January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Oh my goodness angel so sorry to hear this. It must have been awful for u. You must have felt so helpless. I do this all the time with ollie, he always wants to stand on my lap. Glad she got instant relief. Sending u and M big hugs ️xxx

Well I can't get on for ages, then I seem to be always on here lol..

Just a vent really, so apologies in advance. Ollie had his jabs today and this evening I had to go out ( I never go anywhere normally ) but I had to go to my sons award night for a course he had been doing. He has been having a difficult time at school lately so I felt it was important to see him tonight. I said to oh " def ring me if ollie isn't ok or upset as I would want to come home to him" I said this twice b4 I left. I was gone 2 hours an took my toddler so it was easier for oh with baby and when I came home it was clear oh was really pissed off. His parents had arrived unannounced, which is annoying but they don't come often and are in their 70s so couldnt really send them away.

Oh explained that ollie had been screaming earlier and he couldn't settle him and stressed he was really bad. I said why didn't u call me but he said u wouldn't have done any better !! And was really off..Wtf kind of response is that??. Sorry for language but I'm so annoyed ! Ollie really does settle much better for me and he knows that Im just really upset that oh didn't call me. It's like he was proving a Point or something. He then told me he gave him his Calpol an Hour earlier than he should ..I can't believe he did that.. He was fine when I got in and I got him straight to sleep but oh was really off with me all night, his parents didn't stay long but he was even funny in front of them. One word answers. He wasn't interested in how my son had got on tonight which I found really offending. I know I hadn't done anything wrong but went to bed out of the way after failing with small talk for about an hour. I thought I'd give him bit o space, When he came to bed I waited to see how he was but he was clearly being really off still so I basically told him straight. He kept saying there was nothing wrong ( very blunt) yet was being a total arse with me. His job is stressful at the min and I know he is really tired but I'm sick of getting the blunt end. He told me to stop talking or he will go sleep on couch.! So I said off u go then do what u want and take Ur mood with u. I'm 39 soon and just feel I don't need this shit. ( this is not the first time this has happened when tired) He is a brill dad and love him to bits but really moody when tired and Im just getting sick of it and don't see why I should put up with it when I go above and beyond for him everyday to make his life less stressful often at the cost of my own stress levels. I really tried to be ok with him through the evening offering to make him drinks, asking about his older kids ect, but there comes a stage when u think sod ya..I don't see why I should walk on egg shells. Sad thing is I don't feel like I can leave ollie now if he might be tired.. I know he will just say well that's your choice but it's not my choice at all I know I'll feel anxious and be calling all he time. I know they say u take thing out on people close to u but I just feel i have enough going on with the kids and new baby. Sorry for vent ladies. Hopefully he will be in better mood tomorrow.. In my day job im a therapist and sometimes it's not a good thing as I automatically look at the bigger picture and look at alternative perspectives and allow for things but sometimes people are just nobs ! That's my professional opinion ha x
Sorry again for rant ! Let's see what tomorrow brings. Hope my little fella has a good night after his jabs ️xx he is my priority x
apple- haha the faces they pull are so funny! he made such a face the other day when i gave him pureed apple, prunes and sweet potato. He was like no , no no.
Sorry about OH, i think sometimes couples just have these weird days with each other, in funny moods, tired etc. I hope today is better, but i totally get that you feel fed up- especially as you go out your way to reduce oh's stress!
dh has been working late recently, and also very tired when home, he doesn't talk much, just sits on phone and then just goes to bed, and i would really love some company.

angel- awww poor M! bless her. These things happen, main thing is she is ok and thank god the dr let you in. Sending you both a hug!

afm- so this morning, I gave Isa his bottle and some pureed banana. Then I took him to bedroom, where i sat on my laptop and watched stuff. he was very content just sitting next to me, watching it too. I could see he was getting tired, so i laid him on my bed while i nipped to loo quickly. Came back and he had put himself to sleep! good boy! i need to start doing this more often, just really relax him and then put him down to sleep.
a friend of mine has invited dh, Isa and I to stay at her holiday home in Cyprus. I think it will be a great idea, we need a little get away. Going to get a passport sorted for Isa then check out some flight prices! hoping to go July time maybe.
Cyprus us lovely and glad little man enjoyed his banana!

