January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati- oh no, I'm sorry! I would be upset too, especially with how hard it is to paint my toenails myself. I think I'll keep socks on the whole time at the hospital just because I'm too lazy to try to make them look decent. The lady shouldn't have been so confident that they were dry when she obviously didn't know!
Greats - I don't blame you for wanting the pain to end. Constant pain can really take a toll on anyone. I wouldn't wish the SPD that I was dealing with and I'm sure it was mild compared to most! A 18 month old and a newborn at the same time seems scary to me! I remember DS still being pretty dependent on me at that age. Hopefully it all works out.

Ana - Hopefully it turns into something. Mine were like that till out of nowhere they just started getting worse rapidly. I was having blood tinged CM as well, though.

Lite - Yes! It's such a relief, I was definitely afraid of how he would react. I expect it to be a little different once his cousin leaves. He's been busy playing with her for the most part. Although I did have several hours of just the boys and me and it went really well! DH kept apologizing because he was gone much longer than he expected, but it turned out fine.

I'm so sorry your day out, which I knew you really didn't care about in the first place, was so bad. Treat yourself to something nice tonight.. like a gallon of ice cream or something! :haha: Really, though. Do something to help relax yourself.

I went to convert -40 C to F instead of trying to math it.. and it mind boggled me for a second when I did it because it was the exact same! Ha..

Apple - Make sure you mention the fast dilation when you go in or even before. They might be more willing to have you ready for an epidural or give one early if that's what you want. I know you were talking about how you might want one but didn't have time last time. Hopefully you have a much easier go this time. I hated being "strapped down" with the monitors and IVs that's why I tried to go in late, but I almost pushed it too late. Took them 2 and half hours to get me the epidural. I really don't think it should have taken that long, but I guess that's what I get for not calling!

Vrogers - Maybe a ball will help? That way you're moving but not necessarily up. Where I went allowed us to get in the shower, but it was too late for me by the time I asked since the epidural was on the way although I had to wait on the darn blood volumizer.

Thanks to those in regards to my grandma. They have the same nurse that was responsible for my grandpa's hospice care so I think that really helps my aunt and grandma.

It's kind of a sticky situation at the moment to go visit. My "mother" is up here to visit with her boyfriend and I don't want to go over there when they are there. I could manage if it was just her, but not her boyfriend. I told her as soon as DS was announced that she was more than welcome to come see him, but he was not allowed around him or my future children. He's a true POS in my opinion and I'm not going to willingly allow my children around such crap. She complains about it when she gets the chance, but I don't flinch at all on my decision. She hasn't said anything to either of us since baby T was born. Which I don't expect anything because we had a heated email session and hasn't said anything to me since. She just shared the announcement that DH posted and that was it. No mention of coming over to meet him. Which is completely fine by me! Sorry about the rant. We don't get along, if you can't tell. I feel sorry for my brother because he doesn't want his daughter around him, but he was guilt tripped into going.

Just relaxing at home with the two boys at the moment. DH went to the store to get the rest of the stuff for supper.

Baby T sleeps a lot during the day and is restless at night still. Hoping it starts to flip. He is such a great sleeper during the day! He's doing great still. I try not to bother him for feedings because he is good about letting me know. I'll probably be more relaxed about it after the home visit from the nurse on Monday.

DS1 is doing really good with his language development! He has a game on his tablet that I really like him playing because it teaches words and they have to place the letters into the right spot. Well he was scrolling through the words and was repeating them back! I'm glad he's catching up to where he should be. I figured he was just taking his time, but it's still bothersome when you're not 100% sure.

Sorry for the long post. Seriously, I should just put that as my signature! :haha: I'm sure you guys don't mind, you either read it or you don't! I don't really have many people to talk to about this stuff so it's nice to be able to say it to someone! So thank you for tolerating my stories!
I like your long posts AliJo, so have at it. :)

Literati - so sorry your pedi got ruined. Sounds like a big waste of time and I'd be pissed too. Poor thing.

Those of you in pain and having on and off labor, sending you all the best vibes to get the real deal going soon!

DH had predicted today as baby day (a couple weeks ago) but alas, no baby. I predicted the 10th, so I could still be right. Nothing happening here though.

We had about an inch of snow today and very cold temps...20 degrees now that it's dark out with wind chill at 6 degrees. And the heat is broken! It keeps turning on for less than a minute at a time and then shutting off. It was 64 when I came down this morning when it should have been 70. It never did make it to 70 on its own. I've run a space heater all day. Tomorrow will probably be worse. Hope we can get this fixed asap. Super glad I got this heater/electric fireplace a few months ago!

And of course DH is going to be gone from noon til past bedtime tomorrow for work. :(
Literati, that sucks about your pedi! I would have cried as well tbh.

