January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Literati - same here with not quite having Jack figured out. I think it's hard at this point when they are still not in a routine. Once the wake times become more regular it will be easier.

That's sucks your DH seems to have migraines when he’s at home and you need him. Not a nice thought to be wondering if he has them “on purpose” but I'm sure I’d wonder the same! But like AliJo I wonder if something at home triggers them.

Oh my goodness that's crazy how often your DD1 fed! Glad Violet has an easier schedule!

Newbie - I also don't bathe Jack, or even DD, every day. Never have. I try to get them both at least twice a week.

I hope the return to work goes well. That's great that Z will be there and near you if needed.

Regarding the feed, what's the goal? To be able to sleep later before waking, or to get him fed before you head to work? I used to get up at 4:30 for work when I went back at 3 months with DD and I hated it when she would wake shortly before my alarm went off. Never did anything about it though because I think it's hard to change that kind of thing. But definitely feel free to feed him again right before you leave for work, even if it's only been an hour or whatever. I used to feed DD right when I woke, then put her down still sleeping, get myself ready and eat breakfast, then feed her again right before I left just to top her up.

I hope the move goes well and you like your new apartment.

Midnight - sorry your Violet is fussy too!

Sunshine - glad to hear from you, but very sorry to hear you have a rough delivery and recovery. I hope things keep getting better for you now.

AliJo - he was 8 lbs 7 oz, so three lbs gained in less than four weeks! This is a new experience for me. DD was a much slower gainer. She broke 10 lbs around 2 months. I enjoyed her being small because she was so easy to carry around. I dunno how I'm going to haul this chunker around as he gets bigger!

I don't keep track of feed times either. I actually keep meaning to for at least one day because I'm pretty sure Jack eats every 90 minutes and I want to confirm that, but every day I forget. Same thing with the pediatrician...he’d ask how many times in a day she ate and how long and I'd be like “uhhhh I dunno...every two hours-ish - how many times is that?...for 5-10 mins? Not sure…” There's a funny cartoon meme I've seen that shows a woman at the pediatrician being asked the same things and she’s like “many many boobs-full...look my days are a blur of boobs and milk” Too funny!

AFM - last night was OK. Jack napped until I was nearly done with DD’s bedtime. He had a bit of awake time later and I was able to get all ready for bed with him laying on the play mat. I feel like it was a bit better of a night’s sleep too. DD came in around 2:15 a bit scared, but I was able to tuck her back in bed and leave her as long as I left her door open.

Jack’s a bit fussy today. Finally did a poo, so that made him happier. Napping in the mamaroo now after refusing it multiple times earlier.

Anyone else used the swaddle transition sleep sack called Zipadee-Zip? I moves DD to that at 4 months, but just ordered a couple for Jack now. It allows movement and rolling but still gives some resistance in the arms. Since Jack's so big I'm hoping to use it now with him. I currently have him in swaddle-me pods but I don't feel 100% comfortable with that while bedsharing. Hoping he'll be big enough for the Zipadee-Zip to work when I get it. I'd feel better with him having some free arm movement, but still not being completely free to startle and wake himself all the time.
Here we go...hehe


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Slammer - Well, I guess you'll get to experience both sides of the spectrum if he doesn't slow down! I thought O was big enough and T is bigger than him. I can't believe I have to start getting the 3-6 month clothes ready for him.

That's too funny about the cartoon. Definitely needed that for my first pediatrician! My current one actually never asked. Just asked how he was doing breastfeeding. The diaper one gets me, too. Like.. I tried to keep count a few times. Then things get crazy and it all just flies out the door and then several diapers later I'm like "Uhh.. how many was that?" Obviously if my child had issues gaining weight or something then I would track. I feel confident enough that I would be able to tell if something started to be off.

I never swaddle. Just seems to make my children mad. T startles some when he's laying by himself, but generally he just starts to move his legs and wakes himself up that way. That or he takes gasping/wheezy breaths and that wakes him up.. would me too. Can't wait for that to resolve. Next to me he hardly ever moves. He is on his side, though.. so I think that makes a difference. So.. I'm no help lol

Ah! lol.. I love the comic! Feels like my life for sure!
I suppose I could try not swaddling...just seems like crazy talk to me though, haha! He sleeps on his side mostly as well, so maybe it would be OK. I'm always afraid to try new things!I actually can't even get him into a proper swaddle anymore because he's so strong...just the zip up pod style that keeps his arms close but I don't have to force them into position.
Okay, so now you got me looking at mom comics and this one just made me lol.. Of course something like this would get me..

