January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Woke up at midnight to go to the bathroom and about 12:30 Started contractions. Mild bur couldn't sleep. I started timing then around 1am and they were about 5 minutes apart but really mild, no pain. Around 2:45am they started to get painful so woke up DH and they continued to be about 4-5 mins apart. We're at hospital now. They are monitoring me for an hour or so and thenn Will decide if they are going to admit me.

The nurse checked me and I'm 70% effaced and about 3.5cm dilated at the moment.
Ally - sorry to hear you're so tired. It's ok to cosleep. My daughter hardly used her crib. Those snuggles are priceless. Some babies just have a stronger need to be with you.

Angel - eeeek!!! So excited! I hope this is it!
Wow so many posts since I last updated!

Ali how gorgeous, my mum is certain this one will be a redhead.

Congratulations again midnight, looking forward to hearing more about how it went.

Angel I hope this is it for you, fingers crossed.

So I decided against s&s at my appointment this morning but it turns out I wouldn't be able to have had one anyway as baby is oblique! Got to go to hospital this afternoon for a presentation scan and if baby is still in unstable lie I will be admitted and likely booked in for a section.
Far from my calm relaxed homebirth I've been planning this whole pregnancy but I know the main priority is that baby arrives safely!
Part of me will be relieved if I do end up having a section as I'm really fed up of waiting but after having 2 babies naturally I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about the procedure and how recovery after will go, especially with a 5 yr old & 2 yr old already at home to look after!
Will update this evening.
Angel.. Fingers crossed this is it !! Exciting ️xx

WDWjess.. Hope you have a plan soon ...I'd be nervous re section as never had one either..i might need to have one ..like u said as long as baby is ok ️xx fingers crossed for u hon x look forward to update :)
They admitted me. I went up to 4cm after that hour and they said my sac was bulging. Getting gbs antibiotics now :)
Angel- wahoo!! Good luck hun...I hope things progress quickly for you and your LO arrives soon! Praying for a safe labor and delivery and s healthy momma and baby!

Jess- good luck at your appointment! If you do need a section, i hope it goes smoothly and you have a quick recovery! I have heard several times recently to ask for stitches over staples to close the incision as it had a lower chance for infection etc

AFM, baby shifted overnight so I am no longer waddling! Still pressure on the left side but nothing like it was yesterday. I go in later this afternoon for my biophysical to check on baby and make sure I'm good to go over (unless baby comes this weekend, which I feel is unlikely but you never know!)
Yay angel! Wishing you a smooth, complication-free labor!

WDWJess - I'd be scared of a section too, but I know plenty of women who had good experiences, so I'm sure you will be fine if that's what ends up happening. It will be exciting at least to meet your baby finally!

kksy9b - glad you have some relief from the waddling. Hope the BPP goes well.
Ally - that's very ok to co sleep! Some babies really do need it. And some need it in the long term, while some babies only need it early on. You never know! I think the best thing is to just go with the flow and do what baby wants. :) I hope you start getting more sleep soon.
Thank you - I'm very excited it's my last day and I at least had a better sleep last night. Yesterday I was very sleep deprived!

Angel- yay for being admitted! So happy and excited for you! And sounds like you're in great time to get all your antibiotics in first! Hope it all goes smoothly for you. Can't wait to hear more!

WDW - I would definitely be nervous about a section but definitely baby is most important! I hope maybe she'll suddenly get into the right position for you! Keep us posted!

LAST day of work today! Woohoo! And dd surprised us by sleeping through the night in her own bed for the first time ever! :o I don't expect it to happen again right away as she's had good-ish nights before and then immediately regressed to terrible levels, but it still gives me hope for the future! We made sure to give her lots of praise and let we know how proud of her we were! Unfortunately, I ended up waking up several times worrying if she was breathing or not since she normally would have been in our bed by 2 am!
Literati - congrats on your last day of work! And on DD sleeping through the night in her own bed! I know just what you mean about worrying if she was still breathing, lol. Been there, done that. My DD has been staying in her room all night most nights lately, and it's amazing, but also weird!
Slammer - Thanks. It definitely felt weird. Sounds pathetic, but I miss her when she spends longer in her bed. I'm sure I'd get over it if she kept doing it though. ;) I am so glad your dd has been sleeping through the night quite often! Has she still been going to sleep on her own as well? Such progress!

