January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Lite - I knew what you meant! I was just saying that since I'm glad he's finally calming down some. I'm trying not to get too hopeful on it getting even better. Could get worse again for all I know!

I don't know about the early talking. O was early with everything and he still delayed on the talking. He's definitely where he should have been at 2 years and maybe a little further. I'm hoping T will be on track with his speech. It's a frustrating one to wait for. I worry that O is going to have problems in daycare because he doesn't communicate as well as others. The YMCA may be good for him and they track development there so with their whole set up I'm sure they are well educated on working with children. Still bothers me since I know what he usually wants/means and I can just imagine how much more frustrating it's going to be for him when the person doesn't know him as well. Hopefully he will be too busy playing to really have much of an issue.

Yeah, definitely no fun constantly trying to keep up with the growth! T is almost in 3-6 month clothes already. O needs a bunch of 3t clothes for the warmer weather that will be coming before I know it. I have to buy more 6-9 month clothes as well because they're all for cold weather.

I keep looking at double strollers, but really hoping I can hold out for awhile. Unless I get something more airy I don't know how well baby wearing will go when the warm weather comes. He was sweaty on a cooler day.

It's my old job. Just picking up shifts for now. Nothing out there seems to work for us. It's so frustrating. I should just go back to school get a 80-120k paying nursing job and tell him to stay at home. Ha!
I would imagine that might be frustrating for O if no one at the daycare can understand him properly. But you might be right that it could also encourage him to talk a little more. Hopefully it all works out.

I won't be able to baby wear and use the single stroller until it much nicer out so months to go yet, and I don't feel comfortable doing it out and about at the mall or whatever because then I would have no where to put Violet down if I needed! It would definitely be nice to save the money though. I am hoping to find something used maybe.

Do you not have a nursing job now? That's what I thought you did. Sorry nothing is working out for you yet but I hope something better comes up soon. At least that will be low pressure to just pick up shifts for a while. I'd imagine you wouldn't want too many right away
Literati - thanks for the moral support. Sorry Violet won't go to sleep in the swing either.

I feel a little apprehensive about scheduling the vasectomy already, but DH would rather get it done while I'm still on maternity leave in case he's in pain afterward.

I'm actually feeling slightly guilt-ridden about him getting “fixed” instead of me. It was the plan all along and he doesn't mind doing it, but then he was jokingly making me promise not to divorce him or die and I realized that if I were to die he'd probably remarry and might want to have another child. Whereas if he died and I remarried I'd STILL not have another kid. Morbid thoughts I know, but it makes me feel like maybe I should be the one getting sterilized. But then, I've done enough when it comes to birth control and bearing children, so it's kinda his turn…

Ally - that's sucks that the standard tools don't work for Isa either! It's hard when you see other babies be easy-going and you have a hard one. I used to marvel at people having a quiet meal out at a restaurant with their baby napping in a car seat. DD would never have done that.

Vrogers - that's good that your pediatrician is taking your seriously. I hope the formula change works for her, but if not then I hope medicine does. I've heard of medicine making a big difference for reflux babies.

AliJo - funny that you tried the mamaroo too but have more success with a swing. I might try a different swing if the mamaroo isn't a success. We have an old one that someone gave me for DD and it only swings one direction. I agree it is so hard to have a poor sleeper. Glad to hear T is getting easier and more interactive.

I hope going back to work goes well. I can totally understand your DH being apprehensive. My DH is not looking forward to me going back either. Though it should be easier this time around because I have more telework flexibility. But still.

AFM - things are better today. I've been putting Jack down on the couch on his belly for naps and he sleeps great there. Just got the mamaroo today and set it up, but I haven't tried it for sleeping yet. I put him in it for a few mins when he was nearing nap time, but was still mostly happy. He got sick of it soon, lol. Oh well.

I never put DD down on her belly for nights and I don't think I can bring myself to do it with Jack either, but I'm almost positive he'd sleep better at night that way. :-/

It was nice out today so DD got to play in her sand table and I took the two of them for a walk to the playground. Thankfully getting DD’s bath done right now while Jack’s on the couch again.

Parents are coming tomorrow for lunch. Need to remind my mom to bring her baby scale and report back to you guys with his weight!

