January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

ali- nights are a blur for sure! but since i make him bottles, its roughly 2 times i get up to make one, so he wakes twice. Sometimes he will wake more if gassy or restless. Hope you had a nice supper :)

are you managing to get baby T in the crib more?

lit- i am glad you got a bath and enjoyed the movie :)

apple- thanks for the link, will try it!

afm- went for a run yesterday, it was brilliant. legs ache but looking forward to getting fit again haha. Today i met up with other mum's in the park and we all went for a walk and then coffee after. It was really nice, and we had a chat about how tired we are, and the realities of having a young baby.
I've started reading a book this week, and going to try and eat really healthy. So i;m feeling positive and passing on the vibes to you all...
Newbie- I have a great MIL but I would go insane if she had to stay with us for any amount of time, I don't blame you! Hopefully it isn't a long stay.
Glad baby Z is doing/sleeping well! I hope his appointment goes well too

Ali- wow go T for sitting like that! I can see why you were worried though, but how cool he was already able to do that! Seems like they do things like that when you least expect it.

Literati- it's gotten so much easier now that L is the same as you said, able to play on her play mat for a bit so I can grab something to eat or something.
I hope you were able to have a nice visit with your friend, I hate when I get in moods like that, especially because I always want to be alone and obviously that can't happen!
Wow crazy that violet is so close to figuring out back to front rolling!
I hope you guys like the new stroller and it works out well. I'm sure it's nice to have something to put both babies in and not have to worry about the older one running off

Apple- definitely sounds like you have your hands full! I'm sorry you are still dealing with problems with your teenager. I don't miss that age at all, kids can be mean. I hope he is able to have a friend or two as that can make a huge difference!
I need to try that work out you posted, I feel so gross with not being able to work out like I did pre baby!

Ally- Glad Isa is doing well at night and hopefully that means you can get a little more sleep
The moms group sounds like a great idea, I'm glad you've found it. Sounds like you are doing really well, I've found taking care of my body makes me feel loads better mentally and emotionally so I need to get back to that, eating better and working out any way I can. Thank you for the motivation! :)

Afm- L hasn't taken any 'longer' naps lately so it's harder to get other things done. Thankfully she's still sleeping well at night just wish she would nap longer but oh well.
We tried to go to target yesterday, it was a bust. Dh suggested I go by myself so I asked if my mother could go and she couldn't. Dh finally said we'll all go even though he hates target (I spend too much time/money there ha!) so we went. L cried the way there and then fussed in the store, so I didn't get to walk around and look at anything, we just rushed and got what we needed.
Got some new formula for L, we've been slowly changing her to AR because of all the spit up so I grabbed the target brand (much cheaper than enfamil) and a new bottle drying rack. I was sad I didn't even get a coffee. We got home and I was a bit discouraged that it was such a chore and how anxious I was just taking a trip to target. Maybe it'll go better next time, think we need to plan it when she doesn't need a nap or bottle because she needed both!
Apple - thanks for the link! I'll have to check it out later!

Ally - well done on going for a run! I am glad the moms' walking meet-up went well and that you felt really positive after! Thanks for sharing the positive thoughts! :) Will you be able to meet up with these moms again?

VRogers - oh, I'm sorry your trip to Target ended up not going so well. I understand how discouraging it can be. Even the simplest things can be so difficult and complicated with a baby! I definitely think with some planning around naps and bottle times, you might be able to have a more successful outing next time! It does take some trial and error to find out what works for your baby! For instance, for Violet, she sleeps very well in the car seat, so planning an outing for when she NEEDS a nap works well for us because then she falls asleep in the car seat on the way there, and I try to finish up The errand before she wakes up again and needs to nurse! That's just what works best for us! Hopefully you can find what works best for you and L!

