January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Well.. now I'm sick. Same thing O had. T woke up at 5 and O 5:30. Of course T went back to sleep but I don't get that luxury and I could really use the extra sleep. I feel awful.
Oh no! Take care and try to keep your fluid intake up as much as you can. Do you know anyone who could come to help you out with your older one today so you can focus on yourself and T?
Newbie - No I'm pretty much on my own around here. No friends or reliable family.
Hi ladies,
Things still bit crazy so really not havivg chance to come on here properly, just wanted to check in really. Ive had a quick scan through but will read properly when I have time. Sorry you are not well ali :( it's really hard work, especially with an older one.
That's my difficultly at the min my toddler us being really full on..we are trying to give him loads of attention and cuddles but he just seems to be playing up last couple of weeks. Again im not sure of some of it is my tiredness, he is up through night now as well so between him and baby im up every hour :( it's so draining..

Sorry I can't reply to everyone I will try when i get chance..

Bit of update.. Ollie doing ok, he is good baby.. Feeding him mixed now but still mainly breast.. He weighed 9.6 2 weeks ago, not sure what he is now but the time b4 that he was 8 lb 10days before so gaining ok.. Nights seem main problem at min for us, im giving him gripe water and infacol now so hoping that helps..

Good luck people who are looking to move house .. It's stressful but exciting x

Those who feeling stressed at min , im with u , i think it was u slammer that said u were struggling with patience at times .. Mine is terrible at minute especially with toddler at times, I feel so guilty about it ..i try not to stress at him but it's hard when I keep asking him same thing.. He is getting bit cheeky as well .. He even sent me for time out the other day and told me to sit at the table and have a little think about it !! ..I had to stop myself smiling in front of him., me and oh just look at each other sometimes and roll our eyes.. Then laugh about it when he is in bed !! He is driving me bonkers at times..lol Although when im thinking logically im sure he is just being as defiant as he was before baby I just notice it more now as there are more risks to what he is doing .. Throwing toys Ect..
Anyway sorry that turned into a bit of a rant ! I will catch up properly soon x
Oh AliJo that really sucks! I take it DH is working today?

Apple I have to try not to smile or laugh at some of the cheeky things DD says too.

Definitely not catching up on sleep here. I was planning on getting myself and Jack to bed around 9:30, but every time I put him down asleep to get myself ready for bed he'd wake so soon and interfere. Then he just decided to cry and be pissed off for a while. It was 10:45 before I could lay down and then it was another crap night of 1-1.5 hourly wakings. And the brutal grunting as it gets on toward morning...really losing my shit with that nonsense. When will it stop?? DD came in around 3:30 and as soon as I rolled away from Jack to try and take her back to bed he started to stir...thankfully DH was home by then and went to bed with her.
Slammer - Yeah he's working. I was going to maybe wake him up early but it's already 2 hours till I normally get him up. I'd probably wake him up except tomorrow is my 6 week postpartum and he has to watch the boys. Well he'll be riding along. He doesn't trust himself to stay awake at home with them after being up all night. Anyways I wanted him to get sleep today so he can manage better tomorrow and if we can look at that house I'm doing it.

I managed to get 30 minutes of half dozing off this morning. I was holding T and O was sitting next to me on youtube. Maybe not the best parenting, but I'm hardly at my best right now. Then I got some horrible sleep while both the boys were napping, but whatever I'll take it. I was laying on the ground and it hurt pretty bad. That was a broken 2.5 hours. I still need more sleep. I haven't thrown up but I thought I was going to several times. I'm not one that usually throws up much so hopefully I'll get away without it. Although, I'd probably feel a little better.
slammer - sounds like you had your hands full the other night with your daughter coming into bed with you and Jack needing your attention. Sorry he is still noisy and grunty, what a pain. I can relate to how long it actually takes to get to bed ready for sleep, it can take forever. I can also relate to having very little patience. Today has been a bad day for us and all I feel Ive done all day is snap at Anabella :(

Oh Ali, I am so sorry you are sick and having such bad nights sleep on top. Sounds incredibly tiring and stressful. Big hugs :hugs: We have very little family/friend support around and it makes things very difficult sometimes. As for youtube .... well Anabella watches youtube every morning while I doze with Jamie. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Apple - good to hear from you! Sorry night times have been difficult, I think we can all empathise! I hope the gripe water and infacol help Ollie. My patience is severely tested with Anabella, so again I know where you are coming from there :hugs:

newbie - I am so glad Z had a good weight gain!

vrogers - I am glad you managed to get out yesterday, fresh air can make such a difference!

