January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Kksy- glad baby is doing well! I can't say anything for size since I haven't done this before, but I hope it isn't as bad as you think when pushing! I'm pretty nervous about that part as well

Ana- I'm sorry you are in such pain! I hope everything improves quickly once baby is out-you're almost there!

Literati- wow even my heart dropped for a second when I saw that she was lying there, glad she was just asleep! Guess her body really needed it. I'm sorry she's probably not feeling well, poor thing. I hope all of you stay sick-free, new baby on top of sickness sounds awful.
Unfortunately nothing new seems to be happening here, I have been cramping (BHs I assume) more frequently the past week or so, and can tell baby is very low but haven't had contractions or loss of mucus plug or anything. I would LOVE for that to quickly change tomorrow or Sunday so I can avoid induction though!
VRogers - yes it was a scary moment! Ah yes I really hope things change for you before your induction! Your induction is set for Monday already, yes? Either way, it's exciting that your LO is coming very soon!
Oh goodness, I'd have freaked out too Literati! I hope she gets over it soon. What poor timing with the baby. All the best thoughts your way for staying healthy.

vrogers i think labor is so different from woman to woman - and probably birth to birth. My mom always described labor and pushing as more HARD WORK than pain, and I wouldn't call her a strong or pain-resistant person. I can say that earlier labor when I was feeling contractions in my low back seems to be the more painful part in my memory. Despite pushing for 4 hours, I don't recall that being super painful - it was just such HARD WORK, and there were definitely some odd sensations. I also didn't feel the time pass. I thought I'd only been pushing like 45 mins to an hour. Maybe this one I'll experience it differently, since it will likely go faster and maybe be more intense. Point is - try not to be fearful. Maybe I'm saying that because I need to hear it too! I'm nervous too!
Literati- yes, Monday! I'll go in Sunday just before midnight. It is a very surreal feeling!

Slammer- see that makes me feel better. I know everyone's experience is completely different but the way you described it being hard work rather than super painful just makes me feel better and sounds more manageable!
I'll update with the whole story later but I wanted to share that Baby Melody arrived today at 1:51pm. 7lb 2oz. I'm in love <3 I cannot believe that I created this little being. After 2 years TTC, I just cannot believe my rainbow is here.

One piece though - I originally said I'd try to go natural but the last half of. My labor went super fast (from 4 to 10cm in a couple hours after spending 5-6 hours just getting from a 3 to a 4) so I opted for epidural.... but it never properly took. They couldn't get me numb properly so my birth ended up being essentially natural anyway. Most painful thing ever - her head was having a rough time coming through , but I survived and I can't believe how beautiful she is.


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Will reply to everyone later but just wanted to say congrats to angel!!!! Melody is a beautiful name! Well done!!
Congratulations, Angel! Beautiful girl! Hope you're recovering well!
Wow .. Angel filled up when read your post ..beautiful little rainbow..congratulations hon, enjoy your newborn cuddles &#65039;xx

Getting excited to meet our new little man now :) good luck all ladies that are close &#65039;xx
Angel- she is adorable, congratulations!! Love her name!
Congratulations Midnight and Angel!!! I got the front updated! We're getting so many babies!

Angel - Melody is BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations!! I'm sorry you had a rough time towards the end. I can only imagine the pain.. it was bad enough for me and I went from 6-10 in less than 3 hours. I really do think it makes a difference how fast you're dilating.

It's still surreal to me to have baby at home with me. I feel like I should still be waiting with everyone else! It can happen so quick.

Thanks to everyone commenting on DS2! He's definitely a little heart breaker just like his brother! This board definitely has some of the cutest babies around!! I'm so happy to have a redhead! I don't expect it to change, but it's possible. I can't wait for him to have a full head of hair that I really expect to be curly like his brother's! I hope it grows as fast!

I know someone asked how DS1 was taking to DS2 and I don't think I said anything about it. I've attempted to submit replies so many times and have failed. I need to just make a word document. :haha:

Anyways, he's doing awesome! He hasn't been jealous of his baby brother at all. The only thing he has been jealous of so far is the baby items. He's mostly curious and the first day he was home he "helped" me burp him and change his diaper. He often runs over to see why baby is fussing or crying. If baby is in my lap and DS1 wants up or attention he generally just joins. He's wanted me to follow him a few times while I'm feeding, but hasn't thrown a tantrum over me not getting up. I know there will be tough times, but he's been so great so far! It does help that he has his 1 year old cousin here to play with, though. During the night is the hardest. Baby won't sleep by himself and I'm trying not to co-sleep. He does throughout the day, but not at night. I think his days and nights are flipped. I have co-slept, but for the most part I've avoided it because DH stays up at night with my brother so he takes DS2 for the most part and I've been able to get some sleep. I can get him to sleep on his own towards the end of the night.