AFM - had a decent weekend, although there were some frustrating moments. DH and I got a bit more quality time together than usual, so we reconnected a bit.
Literati- yes, we tried to feed her before we left and she wasn't interested so we assumed we would be good. Turns out she was overdue for a nap and then decided she was hungry before her nap. You are definitely right about finding what works for your baby, I'm sure it's different for them all, like how ours absolutely will not nap in her car seat and yours will. That would be so convenient!
Glad you and dh were able to get some extra time together! I love when L goes to bed and we stay in the living room, even if we're both doing different things. Time alone together is more cherished since having a baby, I'm sure everyone here feels the same way!
VRogers - wow, that is beyond frustrating that L won't nap in her car seat at all! I see how that would have ended up disastrous with her refusing a bottle before you left and then suddenly wanting one before her nap! Ah well. If nothing else, she will eventually stay awake for a lot longer so maybe it will be easier when she's older.

Yes, I definitely appreciate alone time with DH more than ever now! I don't ever get time with him in the evenings without Violet because Violet has to be held all the time, but even when I am holding her while she sleeps and we get to watch a movie together it is still a nice treat.
vrogers- i am with you on the short naps, they suck!! sorry going to target was a bust. Definitely try again when you know L is full and not needing a sleep. yes agree with you about the time with dh, we only get it in the evening and i do look forward to it every evening.

lit- yes we are going to meet every monday mornings for a walk, and we have a whatsapp group too so we can chat and complain there also about our babies sleep. Glad you and dh got some time together

afm- not much to update, i;m giving Isa a few small tea spoons of baby rice pudding a day , he seems to like it. My mission today is to make a lasgana, i will need to do it in parts due to Isa's rubbish naps but hey ho. He will nap better one day won't he??
Ally - that will be great to meet up every Monday! I hope you make some good friends. That's great you have a little chat group as well.

Good luck making a lasagna today! That sounds incredibly ambitious! I don't make anything that takes more than 20 minutes of actual prep these days.

You're right that his naps will definitely get better eventually. It might take a while, but it will happen.

AFM - had my fitness class today which went okay but I don't find I can connect with anyone in my class that well. We had scones and coffee after which was nice.
I find I am in quite a bad mood lately. It is not as bad as how irritable I was at the beginning when I was so sleep deprived and struggling a lot, but it is still not very fun. I think I haven't been getting quite as much sleep lately, as I have been making the most of staying up to read or watch tv after dd1 is in bed, and then both girls have been waking a bit earlier (still not that early, but I am a wimp) so I think overall I'm getting a bit less sleep than I could use. I'm also having a ton of low blood sugar attacks all the time but don't have time to prepare a nice healthy, balanced, filling meal, so I'm constantly ravenous and shoving trail mix in my mouth, wishing my dd1 would stop making demands while I'm feeling so shaky and miserable! To make things worse, Violet has also been clingier, crankier and feeding more often, so it all amounts to me being quite a cranky mommy! Hopefully this will pass soon and I can be more relaxed again. I also gained 2 pounds back, so am feeling down about that. :(
LL - Oh yes, I also feel I am in a constant bad mood , I have constant low patience and I snap quite easily. I hate it so you're not alone!! It is difficult with an older one constantly making demands and being so high on energy. It doesn't matter what we do with Anabella, we can't seem to ever wear her out!
Sorry you've not connected with anyone at your exercise class. It certainly sounds like the Thursday one is a better fit for you. I think classes and groups can be so hit and miss. I've been to so many baby groups in my time where I feel so alone and sad where everyone has either connected already or arrived with a friend :(

Ally - Sounds like the walking group is proving to be successful so far! There is one quite local to me but the timings don't really work out with Anabella being in pre school and finishing around the time it's on. Hope you made the lasagna OK! Funnily enough, I plan to do that tomorrow if I can.

vrogers - Sorry your trip to target didn't really work out. It can be stressful when your baby is screaming although I must admit it bothers me much less with Jamie then it ever did with Anabella! Hopefully you can find a time which works better for you next time and it wont be as bad.