Midnight - I'm still quite eager to hear your story!
Thanks everyone. I'm back home!
After seeing midwife and a Dr and them then getting the opinion of a consultant they were happy that although he could still move again he is currently head down centrally so have let me come home on the proviso that if I go into labour over the weekend I go straight in to deliver at hospital rather than home birth. If he's still not here by Monday I have to go back in for a re-scan and if they are happy with his position still I can reconsider my home birth. Looks like I've got a troublesome one on my hands lol!
Literati - She's hit-or-miss on going to sleep on her own now, lol. She did it for two weeks straight, but of course changed things up, and sometimes won't now. I just try to encourage it and talk it up about her being such a big girl, but go ahead and lie down with her if she really wants it.

WDWJess - glad you have a temporary plan in place, and I hope baby gets into a good position for you!
Midnight - I can't believe you've had your baby!!! Boy or girl? Can't wait to hear your birth story.

Good luck Angel, wishing you all the best for a quick and safe delivery :)

Brilliant news WDW, I am hoping your scan on Monday still shows baby is head down.

Ali - your little boy is gorgeous with such striking hair :blush:

LL - my daughter still bed shares with me and she's 4 :blush: I know I am going to end up having her on one side and little boy on the other. I just hope it works out. I totally get missing LO when she is in her own bed. On the odd occasion Anabella has slept on her own, I've felt very out of sorts. And YAY for last day at work! :happydance:

Glad you're less waddly kk!

I had a call from the hospital today and they want to move the date of my c section to either Friday 20th Jan or Weds 25th Jan. What a pain as I've psyched myself up for the 23rd. I would prefer the 25th, but that takes me to 41 weeks and I will be worried about naturally going into labour and having complications with such a big baby but then the 20th is only 2 days past my due date and won't give him anytime at all. I have another scan tomorrow, so I think I'll see what happens as a result of that and make a final decision. I have to phone them Monday and let them know. I think I am going to be one of the last ladies on this thread to have a baby at this rate!
Pompeyvix .. how big are they predicting Ur lo to be ? They said they thought mine was 7lb 10 at 36 weeks.. And if I went full term im possibly looking 10lb.. I Know they are not always right..im sure they said same for my last and he was 9.7.. But that was enough for me lol!! they are inducing me on 10th which for me is 9 days early and then of that doesn't progress giving me a section. My dr said he def doesn't want me to go over 39 weeks due to size..who knows what he will weigh? He feels like he has no room at all bless him x are u going to go for 20th? ️Xx

Good luck all other ladies, going to be a busy week with babies :)
Angel- yay! Good luck!

WDW- I hope you are able to have your home birth! A c-section freaks me out too but it's like you say, whatever is safest for baby!

Kksy- glad your pain is gone, thankfully mine is too! Not sure if mine was baby's position or what but so glad it's gone for now

Literati- yay for last day of work and dd sleeping in her own bed! I completely understand the worrying thing, I know I will be the same exact way!

Pompey- that's so frustrating, I'm sorry they are wanting to move the date! I keep hearing how hard it is to determine a baby's weight at this point so I always wonder what makes them determine babies are too big/small? Hopefully after tomorrow you'll have a better idea of which date to go with!
Hi all! I'm going to catch up with everyone from this afternoon later tonight but wanted to post a quick update. Had my BPP done and baby passed with flying colors! Everything looks great. I haven't seen them since 20 weeks and omg...They have these big chubby cheeks that I just cannot wait to kiss! Weight estimate is 8 lbs 10 oz.....So I'm a bit nervous of pushing a baby that size out! DS was 6 lbs 13 oz and he was 12 days late. Thankfully weight shouldn't really fluctuate too much for the rest of the time (right?!?!)