LL - Sorry you've been on your own so much since your husband returned to work. It sounds so tough with him barely being around and and having a demanding baby. I am not surprised you are sick of it!

AFM - I am now bed sharing with Jamie as opposed to using the cot which we had against the bed. I am finding if he is very close to me / touching me, he is MUCH more settled and much less noisy/grunty. He is still waking for feeds between 3 and 6 times a night, but at least I am getting sleep inbetween now. When Anabella wakes, I am afraid to say she has ipad time whilst I doze with Jamie as he doesn't tend to wake for milk until after 9 usually!

For some reason, Anabella has been really testing my patience today and all I feel Ive done is tell her off and generally been negative towards her. Her behaviour has not even been that bad, but I just feel so snappy and lacking in patience. I then feel guilty, apologise to her and give her a hug only to then snap at her again 5 mins later. I hate myself for doing it and I am just craving a bit more normality so that we can get back to some kind of routine. I am not a home body at all, yet I haven't left the house since Thursday! I am going out tomorrow for a walk regardless of the weather or anything else.

I am still expressing and it's going well. I struggle with the middle of the night pump which seems to take forever as I also feed and change Jamie at the same time. I now have 25 freezer bags of breastmilk which are on average 6oz each, as well as 9 bottles ready to go in the fridge! I am pleased with this and hope I can keep going with it!

My husband has worked 7 days in a row and is knackered. He was so grumpy and snappy this afternoon and it made me upset as I am finding things tough too, albeit for different reasons. He went to sleep at 8.30pm so I am hoping he is feeling happier tomorrow! He has been helping me with some of the early morning feeds, so I am greatful.

I could probably type more, but I am sure you are all bored by now so I am going to stop!
Woke up this morning and I have the beginning of a cold coming on! :( I should have seen this coming. DH had a cold last week for a couple days, and he has a crazy good immune system so if he actually gets sick for a few days I usually end up sick for weeks. :dohh: Hoping I don't pass it to Melody, and that I get over it soon. My asthma tends to flair up when I get a cold and that could be bad.

Watching my niece went fairly well. There were a couple times I Had to get on her because she wasn't listening but mostly she was good. She is very attentive to Melody so every time she even squeaked my niece was running over there to make sure she was okay. This, of course, made it fairly difficult to get Melody to stay asleep, but that was the only difficulty, thankfully.

How's everyone's weekend? Yesterday DH had to work, he's picking up all the overtime he can to make up for my lack of pay, but he got home a little early and we went to my sister's for dinner and game night. Their 3 oldest (my sister's step kids, her husband's children) are in town every other weekend and this was their first chance to see Melody. Last time they were in town two of them were sick and she was so young I wasn't willing to risk it.

I decided that since M's taking a bottle well I wanted to have a drink so we had margaritas. OMG it's been SO LONG. I've missed my margaritas! LoL! I only had one, and did a ton of research about how to drink alcohol while BF. I made sure to feed her right before drinking and then we bottle fed until about 3-4 hours post drink. She only took one bottle, toward the end of the 3 hours, but she drank 7 ounces! :wacko: She never drinks that much! Crazy child.

She slept longer last night, which means she didn't eat as much, so when I woke up this morning I was REALLY full. She ate enough to take away the pain but I was still really engorged so I pumped and I got 7oz from a 30 minute pump! I never get that much, I'm lucky to get 4oz usually. But at least I replenished the amount she drank last night. ;)

Ali - that's great that you got out for a walk. I can imagine getting both kiddos ready was a chore, but getting out of the house must be worth it. :) I hear you on being out of shape. I'm feeling the same way.

Hope you get a better realtor! Their job is to work for you, so you deserve someone who can make time for you!

