January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers - Nice to hear Lillian's appt went well and she's gaining weight! How much was she at birth?

AliJo - I hope you get a good house! It's such a stressful process, though fun to look at houses. We bought four years ago, but I still look at listings and dream about an upgrade, lol.

So sorry to hear O is so sick! Goodness, the poor thing! And poor you. It's hard to deal with.

Sounds like T is a bit of a challenge with sleep. No/short naps are so hard. You know they are so exhausted, but it's hard to help!

Literati - that's great your parents did come to help. Man, a bath would be so nice!

That's terrible that both girls are sick now. Hoping it's very short-lived!

Newbie - that's awesome that Z is gaining! You are doing great!

Froggy - glad to hear from you, and that's great that Gage is chunking up! Sidelying nursing is seriously the shiz. I have started doing it a bit last night with Jack, but only after he's already mostly full and is suckling less because he gets a bit overwhelmed with the flow earlier in a feeding.

Glad your mom was such a huge help. Your MIL sounds more like my mom. My MIL would have been more helpful, but DH’s parents are an ocean away and weren't able to come.

Apple - good to have you checking in and saying hi at least!

Pompey - that's very discouraging to hear that Jamie is more likely to need the surgery. I hope they continue to monitor him closely. :(

Self settling… A thing I doubted existed, lol. Jack has put himself to sleep in the bouncy seat with vibrations on a couple of times, but I don't think it's likely to happen often. Wish I had one of those magical unicorn babies that can go to sleep on their own.

Angel - sounds like Melody is doing great! And its nice DH enjoyed feeding her. My DH only started feeding DD bottles when I went back to work, and he honestly did not enjoy it because she was reluctant to take them. Not a good bonding experience for him, lol.

And yeah I wouldn't worry about the mismatch in pump output. Had you fed last on the one that gave less? Either way, it's not abnormal to have one boob that produces better. Some women even feed exclusively on one side.

Thanks for the encouragement regarding my dark thoughts. I think it was just a bad night and still so nearly on. I feel better now, and am sure I'll get better at handling it all.

AFM - still dealing with grunty-pants at night. Ugh. And it disturbs DH too. I told him he can sleep in the spare room tonight because he's looking a bit worse for wear with tiredness. DD got up too early the last couple days and he handled her while I stayed dozing with grunty. Jack's also been fussy whenever he tries to take him to give me a break and that's demoralizing for him. Aaaand he's back to work tomorrow so has a long shift he needs to get some rest before.

I tried to do an unofficial weight check by getting on the scale with and without Jack in my arms, and that put him at over 10 lbs! He won't be seen by the doctor until 2 months so I'm jealous of you all getting weight checks at a month. My mom has a baby scale though, so I'll see if she can bring it down to check him in another week or two. Just curious! He sure seems to be getting fat though!

OK writing this took forever! Time to sleep!
Quick post - yep, I get more out my left then right too. Also the left always feels "fuller" if I haven't fed for a couple of hours. Ds has a preference for the left too. Perhaps it is all related...
sorry been so hectic just catching up now.

ali- Sorry O is having such a hard time! hope he is fully better soon. I also hope you find the right house for you. Good luck with viewings today, let us know how they go! Oo that is a good idea on tricks we use to get them to sleep. I don't really have any yet, still figuring this one out. Sometimes i just let him comfort nurse on my boob till he falls asleep but i dont think it is wise in the long run!

lit- i am glad your parents are helping and you feel more normal! So sorry V has cold now- what can you give her for it?

vrogers0 glad appt went well, that is a great weight. Isa is 9 ibs 12oz. That is amazing how long Lillian slept, the most Isa has slept is 3/4 hours in a session. That actually makes sense about the over stimulation, isa is so much more awake and alert during the day and evening, i should start winding him down in the early evening and get him ready for bed, with lights dimmed etc.

newbie- glad weight gain has improved, well done on your hard work!

pomp- really sorry about Jamie's heart, must be so hard for you, but fingers crossed he won't need an operation. At least he is doing well now though and its great he can self settle! I feel isa is the same, one good night, then one terrible, or a few bad ones followed by a couple of good ones. When i have the good nights i am always like yess i got this haha until the night after.
i think all babies love sleeping on chest, i can imagine it is so soothing for them.

angel- so nice to hear from you! glad Melody is doing so well. I have grunty noisy baby at night too and hes better in the day. Must be their method of getting us to give them extra cuddles haha. i exercised loads too, now i manage maybe 2 walks a week, but i am looking forward to starting running again at some point. i even dreamt about it haha. Maybe in a few weeks once isa is more settled at night.

lit & froggy- it is funny how your babies birth weights are similar to my 6 week old baby haha. Isa is 9 ibs 12 and i think that is so massive and chunky compared to when he was born haha.

