January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Jessy our little man had a tummy bug this week too. Thankfully for me, he got it all out at the childminders and then I just had the next day with him being very quiet, lots of chill time which isn't like him at all! Hope your little girl is back to herself soon.

I've got a dreamgenii pregnancy pillow. I got it in my last pregnancy from tk Max for £25. Best money I spent, it helps me loads. It's nice to cuddle up to the main part and have support for your bump as you get bigger, but it's also got part that sits at your lower back. I always have back ache there so like having that too. This is the one - https://www.mothercare.com/feeding-...ntCh3sNQlsEAQYAiABEgKbE_D_BwE&utm_content=PLA

Less than 2 weeks now till our scan on the 18th. And we're staying team yellow! I've been feeling lots of wriggles and kicks so looking forward to seeing them doing somersaults on screen!

Sarah/Married sounds like you're both having a rough time with back pain! I really sympathise. Mine hasn't been bad enough to need to see the doctor yet but it's just constantly uncomfy, as though I need someone to help me get everything cracked back where it should be! Not nice at all. I'm sick of hearing myself moan about aching all the time, I'm bored of me moaning now so I must be driving dh mad!
Hi Ladies,
Hope you all had a nice weekend.
Not a lot to report from this end really either...
I'm 18 weeks today, next scan is on 24th Aug.
I don't really have a bump yet but yesterday was the first day I def felt a bit more round and struggled to find clothes that I wanted to wear!
Planning to tell work this week. I'm hoping today if I get the chance as I'm seeing one of the managers but If we don't get the chance to chat it will be Weds when I see him again. I've written up a bit of a plan for my maternity and returning to work (can only afford to be off until next June as no maternity package) so I hope they can see I'm being a bit pro active and that I didn't take the job and intentionally get pregnant to piss them off!
4 months pregnant/ 16 weeks tomorrow! Where is the time going???

I'm definitely bloating already! I can feel hardening in lower stomach for sure now but I still have my layer of pre pregnancy fat on top Lol!

I've had some intense pains like period pain Saturday night and again now. I think my stomach is growing but it doesnt stop me feeling pretty pants in general and a little bit sick to my stomach annoyingly.

It's the 4 week countdown until we see that little one is indeed doing ok in there!

I'm so so excited to get to 24 weeks as it's always been our milestone to start buying bits.

But as it draws ever closer I can tell you....i still feel like we can keep putting it off but as long as we plan we can be naughty and wait until a month before haha.

Hope everyone is doing great this week!
Mine seems to have popped now.

Anomaly scan on 24th!!


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soph - what a lovely bump!!!

I have a retroverted uterus so it took forever, but I finally FINALLY felt my uterus at 17 weeks!! and today, my loose jeans no longer button..! It's starting to feel real!
Hey ladies,

just checking in as I feel I haven't posted for ages!!

Have spent last half hour catching up lol cant believe the differences in maternity allowances in all the different places. Sadly I only get the statutory 6 weeks at 90% and then government pay as my employer doesn't offer any maternity pay schemes :-( Thankfully as my DH is self employed and we have the farm I will still be able to have the full year off.

Glad to read that everyone seems to be progressing well :flower:
Lovely bump Soph!

AFM I'm doing fine and am currently counting down to my gender scan on Saturday! I'm 99% sure its another girl for us (I don't know why mind) but baby position allowing don't have too much longer before I know for definite. I also have my 1st consultant appointment on 15th Aug which I'm looking forward to as I finally get to find out what happened on my DD's birth where they tore my uterus etc and then have my 20 week scan on 31st August so lots of baby stuff going on in August.
Its also been a hectic few weeks as DH was admitted to hospital with Diverticulitis but is thankfully home and hopefully on the mend.

Anyone made any purchases or seen any bargains yet? I've been nosing but haven't bought anything as I'm waiting for my 20 week scan.
My little man has a pretty full wardrobe already but in terms of bigger things we just bought his swing as it was reduced from £118 to £74. We also have bought the baby bath and changing mat (it's a silvercross one and is sooooo gorgeous).
16 weeks today and heard the heartbeat at midwife appointment! She offered and said they routinely do them and will do at the 25 week too.

Got a recording of it too.

<3 happy day <3
So I booked a private scan for Friday! Hubby birthday surprise! So excited to see him or her again! It feels like forever I feel like I'll just start to feel properly in love with some time to look at him or her and not the NHS scan where they're constantly looking at weird bits lol.