Lite- I'm sorry that your DH hasn't been much help! :hugs: As for the bouncing, I feel the same way but Melody is only happy with big bounces (DH and I joke that she's a rollercoaster lover already), so I go ahead and do it but I'm a little paranoid sometimes.

Vrogers - I had a similar thought, that i'd love to get out but am scared and am hoping I'll get more comfortable as she gets older and eats less often. I just hate the idea of dealing with her fussing in public, and trying to BF her in public, she can get so loud so fast if she doesn't get fed soon enough!

Apple - So glad that Ollie is a good baby and gaining well. Hopefully the gripe water helps him out.

pompey - wow it sounds like you've got a lot going on! I'm really impressed with your freezer stash though! I am slowly working my way up there, but I'm not even close to that! I also find the Melody is a lot more settled if she is touching or near me, I figure we gotta do whatever it takes to get sleep so if that means baby is sleeping with us, then so be it. :)
Sounds like a lot of us who have 2+ kids are struggling with patience at the moment. I suppose it only makes sense with the amount of sleep deprivation and this transitional phase we are in. Thanks for sharing your stories of impatience. It helps knowing I'm not alone!

Pompey - so sorry your DH is super grumpy! I hope a good night's rest fixes him. I am the exact same and let my dd1 watch Netflix on my phone every morning so I can doze a bit longer with Violet. I honestly don't even feel guilty about. It's not for super long, and I need the extra time in bed for sanity.

Also good to know we've all had a paranoid thought or two about bouncing around with our LOs! :haha:

Angel - so sorry you have a cold. Having a baby in cold and flu season has its downsides. I hope Melody doesn't catch it.
That margarita sounds amazing! Depending on your body weight and how strong a drink it was, you probably could have fed her 3 hours later but of course it is better safe than sorry! Well done, momma!

Ali - so very sorry you have the stomach bug now too! I can't imagine trying to deal with baby and toddler by myself with a stomach bug! You poor thing. Really hope you recover quickly. Hugs.

Slammer - sounds like a rough night. Blah! Hope you can catch up a bit more soon. Sorry the grunting is so disruptive.

VRogers - glad you go out on a walk. Sorry DH's ankle hurt. DH also has a lot of old injuries that act up from time to time. I was the same as slammer and didn't really get out a lot by myself until dd1 was 8 months+. I managed to do short grocery runs once she was about 4 months. I am not a very confident person and dd1 was very fussy, always hungry and hard to get to sleep so it made for a bad combo going out. Lots of people do manage much earlier though.

Newbie - glad z is gaining weight so well. Woohoo.

Apple - sorry your toddler is acting up. I agree it's more stressful when their actions put baby at risk.
Lite - I probably could have fed her 3 hours later, but I was still feeling a little fuzzy (just barely), and I figured that I would wait to feed her until I felt 100% sober again, which wasn't much later but I figured I'd rather be safe. It was SO nice to have a drink again. After 11 months without alcohol I've become a bit of a lightweight. :haha:
Ali- oh no, so sorry you are sick! Try to take care of yourself even though you may not be able to sleep as much as you should. I hope it doesn't last long- also don't think anyone can criticize your parenting when you are sick, I really would do the same thing, anything to get a little rest

Apple- gripe water along with mylicon and hylands colic tablets have worked super well for us so far! Lillian gets really bad trapped gas to where she's screaming but also hungry and unable to eat, you can feel her stomach and feel the gas. Glad you've found what works for you guys!
I'm sorry your toddler is a handful, I know I've said this before to other ladies but I really do admire you ladies who have newborns along with older one(s), I honestly cannot imagine and you are all doing an amazing job! Hope you are able to at least get an hour break to yourself sometimes, it makes a huge difference

Slammer- also ready for the night time grunting to end! I have to keep my white noise app (on my phone) right near my ear and I still hear some of it.

Pompey- glad you have found a way to get some rest-and to quiet the grunting! It does make me feel better I am not the only one dealing with that.
On being impatient with anabella, I don't blame you and you are doing a better job than you think! You are not perfect, throw in lack of sleep and that will make anyone lose their patience at least a little.
I am so jealous of your milk stash, that's amazing and takes a lot of work!
Ouch 7 days, I hope he gets some good rest and is better to help you out. Dh and I have butted heads because he'll be snappy and complain about how tired he is and how hard he works and I'm like IM TIRED TOO-we are tired for different reasons and have different "jobs". Everyone does much better with more sleep!

