January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel - so sorry about your MIL! What a terrible loss. How is your DH doing? Must be a very difficult time.

So sorry the transition to work has been difficult with M's sleep so crappy and having to take care of it all by yourself. That's great M is doing so well during the day with your mom and sister, and that they're sticking to her routine. It's so important for a childcare provider to stick with how YOU do things!
What a tall girl she is! That is just like my dd1! Always 99th percentile or even off the charts for height! However, she was same for weight so she didn't have trouble fitting her clothes width wise. Sounds like M is a very slim little lady! Sounds like you're doing an amazing job rocking this working mom thing, even if it feels hard and draining! I can't imagine dealing with teens all day and then a baby the rest of the time! I hope you can get some better rest soon.
Thanks for checking in. Happy 4 months to M!!
pomp- glad Jamie has been having longer stretches of sleep at night. Isa also doesn't really reach out for stuff either, he does look at toys and sometimes will just sit and smile at them but doesn't really actively look for the toy.

slammer- well done getting them both out to the playground. Haha what a shame about this early morning poops, hopefully that will stop soon! Glad Jack has gotten easier to put down for naps, lets hope it stays that way!
aw i am sorry your dh had such a rough morning, poor guy! Perhaps the grocery store job will be better for you all.

lit- i am glad you are feeling less down this week and that's good you have been busy socialising. Not read the book but thanks for the reccomendation!
sorry you are all sick with coughs, how horrible. glad you got out in the sun!

apple- i hate days like that, sorry about your shepards pie :( and sorry you are having a rough time with teenager.

angel- thanks for checking in! Glad melody is doing well. What is up with her sleep at night? Really sorry about your MIL. Sounds like a tough time with work as well as Melody not sleeping well.

afm- Isa has his first cold, poor thing! blocked up and a bit of a cough. He has slept rubbish the last couple of nights so i am pretty shattered myself!
Going to steam the bathroom later and see if it helps unblock him a little.
Going to try to update! Sorry if I don't reply to you in this post.

We've been busy moving. I'm sure you all figured as much! T also had his 4 month appointment earlier this week. He's 17.5 lbs (89th percentile) and 27 inches (96th percentile)! He's about the same weight O was, but he's longer. He keeps climbing the chart for length. If he keeps this up he'll be off of it by next appointment. He got two shots and did end up running a low grade temp because of them. I gave him some Tylenol which he then threw up. I decided to go ahead and give him a half dose more since I could see the Tylenol and also he's just a half pound shy of being able to have 1.25 ml more.

Slowly getting unpacked. O is doing great in our new place. The biggest problem we have with the transition is he wants to go out to the garage and play in the car. He also is devastated when we come inside. I think it'll take awhile before he realizes he gets to go outside a lot more than he use to since we have a yard. Hoping to get it fenced this summer, but have to wait for things to settle a bit. It'll make it a lot easier to take him out when it's just the boys and me. He's listening pretty well, but I'm not going to rely on him listening when I can't intervene instantly. So really he hasn't had any negative affects.

I put the crib back together so going to see how that goes without him being right beside me. I know he'll still end up in bed with me a lot, but I'm going to start out every night in the crib.

Ally - Sorry Isa has a cold! Poor little guy. I hate it when they get stuffy so young because there really isn't anything you can do for them. Hopefully it runs it's course quickly.

Angel - I'm so sorry about your MIL. My thoughts are with you and your family. :hugs:

Wow she is a long baby! T is right up there at the 96th percentile, but much heavier than her! That's great that she's rolling back to belly.. even if she is being sneaky about it! Glad she's doing really well with your mom and sister. I wish I could say the same about T and being with others.

Lite - Glad getting out helped. It helps me too. Exercise, fresh air, and the sun really can make a lot of difference.

I'd be so irritated if I got sick because someone was coughing on us. Heck I was irate when my brother got O sick. Hopefully it passes quickly.

Apple - That's ridiculous that they're not doing anything about the bullying. Sorry about your crap day. Seems like once one thing happens it all piles up real quickly.

Slammer - My DH is more of the type to cry than I am (except when I have hormones raging). That situation would have made me cry as well. I feel so awful about snapping and if my child said something like that I'd be destroyed. Hopefully the store manager job works out for you guys. Definitely seems like something needs to change.