AFM- isa is doing well on weight gain, 9ibs 12 now, but his weight gain this week was slower than others, i think because of his thrush etc it effects his feeding and he hasn't fed as well. REally hope it clears up soon as he is normally a big feeder. His height is in the 2nd percentile though! i find it funny as i am really short but my DH tall and we both thought Isa will be tall. I know that can change later, but for now its looking like he is going to be short like me :D my mum said when i was a baby i wasnt even on the chart (lol).
it was my dads birthday yesterday and we all went for a meal, isa slept the whole time so it was bliss for me.

Whats everyones weekend plans except for some sleep? i have a friend coming to visit isa tomorrow, which will be so nice.

Also wanted to mention, i bought a book on baby sleep. Sleep is a topic of interest to me anyway as it is my PhD thesis topic- but i know nothing about baby sleep so picked up a book. Its called natural baby sleep solution. Will let you guys know of anything i find interesting or useful. it has a guide on how to help baby sleep more at night etc so i am quite intrigued but not keeping my hopes up either haha
Ali - yes, that will not be fun once T is in daycare. This wasn't even from daycare as both kids are home with me now but figures the one time we left the house in over a week, we would all catch a sickness!

Slammer - I am glad you're doing better and that night was just a rough one. We've all had those. I also wish I would have one of those magical unicorn babies who just fall asleep on their own! Oh well - what can you do. That's pretty good Jack has fallen asleep in his bouncy chair on vibrate. Violet can't even fall asleep in the swing so far. Seems like she might be harder to put to sleep than my dd1! Oy.
I had to laugh at you calling Jack "grunty" because that is our nickname for Violet as well! She'll wake up from her nap and dd1 will announce, "ooh, grunty's awake!" She grunts all day long though - not just at night. But she's definitely less settled without me at night.
That's neat your mom has a baby scale. You should definitely get her to bring it soon! Violet will get weighed at her 2.5 week check-up and then not again until 2 months. However, we have a public health office here where you can go weigh your baby any time if you want to (I doubt I will, though).

Ally - I don't think you can do much of anything for colds at this age. We have a suction bulb if absolutely needed, but that makes babies crazy so I won't use it unless she really can't breathe. We have a saline spray but I'm not sure if it can be used on a newborn or not. Blah.

That is crazy how short Isa is! Wowza. Makes sense that he doesn't weigh much then.

AFM - was a rough night but not too horrid. Had to leave Violet on her side and propped up on my arm so she could breathe. She wasn't able to nurse properly due to her plugged nose so I woke up quite engorged even though she was up every hour or two.

If you can even believe it, DH now has a stomach bug again. I am at my wit's end! Pretty sure we will never be clear for sickness around Here. I have a cold as well, so we are all a bit miserable.

Sounds like recommendations might be different around here. I was told to bathe for 10 min a day every day to heal my stitches, so I think of it more as a necessity in the healing process than a luxury! These aren't nice long bubble baths but just a quick sitz bath. Obviously still nice though.
T is sleeping on my chest so I'm kind of pinned so I figured I'd try to reply. I'm too afraid to lay him down after yesterday.

Lite - Maybe you should see if someone had it out for your family and placed a curse on your house.. Seriously though, when are you going to catch a break?!

That's funny you and Slammer call your LO's grunty. T is Squeaks or Squeakers since he's always making high pitched sounds.

Yeah they just told me as needed or as I wanted to for comfort for my stitches. Mine never really bothered me so I never did. First time, though.. my goodness did those baths help!

Ally - I wish I could comfort nurse! He ends up over eating if he tries. He can do it at night when he's sleepy because he's not really nursing but during the day he doesn't relax while he's trying to comfort nurse and gets fussy because then he's over eating.. destructive cycle.