When it comes to labor. I feel being in bed makes it so much worse. If you can get up and move around and find a position that is more comfortable. Do it. I mean, I did get to a point where I couldn't move through a contraction it was so intense, but that was pretty much time for me to push so I guess that's to be expected. The intense pain didn't last all that long, but it just felt like it was long. Most of my labor was very manageable! I am glad I didn't feel baby tear through me, though. It was nice having a clear mind to greet him with.

Lite - That would be super scary! I start to worry about DS1 if he goes to bed and doesn't wake up looking for me after a couple of hours! I would definitely think he was ill if he did that. I probably wouldn't be excited about having anything to do either.. especially that. I'm not big on those things!

Ana - That sounds rough, I couldn't imagine dealing with back problems while pregnant. My brother has some serious back problems and is being released from the military due to it and he's just miserable at times.

Kk - I'm glad baby is okay! That has to be a huge relief!

Pompy - That has to be a tough decision. Hopefully your scan helps you decide!

Jess - Glad he's head down! Hoping you get your home birth after all! The troublesome ones can be fun! DS1 definitely was one and he's taken me for an interesting journey. :haha:

I'd keep commenting on everything and I'm sorry if I missed something recent, but I really don't think anyone wants to see me publish a book!

AFM - We went to see my great grandma yesterday. It was rough seeing her like that. Hits harder when you have to face it. I just hope it isn't drawn out. I really don't want her to suffer. She's doing well considering, but she looks awful. She had a seizure so she's really banged up. I saw them transferring her and it made me mad because they were probably hurting her. Unless she wants to try to walk, they shouldn't do it. They have physical therapy out there today to evaluate her and change plans, so hoping they say no more walking. She had baby T in her lap for a short while. I'm so glad she got to meet him and happy for the two years DS1 was around, but it's hard seeing my only grandparent in my life leaving. She's been ready for awhile, but I wish it wasn't in such a way.

I also finally got my iron prescription. I shouldn't have put it off because I've been increasingly getting dizzy and lightheaded the last couple of days. Should start feeling better soon, I hope. Being out yesterday had me totally wiped out. I still feel really good overall.

My milk is also coming in really well and I have to pump because DS2 doesn't eat enough yet. I didn't have that problem with DS1. It increased about the same rate he increased his feedings. I basically drown DS2 sometimes!

Going to try to keep up better. Really hard with family being around and having baby!
Ali, thanks for your update! I'm so sorry about your great grandma. I hope she receives the best of care from here on out! And very happy to hear she at least got to meet your newest little man!

Afm, I am hurting everywhere. I went grocery shopping yesterday trying to walk this baby out, and it did nothing but make my SPD flare up so badly that I'm bed-bound right now. I wouldn't wish this pelvic pain on anyone.

I have the option to being induced starting this Monday the earliest because of my pain. I have an appointment Monday morning to check on baby and discuss everything. I had originally just wanted to go into labor all on my own, but trying to keep up with my 4 year old and 18 month old is impossible with this pain, so I'm about 95% sure I want to go ahead with an induction. Not sure if it'll happen on Monday but probably sometime next week so long as the doctor is ok with it still.

I've been feeling very anxious about childbirth again and I don't know why! I guess I'm worried that labor will take forever like my 1st whereas my 2nd my induction was less than 6 hours from start to the birth of her. Plus I'm worried about handling my 18 month old and a newborn... dd#2 has been an absolute handful the past few weeks, like an absolute crazy toddler just climbing on everything and causing so much mischief! Dd#1 wasn't like this at all so I'm at a loss.

Sorry for all the moaning, I can just tell I'm running out of steam and so desperately need a few hours to myself at this point. Xo
Congrats Angel she's beautiful! Xx

Greats - Totally understand about your pelvic pain. I honestly don't know how much more I can take of it. Hopefully we won't have much longer to wait now.

I'm so tired today. Contracting roughly every 7-10 mins this afternoon.. some quite painful some just very tight and crampy. I'd think it was the real thing if it was progressing at all but they don't seem to be changing at all where I'd be expecting them to become a bit more intense now if it was really thing.

Think I'll try have a nap and see how they are in a couple hours.
Ana - sorry you're not progressing! So many frustrating false starts on this thread. I hope it progresses soon.

Greats - sorry you're in so much pain! An induction definitely might be the best option for you. Sorry you're feeling nervous about dealing with a baby and your two LOs. That is very understandable. I can't imagine only having an 18 mo gap! But I'm sure you'll adjust and it will be ok!

Angel - congrats!! I am so happy for you that your baby is finally here! So sorry your epidural didn't work! My first epidural did not work with dd1, and I was in so much pain with contractions 2 minutes apart lasting 90 seconds long (so only 30 seconds in between) and so intense I couldn't move! Thankfully, a different anesthesiologist was able to give me a second epidural and that one worked (although it had worn off by the time it came to push so I go to feel all that joy as well haha). It's terrible that you were never able to get one that worked at all! Sounds like you did awesome though! Good job!

