January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

The crying can be stressful. The other day was nearly 4 hrs :o luckily the bad ones seem less than the general fuss but it is so strange. Like clockwork 5.30pm she starts no matter what she is doing or what mood she is in. Last 2 nights we have tried warm bath at 6ish (crying peak!) Followed by milk and cuddles with white noise. Last 2 nights this has settled her on our chests by 7.15ish. Usually I leave her in bouncy chair with my OH while I put toddler to bed but last night I settled her in my room with white noise machine, I slid her off on the bed when she was sleep at 7.10. I left the door open and sorted the other kids. She was still soundo at 9pm so I actually had a bath in peace. I even read my book (gentle sleep guide which I recommend). At 10pm she was still asleep (this is typical for her) so we moved her off duvet and went to bed. (We still co sleep but made it safe for when we went to sleep) we chatted a bit and she didnt wake at all till 2.45 so she had gone just over 7hrs :o little poppet! I fed her and she fell asleep on the bottle and slept again until 6am when my OH fed her. We usually get her up for the day anytime 6-8 depending when she wakes naturally.

I hope you feel better soon lL. Its a really tough time I think.

I hope Jamien regains his weight. Maybe he is just adjusting himself to where he wants to be.

Sorry for who I missed. Jade wants some cereal so will check back soon x
midnight- thanks for sharing video! its so cute! i love the sling!

lit- yup i am trying my best to get rid of it. On two diff antibiotics and nurofen which really helps. Isa seems to prefer my mastistis boob actually so hes always on it, and then i pump after. its so sore to massage it. I read cabbage leaves help, as does rubbing honey. I have a bowl of honey and cabbage leaves next to me haha. Fingers crossed it will run its course soon!
sorry v had a late night of crying.
im sorry you are feeling low and not enjoying time with dh. I agree with slammer that its just part of the adjustment. i am sure he isn't avoiding family time, but just dealing with the change in his own way. Why don;t you suggest an activity you can both do together? watch a movie or start a tv series together, where you can try and cuddle up on couch to watch?

slammer- glad u had an easier night with bedtimes! that is great about the carrier! i have one but it was a gift from my friend and its not that great. I would love to use a carrier more.

vrogers- yes its hard to reply but i do love catching up with everyone on the site!

pomp-sorry about the weight drop! it must be worrying but don't panic. Im sure all is fine and it was just a one off! im glad you got to go out , it really helps. its sunny here today so hoping to get out for a walk later.

afm- still sore with mastitis, i feel sorry for myself. i never knew breastfeeding was so tough. Anyway trying to stay positive and hopefully the stronger antibiotics will get rid of it.

but on a positive note- isa slept mostly in his crib last night and slept for about 4 hours straight. His two awakenings were very short. i think that is the most he has slept. i know its probably a one off but i feel good that i got extra sleep last night!
Thanks RE sling. It was an ebay cheapie 5 yrs ago. I know they say stick to brands but it has done me well. I tie it on over my clothes every day and if she is sad or we need to pop for a walk I just pop her in as no need for extra layer outside as she is warm on me. Just a hat usually over sleepsuit x
Midnight - fab! It looks so cosy! I would love something like that x
Slammer - That is kind of odd that you haven't lost anything since the first week! But I am sure that if you lost all your weight by 3 months last time that it will be at least somewhat similar this time. I also took about 2.5 months to lose it all last time. I also look forward to not looking pregnant anymore! I think part of the reason I gain so much and then lose a lot so rapidly at the beginning is because I gain a lot of water weight when pregnant.

midnight - poor fussy Violet! 4 hours is a long time. That must have been stressful. That is good at least she settles for the night a bit earlier so you can get your others to bed. I look forward to the day I can get Violet to settle earlier, as this midnight or 1 am business is quite exhausting. The twoish hours of crying is continuing so that sucks. DH finally got her to sleep last night because I was done with trying.

Ally - I am really so sorry your mastitis is persisting. That would definitely make for a bad BFing experience.