Haha! I actually have a pic of DD at 14 months old standing up in my lap while leaning down to nurse.
slammer - fantastic weight gain for Jack! He really must be packing it away, bless him!
Glad the mamaroo is working quite well so far :)
Good luck with the Zipadee-zip, I;ve not heard of it I must admit. We used the swaddleme for Anabella when she was a newborn and it worked really well. I am not keen to use it with Jamie as he seems more of a wriggler in his sleep and will sometimes end up on his side. Saying that, he doesnt seem to need it like Anabella did.

LL - I can't believe your husband now has a migraine after not having one for 2 weeks at work. I too would be a bit suspicious! My husband seems to get more tired when he is at home and needs to rest more and I sometimes wonder if it's his way or getting some alone time. Anyway I hope his migraine shifts soon so you can have some decent family time together.

Ali - We don;t have a feeding schedule here either, we just feed on demand. I don't have any track of it, but roughly he feeds 3oz every 2/3 hours night and day.

Sunshine - congratulations! I am sorry you birth didn't go as planned :hugs:

newbie - I am not sure how you can extend Z's feeding schedule. He is still so tiny that I am not sure you'll be able to have much control over it. As he grows and gets bigger , the feeds (night time especially) should start naturally spacing out a bit.
Don't worry about not giving Z many baths..... Jamie has only had 3 in total so far and Anabella is bathed 2/3 times a week at most. Oh well!
Sorry your husband isn;t able to help you out too much, but i am glad your mum is around.

AFM - the one night waking was a one off as Jamie woke more often last night. At least I know he can go longer stretches!
I am hoping it is normal and it may seem a silly thing to say... but I really am feeling so so so tired. These last few days I have had some good sleep with my husband being off work and us taking in turns to sleep and today I went back to bed with Jamie after dropping Anabella off at preschool and we slept together on and off for over 2 hours... yet my eyes are still stinging from tiredness. Not sure whether to worry or not?
Following along, just have not gotten a good chance to give a good reply! Our pediatrician (well, her nurse) said to give the formula a couple more days, call if it gets worse otherwise she will call before end of this week. It looks like we will be going with the medicine, wanted to avoid it but at this point she is so miserable I think it really would be better!

I hope all our ladies and babies are doing well, so sorry for the crappy post!
VRogers - I think the medicine will be fine and the benefits will be well worth it! I do hope maybe things will improve in the next couple days with the formula though.

Pompey - I really think it's normal that you're so tired. I have been noticing the same thing - that I'm really, really tired even if I catch up on sleep. And it's not even fatigue kind of tired. It is legitimate sleep deprivation kind of tired. I think we underestimate the toll those long interruptions in the night to feed/diaper change etc have on us. And you know what else? I am guessing that breastfeeding (pumping in your case) might take more out of our bodies than we think, too. It burns calories like crazy, so why wouldn't it also drain our energy too? I am guessing we might need a bit more sleep/rest when we are supply a human with all his/her nutrients! I also think we forget that our bodies are still healing from birth and also probably dealing with hormonal changes since pregnancy, all playing into the fact that we are really, really tired even if our husbands help or we get a sleep-in or nap. That's my theory, anyway! Because I remember needing SO much more total sleep with dd1 too, and this
Time I get far less because I have a toddler as well so I can't just sleep all day.
That's interesting your husband needs more 'rest' when he's home too. I would also wonder about that! And it isn't even necessarily that he'd be doing it on purpose, but maybe subconsciously?

I hope Jamie does more of
Those longer stretches for you soon. It would be disappointing to get a taste of better sleep one night only to have it gone the next!

Slammer - I put Violet in those swaddle pods too. I have never tried a zipadee one! Let me know if it works well for you when you try it. I do Find Violet sleeps a lot better when swaddled and she does startle a lot otherwise.

