January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ally - looks like you might be one of those lucky ducks whose babies don't go through the 4 month regression! I doubt the solid foods have made a difference to his sleep, but he could have just reached a new stage in his development. The cat nap stage definitely doesn't last forever. I so hope he stays this good of a sleeper for you! I bet changing to formula has also helped, as it keeps them fuller for longer.

Apple - sorry you've been feeling a bit down lately too but I am glad it has improved the last few days. I'm glad you were able to cherish the cuddles with your toddler in the night even though it shorted you on sleep!

Ali - haha, you're right. I hadn't noticed before you said it, but we do seem to take turns feeling down! I guess we are sort of the up and down emotion type. Glad you're feeling good right now though.

Violet also is having almost a 3 hour nap today. Of course, it has ALL been on me, and she has needed to nurse three times during it because she can't go that long without eating. Oy! I wish her feeding times and nap times would regulate a bit.
Ally- I'm sorry you are also struggling with the shorter naps! It's gotten a tiny bit easier to do things since we got a baby monitor and I can use that instead of having her nap on me, but I miss those 1+ hour naps!
Yay for Isa rolling, and sleeping all night without a feed. And a one hour nap, go Isa! Maybe the solids is helping, especially since the better sleep has come when the solid foods started. I hope it sticks!

Literati- I'm a wimp when it comes to sleep as well, I used to go to bed around midnight or so and sleep until 10ish and then get a nap or two (of course this is when I was pregnant but I've always loved my sleep haha) so being forced out of bed every morning is no fun.
Not getting enough sleep makes everything so much worse- mood, reaction to things, just how you feel in general. I'm sorry it's been so rough lately! I definitely notice I'm generally just in a bad mood more often lately and I know it's due to lack of sleep...and I'm getting more than I was the first 2 months. I hope it gets better soon and you are able to get some good sleep.
I'm sorry about violets rough day and the car crying, it's awful! Makes me not want to go anywhere. Maybe she's in a leap since she's acting so different? I know that doesn't make it much easier to deal with, though. I hope today was better than yesterday!

Pompey- that's amazing news about Jamie's heart! So glad to hear that, I can't imagine how scared you were.
Seems like there's a few of us having nap issues! It's good that he will at least nap in the carrier but at the same time frustrating he won't nap at home unless held. Hopefully he'll grow out of it soon and start napping like he sleeps at night!

Slammer- the baby carrier is a good suggestion! I tried out the ergo without the infant insert (she didn't seem to like having her legs bunched up in that 'frog' position) and she seemed to like it, so I'm thinking next time I'll bring that along instead of the stroller. We usually do bring a bottle but figured this time we wouldn't need it since it would "just be a short trip" (ha!) but now we know bring it no matter what.
I'm sorry you're in pain all the time, I'm sure that's definitely depressing not knowing when it'll end.
Glad your dh got him down for a good long nap! I've definitely found night sleep is better when naps are as well.
So jealous about the 20 oz, that's amazing! Glad you're able to keep up and then some.

Newbie- I'm sorry your mil is still staying there, do you have an idea of when she's leaving? It's good you were able to get some time with dh!
How funny about changing him overlooking the sea! And I thought I was adventurous with diaper changes in the car!

Apple- the flask comments made me smile! I hope you have nice meet ups with your friends.

Ali- oh the drooling, it just drips everywhere! Glad I'm not the only one dealing with it. Yay for closing on the house, how exciting! I hope everything goes well.

afm- I feel terrible, was trying to get L to take a nap because she was overdue for one, she just fussed so I laid beside her to see it it would help. She was in rock n play beside the bed. I called dh because he was on his way home. Put him on speaker to talk to L and dropped the phone on her forehead. She cried of course and I comforted her while dh teased me. It bruised her little head! I feel awful but it doesn't seem to bother her, poor thing.
On a happy note, we got a new glider finally! It's a grey and white one from Amazon and I love it. It came with an ottoman and it's so comfy, I want to carry it with me in every room.
Ally, has his sleep pattern continued? My mum often says to me that ds will start sleeping better once he's on solids but I don't know about that. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty good sleeper right now, but I'd love to not be waking up at night to feed him!