Apple. So sorry you had a bad night. I totally understand. I used to feel same with my 3rd but it did get easier. Sounds like a tough night and I hate the tension feeling xx
Apple - sorry to hear about your son's mouth ulcer! Poor baby - I feel for him! I have two right now, lol. Hate them. Sorry to hear the trip to York was stressful. :( That's so scary your son was at that arena not long ago. Definitely gives you all kinds of "what ifs."

Oh, I definitely feel for you on the situation with DH and Ollie. I would have been upset too! There's no shame in the mother being more able to soothe a baby - it's just biology! And giving him more medicine before the right time is just foolish and dangerous! Hope you guys are getting on better today. We all have those times where things are just "off" and not immediately fixable with DH.

Ally - Glad to hear Isa is doing better. Sounds like a good idea to slow it down a bit on the solids. Adjusting to food can take a toll on their digestion! The consistency of poops even changes with only a small addition of solids - at least that's what I recall!

Wow, how nice Isa just fell asleep on the bed. Wish I had chill babies like that, lol.

Cyprus sounds fun!

Angel - Oh, I am SO SORRY Melody went through all that (and you and DH too). I'm so glad they were able to see her and get her elbow back in place. What a traumatizing experience!

Literati and AliJo - where are you? And vrogers?

AFM - Been hard to get time to reply myself the last few days. DD is back in her room and sleeping well. I randomly bought her a clock at Target that you can set so it's lit up yellow during the night while she's sleeping, and turns green when it's time to get up. She was/is excited about it. I set the green light to come on at 7, which I think is a reasonable time for her to wait for. She has woken up a couple times before the green light and stayed in her room until it turned green, so that's awesome! Not sure if it will work all the time, but for now it is. Not that she was a big problem with getting up too early, but even 6:30/6:45 feels like a big difference from 7, lol.

My BF's wedding is this weekend. They are doing the legal part on Friday and then another ceremony and the reception on Saturday. It's actually me and another friend doing the ceremony on Sat! Excited for her!
Slammer - I would probably try to ease off the probiotic for a few days just to see if it helps with the pooping (unless he's stopped now?). It's worth a try anyway, because those night diaper changes are awful!

Ally - sorry Isa had a bit of a tummy upset. Glad he liked the bananas! I am dreading feeding Violet solids ahha.

Angel - wow that is horrifying about M and her elbow! Definitely don't beat yourself up as these things happen and you couldn't have predicted it! I do understand how awful it is when your poor baby is in pain and needing care, though! It is so hard. I am so glad she is okay now!

Slammer - wow, did your dd go back to sleep on her own until the light went green? Like, you or your DH didn't have to help her back to sleep or anything? If so, that's amazing! I wish my dd1 would get a grip on her sleep issues. It sucks having 2 kids who can't sleep without us. I will be tempted to buy a clock like that now...

Yay for your best friend's wedding this weekend. Enjoy!

Apple - sorry you had a bad experience with your OH not contacting you even though Ollie was upset! Of course you could have settled him more easily since you are his mom and with him always! That is aggravating. Sorry you've been feeling kind of down as well. It is hard to keep on top of.

AFM - thanks, all, for the concern over me feeling down. Of course I am quite up and down always, so this week I have been feeling a bit more positive again.

I haven't been anywhere special lately but haven't had much uninterrupted time to reply and dd1 has been going to sleep later so I just feel like going to bed when she does. Hope you're all having a decent week.
Slammer - I'm here reading. I just haven't had time to get a good reply out. I don't right now either.

I'm sitting on the couch with T sleeping in my arms and O sitting next to me. It's late. My anxiety is high tonight and I have no idea why. It's bothering me.

