January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Totally forgot about the six week growth spurt! Already dreading the three week one next week.
So sorry newbie for how you are feeling. It seems crazy Z only had a 15 min nap, I imagine he is very overtired, bless him. It sounds like a tough cycle of feeding a fussing, I agree, taking an hour to feed each time seems excessive. Definitely get him checked for tongue and lip tie. I hope you managed to catch up on some sleep in the end :hugs:

LL - Sorry your parents don't seem to be able to make time to visit you when that was the initial plan :(
If it makes you feel any better, when my mum came to visit last Sunday, she didnt do anything at all to help me even though I was in a lot of pain and a lot of tears. I just don't think she thinks... but it was hard. If and when Anabella has a baby, I will be such a support to her and will make sure I do everything she needs and wants to enable her to recover. I just don't get my mum at all. My dad is a million times more helpful *they are not together*

Ally - sounds like an incredibly rough night last night :hugs:
Thanks for the gripe water recommendation, as far as I'm aware, babies have to be 1 month before it can be used. I think we'll keep going with infacol until he is a month and then try the gripe water :)

slammer - I hope your daughter enjoyed her dance class? And I also hope you managed to get some sleep whilst she was at daycare. Anabella is a preschool tomorrow (9-3) and if tonight is bad, I will definitely be getting some extra sleep in the morning to catch up!

AFM - Had a slightly better night last night, not so loud grunting and he 'only' woke for 3 feeds. Unfortunately I ended up being awake for almost 2 hours between 1 and 3am as by the time I fed Jamie, changed 2 nappies, expressed my milk, washed and sterlised bottles and my breast pump I then realised I knocked over the water bowl and both Jamie and I were soaked so had to get us both changed!
He has had some more wake periods today and seems happy and contented. He is still sleeping loads, but has been awake for a couple of almost 2 hour blocks, so I am wondering what effect (if any) this will have on his sleep tonight. I'll report back tomorrow!
Ally - I'm glad you got something for his yeast rash and thrush. Were you already using gaviscon for his reflux? I hope it helps. I would imagine that would be very difficult to watch him so unsettled and uncomfortable. Hugs!

Slammer - ahh, that sounds really annoying about your mom not being helpful at all when she was there! You really shouldn't have to ask for every little thing you want help with. She should have been offering and taking charge! My mom is usually helpful when she's here but I guess they've had other priorities so far this week. Hoping tomorrow she'll stop by finally.
That is the same as my DH - will clean up after supper and such but never cleans bathrooms or whatever.

Pompey - I'm sorry your mom was so unhelpful! Apparently that is a common theme on this thread. I'm glad you'll know to help Annabella as much as possible when/if she ever has kids! I agree - I would like to help and support as much as I can!
I hear you on being awake for an entire two hour chunk at night. That always seems to happen to me. Newborn wake-ups take forever especially with multiple diaper changes. This morning I had been awake for 2 hours with Violet and had finally gotten her back to sleep when dd1 woke up for the day. :( I was so tired!
Violet has also had some 2 hour blocks of awake time. As far as I can tell it didn't affect her nighttime at all but so far she never stays awake for long periods in the night which is nice! She just wakes up lots to feed but usually goes back to sleep. I remember sometimes dd1 would just stay awake randomly in the night and that was terrible. I hope that doesn't happen.

AFM - still surviving. The mornings are the toughest... then the evenings. I actually had a friend over briefly to meet Violet in the afternoon so that was nice. After she left we all had naps. Dd1 is now sick with what I thought was just a cold but when she woke up from her nap she was hysterical and also felt very warm so I am worried it is something worse. Really hoping Violet doesn't get sick. :(

Re: growth spurts - I never actually noticed Violet have her one week growth spurt so not sure if she hasn't had it yet or if it was just so subtle I didn't notice!?
Newbie- I'm sorry you are struggling with baby Z! I can relate with the long wake times, I'm trying to figure out if Lillian's issue is gas or her formula or something else and will definitely be asking at her appointment tomorrow. Maybe you could mention to his doc and see if they have any ideas? I hope you both are able to get some sleep, it's hard when you are overtired yourself and see how tired and miserable they are.