Apple, sending you hugs, but I think your toddler's hugs will beer more welcomed than my virtual ones!

Lit, it is great that v slept for so long but a shame that it was all on you! Ds usually naps poorly, but I think he has a bit of a cold and slept terribly last night. I got him to nap a little over two hours ago, and he's still napping! I can't believed it. It has allowed me to be with me cleaner as he cleaned our room (yes, I'm lucky to have a cleaner, but it would be impossible for me to clean like he does by myself. It is far too dusty anger dirty here... Desert living!). Dh was supposed to stay with him while I took the baby out, but not sure what's going to happen now.

Vrogers, I'm right there with you in terms of sleep. I LOVE my sleep and that's one of the things I'm missing the most. I think that once Z sleeps consistently well at night (I can handle on wake for feeding much better than two or more), I'll be doing much better.

Afm, my MIL is still here, but I'm determined to not let her bring here bring me down. I don't want to cause a problem with dh and he knows how annoyed I am that she's here. It is better having her here than dh stay with her at her place. At least he's here to support me a bit.

Ds is doing well. Starting to roll more and more. Every time he's on his tummy, he's legs are kicking away. He's definitely trying to move. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he crawls early. That's when life will get really interesting!

I'm also starting to feel more of a bond. Just a little bit I feel it. How that feeling continues.
Newbie - that is great you're feeling more of a bond! I'm glad you have a cleaner to help you. I had never even thought how living in the desert would make houses super dusty and hard to clean!!

I am sorry poor Z has a cold!!

VRogers - oh, I am like you. I LOVE sleep. I also slept excessively like that when pregnant. I mean, it was a bit less this time around with having a toddler, but I took every opportunity I could get! And before kids I definitely slept a LOT as well haha.

Oh goodness! Sorry you dropped a phone on L's head! Don't feel bad - these things happen! I have definitely dropped a phone on both my babies' heads before! :haha: Good thing they're tough! Hehe

AFM - I am at a women's retreat/conference today but I think I was crazy to sign up for it. Last night DH watched both girls which went well, but today obviously I had to bring Violet since it's for the whole day...I was hoping and hoping she magically wouldn't scream... but of course she started within less than an hour of getting here. After many fruitless attempts at getting her to sleep as people cast pitying looks at me, my friend offered me her hotel room key so I went up there, and sure enough as soon as I held Violet and bounced her for a few seconds she fell asleep. But she canNOT fall asleep if there is any sort of extra stimulation! She just can't shut her poor brain off. There are spot lights on the ceiling so that doesn't help. I have a feeling I'll be giving up and going home soon.
Oh! I forgot to say about dropping the phone - don't feel bad! These things happen. Dh sat on ds's ATM the other day! He felt awful...

I'm sorry about v screaming so much and not settling. I hope she is OK now and you can enjoy the rest of the retreat. Sounds great!

Z has been crying for the last 6 hours, poor baby! The only time he stopped was when I coaxed him to sleep and he napped poorly for just over an hour in my arms. Every time I went to put him down, he screamed. I hope he feels better in the morning!
Newbie- oh, goodness! That is a long time to cry! Is it because he's sick, do you think? I hope he calms down for you asap.

AFM - day is still not going well at all. Lots of meltdowns and it's been so hard to figure out what V even wants. She hasn't even had a proper feed since 7:30 am (5 hours ago) because she just takes a few sips and then gets angry and doesn't want it. I have spent most of the time in my friend's hotel room. She is just now asleep again...attached to the boob. Wooo... What did I get myself into? :/
Literati - it is depressing to think how unlikely it is to get any alone time with DH for ages. We snuck in some cuddles this afternoon on the couch while Jack napped in the bedroom. DD was kind of interfering, but it was better than nothing.

Well all my orders came in, and I'll be sending a lot of it back, so that's good I guess, lol.

I really can't believe how hard V sounds sometimes. I would honestly lose it entirely if I had to deal with a screaming baby on a regular basis. You are pure supermom for making it through this. I really hope she doesn't end up being terrible in the car like DD1. I am so freaking happy that Jack is getting better in the car now.

That sucks the retreat went so badly. I hope she calmed down. Let us know how it ended.