I'll try to catch up tomorrow.
Hi ladies, just quick check in,

Ali, sorry to hear your anxiety hasn't been good this week. Hope you have a better day today. Last couple of weeks I just couldn't reply either. Nice to have double cuddles with the boys :)

Lit/ glad u are having a better week. Hope dd sleep settles for you and you get some time for u. Ive been the same this week, sometimes it's just easier to go to bed same time when it gets so late. It's just hard to get time with partners when it's like this. I'm finding that quite hard at the min, especially with oh having hassle at work. I don't get any time to self lately. Kinda feel life is like a production line at the min going round and round😣.. Then ollie gives me a big gummy smile and brightens the moment. X

Ally, holiday sound great. Cool that you just need to get flights as well. Wish I had a friend like that ha x hope Isa doing ok x

Slammer, glad dd likes her new clock. I bought ds one and I was really excited to used it thinking he would love it and he would only have it outside in the landing haha.. Yay for wedding. Hope it's a loverly weekend.

Thanks everyone for support with my oh, he is a really good man and great dad but has this moody tired thing going on and it just really annoys me, especially when I'm the one doing the night ect. We are ok but there is still elephant in the room. He did txt and apologise but hasn't spoke about it. I was a bit peed off last night as if made an effort to create a oportuninty to discuss things, got older son to sleep out ect and then my oh eldest son came round, he was here hours and I just ended up doing yoyo between the 2 youngest and taking O for a walk in pram at 9pm as he wouldn't settle. ( it's really hot here at the min) so think this unsettled him, plus his jabs day b4. I didn't expect oh to make an excuse to his son as he is only here for a few weeks b4 he goes back to uni in US so time with him is precious. Just typical tho 😣

Oh got up and went to work this am at 6.45 he is manager so i know could have gone in later. We sat and talked a little but it was small talk about work ect.So annoying, it might sound stubborn but I thought, no, I'm not raising the issue as he was the one out of order. I made first move yesterday by txting him in work which most wouldn't have. He apologised and said we will talk later. I'm sure he will raise it tonight.

Anyway less of annoying men! Ha.. I popped into work yesterday which was nice to see colleagues with O. He was all smiley :) weather is great here at the min so 3 of us have arranged to meet at the park this afternoon with our little ones and let kids have little picnic. So looking forward to that.

My eldest son was 20 !! Yesterday . I feel old ha.. Had loverly afternoon with him , ollie and his girlfriend , we went to a little tearooms and had afternoon tea.. Ha. My son was like " where's the food ?? Is that it " ha x we had a good laugh. It was nice to have him young , he is very like me and we are very close. He takes the mic and calls me mummy bear.. Basically knows he can wrap me round his finger. His girlfriend is loverly with nice family. makes such a difference ! It's def true tho the saying, they are your boy until they get a wife.. / girlfriend , im just glad she is nice. She is very thoughtful and spoils him like I do so has my approval ha x we didn't see eye to eye once when they first got together and although not nice situation it was nice that although my son stuck up for her he also told her I can't be with anyone that doesn't get on with my mum xx bless him x

Hope you all have nice weekend x
Apple - I totally know what you mean about life feeling like a production line that repeats over and over again. I definitely don't get time for myself these days either, and if I do, I have to sacrifice sleep to get it, and even then I am holding Violet the whole time so it isn't truly alone time. It gets exhausting, doesn't it? I can't imagine how much busier it must be for you with 4 kids and such a range in ages! I find 2 so hard still. I definitely have my rhythm but it is so busy all the time and there's hardly a chance to breathe. I agree that their adorably gummy smiles sure do brighten the moment! Last night Violet was giving me the biggest, cutest giggles, and I just wanted to freeze the moment and enjoy it longer. There are so many sweet little moments, but it's easy to get brought down by all the mundane tasks in between.
Wow, can't believe your eldest is 20 already! I am glad you get along well with his gf for the most part. I feel sad thinking about my kiddos growing up and getting husbands and leaving me alone. :(

Ali - so sorry you're feeling so anxious. I know how that is. Hope you feel better soon. Sucks you've been too busy to post lately but I understand.