Oh, last night was a bit of a pain. Jack was falling asleep again in my arms before 10 so I decided to stop and get us both to bed. Well it was another over an hour of bouncing and rocking and nursing with him only dozing and waking before we were both really asleep. Then DD came into the room around 2:15 wanting to be tucked back in. 20-30 mins later she came back - I guess she couldn't fall back asleep. So she came into bed with me and Jack. Then around 5:00 he was being too fussy and noisy so I took him into DD’s room and left her in mine! Then his diaper leaked around 6:30. Changed and fed him but didn't properly lay back down because I figured DD would be up any minute...only dozed leaning back upright...and of course she slept until 8:30!
Ali- glad T is settling out and not quite as fussy! I have heard it's more fun when they're more interactive so I'm ready for that stage. Im sure dh will do fine as well, but I definitely don't blame him for being nervous. Also it's good they would be in daycare so close to you. Hope you were able to go for a walk, sounds like nice weather for one!

Literati- I think if we did, probably start trying when Lillian is 2ish, but of course we haven't discussed it lately so it could change. I agree that men seem to enjoy kids more when they can interact more, it makes sense!
It's funny how the number of kids we want changes after the first baby comes along. I do know 2 would be our limit for sure!
Movies for mommies sounds like fun! I hope you guys find a good double stroller, I would want one as well

Slammer- hopefully the mamaroo works, maybe he'll get used to it. Sorry you had such a restless night! I really took sleep for granted before having a baby!
Interested to see what jack weighs now!

Anyone else get annoyed with grandparents calling your kids "my baby"? My MIL is amazing and I really can't complain, but the other day she came over and after we got done talking about Lillian's eating problems she said "I hope my baby feels better!" Then a couple days later she used "my baby" talking about Lillian 2 more times. I love her but it bothers me! I want to tell her "your baby is grown. This is my baby" but I'm super non confrontational.
Super shallow and I know I should just get over it but man it annoys me!
VRogers - I meant to reply about the reflux thing before but apparently I never did? Anyway, I hope that new formula works but it won't be the worst thing if she needs meds. My niece had reflux and the medication was a godsend! I don't think it had any side effects and it helped her feel way better.

That sounds really annoying about your MIL calling Lillian her baby! I probably wouldn't say anything either but I am sure it would bother me. I have never had anyone say that about mine before (except dd1, which I don't mind haha).

Slammer - that sounds like a really rough night! Sorry! We have had some rough nights here lately as well as dd1 is sleeping extra terribly. For the most part DH has been dealing with her, but the other night she scream-cried hysterically for an hour begging for me while I was feeding Violet, and DH was getting super frustrated so I had to go lie with dd for an hour, then went back to Violet and was up with her for a long while. Oy, it's exhausting dealing with two!

I can see your dilemma with your DH getting a vasectomy. I doubt you will die, though, so I'm sure it won't be an issue. You are also right that you have done your fair share with birth control and child birth as well!
Also - isn't a vasectomy technically reversible? I haven't ever looked into it but that's what I thought.
Vrogers - my mom does that a bit - the "my baby" thing. It has really bugged my sister in the past. She also has nicknames for every grandchild, and while you'd think it was cute, it actually grates on me because it makes it seem like she's more invested and interested in them than she really is.

Literati - eesh, sounds like a rough night with DD1 crying for an hour for you! I would lose my mind for sure. When I step back and think about it I'm sure DD was fussy and hard early on too, but it's the burden of caring for two that makes it so much harder. My baby crying just sends me over the edge and when I'm trying to care for both with him crying I really lose it very quickly because she is still talking to me and needing things and all I want is for them both to just STOP. That's when I feel like I really can't handle this whole thing. At least if DH were here every night it would be easier, but doing it alone is so hard.

Yes, a vasectomy can possibly be reversed but it's not a guaranteed success.
Lite - I'm a registered nurse at a long term care facility, but definitely is not what I wanted to do when getting my RN. I'm bitter about it, but it pays. I meant going back to become a nurse practitioner or midwife.
If shifts are available I'll probably be on two a week. Need the money so I can start to save some hopefully for when we move. There is a house I have my eye on if it doesn't sell soonish. I need to be able to work consistent hours, though.

Slammer - I'm sure T would sleep better on his stomach as well, but I can't. I wouldn't even do side sleeping if it wasn't for his high pitched breathing.

I'm glad you got to enjoy the nice weather. T slept like all day and I didn't want to disturb it because it was nice being able to get stuff done so we stayed in.

Sorry for the rough night. I wish I could leave DS1 in a bed and take another. They constantly wake each other up.