Apple - glad Ollie is such a smiler. Smiles and giggles help so much! I love it when they smile or laugh in their sleep!

Glad I'm not alone in my Amazon addiction, hehe.

AliJo - meant to ask before...could you do something like work in a doctor’s office? Probably more hours for less pay I guess?

I hope the closing went well! I totally understand feeling less excited than you should. I was the same way when we bought our house. Took me a couple months before I really enjoyed it.

Ally - I don't like buying clothes online either, but I don't have time to shop in store now. It was mostly leggings so no big deal on sizing. Everything else ended up not fitting of course!

Wow at Isa sleeping all night! You're a lucky duck.

Vrogers - I used to love sleep. I can't even remember what it's like to sleep properly. Even when DD finally started sleeping better in her second year my sleep was still crap! I don't think I’ll ever sleep properly again! Thankfully I actually survive OK with crap sleep. Some people would be hallucinating from the horrible broken sleep I got with DD (and am frankly getting now with Jack too, waaa) but I feel mostly fine during the day. I just hate it during the night while it's happening.

Don't feel too bad about dropping the phone on L. Done it a few times myself. There will be worse things, lol. Like when DD rolled out of the bed as a baby and thumped onto the floor, yikes!

Glad you got the glider and hope you love it! I'm not using mine as much now, but still glad I have it.

Newbie - good on you trying to be positive while MIL is with you. I'm sure it's hard. I can't wait for Jack to start rolling and getting around. Hope the bonding feeling keeps growing...I'm sure it will.

Oh my so sorry to hear Z was crying for hours! That's very rough!

AFM - Sigh, Jack slept like crap last night and was up at 6:15 this morning and DD up at 6:30. So discouraged with his sleep. :(

Other than that I had a pretty good day today. Managed to get through a few hours in the morning without turning on the TV, hey hey! Took DD to the mall to run some errands and she had a blast, lol. had some snuggles on the couch with DH.

Sometimes I amaze myself with what I get done when I'm on my own. While there is definitely more TV watching than there should be, I do manage to play with DD and get things like cleaning and dishes and laundry done. I didn't get even a quarter as much stuff done when DD was a baby. I basically stopped living aside from work and taking care of her. Let the house go to shit and barely went anywhere.

I painted my nails yesterday...only the second time since Jack was born. I love having painted nails but it's hard to find the time!

I am going back to PT on monday. I can't go on like this. I need help. I stopped going when I went back to work, and I admit I didn't do the exercises she gave me, so I know it's my fault. Really need to get this pain under control now. It's not even just my neck/upper back...I keep getting spasms of pain in my mid back/right side after bending down. They nearly bring me to my knees!
Lite - I'm so sorry V is being so difficult. Definitely doesn't seem like she's her usual self. I can't imagine how frustrated you are right now with the situation.

I hope V gets better for you soon. T still has bad days, like today he's been really fussy and I haven't been able to put him down much. He's getting better and better I feel. It really helps that he's now more aware of his surroundings. He's constantly looking at his surroundings and he's playing with toys.

Newbie - That's great that you're feeling more of a bond! Sorry about you're MIL being there. I'd be the same. I'd want DH here with his MIL even if I didn't enjoy the MIL part.

Vrogers - You definitely don't have the only drooler!! Aw, poor L. I've done that to O a lot :dohh: not as a baby, but still. Seems to always happen when I'm trying to get him to sleep.

Glad you're enjoying you're new glider! I'm excited.. I'll finally have room for one!

Ally - I see that Lite mentioned it, but formula could definitely be making a difference. Hopefully he keeps sleeping that well! I am happy if I get 5 hours! I sometimes get 7 straight hours. He does sleep in his crib some, but no big improvements. He has bad nights and good nights. I really need to work with myself more at putting him back in the crib on his good nights. The bad nights I know he'll end up with me, but even half the time in the crib would be awesome!

Apple - They were both really good during the closing! Neither of them had a melt down so that's awesome. That alone made the day super successful.

AFM - We closed Friday morning. We have only moved a few boxes. Haven't had any help, but we have the rest of the month to get out so it's not a huge deal yet. I'm excited but overwhelmed. I've done laundry there.. :haha: I knew it would be one of the first things I did.