Thanks. We did watch a movie last night and that was nice. Problem is we don't have alone time ever. Dd1 doesn't go to bed until 11 and Violet is up until at least 11 If not midnight or 1 am so then it's straight to sleep for us and starting all over again the next day. It would be nice if we got some alone time ever, but oh well. Just have to accept that we have children who don't need sleep.

AFM - This morning I had a play date with someone I had only met briefly once before. I was nervous about it since I didn't know her well but it turned out to be fine and it was so good to get out of the house! Dd1 had a great time and made friends with her two year old daughter. Violet slept the whole time. I was grumpy with DH this morning but after getting out of the house I feel much more loving. Haha
Midnight - sounds like a pretty good night for Violet overall! Jealous of her long stretch of sleep! I hope the long crying spells decrease.

Ally - a good night for you too, lucky! I'm sure that felt nice.

Literati - I was going to say getting out of the house would probably make you feel better. I am a homebody, but after a stretch of days without leaving the house I start to feel very blah. That's great you had a good play date. I need to get out there and try to make new friends again. I had a couple mom friends/acquaintances finally with daughters near my DD’s age, but both of them just moved far away recently, so time to get back out there.

I think I'm not losing weight because I'm eating like crazy still. The hunger has subsided a bit, but I'm still eating a lot. I'm also not active at all. I want to try to get out walking a bit now.

AFM - Jack has been awake a good bit today. The last two mornings he's been grunting like crazy and fussing at around 5am and I lost my cool both times - today DH must have heard me from the spare room and came and took him away so I could sleep. I think I need to adjust my expectations and just start going to bed earlier and basically plan on being up for the day at 5. :(

Did so much laundry today! Exhausted from it actually!
Ugh I am having the hardest time getting Melody to sleep for more than 30 minutes during the day. And in the afternoon/evening she'll sleep no more than 5 minutes! :wacko: It makes nighttime before we go to bed a nightmare because she's overtired. On the positive side, the last 2 nights she has slept from around 11pm - 4am! both nights I have woken up around 1-2am really sore/engorged and so I've woken her up just enough to get her to feed enough to make me comfortable again and go back to sleep ("dream feed"). I'm sure it's just a fluke, but I'm secretly hoping she keeps it up, it's nice to get some decent sleep! <3

Lite - yeah I thought my HR had been wrong too but didn't know any way to fight it, especially since HR is supposed to be the department that looks out for the employees.

30 lbs? Wow! Congrats! I am down to pre-pregnancy weight (maybe off by a lb or two) BUT I am not able to comfortably fit into the jeans. I didnt' gain much on the scale (about 20-25lbs) but it all went to my stomach. So I've basically lost the weight but it didn't all LEAVE from the stomach. lol. I think my butt is smaller now. :haha: I think I'm going to have to start exercising again before my stomach will go back down to fitting in prepregnancy pants. I'm still wearing maternity pants because they're just so comfy! :haha:

I'm so sorry about your mood. TBH, I'm having a similar few days. I was really apathetic the last couple days. I'm glad that getting out of the house seems to have helped some. I hope that you start to feel better soon. :hugs:

Sounds rough with the schedule you keep. Do you have anyone who could watch the kids for a couple hours and maybe you and DH could have a short time out? Maybe a quick meal? Even if it's just a fast food meal, but something you could do together.

Ali - Yeah I tried a shower white noise sound from YouTube and it doesn't do the trick as well as the real shower does! Sounds like your boys are having a lot of fun, it's great that O loves to lay with him when T has tummy time!

I think I need to set up our baby camera too. I get paranoid if I am going to shower because I can't see or hear M.

I don't have much of a schedule for Melody's eating. I tend to feed on demand but I always make a point of trying to feed her right after she wakes up from a nap even if she doesn't act too hungry because she eats better when she's well rested, when she's fussy she's likely to fight latching on. I've noticed she has a rhythm of eating about every 2-3 hours.