Please let us know if you do find anything in that book! I'm sure all of use perked up at "sleep solution." Most of us do seem to have one issue or another when it comes to sleep. I hope someone on the forum has it easy. To them.. I am jealous!

Slammer - The only reason I got one at one month is because of his airway issue while eating. I didn't feel I needed it, but I went along with it. My unofficial weight check was very close! Came out to 10.6lbs and he was 10lbs 9oz which puts him at 10.56lbs

I'm sure I'll want to look, but I'm going to make a conscious effort to not look once I buy because I don't want to find something that is better and be bummed. I'll wait a couple of years.. hopefully..

Sorry your little Gruntaroo is still grunty! My guy is still squeaking. I "think" it might be a little better. Hard to say until there is a big improvement.

Glad many of us struggle with uneven boobs and none of us are alone! :haha:

Weekend plans.. On my own with the boys all night and all morning all weekend. DH's schedule changed to Thursday - Sunday. Hoping to look at those houses Saturday. Realtor said that today wouldn't work. Well, he has time but instead he just decided he was going to look for more houses to show me and send me a list of them to "drive by" which I won't do. Ugh.. I want to look at those two especially the tri level.. I don't care about more yet. I've seen them all pretty much anyways thanks to websites like Reator.com and Zillow.com. If he doesn't show me Saturday I'm going to contact someone else and see if they can show me. I'll be that person. I have a good feeling about it and I don't want it to slip from my fingers if I'm right.

Also wanted to say, early mornings with T is the best part of the day with him. He wakes up all smiles and coos for awhile till he starts to get sleepy and grumpy then it's like that the rest of the day.
Ali - ugh I know. It never ends!
That's funny T is "squeakers"! My dd1 had more high pitched sounds too and we used to call her piglet because of her high pitched squeal.
I noticed when I skipped a bath for a couple days I had an extremely painful BM with tons of stinging after! Ow!!! So back to the baths for me.

That's annoying your realtor won't show you those houses yet. I would ask someone else too!

Violet is the same with hating being overfull and getting angry when she tries to comfort nurse but gets milk when she doesn't want it! It's frustrating and stressful. She is getting more overtired and harder to put to sleep every day. :(
She actually has taken a soother a few times after getting angry from comfort nursing so that was nice! I hope she keeps that up because dd1 never took a soother and always just wanted my boob haha.
That sounds really sweet about T cooing and smiling in the morning. It is too bad he ends up grumpy the rest of the day. :(
Lite - Ha, piglet.. I love it!

Yeah make sure you're not getting constipated. That was the only time I had complications with my stitches this time. Made them bleed again and probably caused them to have a longer healing time.

I'm sorry Violet is starting to get harder to put to sleep. That was about the time T started having more and more issues. Those sweet first two weeks while they sleep all the time and are so snuggly doesn't last long enough.

Hopefully the weather is getting nicer up there for you. Then you won't be cooped up as much and less likely to get sick. It's going to be in the 50s today! So like 10 degrees C. I'm not all spiffy and didn't convert that in my head ha.. although I can because I needed to learn C when becoming a nurse.

It's going to be nice all week! It doesn't appear its going to drop below freezing in the near future other than at night. Really debating on putting T in the baby carrier and loading O up in the stroller and going for a walk. Only issue is it's windy so if it doesn't die down I won't be. Knowing Iowa.. it won't be dying down. T would be fine with the wind because I can cover him easier, but O will end up getting it all.

T is still sleeping. Really hoping it will be a sleepy day for him. Most likely will have a rough day tomorrow then, but I really need a calmer day. I bought a dresser and it just came in so I get to put that together. I finally just settled on something that probably won't match the crib. Whatever.. I needed one.
Froggy- aw, he's a little cutie though judging by your picture!

Apple- hope you're doing well!