In any case, I'm happy knowing all is well and if baby doesn't come this weekend feel comfortable not getting an induction and let things go a bit longer.
Literati - Congrats on last day of work and on DD sleeping through. My DS2 and DD both slept with me until they were 6 and 5. They only stopped around a year ago and it took me a long time to get used to it. I had to do it because my OH moved in with me and it just wasn't ideal, I love it now and am so glad they moved into their own rooms with very little problems, the only downside is if my OH isn't staying home for the night I can't sleep without someone in bed so I have to bring one of the children in lol

WDWJess - Hope baby stays head down for you and you get the homebirth your hoping for!

Midnight - Already said on fb but Congrats again on baby! What a super quick delivery can't wait to hear full story!

Angel - Good luck!

Ali - Your lo is gorgeous love his hair.. my youngest was born red like that but he's blonde now. Considering I've got naturally red hair all my babies are very blonde!

Sorry if I've missed anyone! Hardwork on my phone!

I'm totally fed up, the on off constant BHs are driving me mad but what's worse is how much pain I'm in with this spd and my herniated disc. Together it's making it impossible for me to even move now without huffing and puffing or moaning in some way. Went to see my horses today and walked for maybe a mile.. helped bring on some crampy strong BHs but mainly has just caused me to be super sore tonight.

I don't think she can drop any lower it feels like she right between my legs ready to fall out haha

Its 11pm and I went to bed two hours ago but can't settle so got up to have a bath. Actually can not wait til mum gets here Monday.. it will certainly help make the days goes quicker so I'm not constantly thinking about going into labour!
Slammer - well, at least she did it sometimes! I would do the same if I were you.

Pompey - I will probably be after you, especially if you choose the 20th! 25th definitely does seem more likely you'd go into labour by then. Sorry they are changing it on you. That must be unsettling after you'd already geared up for a specific date! Did you go overdue with your others? I'm sure I'll end up sleeping with dd1 on one side and baby on the other too. It's going to be squishy - we only have a queen bed and DH is there too!

VRogers - thank you. Are you feeling like you have any signs of labour soon?

Kks- so glad the bio went so well and baby is doing great! I did push an 8 lb 11 oz baby out and I survived haha (although can't say it was fun haha).

Ana - I totally get that. When DH is away, I let dd sleep the entire night with me instead of starting in her bed - and it's definitely more for me than her! I love having a cuddle partner hehe!

Sorry you're so fed up! I hope real labour comes soon.

AFM - well I am beginning to think that STTN thing was a bad sign after all. I had a big scare this evening when I realized I hadn't heard dd in a while and I came upstairs calling for her and she didn't answer. When I got upstairs I found her lying on the ground! I screamed and ran to her but thankfully she was just asleep! Phew! But that is VERY uncharacteristic for her and she has literally never fallen asleep on the floor before. She hates sleep in general and will only fall asleep prematurely in the evening if she is very ill (usually with the stomach flu). My suspicion is that she is now having symptoms of fifths disease, as the incubation period can be up to 3 weeks long and it has been about that long since the boy at daycare got the rash. Sigh! Just in time for me to be off work. Hopefully I won't get sick before the baby arrives, but I also don't want the baby to get it from me after? Will have to talk to my dr again on Wednesday.

I am happy to be done work but it hasn't really sunk in yet because I had to spend a lot of time applying for EI this evening which was very confusing and put me in a bad mood. Now tomorrow I have a hair appointment and a pedicure booked for the afternoon. Sounds so spoiled to be complaining about that, but it means I will be out for about 4 hours in the afternoon tomorrow, and I just want a lazy lounge day to do nothing.

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