Slammer - I've had a few nights like that too, where baby will keep dozing and waking and nothing seems to keep her down. Hopefully both our LO's will end up having more predictable schedules soon!

Sounds like the mamaroo is helping some! Hope it keeps working for you! 11lbs 8oz? Wow! Melody is just barely hitting 11oz! :haha:

I've never heard of the zipadee-zip. I'd be interested to see if it works. Melody falls asleep really quickly when swaddled, but during sleep there are definitely times when she's better off having one arm "Free" (she likes to cover her face with her hand when she sleeps), if both are completely swaddled than sometimes she'll get mad if she starts to wake up and can't move one. I use the halo swaddle sack for nap time but I don't swaddle her at night because I'm not comfortable with her completely swaddled when bed sharing, sometimes she rolls to the side and I want her to have her hands free if she needs to.

newbie - I can't imagine going back to work right now. i'm so sorry that you have to go back already. That's great that at least the first week will be your mom helping watch him, that will alleviate your anxiety a little. :hugs: Best of luck returning to work.

Not sure about altering the feeding schedule, but maybe you could slowly try to push the feedings a little later? So the last feeding you do before the 1am feeding, maybe start to slowly make it later (add 15 minutes each night?) and hopefully that will push his 1am feeding a little later and then as a result his 4-4:30 one a little later. You could also try adding a "dream feed", where you wake him up just enough to get him to eat and then drift back to sleep. So if his last feeding was at 8pm, then maybe around 10-11pm you get him to wake up just enough to eat, and then go back to sleep and hopefully that will be enough to push his 1am feed back. Not sure if it will work but it might be worth a shot.

Sunshine - congrats!!

Midnight - 4 hours of crying?! :wacko: I think I would have lost my mind. Melody has her crying sometime between 8:30 and 9:30pm and it goes until 10:30 or 11pm usually. Luckily DH takes over for a lot of that because the screeching screams stress me out so much (by that time of day I'm so exhausted I don't have the energy). That's great that she made it so long the other night! That's amazing!

Ally - I'm so sorry about the mastitis! I hope it clears up soon! That is really awesome that isa slept mostly in his crib and made it 4 hours! I'm hoping Melody isn't much further behind that! :)
Angel - Violet is exactly the same with barely sleeping in the evening, resulting in over tiredness and tons of crying from about 8:30 or 9:30 onwards! It has gone on until midnight or 1 am the last couple nights and it is so exhausting, so I feel for you! I hope both Melody and Violet stop having such fussy evenings soon.

Don't worry about your stomach too much yet. Your uterus is just barely back to normal size now if it even is yet, and then your stomach skin still hasn't gone back to normal yet. I remember my stomach still flattened out a decent amount from month one to month two (without effort), and then after that it was much slower and required exercise and more weight loss to shrink, but you should still be shrinking naturally yet! I know just what you mean though. When I lost all my weight last time, my proportions definitely changed. My stomach stayed bigger than it used to be, but my hips and legs got smaller! Gotta love a nice apple shape. :p Well done on losing all your weight already (and not turning into a giant like I did!). I do hope you can fit your jeans comfortably again soon.

I am not comfortable leaving Violet with anyone yet, or at least not in the evening when she is so fussy and unpredictable. But I am sure in a month or so we could escape for an hour to two and go out for supper. We did at least get my MIL to watch dd1 on Valentine's Day so we could watch a movie together (with violet).

Slammer - I am also a homebody, but you are right that staying home for too long can really result in feeling very blah! I am glad I got out finally. I hope you are able to make some new Mom friends soon now that your other ones have moved away. I have very few so I figured it was time to put myself out there and make another.

That's awful about Jack being so fussy and noisy from 5 onward. My dd1 was like that and it made it impossible to sleep in, but she eventually stopped and actually let me sleep in quite late When she got older. So hopefully he will soon let you sleep for at least another hour or two until your dd gets up.