Ally- I thought about that, I was wondering how weird it would be with the baby right there haha
I know it's hard seeing him hurting with not much you can do! I hope he feels better fast and settles. It really is exhausting I know!

Pompey- glad you had a better night! Although the 2 hours sounds like it was exhausting, and then to spill water. Let us know if the 2 hour blocks affect his sleep!

Literati- I think you are doing better than you think, you are doing a good job! It's nice you were able to visit with a friend and have a nap. I hope dd1 gets better soon and violet doesn't get sick, I'm pretty scared of Lillian getting sick, with how young she is!

Wondering about the growth spurts too! What exactly are signs they are going through them? I do have the wonder weeks app, not sure if that is anything similar!
Pompey - glad Jamie was less noisy last night! You are a champ for pumping and everything that goes with it in the middle of the night!

Literati - having someone over can be a great distraction to help get you through a long day. That really sucks that DD1 is sick now. I hope it's over very quickly!

Vrogers - I don't know when all the growth spurts are, but I have heard of that wonder weeks app a bunch of times. Still never downloaded it, lol. I just know about 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and maybe 12 weeks?

AFM - joining some of you with longer wake periods starting during the day. Jack was awake for nearly two hours once today, and maybe another shorter period. He’s been pretty much passed out for like 5-6 hours straight right now though. Hoping that doesn't spell bad things for sleep tonight. At least DH is home tonight.

DD apparently LOVED her dance class. I didn't get to go, but DH said she was first in line and really payed attention and participated. What a relief. I was afraid she'd just be too shy to engage. She was sad about leaving.
newbie- i second others suggestions about tongue tie. Hope today is better for you and yes i love this forum to vent!

slammer-ugh sorry to hear about your mum not being helpful. that really sucks! Glad dd enjoyed her dance class!

pomp- thats right actualy they need to be 1 month. I forgot. How do you find the infacol? do you think its been helping? Oh pomp your night sounds stressful with the expressing, washing and then having to change clothes! Isa is defo awake more and for longer periods now too, hes always looking around at lights etc. its very cute.

lit- no just been using gripe which does help to some extent. I feel reluctant to give him gripe, gaviscon, oral drops for thrush and cream for this yeast rash all together. So i am going to leave the gaviscon out for a week as i read sometimes treating thrush can help with the reflux. Fingers crossed. plus qute a few people have told me gaviscon can cause bad constipation.
that was nice you had your friend over and what a shame dd1 has a cold. She has bad luck with feeling unwell doesn't she? is her pink eye all ok now?

vrogers- it is a bit strange to dtd with baby in crib, especially one that makes lots of random noises and never settles for long in the crib. These are the joys of parenthood haha. Im sure once hes a bit older and more settled things will get easier. I do miss intimacy.
how did your appt go today?

afm- well i feel more human today as isa has a much better night last night. DH went to bed early. I didnt even bother to put isa in the crib as i just wanted to sleep as much as possible so he slept on my chest. right now he is asleep n the crib so quiet- why does he never do this at night??????????!!!!!
the health visitor is coming soon, i wonder what his weight is now.
Sorry I haven't posted ladies! I've been reading and keeping up at least. I haven't found time to make a reply to everyone, but I'm with you guys! I'll try to find time later to catch up, but I'll do a quick update on me.

We went and viewed that house and it's really good for the price. I think a big reason it's on the cheaper end is because of the neighborhood. Most of the houses all around definitely need some TLC. It's one big reason I'm nervous to get it and do any work on it because there's a good chance we won't get that money back and I don't plan on living there long enough just to our benefit. I'm going to have my father look at it with us and go from there.