Apple - good for you getting out running and meeting mum friends. I love getting a sense of normality back after having a baby and it's nice to connect to people who are going through the same thing. So sorry to hear about your teenage son :hugs: I hope the bullies back off but I am glad homeschooling is an option if you really need it.

Ali - I hope T is back to his normal self now?

newbie - I hope things with your MIL are OK!

AFM - Really good news... Jamie had a heart scan on Friday and his heart is not as enlarged as it was and the hole is getting smaller :happydance: The consultant said he can see a piece of tissue trying to close it and he is almost positive the hole will close on it's own. We are going back in 3 months time and all being well Jamie will no longer need the medication he is on which is fantastic. I came away feeling very happy and positive.

I've probably written about this before so apologies, but getting Jamie to nap at home in the day time is proving very stressful. He has to be held and as soon as I put him down, he will wake up and start screaming! Thankfully when out of the hours he will sleep for 2/3 hours + in either the sling or carry cot so that's a relief. He can also self settle at night and we lay him in his cot awake and he doesn't even cry once and just takes himself of to sleep. So I don't get why he can't in the day? If he isn't being held, he will literally scream and get so hysterical and worked up. Poor thing :(
Pompey - that is such wonderful news about Jamie's heart! I hope everything closes up perfectly!

Glad I'm not the only one still feeling rather irritable and impatient. My dd1 is the same with never ever running out of energy! It is a bit full on when you're tired and trying to deal with a baby as well. Oh well. We'll get through it I'm sure! I do find things are much better than they were.

I agree it can be a very lonely feeling when you're at a mom group but can't connect with anyone. Sorry you've experienced it as well. Sounds like you have some good friends you get together with regularly though! So that's good. If I do sign up for the Thurs class next time, hopefully that class stays the friendlier type! It is the luck of the draw who will sign up again, I suppose.

So sorry Jamie is so upset when you don't hold him for naps at home. I also have to hold Violet for all her naps at home. Sometimes she'll handle the swing, but lately she won't even do that and will cry until I hold her. She is having a particularly sleepy day today so I've basically been trapped by her the entire day! Have gotten nothing accomplished. Oh well. At least I did manage to pay bills and whatnot on my phone, and DH is bringing home take-out for supper! :)
You're right that it doesn't make sense about naps since he self settles at night (Violet doesn't), but hopefully he will progress to wanting to self settle for naps eventually as well.
Hope you have a good evening/day or whatever time it is there when you read it!
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days ladies! Just can't seem to find the time to reply properly when I'm not at work. Will try to do better because I hate getting to this point where I'm so behind on replying to people!

AliJo - right there with you on DH having good and bad days. Same for us moms as well I suppose, but you feel bad when it's all on DH, right?? I know I spend way more time handling two kids alone, but I still feel bad for DH if he has a bad day with just Jack.

When will you close on the house? Must be so exciting!

Jack will sit up a bit from recline as well - have to be careful how I prop him on the couch - need to lay him back a good bit or he starts crunching himself forward!

Man I wish I could get Jack to regularly take a paci. He will chew it for a bit, but won't really get going and keep it in his mouth.

Literati - that sucks that V is having catnaps! I find some of Jack's are short and some are long. You're lucky she sleeps well in the carseat though. We never did have an infant seat, but I'm positive neither of my children would ahve slept through being moved about in a seat. DD would wake if we stopped at a red light!

Jack seemed so close to rolling back to front but he hasn't been working on it lately. Boo!

Glad you got the double stroller and you are liking it. I think I want to get a sit and stand kind, but want to wait longer to see if Jack gets better with the stroller.

That's nice you got some quality time with DH over the weekend. DH and I are sorely lacking in that.

Sorry you are feeling irritable lately. I completely understand, especially with hunger and shoving food in yourself. I still haven't lost any more weight.

I have much experience with going to groups and not making any friends! It sucks.

Vrogers - good going for L rolling front to back! More and more head control is awesome. Jack is almost always totally steady with his head now.