Pompey- I can't imagine how scary that is. Dh was born with heart problems and had to have heart surgery and now is doing great, but I'm sure that brings little to no comfort as this is your baby. I can't imagine..that's great he can self soothe to sleep! I hope tonight isn't difficult :)

Angel- that's so sweet how excited dh is to feed melody! Melodys weight sounds similar to Lillian's, she was 6lbs14oz at birth and 8lbs14oz at her 4 week appointment. I wasn't sure the averages and if that was good but hers sounds pretty similar!
As for the milk, for the first couple weeks when I was able to BF more often, she would feed longer and then fall asleep and be good for at least an hour or so. Lately she will latch for maybe 10 min on each side and then scrunch up her face like shes frustrated and unlatch. I also try to notice if she's swallowing. Of course I'm no expert, I just assumed her not latching as long, the scrunched up face and pumping little amount of milk means low milk supply.
Apparently baby gets milk better than a pump does, so I'm sure melody is getting more than what you're pumping! When I was pumping and getting up to 2oz or so I was also getting more from one side and that didn't seem to negatively affect anything as far as BFing!

Literati- poor thing, I hope she (and everyone) feels better soon! I'm sure that's tough knowing you can't do much to help them
You definitely need a break on the sickness front!

Ali- I hope O feels better soon! Seems like so many are sick right now.
The nap situation sounds like no fun. Any time Lillian has a rough time napping for whatever reason she seems to nap more the next day. She's (for now) one of those that will sleep anywhere but I've heard lots at this age only want to sleep on mothers chest, which makes it hard to get anything done! She's actually on my chest right now because she kept startling herself awake and for some reason doesn't on my chest, so I'm pinned down as well!

Slammer- thank you, she was 6lbs14oz at birth so she's up a whole 2 pounds! The doc seemed happy with her weight, I wasn't sure exactly how much they gain and how fast!
I like the nickname grunty, but I know how annoying it is at night! I have trouble deciding if she is waking up or just making noises in her sleep especially as she is on dh's side of the bed so it's hard to see her. I hope all of you get some good rest tonight!

Ally- I hope the thrush goes away fast and he's able to eat well again, poor baby! Maybe he'll take after you and be on the shorter side.
I hope you have a nice visit with your friend...any time my bff and I are making plans to hang out now I tell her "I need to be around tall people" haha
Please do let us know if there's anything good in that book!!

Ali- glad T is resting and hopefully you are able to put the dresser together! Also I wouldn't blame you if you contacted someone else, how frustrating he won't just show you those houses!

I could have sworn Lillian gave me a few (real) smiles yesterday evening and then today. I had her on one of her play mats yesterday and was by her face smiling and talking to her and she looked right in my eyes and I swear smiled several times in a row. Then today I had her on her changing pad and thought I got another one, different from her has/sleep smiles. Can't wait until she's smiling often-and then the laughs, oh my I can't wait! Will definitely make these hard days and nights feel so worth it
Had a really rough night last night. Melody was fussy and wanting to feed (probably mostly for comfort) all night. I think I got 2 hours of sleep total, and one of those was basically me dozing with her on my chest because that's all she'd tolerate. Right now I've managed to get her to sleep in her swing for the last couple hours. I should be sleeping but I can't fall asleep so I'm on the computer and watching tv. I'm watching my niece this afternoon because my sister and BIL have to go down for a couple appointments for his kids who live with BIL's ex. It's a 3 hour drive each way and they didn't want her to miss school, so I've got to get her at 1:40 and I'll probably have her until close to 9pm. She's a good kid but can be a handful (though she adores Melody), and DH won't be home until 4:30 so I've got 3 hours of just me, a fussy infant, and a Kindergartener. :dohh: Long day I think.

Thanks everyone who commented about pumping. I'm glad I'm not the only one. And, funny enough, today I pumped and got almost the same amount from each breast. lol. I have started putting Melody on my right breast first every time to try to stimulate a little more on that side, so maybe that will help too.

Lite - Yeah, M is s till pretty small compared to a lot of other kiddos, but I Feel like she's growing so fast! I'm really glad she wasn't much bigger when she was born. I had a hard enough time at this size :haha:

That's awful that Violet has dd1's cold. :( I'm so sorry, that sounds awful. Poor baby. :hugs:

Ali - Sorry O is sick. :hugs: Sounds awful. Poor kiddo. I'm working on accepting the idea that one bottle of formula a day is fine. Melody is not a big fan of formula versus the breastmilk though. She's definitely on the picky side with that. :haha:

Ally - Okay I'm not quite at the point about dreaming about exercise :haha: but I know what you mean. I want to do more walks but I'm finding that too much walking makes me start spotting again so I think I'll have to take it slow. :nope:

I feel the same, that Melody is so big and chunky compared to birth, yet she's smaller than a bunch of the other baby birth weights! So odd.