Vrogers - I definitely hate it. My MIL does it and it makes my skin crawl. Partly because I don't get along with her well, but I generally don't like it anyways.

AFM - Laying in bed with T sleeping and O using my tablet. I swear it's the only way to make that kid stop moving. He will run till he naps then wake up and repeat. He needs a yard so bad. I would love to just let him run his energy off. I really want to know how he is going to keep meat on his bones because he isn't wanting to eat much. He didn't have a proper meal at all today and barely snacked. He's been bad at eating it seems since T arrived. I can't make time to sit and encourage it either. Not normally anyways. I'm at a total loss of what to make him anymore because he won't eat it. Sorry that just went from one thing to another.
I'm getting really annoyed with this postpartum bleeding. After O I couldn't remember if I bled again after the initial bleed. I did, but only remembered after they asked me again at my 6 week if I had my period yet. The first time I thought I did but really didn't and didn't get my period back till after I was done breastfeeding. Well this time I just keep bleeding off and on and it's getting quite annoying. I don't believe there is an issue, it's just annoying. So, I thought to complain!

One more night on my own. It's funny how at first the days alone felt like they lasted forever. Now I hardly noticed it's been 3 days already. I still have a rough day here and there, but for the most part it's all fine. I don't get anything done outside of taking care of the boys usually, but that's all that really matters! I'm actually about to attempt to get some cleaning done since T is sound asleep in the swing. It's been a blessing the last couple of days. Really helps put him to sleep if he's tired enough. The issue is half the time O comes over and makes it almost impossible to get T to sleep. I think we're going to have issues with nap times down the road because of that.
It's been a LONG WEEK! I've been sick with a nasty cold, and I'm pretty sure Melody is going through her six week growth spurt because she's been extra fussy and eating every hour to two hours. :dohh: In one of her big fussy fits this week we decided to try a calming bath because she loves bath time. Before we do bath time we always run the shower on hot to get the room all steamy and the air warm so she doesn't get chilled. The minute I turned the shower on she stopped crying. Since then the two or three times this week that I couldn't console her I've gone into the bathroom and turned on the shower and instantly she's stopped crying. One night in desperation, she was definitely hungry but wouldn't latch because she was too upset, so I ended up in the bathroom, sitting on the floor breastfeeding with the shower running on hot (so I could breath the steam for my sinuses and she could listen to the shower run). Crazy! But hey, whatever works!

So.... there's a chance i might get to take an addition 5-6 weeks of Maternity leave! My aunt works for a law firm up in Seattle (she's not a lawyer but has a pretty good job there doing....I don't know what but important stuff :p ). Anyway, she told me that there's no reason I should be returning to work at less than 12 weeks and that the way my HR department made me move my leave dates was unacceptable. I questioned her about it and found out that Washington state has its own Family Leave Act that acts in ADDITION to the Federal leave act. So in addition to the 12 weeks of FMLA, Washington allows an extra 6 weeks for "pregnancy disability" (any time you had to stop working due to doctors orders for pregnancy before birth) and after birth allows for 6 weeks recovery + 12 weeks bonding time (total 18 weeks post-birth). It runs concurrently with FMLA. So the week I went out before birth would count as disability and then I should be allowed an extra 6 weeks post. Instead of returning March 27th, I should be able to stay out until the beginning of May!

I checked with my Union rep and she checked with our union legal department and they said that I am definitely allowed that time (and that my HR department really screwed up by not telling me about it....they want copies of our communication to see what was said because they may have violated my contract). My union rep has said that we will talk to HR about getting the extra time but she recommends waiting until March 1. The current head of HR is leaving at the end of February to a new job, and she's the one that's been messing things up this year. She's new to our district this year, and things ran very smoothly before she came along. Now everything takes 3-4x as long to process and she's a real B**** about everything. She's the reason my dates were changed. Once she's gone my rep says it should be a quick process to get me the extra time, but while she's there she could delay the process and I'd end up having to go back to work before she finished the process and then try to take leave again and that'd be a mess.

Anyway, that was a long explanation. But FX I can get the extra time with Melody! I could push it to mid May but financially we can't afford that much time without a paycheck. So if all goes well, I'll go back the first week of May. The only part that is sketchy is that with anything past the 12 weeks of Federal leave, the district COULD possibly make me pay for the entire cost of our insurance instead of just the little premium I'm paying now. My premium is usually $300 a month for the family, but if I pay the total its $1200! :wacko: We were debating if it was worth having a month with no pay AND paying $1200 but I decided that since we could swing it financially then it is worth it to have another 4-5 weeks with Melody.