Angel- I'm glad I'm not alone in being scared to get out right now! Hopefully as they get a bit older we are able to, because staying home 24/7 will make me insane haha
I hope you don't get sick! Seems like so many are sick right now.
That is so cute about your niece checking on melody. I'm glad it went well for the most part!
I'm glad you were able to enjoy a few drinks and have a good weekend! You deserve to be able to do that!

Literati- I'm not very confident either, and I seem to get quite anxious so I can imagine it taking me 8+ months as well! I guess I will wait and see

Think we have figured out why Lillian gets so fussy at times...I can't remember if I went into detail but she would sometimes take 2 oz and then sputter and choke on more (she has been needing around 4 oz lately to be full so we knew she needed more) and cry, but still be hungry which made her cry even more. Dh was adamant it's gas but of course my paranoid self said "lip tie...reflux" etc but tonight we found mylicon as well as colic drops seem to help. She has farted up a storm and that's what calmed her down enough to eat. It's amazing. So hopefully the gentle ease formula helps along with burping her more often. Eventually I would like to not have to use gas drops and whatnot but she was so miserable (as were we)!
Oh hi have had a busy weekend so catching up now with y'all. Apologies for the long post you are about to witness :D

lit- poor you, your family seem to have such bad luck with colds and illnesses!!! like slammer said, just vent here and moan to us. It sounds like had work, but you will get through it all!

vrogers- aw i bet she was smiling! isa has a few times i think but im not always sure. its nothing really obvious but like you, i cant wait till he is smiling and laughing, will make these hard nights easier! i would love to do things like that to- go out for a coffee etc. It will get easier as they get bigger and we get more confident!
i am going to look up mylicon and the drops as isa also gets very trapped wind to the point he won't eat or just eat a little. Right now we are using gripe and infacol, which definitely help but he still struggles.

angel- i havebeen having nights where i feel isa just wants on my boob most of the time and it seems to be for comfort more than anything else. Haven't got round to reading book yet, but i will definiyely update when i have!
7 oz is amazing haha. I sometimes wake with sore heavy full boobs and isa cant even latch on then. I need to start making up a better supply of milk, i get lazy and never bother. Glad watching your niece went well.
My weekend was alright thank you- had a friend visit isa on saturday and yesterday i met up with a couple of friends for coffee who wanted to meet isa. it was a short trip though as he started crying loads!

alii- yah on the walk! sorry you feel unwell though. such bad luck.

slammer- good luck on the next few nights. Grunty babies- ah they make nights so tough. i feel for you.

newbie0 fantastic on the weight gain- well done you!

Apple = nice to hear from you. Sorry nights are tough- im having the same, and isa is taking infacol.

pomp- co sleeping is much easier, isa is always more settled and sleeps longer if he is next to me. i always put him in the crib first at night, and he is ok there for a while. He normally grunts and makes lots of noise. but once he wakes for his first feed, i just keep him in bed as its so much easier.
i honestly feel like you too in regards to wanting some normality and i struggle being at home so much. It must be all so much harder when your dh is working so much. my dh works 5 days and i findthe weekdays so much harder than weekends.
thats great on the milk supply though!
hang in there, it will get easier soon!

AFM- Nights are tough. the last few nights isa has decided he likes to be awake between 2.30/5am for no reason. Last night i put him on his stomach in the crib to see if he slept better- he did. He made much less noise and seemed so much more comfy. I was awake and just kept an eye on him. When he is in bed he naturally moves to sleep on his stomach and i think its helpful for his reflux and gas.

i'll share a funny story with you all.. so yesterday evening isa was settled in the crib. dh and i were in the mood so he started dtd but soon after isa let off a series of farts. Really loud too. Just killed the mood and we just ended up laughing and leaving it. It was so funny. Ah romance!
Hahahahaha! I can't stop laughing! That's exactly what Z would do, I'm sure! I can just imagine that happening! There are times where I'm not sure if it is Z or dh and have to ask dh to check!