Definitely let us know how the book is! I've read Babywise and am implementing a little of the ideas, but not all because some aspects don't work as well for us. I'd like to see what other books say too.

vrgoers - I don't know about averages, but I think 8lbs14oz from6lb14oz is a good gain. My doctor seemed very happy about that growth for Melody so I think we're doing well. :)

Thanks for the milk info, that makes sense and sounds about right. I think Melody is probably getting enough milk, I just wasn't sure how I would tell if she wasn't.
Angel - I wouldn't be too eager to watch another kid right now if they could be a handful. Not with T being a handful as it is! Might be nice when she is a bit older, though. Then your niece will be able to play with her and keep her distracted.

Vrogers - I bet she is giving you real smiles! You just know when they're real. I can't wait for T to laugh.. I get happy sounds and I can't wait for those to turn into a giggle. I'm hoping since T started smiling around 4 weeks that he'll start laughing a bit earlier. I can hope!

So, I did it. I went for a walk. Getting ready for it was a joke and I was so ready to do something relaxing by the time I got both boys ready. T wasn't wanting put down at all and O was cranky because he was tired, but I knew if I didn't get out then I wouldn't be able to because it was going to start to cool off. It was really nice to be out! T slept the whole time and O fell asleep half way through the walk. I am really out of shape, though! I'm really glad I didn't give up on getting them ready. They were both in just diapers so I had to get them completely ready. Both of them overheat easily so we have a lot of just diaper times or O is just wearing pants and T gets a onesie.
Ali - I agree. The super sleepy newborn phase doesn't last nearly long enough!

That's great you took advantage of the nicer weather and took a walk! Sounds like a lot of work to get ready but glad it was worth it! Did babywearing T go well? We don't have a double stroller yet so going to wait until spring and see if we need one or not. I definitely look forward to some nicer weather, but at least I have the luxury of hibernating for now!

VRogers - that sounds like a real smile to me! It won't be long before she is smiling a lot more!

Angel - ah, that's too bad you couldn't sleep! I hate when I try to nap but can't. It can be so nice to have some free time though.
That's too bad you have to babysit. I definitely wouldn't be up for watching someone else's kid while my own baby is so young! I hope she was good for you.
Ally - great weight gain for Isa...funny that he's so short! Glad you got a nice meal out with Isa sleeping the whole time. I have no real plans for the weekend. Again, just surviving.

Literati - so funny you call Violet grunty too, lol. I think he was a little better last night, but I'm not even sure. I did manage to get him off my chest and sleeping beside me after each wakeup, and that improved my sleep at least.

Yeah, we would normally have a 2.5 week checkup, but since we went back at 6 days to have his stump checked and he had already gained a pound in four days, the doctor was like “you’re good...I don't need to see you until two months”. :)

Omg I can't believe the sickness in your house. You can't catch a break!

Oh, yes, sitz baths were recommended. I did them a few days, but slacked off after that.

Alijo - cute that you call T squeaks/squeakers!

Def get a new realtor if your current one isn't meeting your needs!

I wish Jack woke up nicely. I mean he's not cranky, but still so grunty in the morning until he's had a poop or two.

And like you and Literati - same issue with Jack being so overfull but wanting to suck. I haven't gotten him to take the pacifier in days. :( I end up just having to stand and hold him bouncing around.

That's great you got out for a walk and enjoyed it!

Vrogers - I have the same issue with not even being able to tell if Jack's waking or just grunting, and he's right beside me! Usually I just let him grunt for a while and when it seems to get worse and worse I'm like “ok I guess I'll feed you now because at least the grunting stops for a bit after feeding you”.

Hope you get some more smiles! I can't wait for those too!

Angel - sorry about the rough night! Some nights are like that and you just gotta survive!