Sorry the Target run was such a bust! That doesn't sound fun. Can you bring a bottle and a baby carrier next time and feed her and knock her out in the carrier for a while?

Newbie - sorry to hear about your MIL's fall and that she is staying with you and making your relationship with DH harder. I hope you guys get to work on things soon. I also still don't feel as much of a bond with Jack as I thought I would. It's gotten better, but still nowhere near my level with DD. I'm sure it will just get better over time.

Apple - sorry you have so much going on, especially with your teenager. It's really awesome that you are so involved, though, and making sure he is OK. Teens really need to be watched closely with things like that! I hope you can work out homeschooling or whatever he needs to get through!

I'll have to check out that 7 minute workout! I really need to do something.

Ally - sorry Isa takes catnaps too. That mums group sounds awesome. Wish I had time for that kind of thing! Good on you for getting out for a run! Relish those days where you feel positive!

Pompey - soooo glad to hear the good news about Jamie’s heart! That's fantastic!

Sorry to hear about the struggle with naps at home! That sounds stressful! Jack naps well in a carrier, though it breaks my back. DH has even been getting him to nap in the rock n play!

AFM - doing OK, except my back/neck is killing me again. I haven’t been keeping up with my stretches or exercises since stopping PT. Really feeling discouraged that I’m just going to be in pain and a mess physically for ages while Jack is still a baby. :( I even got a massage on Sunday for my BF’s bachelorette and I still felt horrible by the next day.

My mom came for a visit on Saturday and it was nice. She stayed long enough to put DD to bed after DH had left for work. She left and Jack and I went straight to bed. Not bad.

So I thought swaddling was going to make a big difference in Jack’s sleep, but after a couple days it's pretty much back to the usual of max 2 hours and more often as the night wears on. :( It is helping DH put him down for naps though, so I guess that's good. He even got him to nap for an hour and 45 minutes in the rock n play today!

Pumping is going well at work. I come home with more than I need almost every day. Today I came home with 20 oz!
Slammer - I would imagine it would be quite difficult to fit replying in now that you're back at work. It does make it quiet around here, though, with you and Ali so busy working!

Violet has some longer naps too. She's honestly all over the place. I find her to be an extremely unpredictable baby. Violet throws me for a loop pretty much daily! Just when I think she's starting to do something, she changes it on me. At the moment she MUST be going through a growth spurt because it feels likes she's feeding pretty much constantly. Also has been sleeping more during the day again, but only on me. I really hope it's just a growth spurt, but it has been going on for 5+ days now and I didn't think growth spurts lasted that long. Feeling confused and somewhat stressed. She has been crying hysterically a lot this evening so I am feeling overwhelmed.
That's amazing your DH got Jack to nap that long in the rock n play. That sure would be nice. Sounds like your DH is doing better with him anyway, even though I am sure it is still hard.

That's a good idea to wait on the sit and stand stroller until Jack actually likes the stroller. Otherwise it's a waste of money! I am happy Violet does sleep in her car seat (although she sure hates getting put in it!), as it does make being on the go a lot easier.
Great job pumping so much at work! That sounds like a pretty good visit with your mom. Nice of her to stay to put your daughter to bed. I am sorry swaddling hasn't offered any relief with Jack's stretches at night. It's so tough. Is it pretty hard to concentrate at work with so little sleep?

Sorry you are feeling sore and that the massage was undone pretty much immediately after. I always find that happens after a massage. The relief they offer often doesn't last long. Blah.