AFM - well, I might not be as 'down' the last few days, but am I ever in a cranky mood today! I slept like utter crap. Couldn't fall asleep for no apparent reason, then slept fitfully all night (partly because it was SO HOT in our room), then woke up early to the sounds of one of our stupid neighbours using power tools first thing in the morning. It sounded like it was right in our backyard it was so loud! So stinkin' annoying! Then this morning I discovered one of my books is missing from the bookshelf because dd1 obviously took it but she can't seem to remember where it is and I have searched the ENTIRE house for it and I honestly feel SOOOO angry that it is missing! I am starting to wonder if dd1 threw it in the garbage or something. If she did, I'll be SO mad! I only just bought it recently, and had been excited to lend it to a friend. Ugh, so that has put me in a terrible mood.

Violet is having a LONG nap in the Ergo which is good I guess except I HATE being stuck walking around, pacing my house the entire time so she can stay asleep. I would much prefer to sit and relax! Sure, I can get some things done this way at least, but it gets old really fast doing things in weird, awkward positions so that I'm not turning her upside down and whatnot. I don't mind it for short periods but I really don't like being stuck with it for longer than 45 min or so. Ugh! Sorry - just ranting because I'm so cranky! Supposed to visit a friend today but I don't feel like talking or being a nice person at all.
Hope you're all having a better day than I am.
Apple - It was just last night. I think I just didn't want to be alone and got myself worked up.

That's sweet of your oldest son! Glad you're so close to him! I really hope I have a good relationship with all my children, but only time will tell.

Enjoy your meeting at the park and best of luck with your OH tonight if he does bring it up!

Lite - Glad you're feeling better this week! Maybe that's why I'm a bit down :haha:. I'm not bad, just meh feeling. I think it's just all the anxiety I keep spiking from sending my boys to daycare starting next week. I really just hate it. I think I'd feel better if it was the center I was looking at, but it just won't work out. I'm afraid it's not going to work out and then I'm going to be stressing about finding someone else. Ugh! Honestly, if I wasn't making such good money I'd probably just do an in home daycare myself haha.

Slammer - I have seen those clocks and want to get O one once he's a little older. I think they're a great idea. Children aren't good at judging when it's time to get up. I actually might go ahead and get one. I'm thinking about it and even though he's still sleeping with me I can set it up in our room and if it's not green we don't get out of bed. Let him start to understand it.

Hope you enjoy the wedding this weekend!

Ally - I had T put himself back to sleep after waking up one night. I just couldn't hold him so I laid him down in the pack n play to do something and he put himself back to sleep. Although, it was very fitful and I ended up having to hold him to get him to settle. Hopefully you can get him to doze off on his own more often! Even if it's just right beside you at first. T would definitely have to be calm to do something like that. He often panic cries if I try to lay him down and he's tired.

Angel - That's scary! I'm glad Melody is alright. I actually saw a little boy that had his elbow dislocate in my ER preceptorship. His had relocated on it's own, but it's pretty common. He had gone to throw himself down on the ground at a store and his mother grabbed his arm and the process caused it to occur. He had it happen before so she figured it did again. Some children are more prone to things like that happening. Hopefully Melody won't be an increased risk of it occurring again!

Definitely don't beat yourself up. It's honestly not your fault. Like I said it's pretty common. I can only imagine how hard it would be for you while she was inconsolable. It's one of the worst feelings to know you can't help your baby.