There is a tri level home we're going to go look at soon. It says it's sold "as is" but I don't see anything wrong with it in the pictures. I think the "as is" will probably mean there is no warranty on anything, or at least I'm hoping because it's in a MUCH nicer neighborhood. The stairs aren't a full flight which makes me feel safer. I'll use gates either way, of course. Huge plus is there is a fenced in back yard. I'd be overjoyed to get a fenced in yard right away. I'm going to text my realtor and see if he can get me more information on it as to why it's being sold as is.

T is doing well. Still the same problems. Those talking about LOs being overtired; I'm pretty sure that is part of Ts problem at night often. He's had days where he does not sleep very well and it turns into a screaming fit at night that is hard to calm down until I can finally get him asleep. He can be very hard to settle during the day. No where near as bad as what Newbie described. I really how you figure something out to help V, Newbie! I just got T down by putting him in the car seat (unstrapped with padding under him) and swinging and rocking him in it because he would not sleep. I also draped a blanket over it to remove more stimuli. I wouldn't keep him in a car seat to sleep strapped in but I'm okay with this right now as long as I'm watching him.

O is sick. Throwing up. Kind of irritated because I know it was my brother that gave it to him. He was talking about how his son was sick and I told him not to get too close to O. "Well I'm not sick and everyone else has gotten over it" I told him he still could give it to him from just carrying it on him :Oh, I know". Well he still goes and messes with him and now he's throwing up everything that he tries to drink or eat and of course he keeps asking for fluids.

This "quick" update has taking me hours to get done. Just slowly adding to it. I'll try to catch up with everyone better later.
Ali - ahh, I'm so sorry O is sick! And that is especially frustrating that your brother is at fault! I hate when people don't realize how contagious the stomach flu is and that it is contagious for a couple days after as well! That must be very difficult taking care of a very sick toddler while also taking care of a newborn! You poor thing.
That is definitely something to consider if that lower priced house is in a bad neighbourhood. Sounds like you're covering all your bases and making sure you research everything. I hope you find something perfect for your little family soon.
Sorry T might be getting overtired at night as well. That is always stressful.

Ally - that is probably wise to wait a bit on the gaviscon. That way if he has any sort of reaction, you won't be completely confused about what caused it. Hopefully he'll be all better soon.
Thanks. Her pinkeye is definitely all better now and has been for a good week or two. The sickness doesn't seem to ever end in our house though! And now my parents have a mild form of the flu that my niece had and they are over helping with dd1 so I really hope they don't pass that on as well! :(
So glad you feel more human today and that you had a more decent sleep! I had a better sleep as well as V's wake-ups were pretty short and I seemed to sleep quite solidly as I didn't even wake up when DH got ready for work! Dd1 also slept in an extra 45 minutes because she is sick, so that was helpful.

Slammer - thanks. It was definitely a nice distraction to have a friend over. Especially one that I can just be myself around and don't have to worry about her judging me for having a messy house and no make up! :)
So glad your dd loved her dance class! That makes me happy. My dd1 is loving her little toddler exercise class on Tuesdays as well. DH has been taking her since I had Violet and it gives me a nice short break.
I hope that long stretch of day sleep didn't mess things up for the night time yesterday.

VRogers- thanks! You always have something thoughtful and encouraging to say. I appreciate it. :)
I think signs of a growth spurt are just feeding a lot more often/more quantity and being a bit fussier than usual.
I agree it is scary to think of our babies getting sick so young. I hope Lillian doesn't.

AFM - my parents are over helping today (and being actually helpful). At the moment my dad is entertaining dd1 and my mom is taking out garbages and folding laundry. I was able to take a bath and definitely feel more human today too!
We had Lillian's one month appointment today, she's healthy and growing! She weighed a whopping 8lbs14oz! We talked to her doc about the gas/fussiness and she is having us switch formula to enfamil gentle ease, which we just gave her so hopefully she does better with this!

Ally- appointment went very well like I said above, thank you for asking!
It's amazing how much of a difference even just a little sleep can make! I fed Lillian around midnight and she slept until almost 6am, it was wonderful. Then we took a 2ish hour nap a couple hours later.