Ali - so sorry you didn't get that house! I really hate house hunting too! It's awful!

That sucks about the bleeding! I've been spotting off and on up until the last couple days, but I suspect it only stopped because we had a lot of bad weather and I stopped going on walks. Whenever I was doing very much on my feet I'd start bleeding again! :(

I love what you said about at first the nights seemed so long and now you almost don't realize it's been that long. I'm the same with the days now. Thursday night DH mentioned only one more day and then weekend and I was surprised toh ear it was Friday already (I literally have lost all track of what day of the week it is :dohh: ). But at least it means we're handing things better now. :)

Ally - Oh I'm so sorry about the plugged duct! That sounds awful! I haven't had that yet, and I hope I never have to! Hope it clears up soon!!

As for the 90 minute cycle, I definitely see something similar with Melody. No matter how long she sleeps (as long as she gets around 20+ minutes), she has about 60-90 min before she's tired again. If her nap gets closer to 40+ minutes we get 90 minutes of wake time but if it's 15-30 then usually an hour later is bed time again. Sometimes she won't "act" tired, but if I go ahead and start the process of putting her to sleep at about 70-80 minutes then she almost always starts to drift asleep within a couple minutes of bouncing.

Slammer - sorry that Jack is being so fussy. I was having a similar problem with Melody so I just started putting her down to sleep if she'd been pu for more htan 45 minutes. I watch for her sleep signs but if she gets to an hour and I haven't seen any sign of wanting to sleep I go through our sleep routine (change her, swaddle, bounce or rock for a few mins) and she usually starts to fall asleep shortly after. Since I started doing this she's been a lot less fussy. It's a pain in the butt and I Have to watch the clock pretty closely but it does help with her (and once she wakes up I always try to feed her first thing after waking). Now that we've done that she's much better awake and will play on her playmat for 10-20 minutes when she's awake, or just chill in her swing or bouncy. I don't know if it would help for Jack.

pompey - that's great that he latched and got milk!! With breastmilk jaundice is there anything that needs to be done or does it sort itself out? Also, wonderful news about the heart scan! Sounds so positive!! Keeping FX that everything continues well! <3

newbie - I hadn't heard of giving baby VitD drops. Is this a common thing that I just missed?

vrogers - Oh I'm so sorry to hear about feeding issues. I wonder if it is reflux. Poor girl. Let us know what doctor says.

Lite - That's so great that you aren't feeling overwhelmed right now! Just remember this feeling when you feel like you're losing it later on. :hugs: You got this mama! :)

I haven't even thought about TTC again! One is hard enough right now! :haha: We actually have talked about it and have said we want to wait until Melody is around 2 before we start TTC again. We're hoping the second one doesn't take us as long (now that we know that my problem before was low progesterone), but even if it does I don't mind the gap being a little bigger. I want M to be closer to being out of toddler years before I Have to handle another!
Angel - What a result with you being off work until beginning of May! I can't believe how awful that lady in your HR department has been to you. You must be so happy!
Hope Melody settles soon :hugs: I found after 6 weeks with Anabella, she seemed to settle much more and things became much more routine.

Ali - sorry about the pp bleeding, that sucks. Hopefully it'll pass quickly for you.
I am glad the nights are better now and are working well. The first few weeks are so hard but now you've got through it, the hardest bits are done.
Sounds like you have a good plan for when you return back to work. I can't believe how soon that is :( What does you DH do?

vrogers - none of my family call Jamie "my baby" but it would really annoy me if they did!

slammer - I really hope the mamaroo works... any luck with it so far? Although Jamie is an easy baby to settle baby (at the moment, touch wood), Anabella was difficult, so I feel your pain completely :hugs: I hope in time Jack settles down.

LL - I hope your husband has finished everything needed at work now and you can enjoy some time off together :)

AFM - Jamie has been a bit unsettled today but I am finding I can soothe him with my little finger :cloud9: He refuses a dummy, but if he is upset and I slip my little finger in his mouth he immediately calms and starts sucking. I adore that! It turned out he had a poorly tummy today and he was sick everywhere after he was unsettled.