AFM - feeling very discouraged tonight. I've been blah this week but now I feel really down. It doesn't help that Violet cried most of the evening and is seeming very 'off.' It is a good thing I squeezed in some time with DH this weekend because this is one of those weeks where I'm barely seeing him. Blah.
Literati - aw, I'm sorry V is crying and eating so much. She sounds like quite the demanding mistress! I hope she gets easier/more predictable soon. And boo to DH working a lot this week. It really sucks when you hardly get time with DH. We barely get any one-on-one time. We did spend maybe 40 minutes together last night. I put the kids to bed while he went for groceries and I came out for 10 minutes with him before Jack woke (of course, 30 mins after falling asleep). Then nursed him back to sleep and managed another 30 minutes with DH before he woke again. FML with these babies that can't settle for a decent stretch at the start of the night. I dunno how DH and I will ever even have a chance to be intimate...even getting a few minutes of snuggling on the couch last night was quite the accomplishment!

Things are getting a bit better for DH with Jack, especially since I am basically taking over for several hours on Monday mornings so he can sleep. Jack will usually take a 2 hour nap in the Mei Tai while I sit at my computer "working".

He just said last night he wishes he had made better career choices before having kids! I said he could look for something new now if he wanted, but he said there's really no point while Jack is still a baby because a new job would mean more hours, more stress, and less money. Pretty much all true. Probably another few years of him bartending and then we'll work on something new for him. I also want to get a stable government job before then (I'm a contractor right now...stable enough, but I want to make the switch to a regular govt employee).

I have nothing going on at work today, so I am replying on here and Amazon browsing, lol.
I'm also finding it difficult to reply regularly. Between work and baby, there isn't much time for anything else. I am reading, though.

I'm sorry you guys are having trouble with babies napping and in the car seats. I'm thankful that ds is generally good in the car seat, unless we're going for a particularly long drive, but that's rare. I do pick my moments to go out, though. I try to make a run for it right after he's eaten so that I don't have to feed him immediately when we get to where we're going.

We went for a drive to the sea on Monday since we were both off work. I really wanted to stay home but my MIL is still here so it wouldn't have been peaceful. We enjoyed the outing but it was a long drive. I ended up feeding ds in the car on the side of the highway in the way back! Funny story... I'd just put ds back in the carrier after a delicious seafood lunch and I put my hand on his thigh to adjust how he was sitting angst it felt all sticky... Yep, an explosion! We were a long way from the car, no pram to lie him in, no public change facilities available, nothing. We were right on the street over looking the sea and I saw the stone wall that is built as a water break... A flat surface... Yep, you guessed it! My baby got changed right there, overlooking the sea!
lit- that is a shame you feel you don't connect with anyone in you fitness class. Hope you feel more well rested soon. i am the same, once Isa sleeps i like to read, or go online and chill out rather than just sleep. it does sound like a growth spurt, V sounds like a very demanding baby. sending you a big hug.

pomp- i managed ot make a tasty veggie lasagna, how did you get on? i am so happy about Jamie's news, that is brilliant! you must be so happy. Maybe Jamie needs more comfort in the day? quite a few of us seem to be struggling with daytime naps just now.

slammer sorry about the back/neck pain. My dh is the same just now slammer, wishing he did a different career path with more money. he is a landscape gardener, but studied engineering. he signed up to start a course in august and hopefully after he will be in a better position job wise.

newbie- ahah funnt story, at least you had a nice scenic view as you changed his nappy. how are things with you and your dh now?

AFM- Yesterday Isa rolled back to tummy multiple times. Now he can't stop! anytime he is on the floor or bed, he is rolling. It is sooo adorable!
He has had two brilliant nights of sleep, both nights he had a 6 hour stretch of sleep and only woke once or twice. I know it probably won't last but i am going to enjoy the extra rest while i can!
today i am visiting a friend who has a 3 month old baby which will be nice. The weather has been very warm so i have been out for walks with Isa.
newbie - definitely hard to find time to reply. I think of doing it when I am in bed with Jack, but my arms go numb holding up my phone to type, so I give up, lol.

Sounds like a lovely view for DS while you changed him! Glad you got to spend the say with DH, even if you would have rather stayed home.

Ally - hope your DH has good luck with job prospects after his course. My DH studied financial math, so definitely in a different career field now, lol. Not sure what kind of work he might do next, but I'm sure he will make less at first. Bartenders can make a lot of money around here.