Ali - thanks for updating! So glad your ds1 is dealing with the change so well! Yay!
Ali, thanks for update, bet it's amazing to have lo at home :) it's good that your DH is doing some shifts so you can get a nap.,sorry to hear about your gran, glad she met your lo..hope she is comfortable hon x im gonna try and take on board your comments of position in labour. I was in so much pain last time but couldnt move from the bed as lo had a bowel movement so I needed to be on a monitor, he was big baby and I struggled to get him out. I'm sure it might have been easier if I could move.. I also dialated from 3 cm to 10 in about 25 mins last time with no time for any pain relief, I really hope it's not like that his time..it was too much for me ..&#65533;&#65533;

Greats / sorry you have spd I had it last time and had to finish work early, it's horrible., I was uncomfortable for a couple of weeks after delivery then ive been fine since, Im surprised I havnt got it this time as they are saying lo is roughly same weight as last ds..

Ana/ hope this get more regular for u soon hon, &#65039;N fingers crossed it's nice easy birth xxxx

I'm just all over the place at the min, last few days was just crying at everything , even the soaps lol...I started havivg really uncomfortable contractions last night about every 5 minutes, really thought it was time, adrenalin kicked in and I was running to loo for bm sorry tmi lol.. Got a shower then they stopped.. Fortunately then had best night sleep in days as ds slept through although nice scared me and I have to go and check him make sure he is ok like u other ladies.. He is usually up at least once for a wee :) .. Oh well induction Tuesday if I get that far.. I'm thinking I will, worked it out today and last ds started naturally exactly a week from now and others have been over so not convinced this one is going to come b4 induction.. At induction I'll be 38+5, earliest I've been is 39+3.. We will see.

Hope all other ladies are ok,
Ali- I'm sorry about your great grandma! It really is hard to see- I remember seeing my grandma in the nursing home for the first time and she wasn't very mobile or talkative like she had been. It's hard! I hope she is well taken care of and that you have as much time with her as possible.
Glad your ds has taken well to the new baby!
I'm going to remember your advice about moving around during labor. Not sure how much I'll be able to with being induced and hooked up to an IV for but I will try as much as possible!

Greats- sorry you're in so much pain! Wouldn't blame you at all for taking the option to induce. I'm super nervous about how I'll handle labor and delivery as well. I hope it goes better than you think with dd2 and new LO! I can only imagine how stressful that is not knowing how it'll go

Ana- that sounds exhausting. Hopefully it turns into the real thing asap but after you're able to nap!

I'm getting more and more nervous about Monday..can't believe I go in tomorrow night! Was really hoping to go naturally today but doesn't look like that will happen. It's just the anticipation and not knowing what it'll be like, how long it'll take and also knowing I'll be in pain-not fun. But so ready to meet baby girl!
Apple- missed your post while I was typing! I hope it happens for you without having to be induced! I'm right there with you, will just be a day ahead. I hope either way- induction or naturally- it is safe and fast for you!
Lol vrogers I was just reading back and was going to edit my post to comment to u too lol.. Hope it all goes ok for u hon, I'll be thinking of u &#65039;xx

Slammer def agree with the comments re: pushing more hard than painful.. It's that blooming pressure u never forget, think I'm just talking positive as well because I need to hear it &#65039;xx ha x keep reminding myself we are designed for this haha x
Apple - I hope the induction goes well if it does come to that. You never know though and a lot can happen in a couple days! Good luck!

VRogers - the anticipation is definitely anxiety-provoking! It would be weird knowing when it was going to happen because then there's more time to stress about it in a way. But I'm sure you'll do great! Hopefully your body responds quickly to the induction. Or, who knows, maybe you'll go into labour tonight! :)
Ugh! I am so frustrated! Just spent the entire afternoon getting my hair done and getting a pedicure. I hate getting my hair done, especially while pregnant, because my scalp is so sensitive it really hurts the entire time and I get so hot that I sweat like crazy. Then the chair at the spa was SO bloody uncomfortable that my back and tailbone were completely killing me by the end of the pedicure. I waited there extra long at the end so that my nails could completely dry before I put my socks and boots on because it's -40 out and I didn't want to walk outside in flip flops. The girl reassured me they were completely dry... Well, guess what!? They weren't! :( got home and took my socks off and half the nail polish came off with them. :( I don't even have that colour at home so I am going to have to remove it all and paint them with my own polish after ALL that! I could scream! Am crying right now. What a waste of a day. Don't even care about the $$ at this point. I just wish I hadn't sat there in such discomfort for so long if this was going to happen!

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