He only woke for 1 middle of the night feed last night which was just amazing. I am sure it's a one off, but at least I know he can do it!
Slammer - I completely understand feeling overwhelmed while the baby is crying when your dd is pestering you at the same time. I feel the exact same way and I am pretty much guaranteed to lose it if Violet is crying at the same time that dd1 is asking me for something. It is very stressful! Thankfully, Violet is less fussy during the day when I am alone so I have had to deal with that less. If it were evenings I were mostly alone for, like you, I would probably lose my mind! Violet was crying for about 3 hours last night and that was super stressful for me but at least DH was home and could deal with dd1.

Ali - I am sorry about your postpartum bleeding. That is odd it is still persisting after the 6 week mark. Might be worth mentioning to your doctor.
I am glad the swing gives you a bit of a break/opportunity to clean.
Poor O with not eating much since T came along. Dd1 didn't eat much for a few days but she went back to her normal appetite shortly after.

Angel - that is amazing you might be able to go back to work in May instead. I definitely thought what you work said was quite wrong at the time so I am glad you have a leg to stand on legally! I agree the extra time would be worth the financial loss.

Pompey - wow, only one feed! Sounds amazing. I hope he repeats that for you.
Lite - I will if it becomes more abnormal or is very persistent. It's not very heavy, but it's more than spotting. It also could be from starting the mini pill up. I just hope I don't start bleeding regularly yet.

Yeah, I'm not sure why he isn't eating much. If it's just because he's being so active or if he just isn't feeling up to eating much. He at least ate some cereal for lunch today and snacked on crackers. I'll take anything I can get at this point!

Pomp - He's an overnight manager in retail. So basically I'm on my own from 8pm to 4pm the next day when he gets up.

I'm sorry Jamie was unsettled and had a poor stomach. That's cute that he'll take your finger. We're more likely to get T to take our fingers the length way. He'll even sometimes latch onto our arms and give us a hickey. I think he'll become a finger sucker because even in his half sleep state he'll try to get his hands, but just isn't coordinated enough.

Angel - T does the same when I run the bath or vacuum. White noise at it's best! Get a white noise machine and he doesn't care the least! I've had moments were I just needed a break from trying to calm him and I'd set him down then just start vacuuming whether it needed it or not. Okay, well our carpet always needs it.. darn animals!

I really hope (and don't see why you wouldn't) get those extra weeks! That's amazing! It's awful that your current HR put you in this position, though. That should have been completely out in the open for you. Glad another HR is coming in so that the process should be smooth and actually get done!

AFM - T had some great tummy time. It amazes me how fast they get stronger! O absolutely loves it when he's on the ground and will lay down with him and just laugh and talk to him. Although, he gets too excited and I have to really watch him. This was kind of funny.. this morning T lifted his head and kind of bonked it a little on O's forehead. Nothing hard.. but O decided to cry like it hurt and T had zero reaction. Face palm moment.

O is napping with DH and I got T asleep. So I decided to try to take a shower, but didn't want to leave him where I couldn't see or hear him. I can't hear him even with the door open because the shower and fan in there is just too loud. I actually could probably hear him, but I'm always paranoid and THINK I hear something when I'm in there. So I got out my new baby monitor and set it up. I haven't had a use for it yet so haven't tried it out. Definitely love it! It's a video one and my first impression of it is really good. The brand is Infant Optics. Wasn't cheap, but I feel it's worth it so far. You can hook up to four cameras to it so eventually when we get a house I'll most likely get another camera so I don't have to move it around.
Ali - that's awesome that you're getting better at handling the nights on your own. Can't wait until things get easier here. Well, they're fine if Jack is asleep when I'm handling DD, but if he's awake that's when it's crappy.

I hope your bleeding stops soon. I still have yellowish discharge and I'm soooo ready for it to stop. Continuously wearing pads is I think the only reason I still have any discomfort down below. I just want to stop wearing them and just have my underwear against me.

I have the Infant Optics video monitor too, and have three cameras hooked up to it. It's really awesome. It does interfere with the WiFi on my phone if I'm near one of the cameras, but really can't complain because it's so great otherwise.

Angel - Jack is still asleep the vast majority of the day, so his brief wake periods it's hard to know if he actually wants to be awake or not. But once he's fussy I do try to put him to sleep, but that one rough evening we had he just wouldn't properly fall asleep...he kept dozing and waking easily. I look forward to him actually having more awake time and being more predictable.

That's really awesome that you will be getting more time off! The time together will be worth it even for a financial hit. Sucks that you had to go through a load of BS with that HR lady.

Pompey - wow, one waking! That's awesome! Sorry Jamie was not feeling well though.

