he is now on losec 10mg and the enfamil AR .............for some reason he isnt taking his morning bottle....dont know why.??? maybe cause he takes 6 oz at 3am....maybe its a sign that he is ready to sleep through???

Teething here! Somedays are worse than others. Yesterday was filled with screaming :nope:
I think mine could be starting early, shes nine weeks but has been really unsettled the last few days and chewing her fists more and playing with her ears...also a few runny nappies!
She was 2 weeks late though, I dont know if that makes any difference?
I know this is horrible to bring up, but is anyone so scared of SIDS?

I think it's because I read a post earlier about it, but now I am so fearful.
teething here too!!! SIDS is scary but for some reason i havent been too worried abt conor???? he has been in his own room from 5 weeks and as long as i can here him on the monitor ive been ok...
just thinking of you girls. how is everyone and their LO's doing?

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