Ali- house hunting is no fun, I was along for the ride with my bff a few months ago. The second house sounds nice, especially with a fenced in yard!
Seems like several of us are having LOs hard to settle. Hopefully it gets better for us all soon because it's tiring for everyone involved!
I read evening/night hours are when babies process everything they experienced during the day (like adults do) so if they were overstimulated they can be a bit fussy. So the blanket over the seat sounds like a good idea!
Ugh I'm sorry your brother got O sick, I would be pretty annoyed! I hope he feels better soon and nobody else gets sick!

Literati- I'm glad you were encouraged :) thank you for the heads up on the growth spurt signs, now I know what to watch for!
Glad your parents are actually being helpful and that you were able to get a bath in! It's nice of them to help you. Time for yourself is so important!
Lite - I'm glad your parents are over helping, I definitely wish I had someone around! My SIL is probably the only one that would help out and she lives in Florida. Although, I'd have to ask her and it would be nice to just have someone there for me. Other than DH of course. I need to make friends.. ha!

I'm sorry you're still dealing with illnesses. I don't seem to be getting a break either. O threw up 8 times today. He has ate nothing but a few bites of chicken which he threw up of course. Poor kid. I'm just glad he hasn't been asking for food all day. Really hoping it has passed by tomorrow. I freak out over him being sick because I'm afraid T will catch it. Hopefully both our LOs will be protected by our milk.

Keep your chin up. The toughness may not go down, but you'll get better at dealing with it before you know it and it won't feel as tough. T has gotten harder since those first couple of weeks, but I've gotten better at managing. It'll start to feel natural and you'll get through the days easier without thinking much of it.

Vrogers - It isn't fun. It will be if I find something! I'm really excited to look at the tri level home. I feel like it's going to be what I want and that makes me nervous because I'll be afraid it'll slip through my fingers. Then the whole idea of moving doesn't sound fun, but at the same time does. Won't be easy with a baby. O won't be too much of a problem. He'll be too excited about a new place.

Ally - T does the same and will sleep no problem during the day on his own. Although, I haven't tried the crib in awhile. He does well in the bassinet, but not at night. He has his days and nights in order and that's actually why he won't sleep alone at night now. He wants the boob readily available! Demanding little ones..

How was his weight?

Slammer - I love it when they're awake more! At least.. I do when T isn't being fussy. I need to keep track better how much he's staying up. I made a better effort today to get him to fall asleep and he's been less fussy. He goes from 0 to pissed in no time flat! I was so use to O. He would start out small and hardly ever full on cried in the early months.

I'm glad your daughter loved her dance class! I bet it's great to see her so excited about something. I wish there was a music class for toddlers around here. O has been a music freak since he was little.

Pomp - How did your night go with LO being awake more during the day?

I don't want to go back too far replying. None of us have time to read a book right now! Just covering the last page.

O has thrown up 8 times today. Really hoping it's the end of it and he's well tomorrow. He hasn't had a fever which is good because I would have not been able to medicate him since he threw everything up that went down. DH's schedule changed a bit and he had today off but goes back tomorrow. So so thankful he didn't work today because it would have been complete misery to deal with O throwing up and T all at the same time. Just hope tomorrow he's fine otherwise I have to pull on my super mom panties and manage.

I'm pretty sure T does get overtired. I made a good effort to get him down for a nap when he started to get cranky and he wasn't near as fussy today. Got some cleaning done today.. mainly because I had to due to all the puke that kept getting on the carpet. I'm really thankful that usually the vacuum and carpet cleaner keep T calm. He will get fussy after awhile but usually if he's fussy and I start running those he chills for awhile.