Some success with the mamaroo today. DH put him in there once he was asleep and he seemed like he was going to wake, but fell back asleep and stayed in it for almost an hour. Later I tried the same and he woke, but was chilling in it and almost fell back asleep, but pooped instead so had to get him out. Hoping for some more successes!

Literati - omg three hours of crying for Violet! The poor thing! And poor you too. Very stressful I'm sure.

AFM - my parents came over today and we had a good visit. My mom brought her baby scale, yay! Jack was 11 lbs 8 oz before a feed, and 11 lbs 11 oz afterward! Feeling proud of my chunker! I think we'll have to move up to size 2 diapers very soon - if only to get more absorbency at night. He doesn't always poop at night now but he will leak if I don't change him at least once, so I'd like more absorbency so he can last longer.

DH is about to leave for work and I feel like as soon as he does Jack's going to wake and be fussy while I'm trying to do bedtime with DD. We shall see!
Slammer - Thanks. The evenings have become a very fussy time for Violet and I am starting to dread them. I already miss the first week when she slept around the clock.
Violet is the same with only having a couple awake times per day so it's hard to know if she is content to be awake then or not. I don't have her quite figured out yet.

Wow, good for Jack! What a chunker indeed! I am glad you finally got to weigh him.

I hope jack stayed sleeping while you put dd to bed.

Ali- wow, that is not a lot of food. But ya you can't really do anything about it. Hopefully his appetite returns soon.

I am glad you like your video monitor. My dd likes when Vi does tummy time too.

AFM - My pp bleeding only just turned brown-ish from bright red a couple days ago! The public health nurse lectured me about sitting on the couch more to slow it down so I did but yeah it's still heavier than I would like. I can't wait for it to be over either.

DH has another migraine today, on our first full day off together. Interestingly, he never had one the two weeks he was back at work but he had at least 3 the week he was off when Violet was born. Sometimes I wonder if he gets them just to avoid us. Probably a paranoid thought, but it does make me wonder. Or maybe when the stress of work isn't around, his body finally feels it can get the migraine it has been waiting for? Like when you get sick as soon as you take time off. Idk. Blah.
Hi all, sorry I haven't been replying much lately. It has been a bit crazy here. I have been reading but not able to reply.

Everyone seems to be handling her different challenges like a champ. I'm still in awe of those of you with more than one. I have amazing support from my mum (sadly not as much from dh) and I still feel like I am not getting everything done that I need to. I confess, Z hasn't had a bath in a few days... I have no idea how you do it with two or more.

I start work again tomorrow. Not looking forward to it at all. Well, I am because I like my job, but I'm not looking forward to being away from Z for most of the day. I know I am incredibly fortunate that he will be there at work with me, but I am going to struggle to just hand him over to someone else and walk away, especially when he is crying. Thankfully that person will be my mum for the first week or so.

We also found a new apartment and signed the lease. Therefore we also have to move! Dh is leaving for a work conference in Australia on Sunday for two weeks. Very bad timing.

Anyone have any ideas about how I can alter Z's feeding schedule? Currently, he wakes at 1am then again at around 4-4:30am. I really want that second feed to be 5-5:30 (or 6-6:30) because that's better timing for me taking him to work. Not to mention better sleep for both of us. It makes it a long day when I get up at 4am! Any suggestions would be helpful. Oh, the feed prior is any time between 7-9pm and he still wakes at 1am-ish.
Ll our violets are so similar. She is soooo fussy on a night. It started about 4.5 weeks and has peaked recently. It does not seem like colic but more overstimulation. X
Hi guys, hope everyone is well. Sorry for the lack of input. I had a pretty rubbish labour in the end which resulted in emergency c section. Long painful story but my surprise baby boy arrived safely (eventually) 7th January at 7lb 2oz. Recovery has been pretty gruelling but finally on the mend. Looking forward to catching up with everyone's stories! Xx
Sunshine - Congratulations on baby boy!! I'm sorry labor was no good and you had to get emergency c section! That had to be rough. I'm glad you're on the mend and am excited to hear from you!

Newbie - I'm so sorry you have to start work so soon. Hopefully the transition isn't too hard on you or Z.

I don't have much advice on trying to change his feeds. After his 4:30 feed you could try to feed him again at the time you prefer. He probably won't eat as much as normal, but it may shift his schedule. You might find that he adjusts on his own once you start work. For me when I go back to work I'm going to feed T before I leave or at least encourage it. Then pump on the way.. yep on the way. I'll make it so I can do it hands free. Ha..