Slammer, stay warm!!! Our thermostat is on its last leg. Woke up yesterday to the apartment being 60 degrees when it should have been 70. Messaged our landlord numerous times and of course no response back! We have it set to 80 right now and it still is below 70 in here.

Still no baby, of course haha just some random braxton hicks throughout the day and night. No loss of plug so far (but I never did lose mine with my girls until probably transition!) I didn't do anything yesterday... slept most of the day as I am having a tough time sleeping at night. Later today we are doing some last minute cleaning and tidying up before my appointment on Monday where I'm crossing my fingers they'll let me go ahead with an induction!
Lit.. I'd be really anoid too about pedi..I think id be asking for it doing again even if it's after lo is born... I agree with ali .. Try and treat yourself to another little pamper if u get the chance .. :)

Ali .. Vent away hon, im in a similar situation with my dad..there have been issues with lack of contract for years.. All words no action, but always done loads for his other children... Ive kind of accepted n let him get in with it..it but my brother really struggles with it and had a big argument with dads wife just as I got pregnant.. Dads never spoke or contacted me since.. Even tho I kept out of it.. As far as I'm concerned he can stay away !I just se him as a weak man with a thumb print on his head..Xx not what we need at at time like this but me and my children are worth better and its his loss.. Vent over haha ..

Slammer.. Oh no what a time for heating to brake !! You guys really get some bad weather over there..honestly in the uk if we get a few inch of snow the counrty goes on stand still.. Me and oh have said b4 .. Goodness knows how they would cope if we got real bad weather like u guys get.. My oh eldest son has got a football scholarship at a university I think it's near Missouri.. He has been there a few months playing and loves it.. He is home with us at the min for few weeks over Christmas break but goes back next week.. On the way over his flight got cancelled in Chicago due to bad weather.. Oh was really worried..honestly step son couldn't boil an egg before he left never mind work his way through an airport system 1000s of miles away haha..

Greats.. Hope your appointment goes well on monday and u get the induction u want.. We are having a cleaning day today also , I need to try and get house sorted before induction on Tuesday.. , it's not too bad but less I have to do after birth the better !! I keep getting rushes of nerves when I think about it haha..

Ali.. I'm def going to mention the fast dilatuon last time.. In some ways im hoping I do last until Tuesday for the induction then it might feel more controlled.. Last labour was just manic and too quick once transition kicked it..

Ana .. Hope ur doing ok n things moving right direction..

Vrogers.. Sure nerves kicking in but sure u will be fine..so close to meeting Ur little one :) ..Good luck hon, I think there are a few of us over next few days with possible inductions..fingers crossed for us all, nice births and good recovery ️xx.

Sorry for long post and if I missed anyone, just trying to catch up on phone between sorting ds.. ️Xx
lit- my goodness that is scary! sending you lots of well wishes.

ana- sorry you are feeling so fed up!

Kks- glad u and baby doing well. i would be scared pushing baby out that large, but i am sure you will be fine. DS was just 6 pounds 7 and i am tiny, that was probably the largest i could manage without tearing everything haha.

ali- so sorry about your grandma, must be so tough. But i am glad ds2 is doing well and i agree, our thread has the cutest babies about! i also like your long posts and read them all. Sorry about your mums bf, he sounds like a pest!

greats- totally understand, must be tough. i think i would lean towards induction too. Hope you get some time to rest

apple- exciting you will meet your baby soon and i hope they make an apperance before your induction. Someone said having a really good nights sleep is a sign labour is coming! fast dilation sounds really scary, it took me hours and hours to get to 10 cm. I was at 2cm for ages.

vrogers - very exciting you will meet baby girl soon! think positive about labour and it will go well.

lit- that sounds so frustrating!!! what a waste of time and money x

slammer- wow that is cold- if you went into labour, is it easy to get to hospital?

AFM- nothing to report, enjoying getting to know my son, he is getting bigger and today hes 2 weeks old! DH and I are going to take him out for a walk, and get some lunch somewhere.
Im feeling a little down about my post pregnancy body, the stretchmarks and dark marks on my skin plus i need to lose at least another stone before i feel happy with weight. Plus feeling pretty exhausted and tired, with the nights. Isa always sleeps in bed now, both dh and i get more sleep that way xx
Hi ladies. Hope you are all ok. I dont know if I poste babys name. She is called Violet and weighed 6lb 7oz xx
Midnight - I love the name!Hope you and baby are doing well! I couldn't imagine having a baby that size. I expect all of mine to be in the 8 lb range! DS2 feels smaller than DS1. DS1 was an inch and a half longer than DS2 but DS2 was 3 oz more!