AFM - not much to report. DH really appreciated his good night of sleep last night and was much refreshed today. It was an ok night for me and Jack. Now night one of four with DH working. It's going ok. Some frustration, but I didn't completely lose my temper so I call that a success. Not in bed yet myself though and Jacks passed out on me on the couch. I'm learning Jack more so feeling gradually more comfortable handling him. I remember with DD it was right around six weeks that I really felt like I knew her and was confident in my mothering...and then I read a book which made me doubt everything I was doing (Baby Whisperer). Man, I hate baby training books. So anyway, I'm sure I'll get more and more confident with handling him and DD and everything on my own. I just can't wait for head control so I can hold him in one arm!
Slammer - oh yes, makes sense you didn't have to go to the dr again until 2 months then. At least it saves you an extra trip. Such a hassle going anywhere. I actually haven't attempted to go anywhere with two kids by myself yet, and have only left the house three times in total since getting home from the hospital. Yikes!

Ugh, I was standing and bouncing around to get Violet to sleep last night and then I suddenly got paranoid that the bouncing was shaking her too much. I love the newborn phase, but don't love how fragile they are. I get super paranoid about stuff so that will be nice when she is a bit less fragile.

I agree and absolutely hate baby training books. I am quite against forcing babies to adhere to adults' schedules and whatnot so yeah I just avoid them like the plague. Sort of just smile politely and ignore when people mention them! Haha.

Good luck on another stretch of alone nights. I'm glad you haven't lost your temper yet. I am feeling quite guilty because I've been so irritable and short-tempered with dd1 since V was born. I wish I were a more patient person.

I am spending yet another night alone with the kids since DH is sick. I'm getting very sick of this. The first week was so nice, and then just Wham! No DH the entire week (besides brief spurts before bedtime) and I just feel quite down about it.
Lite - I'm with you on feeling guilty. I've been the same with O. It's getting better, though. It isn't just "me" though. His constant whining and getting upset over nothing is part of the issue. I know it's a big adjustment, but it gets really old and I can only let so much slide. He's been getting put in his room on his toddler bed that he never uses to calm down a lot. It is getting better, but he has days and he's still really bad when he's tired. I'm usually more patient with him at those times.

T didn't like being put into it, but once he was settled he just went to sleep and slept the whole time. I tried putting him in it later while he was fussy to see if maybe it would help calm him. Oh heck no it didn't.. he was soo so angry! I'm wondering if he would enjoy a wrap. While I don't want to wear him all the time if he's having those days where I can't put him down while he's asleep maybe he'll sleep in one of those well. They seem more comfortable than the Baby Bjorn that I have. If I don't want to wear T all the time I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to get a double stroller. O just gets too excited and then all hopes of him listening seem to fly out the window.

Slammer & Lite - I hate those books as well and I've never read one. To me it would be like that person that tells you how to do something and thinks it should just work for you like it did for them.. but a whole book of it!

Slammer - I think the paci is going to be mostly out of the picture for us until he's older. I mean.. he will take it sometimes.. but only when tricked basically. Otherwise he makes a face like I just tried to shove something disgusting in his mouth.
Lit - I haven't gone anywhere on my own with the two kids yet either. I've thought about it, but haven't gotten up the nerve. Maybe next weekend...

Lol, I remember having the same worry about bouncing too hard with DD. Afraid I was knocking her brains about too much!

I just got around to throwing that Baby Whisperer book away a couple months ago. That and the Sleep Lady's book. Wouldn't even donate them, just put them in recycling!

I've got very little patience too, and I feel bad about it. I know I'm nitpicking and nagging DD too much and being too sharp. Trying to stop, but it's hard.

I really feel for you being alone so much this week and battling sickness in the house. It has to be so hard. Vent away here. We're rooting for you!
Angel- ouch, that does sound tiring! There have been many times when the baby is asleep and I know I should be sleeping too but I am rarely able to turn my mind off and always end up doing things I can't do when she's awake like shower, watch tv in peace, dishes, etc.
hopefully your niece didn't give you too much trouble!

Ali- it's amazing how a simple walk can make you feel! Dh and I go for a walk most weekends, but Thursday I went for my first walk by myself with Lillian because she was being fussy and it felt so good to get outside! I am tragically out of shape but still feels good. Glad you were able to get out!