I hope you can get out for some walks soon. I hope to join a Mom and baby/toddler exercise class in another month or so.
DH has yet another migraine and I am stressed out of my mind dealing with both kids by myself for the fussy evening hours. Instead of getting DH to take a week off to "help" me, I should have just hired a nanny to help all week. Would have been more actual help! :(
Midnight- sounds like a good night!
Glad you were able to enjoy time to yourself

Ally- I think you have a right to feel sorry for yourself, I'm sure it's quite painful. Hopefully the antibiotics work fast! And yay for 4 hours straight!

Literati- so glad you were able to have a play date, I bet it felt nice to meet with a (hopefully) new friend while the little ones get to play.
Getting out of the house for a bit usually helps my mood!

Slammer- glad dh was able to let you get some sleep, and hopefully the 5 am wake ups get a little later!

Angel- having a similar issue with the short naps during the day! I just assume it has to do with the reflux because she basically cluster feeds (will eat 1/2 - 1 oz and sleep no more than 15 min or so) and it's exhausting! Thankfully she does sleep well at night but my days are exhausting.

Literati- oh no, I'm sorry about the evening on your own :/ evenings are so rough here too and that's with someone to help me (and only one kid) I can't imagine it on my own just yet. I hope it isn't too crazy and you're able to get some sleep at least

Had my 6 week check up today and everything is good, healing nice and bleeding stopped between 4-5 weeks, no more restrictions now.
Medicine does seem to be helping Lillian, just having trouble getting her to nap longer during the day!

Also, not sure when to expect my first pp period? I know it's diff for everyone and depends on breastfeeding/bottle feeding but was just wondering what others' experiences are! I'm not looking forward to it
Strangly enough I seem to cope with the colic ok. Maybe my meds chill me out lol. Last night Vi fed at 7pm with OH. We left her in bed while bathed and put toddler to bed. We watched lost and went to bed. Vi did not wake till 6am. OMG poor babe was starving. Am offering her extra feeds today to make up...x
Hi ladies .. My goodness, so long since I have been able to get on here and catch up. Something always gets in the way, or I go to bed with good intention and fall asleep !! Really had a full on week so sorry... Had really tough few days last week then realised I was getting period type pains in my stomach and back so it must have been my hormones getting back to normal !! I thought I was losing it for a while, i felt horrible, really emotional and frustrated...so relieved In a way when i realised what it was ! :(

Ollie doing ok, still suffering with colic at times and toddler still havivg his moments but getting better.. I'm literally just scanning so not got chance to reply to everyone but will try my best to read through when I can .. Oh been off work this week but not managed to do much as weather rubbish n we ended up having silly argument that lasted all day .. So annoying .. All sorted now , won't bore you with sll detains but basically tension was because he was wanting me to rest and im telling him to !! How stupid is that lol..!!
Hope u r all doing ok and will try to catch up soon xx
Midnight - Wow! Crazy that she slept so long! I'd be happy to get that much uninterrupted sleep except yeah I'd feel horrible because that is a long time without anything to eat or drink for someone so little! Seems like she'll be one to start sleeping through the night early. Lucky!

I enjoyed the video!

Vrogers - Last time I didn't get my cycle back until I was done breastfeeding completely. I'm hoping it will be the same with this one. For me my periods were easier on me. Didn't change in length or the fact that mine are closer together than normal. I hardly ever had any cramping and if I did it was so mild I could miss it. Hoping that continues.

Glad the medicine is helping Lillian!

Lite - I'm sorry it's stressing you out dealing with them both during the fussy times. I'm the same. Last week went really smooth and I feel I'm in for a headache this week. Last night T was so fussy and I could not do a thing for him. I finally had to wake DH from his nap and go lay down with T to get him to chill and finally fall asleep. This was after a couple of hours of nothing but fussing and crying. Honestly wish DH had a job with normal hours. My life would be so much easier.

Angel - I'm with you on the rough baby sleep. T was doing good, but now he's back to not wanting to sleep and when you do get him to sleep you can't set him down. I've gotten a few five hour stretches out of T. Hopefully they get more frequent and then turn into the norm.