AFM - I'm just coasting along over here. O keeps waking T up and I feel like I'm going to lose it on him. I've managed not to completely lose it. Trying to calm myself before I react, but it's so freaking hard! My trigger is so short with some things I can't even think to take a breath before reacting. Practice makes perfect I guess.. he sure gives me enough time to practice.
Can't properly reply right now. Don't have the mental energy. I am SO exhausted at the moment. Had a long day with BF for her legal ceremony and then rehearsing/setting up for tomorrow. Then rushed home and DH left immediately for work, so we didn't talk at all. Fed Jack and picked up DD From daycare. We may all be wrecks by the end of tomorrow. Stressing about DH, DD, and Jack being around tomorrow while in trying to get ready and what to do with them while I'm with my BF before the ceremony. Give me strength. And I'm still sick!! Can't wait to go to sleep tonight!
So sorry I have once again fallen way behind! Typed out half an update earlier this week, baby woke from nap and thought I had saved what I typed but NOPE!
Today is my bday but we aren't doing anything super special which is fine with me! Got coffee this morning and small ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, and dh said he's going to get me a subscription to magnolia magazine (think that's the name? It's Joanna Gaines magazine from fixer upper, obsessed with that show).
Will come on tonight or tomorrow and try to read back!
Quick update, I had answered this in my deleted post, I think Ali asked me, pumping is still going strong, I'm now getting about 2+ oz a day and decided I'll try until L is 6 months and see how my supply is then and either keep going or stop.
I discovered our napping problems were because I was trying to put L down too early. She goes about 2 hours between naps instead of the 1 I thought before. I can put her down now and she'll fuss for a few min and then be out, we are still just getting no naps longer than 30 min. We just put her in the rock n play so we could eat ice cream cake and she woke after only 15-20 min and was super cranky, so we fed her about 2 oz and she's crashed back out on dh's chest.
Anyways sorry for the crappy short post yet again, miss coming on here as often as I did, will be back to see how everyone else is doing! Hope you're all having a good weekend :)
Thanks everyone for the encouragement about Melody's arm! She's doing well, no lingering affects from the "nurse maids" elbow. Thank goodness! I know they told me it's fairly common, and now that i know what it is I can be less panicked if it happens again! This week has been so much better sleep-wise. 3 Days this week I've put her down at bedtime awake and she puts herself to sleep (not so much at nap time), and she's only woken once a night (between 7pm and 6am) all week! :happydance:

I decided to go ahead and start introducing some solids this week. She was not a big fan of the plain rice cereal the first couple days. Yesterday I mashed in a little banana with the rice cereal and she was much happier with that! Going to do that for a few days and then I think we'll try some butternut squash.

Today we're going to my sister's to grill and then tomorrow we're planning a day at the lake. not sure how that's going to go with Melody, but we're going to try. We're just going to make sure to bring our own vehicle instead of carpooling so that we can leave if Melody is getting too fussy and needs to go home. I'm really anxious about going to the lake with her, mostly because I don't know how long she will go without getting too tired, and I know she won't sleep well there.

Unfortunately I'm on my own today, DH is picking up extra hours. His truck needed a lot of work and it ended up costing $2600 to do all the repairs! :wacko: So he's working all the Saturday shifts he can for the overtime. Blah.

Ally - that's so great that he fell asleep on his own!

Slammer - It was pretty traumatizing. I think more so for us than Melody. We were so sick over it. :(

That clock idea sounds like a great idea! My sister has talked about getting one for her kids. Hope it keeps working!

Vrogers - Glad you figured out her nap problem. Hopefully she'll start to nap longer for you! :)

Sorry, short post. M just woke up (early) from her nap and is screaming her head off. :nope: I can't wait for DH to get home!
Ali - ugh, toddlers definitely give us lots of opportunity on practicing patience/self control! That is awfully annoying about O waking T up repeatedly. I would be very tempted to lose it as well. Sounds like you're quite a patient mom, though. Well done.

Slammer - oh goodness, I feel for you! Weddings are so much work so I don't blame you for being exhausted. I hope all went well yesterday?