That was a funny and accurate cartoon.

Thanks. Right after I said that about Violet's feeding, she started nursing every 1.5 hours! I am hoping this is just her 3 week growth spurt!? At least it isn't as bad as dd1.
I am glad bedtime routine went ok last night.

Ali - that is interesting both of your boys have not liked to
Be swaddled. Cute cartoon too. My dd1 did some crazy positions by the end.
Lit, I think you post about tiredness and the reasons why we are so tired is accurate! I find feeding and pumping exhausting. I can be doing fine, then sit down to feed him and can almost feel my energy draining away. We shouldn't underestimate the effort we are putting in right now and be as kind to ourselves as we can. Our needs are as important, if not more so, than our little ones' because if we aren't OK, we're going to struggle to provide them with their needs.

Vrogers, I'm sorry your daughter is still not feeling well. It is a hard decision to give her meds, but try to consider if the benefits of the medication outweigh your concerns. Have you tried everything you can first? If so, hopefully the medication will help her little body cope with this tough world of food.

Thanks for your earlier advice re feeding times. My aim is to make sure I can provide him with milk when he needs it, as opposed to just when I'm available. Between 7:20 and 8:20, I can't feed him, so feeding him at 5-5:30 would hopefully mean he will be until 8:30 when I can get to him. He did well last night - woke at 1:30, then slept from 2:30-5. Feeding him now and will then top him up before leaving. Great idea!

Love the comic strips. So accurate! Z is exactly like that while feeding.
oh gosh i am getting bad at replying often. Long post alert now as i catch up :D

slammer - those are morbid thoughts! you have done more than enough- periods, pregnancy, labour etc. Your husband seems happy to do it, so it is probably best.
your night sounded tough with dd needing you also.
i love lits reply "i doubt you will die" haha, made me laugh. Its all good slammer dont worry about it!
what a chunky baby you have- how adorable!
lovr thr comic.

ali- sorry about the post partum bleeding! i hope it stops soon. I had some random light red bleeding yesterday and today. Dont know if its period or not, but whatever.
I dont notice a rhythm but i havent paid attention to it, he may well do. I might start recording just to see- but really i feel he is so random and different in regards to feeds from day to day.
love the comic! i am typing this while feeding just now lol.

angel- nice to hear from you. Can't believe what you had to do to get her to breastfeed! Babies like to really keep us on our toes eh! that is fab on the extra mat leave. Interesting you see a 90 min cycle - i havent quite seen it yet in isa but i do notice that past 90 mins he becomes overtired and extra fussy.

pomp- that is great about the one feed! isa has done that like once or twice and it was bliss! i am soo tired also, and i agree with lit- we are doing so much no wonder we are so tired. i dont know what we can do except try not nap more and rest.

lit- sorry about husband's migraines. i am sure it is genuine but get why you may be suspicious. noddng along on your reply to pomp about sleep loss.

newbie- good luck with work- how did it go? no advice on feeding schedules as isa is just random!

sunshine star- nice to hear from you! congratulations!!!

afm- still got mastitis that won;t shift! dr has given me stronger antibiotics but i am getting worried now. it can be quite painful at times other times seems ok.
DR said if it persists i may have to stop breastfeeding.
Isa has been all over the place, one night he is good, the other awful. I feel so out of control at times.

but on a more positive note, it is dh;s birthday tomorrow and at the weekend we are going away for one night to this really scenic place. I booked a self catering apartment so i am looking forward to a night away the 3 of us.

sorry if i missed anyone out. I will try to catch up sooner this time!
I am also following no schedule. I honestly dont think I will bother? Is that cause she is my 4th? I cant be arsed to argue with her. Whatever she wants to do, I am cool.

She still has evening colic but some nights are better than others so at least we get a break. She is such a sweetheart that it is so sad when she cries on an eve.

We are still bedsharing. No plans to change as I just want to sleep, whatever works. My ex detested co sleeping and it made me anxious but my OH loves it too and the support makes it better. We do have a spare bed on my daughters bottom bunk if one of us needs to get proper sleep for whatever reason.

I am reading back. I will try and set up a reply later.