Slammer - I need to get laundry done today and I am dreading it. It gives me a little bit of time away from everything since I go to the laundromat, but its not really quality time. When we get out of here and have our own washer and dryer I'll probably be excited to do laundry! I'll get over that quick I'm sure.

Sorry Jack has been getting up so early. T has a few times and it's at random. Then when he starts to fall back asleep O is up.

Ally - I'm sorry you're still battling the mastitis. Hopefully you get it under control quick! I've never had it but my friend constantly had issues with it and blocked ducts.

That's great about Isa sleeping in is crib! I keep trying, but he wakes up from reflux which I don't think would be a problem since it's mild. The problem is, is when he has reflux his airway issue acts up and that causes him to wake up.

Pomp - I'm so sorry Jamie dropped in percentiles. Hopefully it's just that he leveled off and he's still gaining steady or that he jumps back up for you!

Sorry if I missed anyone. I was trying to catch up and still not write a giant page worth. I hate getting behind on here!

AFM - T has been fussier the last few days. I think it's mostly from him being over tired because he's not been sleeping well. Fights going to sleep then once I do get him to sleep I can't put him down. He just fell asleep a little while ago and I decided to put him in the mamaroo in our bedroom away from O. O is a very loud and rambunctious child. So far he's actually stayed asleep so hopefully doing this will help me through today.

Last night was really hard for the 2 hours DH napped to try and flip his schedule. I ended up waking him up earlier than I wanted to because I could not settle T down. I had to lay down in bed with him and eventually he finally fell asleep for the night. So I was definitely worried about DH going back to work today. Hoping it won't be too bad. I probably should prepare for the worst, though.

Other than that. Not much going on. Took T to work so people could meet him. He's not the only new baby. There was one born a couple of days after T then another born just a couple of days ago.
Hi apple. Xx

Ali, I am having to use white noise to drown out the toddlers noise. It mostly works well. Worth a try. Toddlers seem so heavy handed.

Vi has fed 4oz ever 2hr today !
Apple - It's good to hear from you! I'm sorry you had an argument with OH. Having a new baby in the mix can sure increase the tension levels and I can definitely see arguments happening over silly things. DH and I get a bit snappy with each other at times and it's usually nothing. We're both just stressed out.

Midnight - Can't really drown it out if he's in the living room and we thought about putting him in O's room, but as soon as we do we know O will want to go in there and play and will just run up to the door and bang on it like he decided he likes to do recently. We have a fan running in our bedroom so it does help drown out any sound form the living room. The issue with that during the day is DH is sleeping so if T wakes up and screams like he does at times it'll wake DH and he won't be able to go back to sleep. Decisions decisions!

Well, for now I managed to get T down for another nap after waking up maybe at most a hour after getting him down the first time. He had a large BM (hasn't had one for a couple of days which O never did) and had yet another movement and has been a little more chill it seems. Hopefully he was cranky because he needed to have a BM. I can hope! O is napping as well. I guess he woke up at 5am. So at this rate I can expect an early bedtime out of him.

Instead of doing something productive I am sitting around! I am actually too afraid to do anything. I'm afraid any sudden noise will wake T. I expect one of them to wake up and wake the other.

Oh yeah, yesterday when other people were holding T, O would get upset if T started to cry at all. He would start to get upset and reach for T. It was cute. He doesn't like it when he really screams/cries because it upsets him that he's really upset. Usually if we tell him he's okay he calms down. I really hope he keeps being a protective big brother!
My "6 week" check up is next week (7 1/2 weeks). Doctor pushed it forward so that I could schedule M's 2 month vaccines at the same time as my appointment and save us on trips (thank goodness!). I'm mkaing DH take the afternoon off to go along so I don't have to worry about Melody while I'm having my exam and he can help hold her while she's getting the shots. I'm going to cry like a baby, I know it! We've been holding off on sex until after I'm cleared. I feel pretty well healed, but am nervous about sex again. Is that silly ?