Pomp - I remember wondering when T was going to start doing it and I'm not 100% sure when he really started to reach and play with toys but it was pretty much out of nowhere. I'd wait till he's 4 months and if he's not doing it then maybe bring it up. Try encouraging it. Find something he really enjoys looking at and move it around in front of him. He could just be laid back.

Well I'm going to wrap this up for now. T is content on his play mat and O is asleep so I really should try to accomplish something.
Ally - aww, so sorry Isa has his first cold. That's so sad. Hope he recovers quickly.

Ali - glad the move is going well and that O is adjusting to the new house. That will be nice for him to have a backyard to play in.
Sounds like T is getting very tall as well! :)

AFM - having a rough day. It basically feels like one child or the other has been crying in my ear the entire day. Dd1 is in the whiniest mood known to man and Violet constantly needs something so I never even have time to fix myself a bloody snack! Makes me so mad sometimes. This job is relentless!

Also I think the 4 month regression has hit already as Violet seems to wake up every sleep cycle all night and needs the soother popped in her mouth to fall asleep. Every 2 or 3 times the soother doesn't work and she needs to actually nurse. Yay, I'm so excited to be up 8+ times a night for the next year. :/
Ally, sorry about isa's first child. Z is just recovering from his first as well. So hard to hear them unable to breathe properly like that, isn't it? hope he's better now.

Angel, sorry to hear about your MIL. My thoughts are with your family.

Lit, sorry youth had a rough day! Hope they both give you a peaceful night.

Alijo, great that you're unpacking well. I hope you settle into tier new place quickly and enjoy it.

Apple! So sorry about your meal! I think I would have had a meltdown if that had happened to me! I hope you get thing sorted out with your teenager.

I can't remember who posted about length percentiles, but wow! Long babies! Z is pretty long, but it is his head size that's right up there... 90th percentile. There's a baby in his daycare who was born in August and Z's head is way bigger that his!

We've been doing OK. I've noticed a pattern of good nap days followed by bad nap days. Today is a bad nap day. He's slept 10 minutes since 8:00am... But my bigger concern is that I suspect he'll be crawling soon! That terrifies me. He's only 4 months and already he's constantly flipping into his tummy and getting his legs and bum up in the air and making crawling motions with his legs... Of course, he can't yet left his head at the same time, so he kind of squashes his head into the floor as he tries to move himself along. It is hilarious! Once he's figured out how to lift them big at once, there will be no stopping him, I'm sure. He's always been a mover. When I was pregnant, he rarely stayed still and he's just got more and more motion since he was born. I was hoping I'd get through my trip home for summer before he started crawling... 30 hours traveling with a crawler is going to be interesting!
Literati - I totally understand not trying something over and over because of the ruined sleep. Not worth it! I really hope V doesn't turn out to be worse than DD1. My DD was so bad with being put down for naps at this age, but got good at 6 months, so there is still hope.

Oh man, sorry you and V got sick! That sucks! Hope you are feeling better.

Oh you poor thing, I hope the sleep regression passes quickly. I can identify so much with dreading being up that many times for months on end. Just like my DD. I hope V doesn't get that bad. It is so hard.

Apple - I wish the school was doing more for your son! How hard. :( And what a pain about the shepherd's pie!

Angel - I was wondering how you were doing with being back to work. Glad it's going well, despite being exhausted. That's to be expected! Wow, Melody is a tall baby!

So sorry to hear about MIL. What a huge loss. :(

Ally - Aw poor Isa with his first cold! Hope he feels better soon.

AliJo - hope the moving gets wrapped up soon! It took us several days to get moved into our house and it was soooo draining. I can't imagine doing it with two kids. Glad O is enjoying the yard. It will be great for him to get out more, I'm sure.

Newbie - wow Z is quite the mover! I hope even if he's crawling by the time you have your trip that it doesn't go badly.

AFM - Biggest news first - WE HAD SEX LAST NIGHT! Haha. This is seriously big news - the fact that we found the time, and that it was successful. It was just a little tender. Nowhere near the extreme discomfort I had after DD that kept us from being able to do it until 8 months PP. I'm so happy. I want to do it again, lol! DH needs to get his semen analysis done though to make sure he's free of swimmers. Doing it with a condom sucks.

I am able to change my telework days to mon/tues, so that will give DH some relief. We talked more about the manager job, and he's going to apply at least for the hell of it, but will prob just stay at the bar for another year or so. He expressed an interest in becoming a home inspector and I think that would be a great job for him. Not the best pay, but we'd manage. Something to explore when the time comes at least.