I took the baby on a slide. I got some dirty looks but she was totally fine. I wouldnt take a risk with my sweetheart. By the way we call her baby swaybe as that is what my toddler calls her..


Hope everyone is well xx
Newbie - I know exactly what you're talking about with feeling your energy drain away from breastfeeding! I actually think I have literally felt fat burning off my body from it before! I remember after a particularly long cluster feed with my dd1, I felt like such a weird drained sensation like the energy/fat was leaving my body, and I looked down at my legs and they were skinnier than when I sat down, and I went and weighed/measured myself and I had seriously lost weight and inches in the hour or two I was feeding! It was insane! I also had that drained feeling the other night and I lost two pounds that day. Crazy! But yes, it really drains a lot of energy! It also makes you sleepy so that doesn't help.

Midnight - cute video of the slide! Thanks for sharing. I am glad your new partner is supportive of co sleeping! I definitely find I can't be bothered to lose any more sleep so co sleeping it is. I don't know how other people have the strength to put them back in the bassinet every time haha.

Sorry violet is still having her fussy evenings. My Violet was crying very hard until 1 am last night so that was very exhausting and sad. :(

Ali - I am so sorry you have mastitis! Are you making sure to clear those blocked ducts? Feed lots and lots on the side with a blocked duct and try massaging the painful duct WHILE feeding so that he gets the duct cleared. Then after the feed hop in the shower and massage and express until the breast is comfortable (but not too much so as to stimulate more milk production). Try different nursing positions too to get all the angles. I hope it clears up! Hugs for you. That must be so brutal.
Pompey - I agree with the others that the exhaustion is probably normal. Especially with you getting up to pump in the night and all that involves...it has to be a huge interruption to your sleep!

I am surprisingly not feeling tired during the day, but I can get very frustrated and angry in the night if it's going particularly badly.

Ally - thanks...I know such morbid thoughts! I know it really is the best choice for DH to get the snip!

Sorry you are still suffering from mastitis! I'd definitely see a lactation consultant for some more advice before considering stopping BF. They might have some more tips.

Happy birthday to your DH and I hope you have a nice night away!

Midnight - that's great your OH supports bedsharing!

Literati - crazy how draining you felt BF before. I don't really get that feeling, though I can certainly understand it. Are you losing weight fast? I am strangely stuck at the same weight and it's annoying me! I won't fit into my slacks for work when I go back if I don't drop some more pounds!

AFM - had a pretty easy day yesterday, which was nice. Jack was solidly asleep in the Ergo while I did bedtime with DD, so it was easy, and then DH was home from work not long after that after getting out early. The night was good in the earlier hours, but was up from 5-6 changing diapers, feeding, and rocking and then Jack was still sleeping fitfully after that. I didn't swaddle. Not sure if that made a difference or not.

I went to a babywearing meeting today and got to talk to some others about different carriers and tried one I really liked. Came home and I found someone on Craigslist selling the one I wanted, new in box, for half the regular price, plus another one in was considering, for even less than half price, so yay! Going to pick them up tomorrow.
Thank you, y'all have made me feel better already about the medicine. We got it called in and should be able to pick it up tonight. Really hoping it makes her feel better, everyone has been miserable! We switched formulas twice (one of those times was when dh was convinced her main issue was gas), thankfully this new formula is good on her stomach and easy to take, and for the reflux we have her sleep upright and hold her up while feeding and after, burp her, feed her super slow, etc. At this point she needs something since she's unable to even eat/sleep like she should.

Ally- I'm getting bad at finding time to reply too! I'm sorry to hear about the mastitis, I've heard that's incredibly painful. I hope the stronger antibiotics work and you are able to continue BFing!
Have fun with your family, that sounds so nice!

Midnight- sorry about the colic, that must be tough. I hear you on anything to get sleep and following what baby wants/no schedule. Figure I can work on that when she's older. Glad you ignored the dirty looks, people can be so judgmental with others' decisions.

Slammer- the meeting sounds awesome, would love to find one near where I live. And that's great you were able to find a good deal on a carrier! I loved the ergo when I used it, but I think I had the baby too low so I will try again-especially now that she's bigger.
vrogers- I hope the medicine starts working for Lillian soon and makes her feel better. I am pleased the new formula agrees with her better :)

slammer - What is the name of the carriers you like? As much as I love my papoozle, I am always interested in hearing about other ones that may work.
I am glad bed time went OK yesterday and Jack settled in the ergo.