T has been fussy today. Yesterday he did pretty well and I actually got a decent amount done. Today not so much. I think he had a sour stomach at some point since he spit up a large amount.. all down my back.. in my hair.. in the chair.. one of those.

Yesterday I met up with the lady I will be using for childcare. She seems very reasonable and nice. I'm not sure how comfortable I am with her set up, but I'm willing to try. She doesn't have many other kids right now. Just 3 and it's not every day of the week. I can't be super picky since I need weekends as well.

Ah well. Hoping to get some moving done tomorrow. If not then hopefully Monday. Ha.. we'll see. Monday we should be able to get something done since we'll both be home. May just have to borrow a truck.
Slammer - Thanks! She definitely has gone through some very difficult periods. I am not a fan of the screaming.
I am glad you got a brief cuddle with your DH even if your dd interfered a bit.
Haha, I guess that is probably good that you had to return some things.

Ali - congrats on closing on the house! I can't imagine trying to pack up the house right now with a baby and toddler. I wish you luck!
Sorry T was fussy the other day. I dislike fussy days. That does sound like he had a sour stomach. Poor guy!

I am glad the lady for childcare seems nice. What part of her set-up do you not feel comfortable with?

AFM - well, I did survive the whole women's retreat. Finally got her to take a fairly long nap in the stroller which helped me make it through to the end. For the rest of the time she was SUPER fussy, but she was at least manageable and not screaming, so I was able to stay until the end. She was SO happy to be home, though! She practically nursed all evening, so happy to be sprawled out on me on our comfy loveseat and not covered with a dumb nursing cover while dangling on my lap with no arm rests! She would just nurse and pause to give me huge smiles and then go back to nursing. She was still a little fussy, but way better in her own environment (and I was a lot more relaxed, too)!
I think she's definitely in a wonder week, but she must have started this one about a week earlier than the App said. I found the app never quite lined up for my dd1 either. ah, well. This one supposedly lasts 5 weeks, so I guess I can look forward to 4 long more weeks of this fussiness.
Hey ladies I need to catch up. Laptop isn't working and it's too hard to read and reply to all on my phone. Will try to get online later xx
Got lapto working, woo hoo.

lit- i don't think changing formula has improved his sleep, we use a goats milk formula and it is not thick like cows milk ones. As for the 4 month sleep regression, i do believe we are one of the lucky ones so far... i think in his early days his sleep was so bad because of reflux and now that he has outgrown it, perhaps his sleep will be ok.
Well done V for having a 3 hour nap :)
glad you managed to make it through the conference

whats a wonder week???

vrogers- aww poor L. but like newbie, said, these things happen , dont worry about it :)

newbie- he hasn't slept through the whole night again but is only feeding once and sleeping longer periods during the night. My mum told me the same about the solids and health visitor also said the stage between 4-6 months can be a funny one as babies are getting ready to eat and often not full enough from the milk alone.
Glad you are are feeling more of a bond now, i feel the same, i feel more and more attached to him as the days go and hate leaving him with others!

slammer- sorry for the bad nights sleep. Its nice you got some cuddles in with dh, its amazing how hard it can be to make proper time with dh when you have a little baby.
I love painted nails too :)

ali-i know i am the same with the crib, sometimes i just put him in the bed and forget to put him back in the crib and other nights when i feel so tired it is just easier to put him next to me. well done on the close and hope the move goes well :)

afm- so in general isa is sleeping better at night, he has a few spoons of solids every lunch time and he just loves it, and normally does a longer nap after that feed, about 45- 60 mins which is better. At the weekend i went out on both days during the day and dh did the solid food feed, and he gave Isa a tiny amount and i noticed he didn't sleep as well the last couple nights... so i think it is the food.
its lovely weather here, very sunny and ive been out taking Isa for some nice long walks which has been great.
I notice he wants to play and move a lot more, he tries to slide out of my lap as if he wants to play on the floor or something. Ah they grow up so fast!!
LL - I am glad you got through the women's retreat (just about). How sweet that V was so happy to be home and kept giving you huge smiles whilst nursing :cloud9: I am being nosey , but what is a women's retreat and what do you do?