Going to look at two more houses Friday. Really getting my hopes up for one of them. If I walk in and fall in love.. I'm most likely going to go for it. It's kind of nerve wrecking, but I'm eager to be out and it'll be an awesome starter home if I'm right about it. I'm thinking there won't be much area for a table, but I don't honestly care that much right now about a dinning area. We only need enough room to sit 4 at the moment anyways. It's also a 4 bedroom which is great because I feel like we'll have room even if we have a girl next! There's a big deck in the back and a fenced back yard, two car garage, beautiful neighborhood. I know it won't be my dream home, but it sounds like a perfect starter home for us! I'm getting my hopes too high I feel. I need to chill!
O is not throwing up! Yay!

Yesterday's trick is not working today (putting him to sleep by swinging him in the car seat covered) or at least it hasn't yet.

T is a comfort nurser which doesn't work out too well if he's full so today's trick involves the paci. He hasn't been taking it most of the time even directly after having the breast like he was. My trick today is dipping it in gripe water and giving it to him since he enjoys the taste! This way it gives him a little gripe water and doesn't cause him to cough and choke on it. He can't handle drops of the gripe water very well with his airway thing going on. Don't know if the small doses will help, but he may get enough since I have to dip it again if he spits it out.

Which brings me to ask.. Does anyone have any tricks they've been pulling out their sleeves? Might be interesting to see what we all start to come up with!
So pleased o is not throwing up! What a relief.

Only trick I have is the last feed before he settles at night is to feed the first side as normal, then burp and change, then do the second side in bed like I do for night time feeds. I find it soothes him and helps him to settle better.

Afm, in the last two weeks, ds went 6 days in a row without a be, then had an epic one and they've slowly gotten closer and closer together, resulting in today having 4! Including one in the waiting room of the doctors! Had a quick smelly change! Of course, three out of the four were in cloth nappies... Of course!

Good news, he's put in about 300g in two weeks - great improvement for him. Our hard work has paid off. I've been feeding so much and pumping as well. I was so pleased I pumped earlier today and got about 80ml (2.5oz). My mum was able to feed him that while I just sat and did nothing - first time since 2am. He didn't settle after that and ended up sleeping for 2 hours on my chest - during which time, I didn't sleep! It is now 7:30pm and I'm running in empty. No idea how I'm going to feed him when he wakes from his nap (soon). Hopefully he'll sleep soon after that!

Oh, I hope those house hunting find what you're looking for. We're looking too but to rent, not buy. We saw two places today. One was awful and literally next door to the landlord (no thank you!) and the other was so small for the price. Still looking...
Have been following along but having a hard time posting. Gage is doing great, he had his 2 week appointment on Tuesday and is only three oz away from his birthweight, he is a big 8lbs 14oz! I cracked up laughing when I saw that vrogers posted the same weight for her four week appointment! My boy is big!

Ali- this may or may not work depending on breast size it may make it harder, but I found that Gage settles and falls asleep if I lay on my side and him on his side facing me and nurse him that way, he falls right to sleep after eating. How great that O is feeling better today!

Lite, I'm glad your parents have been some help for you! My mom did an amazing job helping while she was here. The house stayed clean and everything was done without me having to ask. Now my mil has been here for the past week and she hasn't done much around the house. She asks me what do I need done and I told her what stuff I wanted to do and she just sits on the couch and watches tv it wants to hold the baby. I'm still a tad bit sore from my cs, but feeling much more like I can do stuff, but dh gets mad at me when I'm trying to do stuff but he is still in crutches so he is limited too. I wish my mom would have stayed a little longer:.(

Pomp so awesome about the weight gain! Maybe he just needed a little extra time!
Hi ladies, sorry not been on for a while , crazy week with toddler and ollie not been sleeping well so been on catch up.. I have been following. I have actually tried to post about 3 times but phone playing up and having trouble with internet access on laptop :/ so frustrating !!

I will post properly when I have more time to read through ️xx
Apple - sorry you've had some rough nights, I can relate! It's not easy is it, especially when you have older ones.

froggy - Gage is gaining weight so well, well done him! Jamie has also piled on the weight is now a chunky 9lb 3oz where as he was born at 8lb 1oz!

newbie - I am glad Z is putting on weight and you are feeling better about that. And fantastic news about the pumping, you are getting there!
I remember Anabella had very sporadic bm and when she did, they were absolutely massive!!

