January 2018 babies - 43 BFPs!

Thinking of you and your family Sarah! Same with us a long time ago now, my nan died unexpectedly and turned out she hid her symptoms of lung cancer for a long time. Very sad

Anyone felt any movements yet? And those who are first timers I just want to see those of us when we first feel like we identify that weird first rumble! Lol.

I'm 17 weeks tomorrow and still nothing :(
<3 thank you lovely. She was admitted to hospital 18 months back with some heart trouble and she basically rang is up and said something along the lines of right I'm cured, I'm coming home. Only she wasn't and the hospital confirmed that yesterday bless her.

I have felt a few movements :) nothing regular that I would start basing babies wellbeing on but a few squirms and movements.

I bet you have felt something but you've not realised what it is, looking back at my first pregnancy I definitely did that. Little flutters or gas bubbles I took for nothing back then I recognised as movements this time :) hopefully soon you will get a nice big definitive thud that you will recognise :D
Sarah so sorry to hear this awful news :( sending you all a big hug :hugs:

Deaths in the family are so heartbreaking. Both me and my husband lost our mums in a 9month period (my mum was 59 and his was 62) so our little girl will have no grandmother/nan sadly :( and my dad lives in New Zealand so just the one grandparent she will regularly see.

I have felt some little things here and there but wasn't sure if it was the baby or mild cramps or what. However on Sat I felt what must def be her, i don't even really know how to describe what it felt like,
It was like a quick succession of little movements/jolts. Haven't felt it again but hopefully in the coming days. I'm 19 weeks today.

Have our 20week scan next Thurs 24th &#55357;&#56471;
Sadly my parents have both passed too so this baby won't have known them, my son knew my dad very briefly but is too young to remember. I'm just lucky in the sense that my partner's family are amazing and are fantastic grandparents. Thank you for the hug, is very much needed at the moment.

Your 19 weeks already! It seems like 2nd Tri is really flying by for us all, the first Tri is full of uncertainty and worry but 2nd is a more settled place to be i think hence why it goes faster. The quick succession of movements certainly sounds like it could be her :)
Oh man i am so sorry sarah what a sad time this must be.

I am done in! Me and my 2 friends decided to take our kids (1 each) to the museum in Edinburgh except i forgot it was the festival and still school holidays so the walk up was mobbed and my friends 2 year was running riot. Thankfully my DD was so well behaved and they all had a great day but man am I shattered and my feet are killing me
Sorry for your loss sarahcake xx

My dad died at 59 when I was pregnant with my son and that always makes me sad he just missed out on meeting him.

From 20 weeks we are really on the countdown to baby :)!! I can't believe how quickly the last few weeks have gone. I love the thought that I could stop work for maternity leave in 10 weeks. I never would, but it's a lovely thought that I could.
59 is so young isn't it Soph. My mum was sick for a long time suffering from really bad lupus amongst other conditions so I was pleased she was at peace but it's still hard. Then my mother in law passed 9months later from lung cancer :(

I feel like I've burst out a massive bump over night. I haven't really had much of one until literally the last couple of days. It's like I ate too much over the weekend!!

My pic today at 19 weeks


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That must've been awful losing your mother in law so shortly after. 59 is so young when you think we are meant to work until 68 or something ridiculous now(UK).

Lovely bump!!
I have felt bubbles but too high up to be baby! I'm hoping I'm only a week or two away from feeling something!

I'm so looking forward to crossing the 20 week line!!! We get more comfortable with every week that passes and allowing ourselves to plan a little more each week. Yay!
Thanks so much for all your well wishes ladies, it really does mean a great deal to me :)

Just to top off a shit week, I ended up in A&E yesterday with my back, been signed off work for 7 days and given oramorph that I have to take this time 4x daily. Sucks but it is what is is.

Best part about this all however is they wanted to check baby was ok so I got to hear the heartbeat :D 180bpm of perfection :) we took a recording so it's a definite upside to a shite few days!

On a more positive note, I can't wait to see everyones 20 week scans :D so close now!
Oh sarah that pants about your back but great you got to hear the heart beat. Do take the oramorph i cant imagine two doctors would give you something that would harm the baby.

My 20 week scan is 2 weeks on tuesday. 31st when i will be 19 + 1. So excited to see baby again. Lady on sat did a lot of measurements and said everything seemed as it should so i am hoping for the same at the next scan and to have it confirmed as boy!!

What is everyone up to today. I am chilling after yesterdays chaos and before i start 3 days of work. Boo
Sarah - I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending lots of hugs :hugs:

London - Lovely bump!!!!!

Married - I totally know what you mean. I am also anxiously waiting for that halfway mark when I feel like I can finally get excited. People tell me I'm silly for being so cautious.. but for me it's just a security blanket type of thing :)

AFM - my anatomy scan is tomorrow!!! My nerves are setting in again but I hope all will be well and that baby will be willing to show us its gender!!!
Sarah I hope you feel better soon!

Koj good luck for the scan tomorrow, upload a pic for us all!! Can't wait for mine next Thurs also!