Ally - Oh I am glad Isa is sleeping better and longer at night and fingers crossed the 4 month sleep regression doesn't bother him. It is lovely weather at the moment isn't it! I love getting out for long walks too.

Ali - I hope moving is going well and you are getting things sorted. A shame the daycare has some elements you are not so keen on... is there any flexibility at all to make changes?

slammer - Sorry Jack's sleep is still pretty rubbish :( I so know what you mean about accomplishing so much more second time round, I am the same! I am a machine at home and can multi task well. The house looks OK seeing as I have a 4 year old and a toddler and we have a clear washing basket, woo hoo!
Sounds like you need PT badly. You poor thing :hugs:

newbie - Oh dear, Z doesn't sound happy at all to have been crying for 6 hours! :hugs:

vrogers - Don't feel bad, we've all done things or made mistakes. When Jamie was brand new, he managed to fall of the sofa as I was in the kitchen. The poor baby was crying so hard. Thankfully our sofa's aren't too high up and we have soft carpet, so no damage!

AFM - Jamie done a huge poo explosion today just before we were going into a sensory class. Huge mummy fail as I forgot a change of clothes (somehow) but thankfully a lady bailed us out with a vest and sleepsuit!

He has had a few longer stretches at night recently. A couple of nights ago he slept from 12.30-5.30 and last night he only woke at 3.10am. I imagine the 4 month sleep regression just around the corner will put a stop to that, but I will make the most of it for now.

So, I am slightly concerned as Jamie has yet to reach out and grab a toy. In fact he shows no interest in toys or playing whatsoever. The most he will do is stare at a hanging bird which is attached to the bar of his bouncy chair. I am not sure whether to worry or not ? He will hold a stuffed toy if I physically place it in his arms but he will not reach out and try and pick anything up...
AliJo - glad the closing went well! Good luck with packing and moving. Too funny you've already done laundry! I did four loads the very first day we moved into our house too!

I hope things work out with the child care lady. It is hard sending a child to daycare for the first time! I felt so weird about it when DD went. I remember her coming home smelling like our provider's house instead of smelling like US, and it made me sad! I am less anxious about the thought of it with Jack.

Literati - aww, I'm glad you managed to get through the retreat, and how nice that she was such a cuddle bug when you got home. She must be very sensitive to overstimulation.

Ally - long walks in nice weather are awesome. I need to get out more. We had very hot weather for a few weeks, but are having a cooler week now. A calm before the blistering heat really sets in for the summer.

Pompey - motherhood really can make you a master multi-tasker...or at least very quick about things! I guess I've just come to realize that I won't get long blocks of time to get any one thing done, so I just do quick bits here and there and eventually it all adds up to accomplishments!

How nice that another lady offered you a change of clothes for the class! I admit I take risks going out without a change of clothes for Jack...gonna be caught in a bind one of these days.

Enjoy those nice stretches of sleep! Hopefully you don't have too hard a time with the 4-month regression.

I dunno if I'd worry about Jamie yet...probably not. Jack reaches for the toys on his bouncy seat and sometimes the things hanging from his mat, but it's still a pretty new development. He can't hold anything yet.

AFM - Suffering lack of patience with DD again. I need to brush up on some child development info I think. I am probably being too hard on her and expecting too much. :(

I took them both to the playground last night and managed to make it there with Jack happily riding in the stroller! It's only like a 5 minute walk, but still. Achievement!

Jack has been making a habit of pooping at 6am since the weekend, and I'm not a fan, lol. Last night he actually pooped at 2am and 5:30am! Get it together, kid - I thought we were past this.

Have to say I'm a bitter mom when I see people post on FB about their new baby sleeping well at night, and loving their car seat and paci. Bitter bitter bitter. That's all I have to say. Though I do have to say Jack has actually gotten really easy to put down for naps. Swaddle him up, bounce a bit to sleep, and lay him in the rock n play and he usually sleeps for about 40 mins. Not too bad. He sometimes opens his eyes for a second when put down but closes them again and goes back to sleep. Now watch me have cursed myself by putting that info out there.