Good job Isa on rolling and sleeping well!

AFM - not much new. DH is sick and was exhausted last night. He took a nap 5-6 and then I sent him back to bed at 7 because he was clearly dying.

I can't stop clothes shopping!! Bought a rake of leggings/pants on Amazon yesterday. Out of control! Might send some of it back. Also ordered 5 dresses the previous day to find one for BF's wedding - hopefully one of them works and I can return the rest.

Gonna try to take DD to the library tonight.
Slammer - ugh, that sucks you had to try so hard for just 40 sliced up minutes of alone time with your DH! I completely understand. I think I have only cuddled with DH ONCE since before Violet was born. That was a few weeks ago when I managed to get Violet down in her bassinet for a whole 20 minutes. *rolls eyes* So I completely feel your pain. I honestly have no idea how DH and I will ever have time to be intimate again either. We are never alone! We'll have to wait until Vi is like a year old and then get someone to babysit for an evening just so we get some alone time! :p

I am glad you're getting to relieve your DH for a couple hours when you're home. It's nice he will sleep in the carrier for you at least.

That is too bad your DH is regretting his career choices. It is true with young kids it isn't a great time to switch careers and have lower pay for a while. I hope he eventually is able to switch to something he likes more with more normal hours. I also hope you're able to get a government job eventually. Isn't that the dream? Haha I would love to work for the government too. Although, that likely isn't an option for me!
Sorry your DH is so sick and exhausted! That sucks he had to sleep so much because of it. I don't blame you for being addicted to online shopping lately. I have done too much for dd1 recently but nothing for myself. However, I can sure see the temptation because I am so sick of all my clothes and most of them don't fit very well at the moment. Maybe I need some retail therapy too... haha.

Ally - wow, great job to Isa for rolling over back to front! Woohoo! I'm actually quite surprised he is sleeping so well after just starting to roll! I remember when dd1 started to roll back to front it completely ruined her sleep for ages because she kept trying to roll in her sleep and waking herself up. So that's awesome he did a 6-hour stretch for you! I hope he keeps that up.

Newbie - that is a funny story about changing Z by the seaside! Diaper explosions always happen at the absolute worst times! At least you managed to make it work! Hehe.

AFM - I had an incredibly down day yesterday. Violet was SO hard and was only staying awake for maybe 30 minutes before needing another nap and ONLY on me. She wouldn't even sleep in her stroller or car seat, and has started screaming for car rides, so I think sadly she is going through the same phase dd1 did. Dd1 didn't mind car rides the first couple months but then ended up absolutely hating them until well over a year. I was really hoping Violet was 'safe' from that but doesn't look like it.
I was at my friend's house for most of the afternoon/evening because she said I could stay over for supper and such so I didn't have to be alone with DH gone all evening. I'm afraid I was terrible company as I felt so down and depressed the whole time. We mostly just hung out in a companionable silence (when Violet wasn't screaming her head off, that is). We ended up leaving after Violet had been screaming for like 20 minutes. She screamed the whole way home too but then when we got home she wasn't even tired OR hungry OR gassy. She stopped crying as long as I held her in different positions all the time. It was so weird and overly stressful. I hope whatever phase she is going through is over VERY quickly. I can't handle it anymore.
I also had a terrible sleep last night because DH brought dd1 to my bed at 4:30 am and I couldn't fall back asleep after. Managed to fall back asleep after DH left for work (always happens) so when my alarm went off and I checked my phone to see that my SIL was cancelling our play Date, I was so relieved and went back to sleep for an hour. Today I will be doing absolutely nothing all day. I am so sick of people!!
Hi ladies, judt quick check in whilst I rock ollie back to sleep, just bathed him and ds.. That was eventful lol..