AliJo - I am pleased O has stopped throwing up, what a relief!
Good luck house hunting... I firmly believe when you find the right house, you just know :)

vrogers - I hope the new formula helps Lillian.

LL - I am pleased your parents stepped up in the end and offered some support. It must have been lovely to be able to take a bath :)

AFM - Jamie then had his heart scan and we saw a different consultant this time. He explained Jamie is well as he is feeding and gaining weight , but he said his heart is struggling He's now been put on the medication from this evening and he told me that due to the size of Jamie's hole and the position in the heart, the chances of it closing are slimmer than compared to other holes which are smaller and lower down. I just know that he is going to require heart surgery in the future. Call it instinct or intuition, but I just know and I feel so awful For now, Jamie is doing well and is happy , so for that I take some comfort.

Jamie has a blood test at the hospital on Tuesday and another appointment with the cardiologist next Friday. I feel the appointments are coming thick and fast and just can't help but think that they are worried about him.

I've noticed Jamie can self settle to sleep. If I put him down in his Moses basket awake, if he is tired, he will just take himself to sleep This rarely happened with Anabella so I am quite excited by this!! He may change of course and he does love falling asleep on our chests, but I am pleased he can self settle too.

Last night was better, Jamie only woke for 2 feeds all night, but the night before was tough. He tends to have a good night followed by difficult.. which means tonight will be tough again. I hope not, but at least I have low expectations!
It’s been so long since I posted! I've been reading along but not posting since Melody got really fussy and clingy for several days and wouldn’t sleep AT ALL unless she was being held, and it made for a really difficult time to do anything.

She took her first bottle from my husband about a week ago, and he loved it. He was so happy to be able to feed her and get to have that experience bonding with her. I didn’t want to take that away from him, so we decided to have him give one bottle a night. I’ll try to pump while he’s feeding her to keep my supply up. Or, sometimes I’ll top her off afterwards. She’ll take about 2 ounces from him but even if she’s done with the bottle and “full” she likes to spend a few minutes on my breast after. I think it’s mostly comfort because she’ll only eat for 2-3 minutes and then fall asleep. Mostly we’re using breast milk for him to feed her but we also had some premade formula the hospital had given us so we’ve been using that on a couple days just to use it up. I’m not opposed to formula, I just prefer to mostly BF. I figure if we’re 90% BF then it’s still just as good.

I’m a little confused/worried because I’ve noticed when I pump my left breast produces more than double that of my right. I can get 2.5oz from left in the same time I Get 1oz from the right. Does this mean my right has a lower supply? Or is it just less responsive to the pump?

As for Melody – we had her one month appointment and she was up to 8lbs 15oz! So big compared to her 6 lb 9oz weight at her 3 day check up! I can’t believe she’s already a month old (5 weeks tomorrow)! It feels like it’s going so fast!

My doctor had me push my 6 week post-pardom checkup to 7.5 weeks instead so that she could combine Melody’s next appointment with mine and save me from having to make two trips. I’m going to make DH take the afternoon off that day to come though because it’s when she’ll get her vaccines and I don’t think I can do that alone!

Lite – you mentioned awhile back that your mom was making comments about Violet being spoiled. I heard something similar from a coworker about Melody and got a little annoyed. I am a firm believer that you cannot spoil an infant this young, if they want to be held it’s because they need something (comfort, closeness, etc). My MIL had tried to tell me when she was visiting a couple weeks ago that I would just have to learn to let her “cry it out” sometimes and I told her that maybe someday I would but at 3 weeks old I was not going to just let my baby cry, maybe when she’s older.

I’m sorry that you’re having a rough time with both kids. I really hope it gets easier

Pompey – I’m so sorry to hear about Jamie’s heart! It sounds like he has a chance of his heart healing on its own, but I can’t imagine how scary this is for you. :hugs: I’ll keep you and Jamie in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us up to date about his appointments.