Hopefully your move goes smooth and quickly. I'm actually excited to pack and move when the time comes because I want out of here so bad!

Lite - Nope, definitely not! All his go to foods when he's being picky are a total fail lately.

My bleeding took awhile to stop being red. I knew it was because I wouldn't slow down those first two weeks. Constantly busy and cleaning instead of taking it easy.

I would be thinking the same! It's probably like you said and he gets them like you tend to get sick when you have free time. I actually read something about that and they think it's because your body knows you don't have time to be sick so it fends it off till you have time to be sick. I don't know, it was something like that. Maybe he has triggers at home that cause them when he's home more often?

Slammer - I'm sick of pads as well. I just want to feel normal down there again.

I'm glad you really like the monitor. Makes me feel more sure I made a good buy. I feel it'll be really handy when we have a house.

Wow, Jack is a doing awesome!! What was he at birth again? We definitely have some little chunkers! I have two cousins that had babies recently, one before and one after. They're both small! The one born before was still in newborn clothes not long ago. The second one was the one they didn't know they were expecting till 6 months along. Nothing wrong with little ones, though! Sometimes I wish because then they would feel like little babies longer, but the chunky ones are fun too!

AFM - About out of size 1 diapers. So glad to be done with them. He definitely needs to be in 2s. He was in one last night and it helped.

T seems to be sleeping more during the day. Which is good I think, because I don't think he was sleeping enough before. He still has decent wake periods.

O has recently taken to wanting to chase the animals. Our dog gets locked up a lot more now to protect them both. He's a good dog, but no reason to chance it. The cats just run from him, but I don't like him tormenting any of them. He doesn't want to listen either and when he does he just starts back up.

Does everyone kind of have a schedule their LOs have when it comes to eating? I just don't pay attention so I have no idea haha.. It does seem to have a rhythm to it, but I just go with the flow. I just feed on demand. My old pediatrician would ask how often and how long O would feed and I'd be all "Uh.. when he wants to and how long he wants to?" She kind of seemed baffled and expected he should follow the pattern of 2-3 hours and about a half hour. I didn't see why she should pressure the question as long as he was having plenty of diapers and gaining. My new pediatrician is much nicer to talk to and work with.
Midnight- Violet's also really seems to be overstimulation as well. That is so funny our Violets are so alike! :haha: I hope these super fussy evenings stop soon!

Sunshine - congrats on your baby boy! I am sorry it resulted in emergency c-section.

Newbie - does he take a top-up if you offer between feeds? Like if he nursed at 5:30 would he still take a bit at 6:30 when you want him to? That is probably what I would try first because he is quite young to try to stretch his feeds already. You certainly could see if he could be rocked or soothed to sleep in another way at his 5:30 feed time to see if he could last until after 6. I definitely wouldn't push it if he still wants milk though. Good luck with going back to work. I can't even imagine doing that when baby is so young. You're a trooper! That's amazing he will at least be at work with you! Does that mean you work at a daycare?

Also, I only bathe Vi every few days so don't worry about that. It's definitely hard to keep on top of any of that stuff. And my house is a disastrous mess! I just focus on keeping everyone alive.

Ali - I only feed Violet on demand but I write it down when she does just for my own reference, and she's actually one of those babies who actually does follow an every 2.5-3 hour "schedule" (except in the evenings when all bets are off). Again, she does this naturally and I have done nothing to encourage it. My dd1 fed hourly for 40 minutes each so only 20 minutes in between feeds if I was lucky. So I am very thankful Violet eats less often! I wouldn't worry about keeping track of feeds if you don care to. Who cares what the dr thought! As long as T is gaining well, which he is, it doesn't matter at all how often he eats. I am probably in the minority of people who obsessively keeps track!

The logic of your body waiting until
It's "allowed" to get sick or whatever makes sense to me. I have always noticed that.
My bleeding is back to bright red today. Ugh. Not sure if I should go to the dr. The nurse did seem a bit concerned about it still being red but it is a lighter flow now and I am so lazy.
Lite - I'm kind of curious now.. ha.. maybe I'll track for a few days and see.

Lol at being lazy. I'm kind of the same. I won't even mention some things just to keep conversations short when I'm with a doctor.

I thought my bleeding was slowing down last night. Nope..

T needs to nap and O is making it impossible. Getting impatient.. trying really hard to not lose it..

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