Sorry to hear of your loss Sarah but it is good that the baby is a positive focus for everyone xx
Koj - very jealous for you having your scan tomorrow, mine isn't until 31st Aug and I'll be nearly 21 weeks!!
Married - those bubbles could very well be the baby but as time goes by the movement will get more definitive until you definitely know lo is ok and happily moving around your tummy until space gets tight!
AFM - had my 1st appointment with the consultant today but I'm none the wiser after my supposed de-brief following my EMCS after my DD!! The appointment started off pretty routine ie blood pressure, weight and general questions about my wellbeing. Then she went on to say she had looked at my notes and there was nothing worrying in there that should say I should have an elective section and basically said I've got the choice whether I want a VBAC or an elective section. I asked what had happened at my previous EMCS as my DD was born at 6:15pm and I didn't come around in high dependency until 11:30pm...that's quite a while for nothing to happen lol she basically drew a diagram and explained that my uterus had torn but it could have been from when they tried to turn my DD or it could have been from when they were carrying out the EMCS...basically she had no idea! It was noted that I had lost 1000mls of blood whereas the normal was 500mls but that's all she could really say. When asking whether she would suggest a VBAC or ECS she said there are risks either way and its not for her to decide for me!!! She has however agreed that I should have growth scans done at 28, 32 and 36 weeks and depending on how baby is doing could affect which birth I have. I'm really not sure what to do for the best...on the plus side she checked babies HB with the scan machine which was perfect at 148BPM and I had a sneak peak of him again