You mentioned him being a grunter and keeping you awake at night? Melody does the same thing. She sleeps SO PEACEFULLY in the daytime but at night she’s grunting and making noises in her sleep and it keeps me up! I have no idea why she does it, but man is it hard!

Ally – Massage sounds amazing! I need one too, I just hadn’t worked up the nerve to leave Melody long enough to get one. That’s great about the weight loss! I’m about 7 lbs above pre-pregnancy weight too and am anxious to be able to start exercising again. I have started doing 30 minute walks with Melody when I can but I can’t get much more than that before I’m tired. Ugh, I used to exercise hard core 4-5x a week!

Ali – Melody does better on her side too. She doesn’t stay on her side real well in the bassinet but in my bed she’ll sleep on her side against me and sleep for up to 3 hours sometime.

Newbie – I’m so sorry that you’ve got to go back to work soon! That has got to be hard. I am already dreading going back, and my return isn’t until the end of March. :(

Vrogers – that’s great that you’re finally getting some milk pumping! I’m wondering how you were able to figure out that she wasn’t getting any milk when she latches on that one side? Since I realized that when I pump I get so much less milk on the one side I’m wondering if there’s less milk there and if sometimes she isn’t getting milk, but I don’t know how to tell. I know for sure on the left side she gets milk because I can hear her swallowing, I’m just not sure about the right.

With the talk about the carriers – I have a moby and a mei tei. I LOVE the mei tei. The Moby is one that I really like the idea of but I’m having a harder time figuring it out. I can put it on correctly and put baby in it, but I don’t think I’m tying it tightly enough because over time she slides down pretty far and I have a harder time keeping her up higher.

Slammer - :hugs: Sounds like you’re having a rough time at night. I think we all think dark thoughts at some point. The other night when Melody wouldn’t stop screaming in the middle of the night (and DH was somehow sleeping through it :dohh: ) I was thinking some horrible thoughts, wondering why I bothered to turn my life upside down just to have a kid…. I had to wake up DH to take her before I lost my patience completely. Do you think this is more than baby blues and is developing into PPD? There’s no shame in having a hard time, and there’s no shame in getting help if you need it. :hugs: We’re here for you.

I'm sorry if I missed anyone! I'm going to try to keep up with posts after this!
Angel - great to hear from you. I was actually just thinking today that you hadn't posted in quite a while! So I'm glad you did. Melody is so tiny still! She is only one ounce bigger than Violet's birthweight! They're all so different. Sorry you've had an annoying couple comments about 'spoiling' Melody and about CIO etc. Very annoying! I personally don't believe in CIO at all, ever, but that's that's just me. But the experts definitely agree it isn't okay when they are newborn! Some people are a bit crazy.

Sorry melody has been so clingy for a little while! Sounds like your DH giving one feed a night is working very well for you. I am glad he enjoys it so much.

Pompey - so sorry about Jamie's heart and your intuition that he's going to end up needing surgery. That must be a terrifying prospect for you, but I'm sure it will be okay and he will be so much healthier for it. Still so scary though.
That is excellent that Jamie is able to self settle sometimes. I had these lofty dreams about Violet doing that naturally as some people say their second babies had less trouble falling asleep on their own. Well, every baby is different, and Violet is definitely not a self settler! She seems very much like dd1 in this regard, but oh well! Good thing I don't mind at all snuggling and nursing to sleep. :)
I know you were nervous about handling two. How are you finding it so far?

Apple - sounds like a busy and tiring week. Thanks for checking in. Hope you can update soon.