Ahhh <3

Just need to make hubby try to not spot genetalia haha.
What a lovely surprise Married! He will be delighted &#128156;

So I finally told my work today!
And it went down a lot better than I expected. I think I convinced myself it would be all doom and gloom and they would be disappointed but not the case, I'm pleased to report!
I told my managers manager (my old manager) as I'm quite close with him. He was delighted for me but upset that he was losing me at work as I've done a lot of good projects lately. But I'll be back in the summer so not too long without me. Feels so good for it to finally be out in the open!
Glad it went well today Kiwi! I have similar sort of issues at work as I'm about to take on a new role which I'll have to leave after only 4 months doing it lol....such a great new job to do but I'll be back like you in the Summer as we can't afford for me to be at home! I'm sure I won't help but check in while I'm off anyway lol. I get 10 days in allowed to work while off on maternity leave paid without affecting my maternity pay allowance so I may use a couple just to stay on contact and also if I feel I need one day to get away and out the house! Not that I won't miss my baby, I'm interested to see my approach to motherhood and a career!

Has anyone started to buy anything? I really really want to....i feel so much more connected and positive and cannot wait for our first day out looking and agreeing on baby's first outfit <3
Very similar to me married... I'm very much career orientated and I'm worried about my work when I'm not there! I'm not happy about leaving someone else to do it incase it's not done properly!
Going back in Summer isn't as bad as it could be.... After hearing what it's like in the US especially!
I work from home a lot so hoping for a perfect work life balance &#128522;
I've bought a couple of little bits.... I'd be out of control buying stuff all the time if my husband wasn't with me haha. So many cute outfits!!
I would love a pizza with pineapple and ham and a coke with ice. Shame it's only 9 in the morning!!

I've not bought anything and won't until after 30 weeks. We don't really need much anyway since we are having another boy abd already have a 2 year old boy.

I go back to work after summer holidays next week and my husband also leaves for his month at sea. Not looking forward to Monday!!
Hey all :)

I'm so pleased that work took it all ok, it's such a huge relief when they do isn't it!

Aww a surprise scan sounds great, he will love it :) the anatomy scan is amazing but it's a really serious affair, well my last one was, as they have to measure and check everything it's not really a sit back and admire baby type thing so an extra scan will be lovely :)

Soph, if that's what you want, go have it haha! I'm currently eating a healthy balanced breakfast of last night's left over chicken balls &#128514;

As for me, all quiet on this front really. Back pain has started to subside now thank god. I bought a pregnancy back support and honestly, it's been amazing. From the moment I put it on, I felt the difference. It just pulls everything back where it should be.

I've bought absolutely nothing yet :S my partner has bought a little outfit in neutral white but I've got nothing at all yet. Don't feel ready to if that makes sense?

Gender scan on the 27th so maybe finding that out will help with that feeling.
Bet you can't wait for your gender scan Sarah!

2 weeks yesterday till our anomaly scan.

So today I've visited the local nursery and paid to be on the waiting list. Seems so early to be doing so but they have said they've been having to turn people down lately but by June they should be good to accept new babies in their baby room. All paid up and now the waiting game begins!
london - I had to put my name down around 12 weeks because the waitlists around here go anywhere from 8-18months..!! (I live in Boston). It seemed ridiculous but everyone told me I could always take my name off.

I am going to have my 18 week anatomy scan next Wednesday and then will tell my work!! So nervous!! Also, my husband out of nowhere suggested we don't find out the gender... NOOOOOOOOO!!! ive been waiting for this for weeks!!

I'm not totally against team :yellow: but I also feel like having a baby is a big enough surprise that I don't need another one.. Is anyone here staying team :yellow:??
That's exactly right Koj... The nursery even said that to me today - it's easier to take yourself off the waiting list than add yourself when it might be too late.
I'm paid the deposit and I'm on the list for 5-days a week but hoping that when I get the chance to sort all the minor details with work that I will only use the nursery 4 days. But as they said, better to put 5 then change it when I'm 100% sure.

Eeeekkk telling your work! So I did this yesterday at 18 +2
And prob a good thing, I feel like I've grown to the size of a house over night haha. I can't suck my belly in anymore, it's officially the beginnings of a bump.

I was petrified to tell work but I'm now sitting here like a huge weight has been lifted, they were really great about it all and one of the managers even said they don't want to lose me so will work with me to find the best solution for returning to work, great result.

So good luck!! It's an awful feeling but once it's done you'll be so happy that conversation is over!

Team yellow! Well my husband was desperate to know the sex so we found out she was a girl at 16-weeks.
Maybe he will change his mind?!

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