VRogers - good for you getting 2+ oz now! Do you feed them to L after? You are probably the most dedicated to pumping/getting your milk supply up than anyone I've ever heard of! You're an awesome mommy.
Happy belated birthday to you! Glad you got a few treats/gifts and a bit of a chill day.
That rather sucks that L is such a short napper! It seems like sometimes it's one or the other - good night time sleep or good naps. My niece STTN super early like L, but had crappy naps for the longest time as well. They did get longer eventually, once she dropped to 2 I think. :)

...To Be Continued on next post
Angel - wow, sounds like M is doing amazing with her night sleep lately. That's great!

Ugh that sucks about your vehicle repairs costing so much. I feel your pain! It seems like we are always draining our bank account for vehicle repairs. It sucks so much. I am sorry that meant you were on your own for Saturday while your DH worked! At least he gets paid for it! My DH doesn't get paid for any overtime he puts in because he is on salary and it is just expected of him. Sigh. He does get to count some of his extra hours if they are a work event or something, but then he generally gets time in lieu rather than extra cash. That is good and bad, since obviously extra time together is never bad (but unfortunately he gets sick a lot so usually it gets used up on that rather than free time).
How did the lake go? It is always a gamble bringing a baby along! I am worried V won't be able to handle lake trips very well this summer.

AFM - things are ok. We had my DH's parents over for supper last night, which was ok. Violet has been doing a LOT better mood-wise for the past week or so, so I think she might be finally out of that horrible developmental leap that was making her so insanely difficult. Even though I complained the other day, I am happy she will now sleep in the Ergo well and won't wake up after only a few minutes like she used to in the wrap!
Unfortunately, my DH is overloaded at work lately because some people quit and they haven't been replaced yet... so DH will be working this afternoon and I'll be on my own. It's going to be a long week!
V turned 4 months yesterday! I need to get my DH to take out the exersaucer so she can try it out!
slammer- Hope wedding went well?

apple- wow 20! glad u had a nice birthday with him. Afternoon tea sounds nice. sorry things with oh still bit funny, men are like that at times. Hope u get time to talk tonight. Been v hot here too, isa just been in a little vest. No need for blanket.

ali- kids sure to test our patience. hope anxiety is better now. He's done it a couple more times since when i posted, when i put him down in crib he sometimes wakes up. i just leave him and if hes tired enough but calm, then he will fall asleep.

vrogers- happy birthday!!!! that's great she is napping better. Im also stuck on the 30 min naps, but he goes down very easily and quickly. Roughly 90 mins after waking he needs a nap. That is great about the pumping.

angel- thats great M is sleeping good! isa only wakes once for milk, but he wakes a few times in that time cause he is uncomfy, or has woken himself somewhow. Great news about the solids!

lit-glad you had an ok supper with your in laws. Sorry your dh is so busy at work though, hope you both get some time together soon. Happy 4 months to V!

AFM- ramadan has started, and the fasts are super long in the UK- 18 hours! Its day 2. Yesterday was absolutely fine and i had energy, but today has been hard. Luckily isa has been quite easy and has put himself to sleep a couple of times in the crib.
Ive been so tired at night time that i have put isa in bed with me rather than crib.
Isa's motor co-ordination seems to be getting better, he is touching and playing with is feet and ears, it's sooo adorable!

p.s. there is a january 2018 group in the discussions, hahah!
Literati - I have stopped taking the probiotic now too, but still getting some night poops. It makes me wanna cry.

Regarding the clock - she usually wakes up right at 7, so I think the couple times she has woken before then she has just stayed in bed lounging until it went green. Not 100% sure though! I'll look up the name of the clock if you or AliJo are interested.

I hope you found your book! I am missing my main pair of black flats for work, and I'm pretty sure DD has hidden them somewhere.

Glad V is napping well in the Ergo, but totally understand about wanting to sit down! So nice that she is getting past that tough leap!

Apple - can't believe you have a 20-year-old! What a range of kids you have. It's awesome you and he are close.

AliJo - I would definitely lose it if DD was waking up Jack. Honestly I have no idea how you are managing to put two kids to sleep in the same room. Well, I guess I did it a few nights last weekend when we were sick, but I'd hate to do it every night.