Froggy - I'm glad your mom was super helpful when she was there! It is too bad your MIL won't step up and do the same! I definitely wouldn't find my MIL as helpful either, but I'd also probably hold back on telling her what would actually be helpful whereas I am comfortable letting my mom help with whatever.
Yes, there are some tiny babies on this thread compared to ours! I am guessing Violet will make the biggest baby yet at her two week check-up though. Gage sounds very small to me now! Violet was already just 2 oz shy of her birthweight at 5 days old, and I am guessing she'll be 9.5-10 lb already at her 2 week check-up. My babies just don't seem to lose much weight initially. My dd1 had re-gained her birthweight at 2 days old!
I hope you fully recover from your c section soon. I am sorry your DH is still recovering as well. You two definitely need as much help as you can get!

Newbie - so glad all your hard work has paid off and Z is gaining more weight. So sorry you had an awful night.
I can't imagine V going 6 days without a BM! Wow! I changed 7 poopy diapers just from midnight to 8 am alone. She just never stops!

Ali - I wish you had more help where you live. It must be hard not having friends or family nearby.

So glad O is finally on the mend. That sounds so terrible.

The house hunt sounds like an adventure. I would be like you and really get my hopes up if I found something I liked.

AFM - sadly, Violet has caught dd1's cold. :( she is so sniffly and keeps choking on her phlegm when she is lying down. It concerns me and I am thinking I'm in for some very rough nights ahead.
I just got T to sleep so I'm hoping I can reply and keep up instead of getting behind!

T had a rough morning. Only had two half hour naps from 8:30 to 3.. I tried and tried to get him to sleep but he wakes up so easily sometimes and as soon as he would wake up it was back to phase one.

I spoke too soon on O. He didn't throw up until this evening, but he has diarrhea now. He doesn't have an appetite at all so he hasn't really ate since before yesterday. Although, if he did eat he may very well throw it up. He hasn't drank too much today so I'm giving him some Pedialyte and hopefully that stays down.

Lite - It definitely is an adventure, but I really hope I don't have to settle on something. I don't expect my dream home, but I sure hope I have something that we will be comfortable in for years to come and I will feel content at with my children.

I'm so sorry Violet got sick. Hopefully it passes soon. I hate it when babies are sick.. I'm not eager to put T in daycare. He'll be sick constantly I fear until he builds up immunity.

Angel - That's great that your DH gets that bonding time! I was really not wanting to use formula at all with O when he was born but eventually had to because I just couldn't keep up with him. I came to accept that being able to supply most of his food was good enough and I really shouldn't beat myself up. He generally had 1 formula bottle a day.

I have one breast that seems to produce more, but like you said it could just be because the other doesn't get expressed as well with a pump. If it doesn't produce as well it could be that it isn't as easily stimulated as your other, but your other makes up for it. I wouldn't worry too much as long as you are producing enough overall and still from both.

That's great that you only need to make one trip. I need to call and see if they can put T's and O's appointments together. T's 2 month is a week before O's 2.5 year.

Pomp - I'm so sorry his hole is less likely to heal on it's own. They're going to want to keep a close eye on him, just because the heart is so important. I'm sure he'll have many more appointments than normal. I'm sure they've given you things to report to them and what to watch for and if he's eating well and gaining weight that is such a good sign. I am really glad he's doing well, though.

Froggy - Yes, I do the side lying feeding. It works well at night, but if he's really fussy nothing seems to work. It's basically waiting out the storm until he finally falls asleep.

Newbie - That's great news! Like Froggy said, maybe he just needed a little more time. Apartment hunting can be just as stressful. Worse in some ways considering you don't know what your landlords are going to be like. When we first moved in the management here was horrible. They let pretty much anyone in. When the new management took over I was so glad. They literally had the police come arrest someone out of the building I live in just downstairs for drug use and it wasn't like the guy was really hiding it. He had a lot of cleaning up to do.

Froggy - I love having a little chunker! T was 9lbs 3oz at his 2 week check up. That put him 15oz OVER birth weight. I'm just going to always have big built chunky babies.

Apple - We understand! Glad to know you're reading along, though!

T is awake already.. maybe.. maybe had a half hour.
Oh I forgot to comment about pumping more on one side, but that was the same with me last time and it didn't affect things at all, so don't worry about!

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