A day of work for me today Jessy boring! &#128164;
Heading to meet some friends for an after work drink, Diet Coke for me! Going to meet friends at an all you can drink prosecco brunch on Sat - all you can drink water for me :haha:
Sorry to hear of your loss Sarah but it is good that the baby is a positive focus for everyone xx

Koj - very jealous for you having your scan tomorrow, mine isn't until 31st Aug and I'll be nearly 21 weeks!!

Married - those bubbles could very well be the baby but as time goes by the movement will get more definitive until you definitely know lo is ok and happily moving around your tummy until space gets tight!

AFM - had my 1st appointment with the consultant today but I'm none the wiser after my supposed de-brief following my EMCS after my DD!! The appointment started off pretty routine ie blood pressure, weight and general questions about my wellbeing. Then she went on to say she had looked at my notes and there was nothing worrying in there that should say I should have an elective section and basically said I've got the choice whether I want a VBAC or an elective section. I asked what had happened at my previous EMCS as my DD was born at 6:15pm and I didn't come around in high dependency until 11:30pm...that's quite a while for nothing to happen lol she basically drew a diagram and explained that my uterus had torn but it could have been from when they tried to turn my DD or it could have been from when they were carrying out the EMCS...basically she had no idea! It was noted that I had lost 1000mls of blood whereas the normal was 500mls but that's all she could really say. When asking whether she would suggest a VBAC or ECS she said there are risks either way and its not for her to decide for me!!! She has however agreed that I should have growth scans done at 28, 32 and 36 weeks and depending on how baby is doing could affect which birth I have. I'm really not sure what to do for the best...on the plus side she checked babies HB with the scan machine which was perfect at 148BPM and I had a sneak peak of him again :)
Sorry to hear of your loss Sarah but it is good that the baby is a positive focus for everyone xx

Koj - very jealous for you having your scan tomorrow, mine isn't until 31st Aug and I'll be nearly 21 weeks!!

Married - those bubbles could very well be the baby but as time goes by the movement will get more definitive until you definitely know lo is ok and happily moving around your tummy until space gets tight!

AFM - had my 1st appointment with the consultant today but I'm none the wiser after my supposed de-brief following my EMCS after my DD!! The appointment started off pretty routine ie blood pressure, weight and general questions about my wellbeing. Then she went on to say she had looked at my notes and there was nothing worrying in there that should say I should have an elective section and basically said I've got the choice whether I want a VBAC or an elective section. I asked what had happened at my previous EMCS as my DD was born at 6:15pm and I didn't come around in high dependency until 11:30pm...that's quite a while for nothing to happen lol she basically drew a diagram and explained that my uterus had torn but it could have been from when they tried to turn my DD or it could have been from when they were carrying out the EMCS...basically she had no idea! It was noted that I had lost 1000mls of blood whereas the normal was 500mls but that's all she could really say. When asking whether she would suggest a VBAC or ECS she said there are risks either way and its not for her to decide for me!!! She has however agreed that I should have growth scans done at 28, 32 and 36 weeks and depending on how baby is doing could affect which birth I have. I'm really not sure what to do for the best...on the plus side she checked babies HB with the scan machine which was perfect at 148BPM and I had a sneak peak of him again :)

The bubble are up near my rib cage I'm doubting it was the baby lol. It feels just like gas! I haven't felt any today. Only after I have a drink so I'm still convinced this isn't it yet!
Hey ladies, thanks again for your thoughts <3

Doing a little better today, back is gradually improving bit by bit, my brother has been amazing, he's down here looking after both me and my son so I can rest up. Very lucky to have him.

Koj I'm so excited for you!! I hope it all goes well and you have an amazing experience.

Wills, they did not sound particularly helpful at all to you! Your trying to make an informed choice about what to do and all they tell you is that it's your choice... Well, thanks then! I'm wondering if there is any merit to the heartbeat BPM and gender now, my son was always 140-150 every appointment, your little boy is 148bpm which fits the slower for boys theory. Mine is 180bpm, I'm so interested to see if I'm having a girl now. My mother in law swears blind that the BPM is a good indicator so we shall see!!
I know lots of people that swear the heartrates predict gender, but I tend to see more people with it wrong than correct, that I think it's just luck of the draw if it's correct.

My son was in the 160s usually.
My daughter has been in 150s to 160s.

I have a friend who had a son and then was pregnant a second time and swore up and down that since the heart rate was high, she'd be having a girl (she so badly wanted one). Then at the ultrasound, they found out it was a boy and she was so angry.

I never put much stock in the old wives tales to be honest but I do find them interesting and it's fun to see what's right and wrong!

I'm happy to have either so I wouldn't be angry but I can understand gender disappointment like that, sadly a friend of mine went through that and it was awful. She wanted a girl so badly and all of the wives tales pointed that way so she was heartbroken when she found out Ryan was actually a boy. 10 years on and she has her girl now too but it was awful the first few months as she just felt like he didn't belong with her. Hormones and things can do some very odd things to people can't they.
Old wives tales were pretty much right for both of mine so far! Weird but my cravings were totally different this time the chinese calendar said boy and i am carrying differently. Strange huh!

I wouldnt have been surprised or disappointed with two girls, in fact i think two girls would be awesome but i love the one girl one boy idea too!

Everyone thinks time is going so quickly but i think it is going soooo slowly. I feel like each week is taking a lifetime since 2nd tri started.

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