DD had a small fever last night, but was fine this morning. Hope she doesn't get sick.

Going to my parents' on Sunday for Mother's Day. Hesitant about it because I'll be on my own with the kids and it's an hour's drive, but I might as well make the effort. Jack has gotten a lot better in the car, so hopefully if I wait until nap time to leave it will be ok and he will sleep in the car at least part of the drive.
Slammer - oh wow, that's good your dd got better at being put down for naps at 6 months! Dd1 just got harder and harder as she aged and I had to hold her for every single nap until she was over a year and went to day care. Even then, she could never be put down asleep but we could lie with her and then sneak away. Maybe Violet will be more like your dd and get better earlier. I kind of doubt it, but who knows!

Wow, that's amazing that you managed to dtd last night! The fact that you found the time and had minimal discomfort is really remarkable! I honestly wonder if DH and I will have a free thirty minutes when we are both awake and not holding Violet before Violet is 1! I don't think dtd will be in the cards for us for a very long time.

I am glad you were able to switch your telework days to make things easier for your DH! That's good about the potential for your DH to be a home inspector in the future.

That's good of you to make the effort to see your parents on Mother's Day. Hopefully the drive won't be so bad if you wait until Jack's nap, as you said. Good luck!!

Newbie - wow, Z sounds really strong. Hopefully he doesn't quite start crawling before your travels this summer, but does sound like you might be out of luck. If it makes you feel any better, we had good travel experiences with my dd1 when she was crawling age. That being said, we never had a LONG flight like you! Hopefully it goes okay.
Lite - I'm sending a lot of positive vibes your way! Hopefully she becomes a better sleeper with time. Maybe when she starts solids it will help.

I get frustrated as well when I can't get a minute to grab some food or even hit the restroom.

Newbie - Does sound like he really wants to move! When are you taking the trip? Call me crazy but I'm excited for crawling! I was with O as well. He stalked me everywhere! I suspect T will stalk O instead of me until he wants me.

Slammer - Yay for DTD! :haha: I planned on staying up last night so we could, but by the time O went to sleep I was completely wiped. My poor DH acts like he's going to die due to the lack of sex in our life right now. It's just so hard to find the energy and time. Especially with our work schedules. It's torture!

Hope your DD doesn't get sick.

I'm glad Jack is doing better in the car! I'm probably not doing anything for Mother's day. DH might bring me home something from the store, but that'll be that and I'll just be busy being mom. He has to work. I know he ordered me something else, but probably won't be here.

AFM - T has been a bit cranky this morning. Screaming at me. I think he was just tired. He stayed up late last night as well. I laid him down in the crib and went to bed about a hour later and he slept till about a quarter after 2. So he slept almost 4 hours in there! I ended up bringing him to bed when he woke up. I'm not even sure why I woke up because I don't remember hearing him. Maybe he was making noises and I just don't remember waking up because of them. I just happened to wake up and look over at him and he has his legs up in the air and is looking all around. So I went and got him and put him back to sleep with me. I really should have put him back, but oh well.

He has found his feet. I love watching him play with them. He also tried his first solid food. I gave him bananas and he seemed to enjoy them. Did really well with the few bites I gave him. Then this morning I went ahead and gave him some oatmeal and breast milk and he did pretty well with that. Again only a few bites.

Anyways, T is on his 3rd nap and he woke up once during this one to eat. He seems very worn out today. I'm going to try to get some more done while he's sleeping. Our main living space is starting to look presentable.
ali- glad baby T is doing well, 89th percentile, wow! little chubbster! Good idea with starting out in the crib first thing at night. i always do that too. Yah for baby t starting solids! isa likes banana too, i guess cause it is so sweet. I am the exact same with the crib, sometimes i hear him moving about so i just pick him up and put him in bed, an then the next day im like why did i do that? i should have left him or put him back in haha.

lit- can't believe how bad V's sleep is! hoping its a very short phase.

newbie - he is better but still blocked up, and hes been fussy. I also note some days of better naps and days of really shit ones haha. today was also a shit one for me, he hardly slept! im actually excited about him crawling

slammer- wooo hoo on the dtd! glad it wasn;t sore. That is great you will be able to move your teleworking days.

afm- isa is still blocked up but a bit better, we have been steaming him, think it helps a lot. Last night he slept really well, from 8pm to 3am (!!) and then from 3.30ish to 7.30. Hoping for the same tonight. But his daytime sleep is quite rubbish with his little catnaps.
whats everyones plans for the weekend?
dh and i are going to this big baby sale tomorrow, hoping to find some new toys and maybe a mamaroo. Going to try and go on a run tomorrow too.
Literati - I hope you do find time to DTD at some point. Last night DH put him down for bed and I think he slept for maybe 45 mins or something. I was surprised he lasted that long, and was rushing the sex, fearing he'd wake any minute!