Ally - He's a disgrace on society! My mother left my father for him and it was a joke of a trade in my opinion. She just saw an easy out of life problems is how I see it. She dated him once in high school and the guy had the gull to turn around and post on Facebook that "What comes around goes around" to my father's wall because my one of this guy's gfs in high school cheated on him with my father even though my father didn't know they were together. He was done right then and there.

I'm sorry you're feeling down about your post pregnancy body. Obviously it won't go back to how it was before, but your skin will tighten back up and the stretch marks will fade along with the dark spots. It takes time. I've never been too happy with my body, instead I try to focus on feeling physically good. I can only shape my body so much. Glad you're getting more sleep by co-sleeping. A lot of negative views on it these days, but nothing compares to waking up to your smiling baby! Those are some of the best memories I have with DS1. I'd wake up and tell him good morning and he'd give me the biggest cheesiest toothless grin!

Apple - Family drama is some of the worst. Some of my family feels I should just let her back into my life because "life is too short." You're right, life is too short. That's why I chose to no longer be hurt by her. Some people don't get it, that's to be expected.

Greats - Well, tell baby to come! I didn't have a true bloody show this time around until transition. The midwife was all "Oh! There's bloody show!" She almost sounded excited lol I think she was. She definitely seems to enjoy the birthing process. Unlike the doctors she wants to be there for the entire pushing process.

Slammer - That's no good on the heat. When we first moved into these apartments the boiler was down for like 3 days while a cold front was moving through. It was in the 50s in our apartment. Really sucked! DS1 was only 6 months. Hopefully it gets fixed for you soon. Make sure to layer up!
It's finally warming up here a bit. It's been below freezing here since the day after DS2 was born. Talking in the single digits and negatives especially with windchill.

Constipation from taking iron is no joke. I just started it the day before yesterday and it's already affecting me. I'm on a stool softener twice a day already and it isn't seeming to help completely. I may have to go out and get some Miralax to take along with it. I'm going to first try increasing my water and fiber. I haven't been eating enough probably. I'm so busy! More water never hurts especially since I'm breastfeeding and producing really well.

I'm still dropping water weight. I was dumb and stepped on the scale the other day and it was still pretty high, but I've dropped over 10 lbs in two days. How I wish it was that easy all the time! I'll have a lot of weight to lose from baby and from before, but trying not to think too much about it yet.
How are you doing Ali?

Yes she is so tiny especially as a week late the poppet. I am feeling ok. Not sore down below at all. Not even a slight graze but my back feels very strange and clicky :( after pains fairly bad but not like they were. Think milk coming in as keep crying and also my nipples are sore. Baby V has slight tongue tie. We saw MW today at home. She said my established labour was 14mins! Woah. Wtf.

Mw again tomorrow to weigh bub.
Glad u r doing ok midnight, love the name, 14mins ! Lol.. That's crazy ha.. did u have her at home ? Sorry if ive missed a post.. X
Midnight - I'm doing good, thanks for asking! I'm a bit lightheaded and dizzy from the low Hgb. Pretty tired, but manageable. Emotionally I feel fine. Haven't felt any baby blues. Just sad when visiting my grandma and seeing her not doing well.
I expected after pains, but didn't really have any. I mean I had a very very slight period like ache the first few days while breastfeeding, but I often didn't notice it unless I tried.
DS1 was slightly tongue tied, but never did anything about it. He was able to latch and I don't think it's affecting his speech. She said he'll most likely tear it on his own at some point.
My back did and still does feel.. hard to put it but it feels "loose." Definitely feels different.
Yeah, 14 minutes is insane! I'd almost call you a super birther! haha
I'm glad Baby V is well even if she is tiny! Were any of your other children small? I know you said this was the first grandchild on your OH's side (pretty sure you said that) maybe babies run small on his side?

I had a mini heart attack. I saw someone pull up in a vehicle I didn't recognize and it kind of looked like my mother in the vehicle. I'm not wearing my glasses so not very clear. I couldn't remember what she drove but I know it was a jeep I believe which this is. I was panicking because I really didn't want her over here especially unexpected. Made me realize I don't want her meeting my newborn at all. Especially while he's still so new. I don't feel she deserves that privilege.
Ali- I'm sorry about the family drama, it really is the worst. Several days ago I finally told my mother (in other words but with the same message) that I didn't want her around my child. She has mental illness issues and we've not had the best relationship. I found out she was texting my dad (who I am close with and she has always hated)-her ex- about me behind my back, and how I am jealous my unborn baby is getting more attention than me...haha what?? She of course did not take it well and has had a few people contact me with nasty messages who have since been blocked. So, she won't be around my child until she gets into counseling and makes a genuine effort to heal and work on herself.
I didn't mean to make your drama all about myself, just want you to know you aren't alone! I would panic as well if I saw what I thought was my mothers car outside my house!
Glad you are doing well physically for the most part, I hope recovery continues to be fast and go well- for all of us!
We found the issue with the heat...some sort of blockage in a drain pipe. Haven't been able to clear it but have opened a valve to divert the water, so the heat is working again. Gonna have to find/fix the blockage but at least we're up and running for now.