Keep meaning to add, I have a grunter too. I watched a baby sleeping in the doctor's waiting room the other day - she was so quiet and still. Z is never like that unless he's in a moving pram. Grunts, snorts, coughs, licking lips, squeaks - he does the lot, and most of the time. Right there with you guys!

Great pumping stash, by the way! I'm so happy to have two 4oz feeds in the freezer... Kind of embarrassing, really!
You can all feel great about your pumping stash! I have not even pumped once yet, and can't even imagine having the time! DH bought us concert tickets for end of March so I'll have to pump at least a couple times before then. TBH it stresses me out more than anything and I would rather just stay home with Violet, but the tickets were my Christmas present and they were quite expensive and I know DH would be extremely disappointed if I told him I didn't want to go.

VRogers - so glad the drops seem to be helping Lillian a lot! Poor girl! Must be hard struggling with painful gas!

As for your dreams of trip to Target, if you do decide to go out, you should totally go! Target was my favourite easy outing when dd1 was a baby. Ours had a Starbucks in it so I could browse the store a bit and then just sit and have a coffee while dd1 napped in the stroller. Canada got rid of all its Target stores and I am
seriously sad I don't have the option of going there for an outing anymore.

Ally - thanks! I'm glad everyone is willing to listen to my whining haha.

That is really funny about your dtd story! It really is hard to find romance with a baby around!

Newbie - sounds like we all have really noisy babies! I tried putting Violet in her bassinet for the first part of the night last night but ten minutes in I could not handle the grunting anymore.

AFM - DH is still really sick. Still vomiting and still has a fever, etc. I went to my parents' house overnight so they could help with dd1, DH could get a good sleep, and I could sleep in. However, they don't seem to understand or accept my parenting at all. They constantly want to hold Violet when she's awake, but heaven forbid they ever hold her when she is asleep! They will put her right in her bassinet if she's sleeping, but in reality, the ONLY time they should be holding her is when she is sleeping because poor Violet is so sensitive to overstimulation that if anyone but me holds her for even a few minutes when she is awake, she won't be able to sleep for ages. Last night they kept holding her and keeping her awake and it took me four hours to get her to sleep after that! Now today I was getting her to sleep and it took a good 40 minutes and she kept startling herself awake again and my mom wanted to hold her and help put her to sleep and then got all offended when I said that would jar her awake and she would have to wait until Violet was fully asleep. *rolls eyes* Now I guarantee if I give Violet to her now that she's asleep, she will just put her down in the bassinet! So annoying! Other people stress me out so much when I have a baby. I know my baby best and I get so tired of people disrupting her routine and stressing Violet (and me!) out.
LL - What a pain that your parents are just not respecting your parenting choices, nor are reading Violet's cues :growlmad: At the end of the day, all babies are different and so just because they may have done it one way, it doesn't make it right for all babies. I feel mad for you just reading what they are doing... I mean 4 hours to get her to sleep following them holding her?! That is just crazy. I hate how others can push their beliefs onto you where it's not even wanted. Like you say, you know your baby the best :hugs:

newbie - OMG I can't believe you also have a grunter!! Haha! Jamie is not a grunter during the day, but he certainly is at night (although he has calmed down now!).

Ally - your story absolutely cracked me up! What a mood killer :haha:

vrogers - so glad you have found a solution for Lillian! Poor girl must have been so uncomfortable with all that wind, bless her! Hope it continues to work well for you.

Angel - Hope your cold has shifted, nothing worse being full of cold and dealing with a baby on little sleep. Go you for the margerita, sounds lovely! I've not yet had any alcohol since having Jamie, but looking forward to a nice glass of wine soon. Well done on pumping 7oz, that's brill!

AFM - Had a much better day today. We managed to get out of the house with a friend and her two children for a river walk close to where we live. It's the longest I've walked since the csection and I found it OK. I wore Jamie in the sling and he was pretty contented.

Jamie has been sleeping ALL DAY LONG today! He has only woken twice for short periods and has slept for hours and hours. He was awake a lot the last couple of days so perhaps that's taken everything out of him. I just hope he sleeps OK tonight!
Pomp - T has days like that where he sleeps all day, but usually he was up most the day the day before or something. I'm glad you got out for a walk! Even though I was sore after I went on a walk it was so nice and felt good.