AliJo - DH thankfully doesn't complain, but I'm sure he'd like more action! And so would I! I hope you guys get it on soon, lol.

Aw, how cute T has found his feet! I don't think DD ever really took an interest in hers, actually. Glad he did well on the solids too.

Ally - Hope Isa’s cold goes away soon. I can't believe he still sleeps that well even when sick. You are so lucky.

AFM - I forgot to mention the night pooping is getting even worse! Last night he pooped four times!! Twice around 1:30 and twice around 3:30. Both times he woke to feed and started pooping so I stopped feeding to change him, got back in bed to feed back to sleep and he pooped some more! Another change and then finally nurse back to sleep. And he was pooping all freaking day today too. And it's green. I am wondering if my supplements are causing it. I've been more on top of taking them the last week and I take magnesium, which can get things moving… Gonna stop the mag for a few days and see.

OK my arms are going numb typing this on my phone while lying in bed with Jack….
Ali - thanks. I hope violet's sleep improves too, but I'm not holding my breath.

That's amazing T stayed a whole 4 hours in his crib. I can't even imagine at this point. I am glad he enjoyed his first taste of bananas and that you are managing to get the house sorted a bit. It must be very busy.

Ally - sorry Isa's naps have still been crappy. Cat naps are so aggravating.
Sounds like you have a nice weekend planned. I hope you find what you are looking for.
Our weekend plans consist of my niece's second birthday party on saturday, my DH working a volunteer event on Sat evening (blah), and maybe celebrating Mother's Day on Sunday but I have no idea what we are doing. It's one of those dumb weekends where DH and I will get zero quality time together

Slammer - that's good he lasted 45 minutes! It sucks when you are rushed and just waiting for them to wake up, though.
That is absurdly awful about his night pooping! The multiple diaper changes just during one wake-up is exactly how Violet used to be. It's incredibly annoying. I will bet that you are correct about it being your Magnesium supplements. Those seem to be really hard on the tummy. I hope taking it easy on those helps stop the night pooping. That is seriously the worst.
My DH found a missing child last night. They had like 500 people out looking for this boy. They were about to throw out an amber alert. He was sleeping in the store where my DH works behind the car seats and what not. Poor kid has some stuff going on in his life. I hope they get him some help. They found him sleeping in there and called the cops and they're like "Nope not him. No we're not coming out to check we're too busy." ... It was him and why they didn't come check to see why there was a young boy sleeping there without family around is beyond me. Anyways I'm glad he's safe and like I said I hope they get the boy some help. He's had suicidal comments.

T is still be a cranker bottoms in the morning. I'm thinking something is up. He's sleeping a lot more during the day. I don't think it's the food because he started doing it before he got solids. I decided to try some Tylenol this morning and see if helps.

I just upgraded him to size 4 diapers. He's not in the weight range, but they fit him much better. He's so long so I think that's why. The 3s were starting to cut into his belly.

T did about 5 hours in the crib last night. He woke up once during that time and I put him back in the crib. I actually put him back! I didn't check to see what time that was. He woke up again at like 2:30 and I just brought him to bed at that point. I think I'm going to end up trying to put him back a lot more than I did with O when I tried the crib. Only because I have NO ROOM in bed and I'm getting so sore. I wake up super cranky and I feel exhausted every morning. I can put O as far away from me as possible and he'll snuggle right back up against me within a minute. So at this point I think waking up more is going to give me better rest than just leaving him in bed with me. He doesn't cry when he wakes up, at least hasn't yet. He was rolled up against the side of the crib talking.

O is talking more and more. I don't know if I should worry about his pronunciation or not. He's really clear and good sometimes, but other times I think it would be hard for others to understand. I just need to get someone in to give me a professional opinion, but it's so busy right now.

Lite - I wonder if when she starts solids if it will help if you give her something that will sit in her belly a little longer right before bed. Sounds like maybe she's starting to become reliant on suckling to stay asleep. I hope that isn't the case. It makes it so hard when they need it to sleep. O was like that. If it wasn't on me it was on a paci and if he lost either he'd wake up. I forget how bad of a sleeper he was till I really think about it.