LL -What you said about feeling tired and exhausted makes a lot of sense and put my mind at rest, thank you :) I am feeling a bit better today funnily enough! You're right, I think it's easy to forget the fact we've just had a baby and are up at least once, if not multiple times in the night even if we catch up on sleep other times.

midnight - we are doing the same - sleep and feed on demand. We love cosleeping too, it makes the nights much easier. I was obsessed with getting Anabella sleeping in her Moses basket when she was a newborn and it sucked everything out of me. This time I'm much more 'go with the flow' and it works :thumbup:
Sorry little Violet has colic some evenings, that must be bloody tough :(
Love the video! I am tempted to get a go-pro based on that!

Ally - sorry you still have mastitis, you poor thing. I've never suffered, but I think LL gave some good advice. I hope you don't have to give up breastfeeding before you're ready.
Enjoy your weekend away, it sounds lovely :)

AFM - Jamie slept ok last night, only waking for one middle of the night feed. I am still tired though!
We had him weighed this morning and he is now 9lb 13oz and has dropped from the 75th to the 50th centile which is worrying me because the cardiologist said he doesn;t want him dropping more than 2 centiles as it could indicate he is not doing so well re his heart. Going to get him weighed next week and the week after and hope he sticks on the 50th or goes back to the 75th.
Managed to get out the house today for lunch and to take Anabella to a soft play. It felt to be out and about and back into some kind of normality :)
I tried the Beco Gemini. It can be snapped to make a smaller seat width to fit newborns...I don't have the infant insert for my Ergo, and he's too small to stick his legs out so I'm not using it strictly correctly and he sits lower than he should. The Beco was super comfortable and had his legs out and properly positioned. The other that also has a feature to create a narrower seat is a Catbird Baby Pikkolo. I didn't try it out, but since the Craigslist seller has it for $50 I figured I might as well get it too.

Sorry to hear about Jamie dropping in percentiles. I'm sure you are worried! I hope his next weight checks show more growth!
Slammer - I was losing weight very rapidly at first, but it has slowed down a lot. I have a feeling I might have to put in a bit of effort to lose all of it this time. I have lost 30 lb but I gained a LOT so I still have 19 to go and also am not fitting my pre-pregnancy jeans yet! So you are not the only one! I hope you are able to fit your work clothes by the time you go back. I suppose it makes sense it would take longer the second time, but it sure would be nice if it just melted right off instantly.
I am glad the babywearing meeting went well and that you were able to get the one you wanted on Craigslist!

Pompey - I am sorry jamie has worried you with the dropping percentiles. I don't blame you for being a bit concerned but I hope he will maintain this percentile now.

VRogers - I really hope the medication helps a lot!

AFM - I definitely haven't been in nearly as good of a mood since that weirdly confident day I had on friday. I am feeling kind of down but mostly just apathetic about life (which is almost worse for me). DH is off this week but I have not enjoyed it at all and just feel miserable. We have had a listless few days and have pretty much done nothing. DH seems to find a way to not be in the same room as me ever. He is being "productive" I suppose but it sometimes just feels like he is avoiding family time. He is in quite a bad mood and so am I, so we aren't really getting along that well. I just feel I can't really find anything to look forward to these days. We did go visit my grandpa today so he could meet Violet for the first time. He is unfortunately dying of cancer (although he doesn't have any pain and feels pretty good thankfully) so we needed to make sure he met her before he passes away. Quite depressing, really.
Literati - 30 lbs already, wow! I had lost 17 by 1 week but haven't budged since and have 20-24 to go. I had lost almost everything by 3 months with DD, but I don't remember when most of it came off during that time frame. Really hoping to see some movement soon so I can stop looking like I'm still pregnant!

I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down and that time with DH being off is not turning out to be enjoyable. I think it's probably a bit understandable to be feeling "off" with your partner when everyone is still adjusting to your new life as a family of four. I hope it gets better in the next couple days.

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