Lit sorry u can't connect with the other mums at the group. Hope it improves. Sometimes I guess it can take a while to get to know people properly. I just don't like it when it's already clicky..sorry you have been feeling but down this week. You are not in your own. Ive definately had my moments this week. I actually had a thought cross my mind if I was starting to go down the pnd route but I feel brighter today and yesterday so think im ok. I think it's just been all stuff with teenager and Id just finished cycle so Prob a few unwanted hormones as well..hope u have better few days :)

Pomp.. Brilliant news about Jamie !! Sooo pleased for you must be such a relief. 😄

Slammer , must be hard getting on here and working.. Sorry your DH is do tired at times my oh is shattered also.. I Also feel bad if he has a difficult time when looking after ollie.. He just won't settle for him at all at the min and I know it upsets oh as he really tries everything.. Never mind hopefully get better soon ...funny about u doing your Amazon shopping, nice to have a little break to do it I bet :) I love shopping .. I'm terrible ha..always on Amazon or ebay..

Newbie.. Funny changing ds on sea front.. Just typical isn't it lol x

Ali- hope the house is all sorted soon , exciting times, even tho stressful..

Ally- 6 hour stretch is brill :) I hope your visit with your friend goes well. It's nice to catch up. Ive not had chance to see many people last couple of week with things going on with my boys but ive messaged a couple of friends today and meeting up next week so looking forward to that., brilliant Isa rolling.. Ollie can't be bothered ha ..

Vrogers / sorry the trip to target didn't go well.. It's so frustrating when u make an effort to go out and it goes pear shaped.. I'm sure L will settle soon enough, sorry u didn't get your coffee, that's always the highlight of my trips :) .. It's definitely therapeutic for me. Oh isn't that bothered.. It might sound a bit daft but I actually bought myself a little flask the other day. Oh was laughing at me but I take it for walks with me.. I love it haha.. I laughed at oh when I drank it .. I said suppose u want some now after all your laughing at me :)

Nothing much else happening here just trying to get over the last week really. Ollie doing well, such a little smiler .. So cute he really makes my day.. Even when teenagers having a moment lol..plan to try and meet with a friend over the weekend in a play area and another friend who is also on mat leave from work so hopefully have a catch up and coffee.. Oh off tomorrow so hopefully get some time together at some point.. Oh tired but happy at the min as his son comes home for 3 months from the US next week :)

Sorry if not replying to everyone, ollie not happy ...:( will get back on when I can :)
I keep trying to reply, but then I get busy doing something else. See if I can catch up now!

Apple - I'm sure it'll be nice to catch up with friends! Glad Ollie is a smiley baby! Their smiles really do make everything better. That's great that OH's son is going to be coming back!

Lite - I'm sorry you had such a rough day. Maybe a growth spurt? Don't you wish there was some like.. diagnostic thing that could just tell us what was up? Really can't tell. Heck could be a sour stomach and we would never know! Really hope your day is better tomorrow.

It almost seems like as soon as I start to feel better you start to get blah! Stop it! :haha: I feel like we're both constantly going up and down, though. I always feel like life is going better then all of the sudden something kicks me down, ugh.

Slammer - To be honest, I wish I made a different career choice. The family life I want and my career just doesn't generally work together. Or at least that I decided on it a lot sooner so I could have worked a few years without having to worry about children. It wouldn't be so bad if DH didn't have screwy hours as well. Ah well. Right now it's working out alright.

I wish I could shop without feeling disgusted in myself. I found my brother's P90X DVDs. I might use them. No way I can keep up with them but I guess even if I can do part and work into it that's better than nothing. First I need to move.

I stopped trying the paci then decided one day and he took it. He's still not huge on it, but he'll actually keep it for awhile now. He's really chewing and suckling on everything so that's probably why he decided it was okay. I just got him teether/paci hybrids and he likes those as well.

Ally - That's great that Isa is rolling back to tummy! They do just keep at it as soon as they realize how to do it. T will roll to get to things and scoot himself off his play mat. He'll even scoot himself down under a toy to play with it.