Sooo what is everyone doing in terms of BC? I'm only asking because my doctor is going to recommend bc at my check up. WHen we started TTC it took me a long time to regulate after BCP (but I had been on it for 15 years!) so I had swore I'd never do hormonal bc again. I'd really prefer to use natural tracking method to avoid, in the same way we used it when TTC. However, I don't want to get pregnant for another couple years, and while BF I know that it isn't as reliable (especially temping because of lack of sleep) so I am probably going to take her up on the BC. I know that when BF my options are fairly limited, and I just want to go in as informed as possible. Was wondering what other people are planning.

Lite - Oh man! I'm so glad that Melody has been stopping her fussiness by about 11, I think I'd be dead if it was going on until 1am! :( I'm really sorry about your DH and his migraines. I wonder if they're psychological trigger? Like he stresses about helping and ends up with a migraine? I don't know, I'm just throwing stuff out there.

vrogers - I'm with you on the exhaustion. Today Melody slept an hour at a time almost every time I put her down and I was so hesitant to do anything because i was sure that by 20 minutes she'd be up again, so then after the 20 minutes had passed I kept listening for her and still didn't od much (like shower) because I was sure the minute I decided to do something like that she would wake. :dohh: I feel silly but it seems odd she's slept so long.

That's great that all is well at your check up!

Midnight - Wow!! That's a long sleep!! I know it's a long time to go without eating too, but I wish M would sleep that even half that long! :haha:

Ali - I'm doing the same thing! :haha: I got M to get some sleep and am afraid to do anything because of wakig her, or afraid I'll start something that I can't stop quickly (like shower) so I'm just sitting around watching tv and/or playing games. :haha:

Love how protective your oldest is! That's adorable!
Angel - I'm on the mini pill like last time. Then when I was done breastfeeding they switched me to the regular pill. Neither messed with me cycle wise, but I felt they killed my sex drive. They say it doesn't but I don't believe it. Honestly I would prefer a natural form of protection, but I also know we both throw caution to the wind really easily. So far it's only taken me one cycle to get pregnant both times. So I'm almost 100% sure after a few months if I don't use BC I'll be pregnant again. If I wasn't so weird about having something in me I'd do the copper IUD.

The slept for at least 3 hours probably almost 4 right before I had to get out to do laundry. I think the last few days has drained him plus I'm sure having 2 large BMs he feels better. DH had him back to sleep before I walked out the door.

I need to start adding a pumping session. I stopped after T was able to keep up with my production but I want to build up supply for work (still have 30-40 bags easily) but also want to increase production since I'm sure it'll drop some when I go back. I hope not but it killed it last time so I'm afraid it will again.
Angel - I have thought the same thing about the psychological trigger - like helping stresses him out and triggers it. It isn't like I think he has them on purpose, but almost like he brings them on by getting stressed and tense about being home or something. Blah!

I hope your appointment goes well. Good idea to bring your DH along. I still need to schedule Vi's vaccines and change my appointment so it's at the same time like you did.
For BC we will just use condoms- not that we have ANY time to dtd anyway! But I hated being on the pill and don't like the idea of being
On hormones while BFing. I have heard horror stories about IUD so I wouldn't do that.

Ali - oh ya, the pill absolutely killed my sex drive! You're not imagining it. However, BFing also killed it so it could have been that? Sorry T has been extra fussy!

Midnight - wow, sounds like your Violet is turning into an excellent sleeper. Yay!

I'll reply to more people later. Supper time.
I watched people get their IUDs removed during clinical. One they couldn't find (and they dug for it.. ouch) and the other you could tell she was very uncomfortable. That solidified me on not using it ever.

Lite - DH refuses condoms. He said he was done using them after the first time I got pregnant. We used them for like 5 years. I think he would if I really asked and pleaded him but I'd sure get a look from him. Maybe I will try to get him to use them if I feel it kills my sex drive again. He may do it for promises of more DTD sessions lol

Sorry I'm replying a lot. I'm stuck at the laundromat.

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