Lite - I'd be so mad! I'm glad you have some help, but it kind of seems like they're just causing more work! I hope your hubby gets better soon. It is never fun having anyone sick, that's for sure.

I sometimes think T is overstimulated, but I honestly don't know. It always seems like it's something with him. I almost want to say it's getting better, though. I think his fussiness mostly comes from gas and being over tired.

Ally - That's great lol.. I can just imagine T would do the same! He is sooo gassy!! That or do his random screaming cry he does while he's asleep and scare the crap out of us! I think we'll just go to another room..

Vrogers - That's awesome if you found an answer! Hopefully it continues to work!

Angel - Glad you got to enjoy a drink! I haven't drank in such a long time. I honestly think the last time I had any alcohol was New Years Eve/Day of 2013/14. Ha..

Sorry if I missed anything big. Kind of doing a quick reply. I have T on my chest.

So, we FINALLY viewed that tri level home I wanted to see. Loved it! Needs some minor things, but really it's just perfect for a starter home! I'm SOO glad I got a hold of another realtor. For one she is super nice and easy to talk to, then on top of that.. if I wouldn't have we would have missed our opportunity on that home. It's a foreclosure and final bids have to be in by midnight. Of course we may not get it and I'm heavily betting on that we won't, but we definitely wanted the chance to try. If we do get it I'm going to be pleasantly surprised and super happy.
Basically needs some cleaning, paint, some carpet needs replaced.. but that's about it. There are things that I will want to update, but that can be down the road. There is even a 4th level which is the basement that is much bigger than I thought it would be.
Ali - I'm glad the tri-level home was so great! I hope you get it! It would be stressful waiting to find out. When do you get to know if you got it or not?
I am glad T is getting slightly better. Violet isn't really that fussy but just so so hard to get back asleep if kept up too long. Causes me so much stress.
We are now staying another night at my parents' to avoid getting sick from DH. He went to the dr today and the dr warned us he shouldn't even be sharing air space with Violet as if she gets sick it could easily send her to the ICU! :( This sickness is lasting an average of 5-8 days so it is quite a bad one. He still has a fever, etc. Yuck. I really hope we haven't already contracted it. I am super boiling hot today so am paranoid I have it already but I am hoping it is just hormones. I am dreading staying at my parents' another night as they are messing with dd1's routine so much, plus messing up violet and I am bored and miss my own home with my own things and just being able to sit with Violet sleeping on me as much as I want without someone constantly asking to put her in the bassinet. Sigh! I am lonely and miss DH and our normal life, whatever that is.

Did you ever end up throwing up with your sickness? Are you feeling better now? I hope you are all in the clear now.

Pompey - thanks. It has been frustrating. Amazing how hard it is for people to just accept how a mom wants to parent her baby and to leave her be!
I am glad you managed that walk okay. I hope Jamie sleeping all day doesn't mess with his night! I haven't noticed that Violet sleeping more in the day has affected her nights yet. So hopefully it won't for Jamie!
Soo, may have missed out on the house. They were told midnight and now they're saying the deadline was noon. They're finding out.. ugh! So bummed.

Lite - That's horrible how awful it is! I'm really glad it's been minor things here. I would have no where to go if anyone got something severe. Although, if T was throwing up I'd be freaking out.

I never did. I was just nauseated all day and felt super crummy. I ended up getting another nap after I got DH up and I felt quite a bit better after that. I've felt fine today as well. Just not much for an appetite and that may just be from my nerves being wrecked from this house ordeal. I'll be so upset if I view the public records and see it sold for less than we were going to offer.
Ali - I hope you never have anything severe enough that you have to be away! I am definitely very fortunate to have so much family nearby. I don't mean to complain but it's just stressful not being in my own environment.

I hope you didn't get your offer in too late. That would be a big disappointment! However, I firmly believe if you don't get this house, it is because there is an even better one waiting for you! So don't lose heart!
Yeah, not accepting anymore offers. Ugh! I'm pretty devastated. I fell in love with it. I hate house hunting! I really hope you're right Lite because so far nothing compares that I can see online.

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