It is busy. Every time I start to get a room cleared I swear more boxes appear. We're still moving some stuff. The manager called yesterday and was like "Going to show your apartment tomorrow" I freaked out. It's a total mess there. So I went over and did some quick cleaning and grab some more stuff. Looks a little better, but still messy. Our poor fish is just hanging out there. I'm surprise he's still alive. He's outlasted every fish we've had. Going to get more and a different filter once we move him over. I think the filter system isn't doing a very good job. Sorry, I'm really bad about my conversations going off the rail! I blame my father for that one.

Slammer - I hope so too ha! It's horrible because when I really want it it's super inconvenient timing. I feel like I need to drug my children to get anything to line up and actually have anything other than a quickie. Of course I wouldn't do that, but seems that would be our only chance!

I hope you find a solution to stop the nightly poos. That would just drive me crazy! I have to usually change one diaper anyways because T is a super soaker and that's bad enough.

Ally - He is a little chub! Although his weight for length is only in the 40 percentile he definitely feels like a little chub.

Hope you find some good stuff at the baby sales. Lots of garage sales going on right now around here, but I'm not ambitious enough to check them out. I don't really need anything for the boys. Well I take that back. O really needs summer clothes. Probably get him some cheaper stuff for at the sitters.

Well T is awake, so off I go to deal with cranker bottoms!
Me when DH has to go back to work or to bed! :haha:

Ali - That's amazing that your DH found the lost child! I can't even believe the police didn't want to be bothered to come see. That makes me sick. I am glad the boy is okay but I hope he gets the help he needs.

Yeah, she's definitely becoming reliant on suckling to get back to sleep. At least this time I have the option of a soother, as my dd1 would ONLY use me to comfort suck so she was constantly on and off the boob all night. You are so lucky that T will actually stay in the crib that long, and that he hasn't seemed to go through the 4 month regression yet. I can see why in your case you might just keep putting him back in the crib since it is so disruptive to try to co sleep with both!

That's interesting that technically by proportions T isn't that chubby, because he has so many adorable rolls! I love baby rolls; they're the best!

That little cartoon is very accurate! It sucks having your only help/adult company leave!

Wow, so much cleaning to do! I hope you can get the old apartment sorted out so you can at least have that off your plate.

AFM - it is my niece's birthday party today so of course everything went terribly wrong because Violet cannot handle any stimulation at all. She had a nap as soon as we got there so I thought she'd be good, but no! After she woke up, she only lasted 40 minutes before suddenly getting overtired/overstimulated. She then proceeded to scream the house down for nearly an hour before I finally got her to sleep. My mistake was probably letting my DH try first. V gets so worked up so easily so I probably should have just done it in the first place and maybe she wouldn't have gotten so upset. Honestly, I don't know why I have such hard babies. I feel like no one else's babies cry this much or are so difficult to put to sleep (even though I know this can't be true and I remember poor baby Z was crying for 5 hours last weekend or something like that)! Just feeling a little sorry for myself since everyone else can put their baby down no problem, they have proper naps, and they don't go from smiling to screaming in 1 second flat! Ugh. It's just so tiring and stressful and makes me wish I could avoid all social commitments for the entire first year since it messes V up so much.
LL - I can assure you that V isn't the only screaming baby! Jamie has been hysterically crying so hard the last couple of days that he has gone red like a tomato, boiling hot and incredibly stiff and there has been nothing I could do to calm him down. One time was because he didn't want to be in the car seat and the time today was from being over tired. In fact, he often gets in a state when he gets overtired and I seem to keep missing his sleep cues so I feel awful for letting him get that way. I am thankful that his night time sleep is good. He can self settle and only wakes for milk, but he can be hard work during the day!

Ali - Can't believe your DH found a missing child and the police didn't seem remotely bothered!
That's fab T has found his feet. Jamie is nowhere near, he still doesn't know he has hands!
We are still squeezing Jamie in size 2's as we have a few more left in our last pack, but I am looking forward to getting him into size 4's.
I am glad T is taking to solids pretty well. I just couldn't imagine giving Jamie solids yet even though he is 4 months in 10 days time. He just doesn't even seem remotely ready.

slammer - Yay for DTD!! :happydance: Glad all is well down there and wasn't too tender.