I'm so freaking tired today. DD refused to go to bed on her own last night so I had to stay until she was asleep. Then she woke a couple hours later crying. Then again an hour after I had gone to bed in my room. I went to bed at nearly 12 am and she was up at 7, ugh. I've just been staying up too late lately, and I was trying to troubleshoot the heat last night. And then was up a couple times to pee and popping some Tums. Really hoping DH can come home early from work.
Greats, sorry you have heat problems too! Ugh. I'm a wuss with cold. I need heat!

Apple - it's not this cold most of the time, but it's variable. Funny about your stepson - sounds like the independence is doing good things for him!

Ally we just do whatever is needed for everyone in the house to get as much sleep as possible. With DD it was a lot of bed sharing and "musical beds" where it frequently changed who slept where. We all at least slept, and that was the important thing. Oh, and getting to the hospital should be fine. It's maybe 25 mins away, but we'll have to wait on my mom to come take care of DD, and she's an hour away.

AliJo constipation sucks. I'm taking iron too. Did you have anemia before birth or is this something that only happened afterward? I take a stool softener, drink metamucil, eat bran flakes, and have a cup of coffee a day. Ugh.

Midnight, what a crazy short labor! And amazing you had no tearing or anything. Violet's a lovely name.
Vrogers - I don't take it as you making it about yourself, just relating to the situation! I hate how they tend to drag others into it. My mother caused a scene in front of my great grandmother once and I was so beyond furious that she dragged her into it. She was in better health at the time so I'm thankful for that but it was ridiculous. I left bawling. My husband was even being yelled at by my grandmother to bring me back in which just made everything worse that they put him in an awkward situation. I'm glad there are others to relate to but at the same time it sucks seeing anyone dealing with similar matters.

Slammer - I'm glad your heat is working now. Hopefully you fix the blockage soon but glad you were able to use a temporary fix.
I was dealing with similar sleep situations while pregnant and it was horrible. Now I get less sleep but it's different.

It's from blood loss during delivery. My Hbg was 10 something but I'm sure it dropped more with the postpartum bleeding because I felt fine till a few days later. That routine sounds like no fun. I had some coffee this morning and that is probably what got me moving even though it was a difficult movement. I probably won't need the iron the whole six weeks but that's what they want me to do. My postpartum bleeding has been quite a bit more this time around.
Slammer - sorry you're so tired today. I am the same. It is very hard to get enough sleep these days.

Ali - sorry your iron is low and such. Glad you're still not feeling any blues though.

Midnight - aw, such a tiny girl for being overdue! 14 min established labour - that's insane!

Thanks everyone for the sympathy on the botched pedicure.

I am too tired to reply better but I have been following along. I can't believe how little energy I have. Don't even know if I'll even be able to enjoy my pre-baby time off since I'm just so exhausted. Last time I know I was out and about and feeling great for my last couple weeks once I was done work. Now all I want to do is stay home, do nothing, and nap.
Ali- I don't know many people (IRL anyway) who can unfortunately relate so it helps me a lot when I do talk to someone who can. Thankfully I do have an amazing MIL and the woman my dad married a couple years ago is sane! I hope your mom gives you guys as little drama as is possible

Literati- I don't blame you for wanting to sleep as much as you can, I say go for it! I hope you're able to get some rest

Can't believe in 2 1/2 hours I will be in the hospital starting the process! So so nervous about it all but trying to focus on the end result...I'm already ready to come home, I hate hospitals ha!
Lite - I was the same with my first and then was exhausted with this one. I'm hoping it isn't a pattern and that it isn't worse next time.

DS2 has been sleeping I'm his crib at times. I have to have a soft warm blanket under him so I need to figure something out to replace that so there isn't a loose blanket. I'm happy and sad over it because I really do enjoy cosleeping but I know I can't do it this time so it makes it easier if he doesn't mind sleeping alone. I just hope he doesn't end up needing to nurse back to sleep if he wakes up down the road.

He has completely lost his meal 3 times. I'll mention it tomorrow at the home visit but I feel like it's when he eats too fast. Hopefully it resolves soon.
Vrogers, good luck!!! Will be thinking of you!

Literati, rest as much as you can! I've been resting A LOT the past couple days.

Doctor appointment at 845am to check on me and baby, then will be discussing options for an induction! I have my hospital bag all ready to go, hubby has his, we tidied and cleaned the apartment like crazy today, so we are all set to go in case my induction starts tomorrow. Will keep you all updated on when exactly it'll begin.
Greats- thank you! Will be looking for your update!

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