Slammer- I'm ready for head control also!
Sounds like you're doing a great job :)

Literati- your comment about the bouncing made me laugh because dh and I just had that conversation last night. He was bouncing her to get her to burp and suddenly got concerned and I told him I felt the same way, I'll bounce her for a few mins and be like "oh gosh, what if I'm hurting her". People keep telling me they are so durable but they look and feel so fragile!

I keep daydreaming about how nice it would be to get out to target and coffee during the day, but actually doing it by myself with the baby scares me! Hopefully when she's a little older and not eating so frequently I'll be more comfortable?
Quick update - visited our regular doctor today and Z has put on 250g in one week! He's now 4450g, or a pound up on his birth weight. Finally catching up. 6 weeks tomorrow :)
It's quiet today.... Hope everyone is doing well.

Vrogers - I find it hard to turn off when baby is asleep as well - of course it's impossible when I'm alone with DD to care for as well. But even when DH offers me a nap I am reluctant to take it. I haven't been tracking timings, but I think Jack only goes like 1.5 hours before wanting to eat again, and it just stresses me out subconsciously to think that he might be getting hungry and I'm not there. Even if DH brings him right to me, I know it's going to be a short nap, and it doesn't even seem worth it.

Regarding getting out and about, I honestly didn't go out alone with DD much at all for a long time. Probably 8+ months. I wasn't up to the thought of her crying in the car or in public. I won't really be able to stay home as much now with two, so hopefully I manage better. But it does make you feel accomplished to get out there and do something on your own with baby!

Newbie - more great news on Z’s weight! Way to go!

AFM - we spent a few hours at the mall today. It was good to kill time and entertain DD. I was exhausted when we got home though. And thankfully DH didn't have to leave for work until 8:15, so he was actually able to do bedtime with DD and I got a reprieve. Really going to try to get Jack and myself to bed earlier tonight! If this crappy broken sleep with the grunt monster is going to continue I need more total hours in bed to compensate!
Slammer - Glad you got out and your hubby was able to put DD down. Sounds like a decent day! I feel like I need more sleep just due to how hard it is for me to sleep well. I hurt so bad every morning it's not even funny.

Newbie - That's great! I bet you feel much better and more confident with feeding him.

On going out.. With O I didn't really want to go out on my own much with him. When I did I just made it more stressful than it really was. He really was the perfect baby to take out. He hardly was ever awake during car rides. He fussed when he wanted something but hardly ever full on cried. He was just so content. Now T on the other hand.. I know he'll cry and scream if he gets even the littlest upset. I'm so afraid he'll get super fussy while we are out. He hasn't yet but I feel I just got lucky. I also take a lot less than I did with O. I haven't dared take them both somewhere in the car yet though.

AFM - I'm on my phone in bed. O didn't nap so he fell asleep at 7. I really hope he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night. The has been sleeping for quite awhile.. he woke to eat but went back to sleep. It's been several hours.. he didn't sleep much this morning so I guess I'm not too surprised. Just hope they both stay down. Contacted another realtor but I haven't heard back yet. I will probably be cutting ties with the one I have currently. From the sounds of it he won't have time for me that works for us till the week after this next one.

I better get some sleep in case one or both boys wake up.
Newbie- wow time is flying... glad baby Z is gaining well!

Slammer- glad it's not just me with the naps and being reluctant to go out. It'll take me probably about that long until I'm comfortable bringing her out I imagine.
It's nice you were able to get a little break and dh could help out. Sounds like you guys had a nice afternoon at the mall! I hear you on going to bed earlier!

Ali- I'm also nervous Lillian would get fussy if we were out! She can get kind of fussy but it's not predictable so I don't want to risk it while she's a newborn.
I hope both boys stay asleep long enough to give you some good rest! Also hope this realtor communicates and has more time for you than the other one, I'm sure you're ready to actually look at houses and get the ball rolling.

We went on a walk today, it was nice to get outside. I wanted to get out of the house to grab dinner and coffee but dh's ankle was hurting so bad he didn't want to drive or walk around (he broke it years ago and has screws in it, so it acts up from time to time) but it was nice enough to at least get outside.

It's a bit quiet in here this weekend, hopefully that means everyone is catching up on sleep :haha: ha!

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