Newbie - That's funny about the diaper change. Gotta do what you gotta do! You'll come up with skills you never thought would be skills!

AFM - T is back to himself for the most part. (Thanks for asking Pomp!) He actually took an abnormally long nap yesterday. It was kind of broken because he would cry in his sleep, but settle back down. I ended up holding him for part of it and DH another part of it and part of it was in the pack n play. He slept easily 3 hours which he never does anymore. He's still chewing on things like mad and drooling like someone forgot to shut the faucet off. Eating fine now. Although, he's started to get distracted from eating so that's great.. not.

We close on the house tomorrow at 9 am! Hoping it goes fast because we'll have the boys. Not worried about T, but O will most likely be impatient and not want to be in there. Can't believe we're finally closing. I'm not as happy and excited as I expected to be. I'm more stressed out. The idea of a house is great but I'm thinking too far ahead and about the responsibilities and it's getting to me. Go figure! I can't just enjoy the moment.

I didn't reply as good as I wanted. I didn't update as good either. T is awake, though so I got to go see if I can get him back to sleep. He should be down for the night.
Ali- fingers crossed that all goes well with closing on the house :) hope boys behave as well :). It is stressful but will be worth it in the end. Just take your time with stuff. You have two boys and working you can only do so much in a day. I used to work as nurse on the wards and its stressful.
Hope you get time for u through the process..😄. We get good as mums doing juggling acts. Sorry you feel you have been up and down. I'm sure once you are in house you will get time to clear your head a bit. Maybe just try and not put yourself under too much pressure to get everything sorted at once.

I understand the responsibilities concerns but I'm sure u will be fine once you are in and settled. I was unpacking boxes for ages when we moved here and I always find it's a good opportunity for a de clutter lol.

We have loads we have to do still, we need to convert our loft which is a massive job as full of stuff that we just don't have time to sort. Ive just got my head round it now and tried to stop stressing about it. We are just doing bit at a time. Ive actually got an appointment with bank at the end of month to re look s my mortgage so I need to look online at different offers. It's for a house that i own from previous relationship. I took house on when we split and i have my eldest living in of with his girlfriend. It's a pain but I'm trying to keep it for the boys if needed. It's also worked out ok as I know my son is in decent house and still kind if under my wing lol..always my baby even at 19 !!

Glad T is doing bit better. Ollie is also chewing and hands in his mouth constantly. I just noticed O and I share same birthday lol..glad T is taking the pacci better I don't know what I'd do without ollies x

Anyway it's 3.40 am here ive just been in having cuddles with ds (toddler) he hasn't woken like that for a while. He is flat out again now :) I don't mind going in really and although tiring i appreciate the cuddles as know with my older boys that wears off, :( we are still very close though. 😄 it's always mum they come to .,

Ollie just woke for a feed. He is laying next to me now smiling in his sleep.. Just did a little chuckle lol must be having a little dream .. Cute..😘
Better try and sleep now before I sway towards Amazon and spend money I can't afford !! lol x
slammer- sorry your dh was so sick, i hope he feels better soon. I realy need to go clothes shopping! i don't like buying clothes online though, i like trying everything on first.

lit- i am sorry you had such a down day. Really hope things are better today and V is less demanding.

apple- ah baby smiles just melt my heart. Isa is normally such a happy baby.

ali- oh my goodness, Isa will not stop eating his hands, and putting things in his mouth! Glad T is better and good luck on closing the house.

afm- welll guys, isa slept ALL NIGHT, 8pm to 7am, he woke a few times but it was just because he wanted dummy or had tried to roll and got himself into a funny position. But no feeds. i am amazed! and just now he has taken a 1 hour nap! i really cannot believe this, his daytime naps are no more than 30 mins usually.
All i have been doing is giving him a few small spoons of solid food at lunch time with his bottle. Can that make that big a difference so soon? maybe it's just a phase. I am not expecting it to last long..
even though he slept all night, i slept rubbish as kept checking he was ok and expecting him to wake lol

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