We have an appointment to apply for Jack's American passport on Thurs morning and then I'm getting a hair cut that evening. Excited to chop off some locks. I want to grow it out long again, but I was perming my hair the last couple years (I know, who perms their hair these days?? I actually loved it!) but my hair got too damaged and now the curls are grown out a lot so I need to chop them off.
Slammer - haha, well you might be envying those babies with good sleep and liking their car seats and pacis, but I must admit I am envying the fact that you can put Jack down for naps lately! That is nice! I know it might just be a phase as they change so quickly, but I do hope it lasts for you (and wish violet could be the same!).

That is absurdly awful that he pooped twice in the night! I remember when V did that a few weeks ago and it was awful! I wonder if something was bothering his tummy! I hope he doesn't do that again.

I am glad you made it to the playground and that Jack was ok with the short stroller ride. Sorry you've been feeling impatient with your dd. sometimes I feel I am out of touch with what someone dd1's age is capable of as well. Wouldn't be a bad idea to look up what is actually reasonable to expect at their age...

Yes, you are VERY right that Violet is extremely sensitive to overstimulation. That has been the case since she was a newborn! It makes new experiences and gatherings with people quite difficult.

Pompey - I also wouldn't worry too much about Jack not grabbing toys yet, especially since he can grasp them if you put them in his hand. Violet has only been grabbing things on her playmat for a couple weeks, and of course they all do things at a different pace! He sounds pretty normal!

That's really nice he's sometimes been giving you longer stretches at night. Violet is not. She is still up every 2-3 hours like clockwork, and closer to her wake-up time she pops on and off the boob constantly so I can't sleep and it drives me insane! She has had a very strong need to suck lately. I am dreading the 4 month regression ruining any semblance of sleep for all of us soon. Or at least most of us. Sounds like Ally has gotten lucky.

The women's retreat was just put on by the women at my church. Some people stayed overnight at a hotel but I just went for the evening and day. There were a few speakers, and then a lot of free time to visit and eat snacks and whatnot to help us get to know one another better.

Ally - a wonder week is a period of developmental growth which often involves your baby crying more, and being clingy and crankier than usual. It is based on The Wonder Weeks book and you can also buy the app on your phone. It can be helpful in knowing why your baby is extra fussy sometimes. Just google it if you're curious!

AFM - I am ok this week. Definitely less down than I was last week. Went to a baby shower yesterday evening but I had to bring both kids so it was a bit of an ordeal. I have done a lot of socializing lately and would just like to have a relaxing evening one of these days.
Today I went to my fitness class and then over to my sister's for a play Date. It was pretty good. Yesterday had a play Date with my friend and her messy toddler. It didn't feel like we got much conversation in because we constantly were correcting our toddlers' terrible behaviour. Ugh.
Has anyone read "Confessions of a Domestic Failure" by Bumni Laditan? It is a chick-lit novel that just came out and it's so good! It's about a 'hot mess' mom of a baby and I think many of you would enjoy it if you're looking for a light read and a laugh! :) Sorry - just couldn't resist posting about it since I just finished it!
Literati - ha, I know, I suppose I should be grateful for the easy naps at the moment. DD was a lot harder to put down. It didn't even occur to me to try with Jack until DH was having success with it after I went back to work (I mean I had tried a few times before and it was a no-go, so this is a new thing).

Yes, night pooping is the pits!! He pooped again last night at 3:30!

Glad you are feeling more positive this week. I'd be ready for a break from socializing if I were you too. Sorry your playdate didn't involve much grown-up conversation. :(

I haven't read that book, but sounds funny!