Ally - Sounds like a good weekend planned - did you manage to find a mamaroo?
It's great Isa is sleeping so well at night now, what a turnaround!
We've had a good weekend so far - been to the beach today and hoping to go to a local castle tomorrow seeing as the weather looks good.

newbie - it certainly sounds like Z will be on the move soon!

AFM - Jamie seems so 'behind'(I use that very loosely) compared to some of the babies on here... he still doesn't play with toys and has no real interest, he can't stand tummy time and has such little strength and can barely lift his head up, hasn't even attempted to roll over, I don't think he realizes he has hands, let alone feet and just seems so far away from being on solids. I know there is a wide range of normal. Part of me is a bit concerned but the other part of me isn't as although he is not doing so great with his physical milestones he is very much a talker and will lock eye contact and interact and 'talk' to us as any given opportunity. Perhaps he will be like Anabella who was an early talker (first word at 9 months and has always been advanced with speech, even now at 4 she speaks so much better than other children her age) but didn't even roll over until she was 8 months! So perhaps Jamie is the same?
Pompey - Violet is the same with just getting so worked up if she gets over tired. But she just seems to get overtired SO quickly and with little to no cues beforehand. If I am home with her and holding her the whole time I can usually catch her as soon as she gets remotely tired, but if someone else is holding her they will think she is fine and then suddenly she is very NOT fine and it takes ages to settle her. Does sound like Jamie is hard work during the day (as is Violet), so I am glad he is at least good at night for you! Although Violet does not self settle, and she wakes much more often in the night, her night wake-ups are still relatively "easy" in that she will just feed and go right back to sleep. That is a relief, at least.
I probably wouldn't be too concerned with Jamie's lack of physical milestones. Obviously keep an eye on them, but of course there is a wide range to all of the milestones. That's great he at least 'talks' a lot so it does sound like he will be similar to Annabella in that way! :)
T being cranky has put me on edge and I lost my cool with O tonight. I told myself I was going to be better and be more patient with him. Totally screwed that one up tonight. Mom of the year award is never going to me.

Pomp - He definitely has time, but as Lite said just keep an eye on him. Don't be afraid to talk to his provider about it. That's great that he's talking so much! He very well might just be focusing on those skills more than his motor ones.

Lite - Have you looked up ways to help with the overstimulation? I know when T had a problem with it helped to drape a blanket over his bouncer and lightly bounce him or rock him in his covered car seat. Thankfully he grew out of it.

Well I have had T in the crib for about a hour. Going to try to get O to bed so I can maybe get some sleep and not be a monster mother tomorrow. Hopefully T stays in the crib most of the night so I can get some decent rest.
So sorry I haven't been on in several days, it's been hectic but will try to be back later today or tomorrow to try for a better update/reply!
Just wanted to pop in and say happy Mother's Day to every beautiful lady here! So happy we are still going strong over a year later and just in case nobody has said, you are all doing a wonderful job and are GREAT mamas! Hopefully you are all well celebrated today and maybe even get some relaxation time whatever that looks like for you. :hug: to all of you!
Happy Mother's Day to those celebrating today!!

DH brought me home some trail mix, drinks, a card, and a pot of flowers. :haha: My actual gift hasn't arrived yet. I really need to come up with something good this year. First one he got photos of O holding up letters spelling Dada and the Happy Father's Day sign I made which is my profile picture. Plus a card with Os handprint. Then last year I made a chalkboard sign with a saying, photos of them two together, and Os handprint and footprint on it. So somehow I need to come up with something involving both boys.

I kept T in the crib till 5am! I really need to stick with it because he's doing really well. Although he was in bed with me from 230-330. He woke up to eat so I fed him and happened to look at the time when I finally got him off and realized a hour had passed. Didn't feel like that since I dozed off.

He's on his second nap although he was up for such a short time it's pretty much part of the first. He's in my arms sleep nursing. He's been so sleepy.
Ali - you are too hard on yourself. You DO deserve the mom of the year award! No one is perfect and motherhood isn't about that. You're an amazing mom to your kids. We all get testy sometimes, and that's because we are human. Give yourself a break! Happy Mother's Day!
Sounds like you do a lot for Father's Day! So nice of you. What is the gift your DH got you that isn't here yet? Sweet of him to bring you trail mix and flowers! Hehe.

VRogers - thanks! Happy Mother's Day to you too! You're doing an awesome job!

Happy Mother's Day to ALL of you. You are all working so hard at being the best mom you can be, and that deserves to be celebrated! Thanks for being such good friends! :)

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