AFM - DH had a terrible day yesterday. :( Well, actually, I don't even know how the rest of his day with Jack was, but he had a bad morning with the two and broke down and cried about it when we sat down to dinner. My husband is not a crier! He said he was trying to get DD ready for daycare and she wouldn't take off her jammies, so he was trying to get them off her and hold a fussy Jack and ended up roughly jerking the shirt off her and she got upset. He hugged her and told her he loved her before taking her to daycare and she said "Yeah, I love you too, even when you hit me." Of course he didn't hit her, but had been rough. He felt so guilty and felt like a shitty parent, but he was so exhausted after practically no sleep. I felt so bad for him and cried too. I am going to see if I can telework mon/tues instead of mon/fri so I can help out on tues mornings and send him back to bed for a bit when Jack is napping. We also talked a few days ago about him maybe trying for a manager trainee position at a grocery chain that expanding and actively recruiting. It would be a pay cut the first year while in training, but good money once he got his own store. They have recruitment events coming up, so need to talk more about it. We all seem to be struggling with his work schedule more now that Jack is here (and I'm back to work) than we did with just DD.
Slammer - I don't blame you for not trying it again until your DH had some success when he was home. I am so used to horrible baby sleep and HATE having ruined naps that I will not try things again and again because I would rather not have naps ruined over and over. I do try Violet periodically and it just never works. It is so bloody annoying that she can't be put down for more than 20 minutes, and that's if she doesn't wake up instantly! And of course a short nap results in her being overtired and screaming 20 minutes later. I am actually starting to worry she will be an even worse sleeper than my dd1.

Omg! I can't believe he did another night poop! that is messed up! Stop it, Jack!

I plan on not seeing anyone today, so that should be good.

That sounds awful for your DH. I understand him feeling really bad, and of course kids have a way of twisting words so it sounds worse than it was.
That sounds like a potentiallly good opportunity for DH as a store manager. I hope you are able to discuss that more and see if it is right for you.

AFM - we all slept in way too late today, and Violet and I are officially sick with coughs from my mom who was coughing all over us without covering her mouth at all last week. I am in a terrible mood (probably from sleeping so long and not eating) and keep snapping at dd1 for no real reason. Everything she does it annoying me at the moment, and she keeps playing with one of Violet's baby toys that makes REALLY LOUD farm animal noises. I want to scream!
Hi ladies sorry not been on for a while, ive just still got things going on with my teenager. 😔..ive been called for a meeting now on friday with school and I think they are looking at trying to move my son to another school for his behaviour, missing homework, cheeky ect.. But they are not dealing with the bullying .. Such a nightmare , im drained with it to be honest. Just don't know what to do for the best.. Homeschool/ new school ect..

I have been totally hassled all day today and then to top
It of in style i made a shep pie for tea and burnt myself getting it out of the oven and dropped it all over kitchen floor and whilst trying to save/ catch it loads went back into the red hot oven !! What a mess!! . Of course then ollie started to cry so it was pick the mess up or pick the baby up .. Oh came in a minute later to find his tea on the floor.. 😖😖 what a bloody day !!
Sorry for just having a quick vent and not to reply to everyone at the moment im still catching up so will soon.. X
Apple x
Apple - wow, that sounds like a disaster what happened with your shepherd's pie! I would have been so frazzled and upset if I were you! So many times I have to choose to pick Violet up and deal with her instead of cleaning up a colossal mess. I've had to let a lot of things go since having her! I hope your DH helped you clean it up and that you still managed to find something to eat.

AFM - despite my bad mood earlier, I forced us all out the door this afternoon and we spent a good two hours outside (50 minutes of it walking! Yay) and I feel much better now. We definitely needed some sun, some fresh air, and some exercise. :) Hope you all have a good rest of the day.
Just popping in for a quick update. I'm exhausted, returning to wokr has left me drained physically, emotionally, and mentally. Teenagers are hard to deal with and even harder when Melody doesn't sleep and is starting to refuse to let DH put her back to sleep at night so I have to do it all.

I started back to work May 1st. I'm exhausted, but it's been a decent transition. It's nice to at least be out of the house again, and Melody is doing well with my mom and sister watching her and they are doing a great job of trying to stick to her routine, which makes it a lot easier for her to go between care givers. Her 4 month check up was on Monday and she's in the 99% for her height! She's wearing 6-9 month clothes already! She's 13lbs 14oz (so 50% for weight, meaning the 6-9 month clothes will fit her length wise but sometimes she still looks like they're huge on her width wise :haha: ). She can almost get from back to tummy too! She's moving back to side easily, and tries to get to her tummy but gets stuck on her shoulder. I have found her on her tummy once while she was sleeping so I know she can do it.

Unfortunately, my MIL passed away on Monday. It was fairly sudden, we expected another 4 weeks at least. :cry: It's been a really rough week. Anyway, trying to check in at least.

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