Vrogers - wow, so awesome about your success pumping! Will L latch directly, or do you just give her a bottle?

Sorry about the crappy naps!

Angel - ugh, that sucks about the car repairs! We also had repairs done this week and it was over $500. :(

Ally - omg, good luck with the fasting. I don't think I could do it. Glad Isa is taking it easy on you, though.

AFM - the wedding went well. Everyone commented on what a good job I did officiating! That's makes me happy. BF was beautiful and I am so happy for her. I am still so completely exhausted though. Still freaking sick with a stuffy nose that won't quit! Omg I want to die. BF was having people back to her house after the wedding but I just couldnt do it. DH was exhausted from work the night before as well, and from wrangling the two kids while I was doing wedding stuff.

I went to bed with Jack at 8pm and had a terrible night. Woken so many times to feed, plus feeling sick made me sleep bad. And at 10 he ate, but got full and wouldn't go to sleep, so I had to stand up to bounce him. Then up sometime around 1 for a poopy diaper. Then up around 5 again to bounce him, and realized and he was wetting through, so another diaper change. That's when I completely lost it. I'd been “in bed” for ages, yet felt like I hadn't gotten any freaking rest! DH woke from Jack crying I guess and came in and I was just sobbing that I was so effing tired. He sent me away, brought DD into the room and took Jack, and I got to be alone until 9:00. I still woke several times, but at least I could sleep on my own! He had to give Jack a bottle and one of my boobs was like a rock, but it was worth it! Now he’s gone from 1:45 to close today so a huge stretch on my own. :( DD is watching TV in the basement while I sit upstairs holding Jack for a nap. Feel like such a lazy shitty parent for how much TV she watches.
Slammer - oh goodness me, last night sounded terrible. I know what you mean about being in bed for ages but not actually having rested. The hours just roll away and before you know it, 4 or 5 hours have passed. I am glad your DH helped you out and yoou managed to get a god block of sleep in. And don't worry about the TV time, sometimes it's needed and you need a break. Anabella has quite a lot of time on the ipad in the mornings when she doesn't go to preschool. I do feel a bit bad but on the other hand I don't as sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Glad the wedding went well and everything went smoothly without a hitch. I hope you get rid of your cold soon :hugs:

LL - I am glad V seems to be coming out of a fussy period. I think Jamie has just entered one as he is cranky as hell at the moment! Sorry your DH is working such long hours at the moment. I can empathise, my husband works 6 days a week and is out of the house at 6am and doesn't get home until 6.15pm. It's hard being on your own so much with two isn't it.

Ally - good luck with the Ramadan, 18 hours fasting sounds brutal!! I can only imagine how tough that would be on top of looking after a small baby. How long does it last for?
Sounds like Isa is doing so well with his gross motor skills! I am still not sure if Jamie knows he has hands yet :haha:

Angel - Oh deary me, poor Melody with her dislocated elbow! I can only imagine how worried you were but glad it was sorted easily enough. Poor girl though, she must have been in so much pain! Glad all is well now and luckily she won't remember it happening so that's good! I hope the day at the lake went well and Melody wasn't too cranky or tired.

vrogers - I am also seriously impressed with your dedication to pumping! And to go from nothing to 2oz is pretty amazing! Happy birthday for yesterday :)

Ali - I totally get how hard it is to have patience with the bigger kid when they are doing something to the baby, even if it isn't intentional. I can get so snappy at Anabella sometimes but she can really get in Jamie's face and be so OTT!

Apple - I hope you have sorted things with your husband now?

AFM - Had Jamie's 4 month check on Thursday. He is 16lb 2oz and 64 cms so he has exactly doubled his birth weight. He is between the 50th and 75th centile for weight and 50th for length.
I mentioned about him having no inclination/desire to reach out and proactively grasp objects and she didn't seem worried at all. She is pretty convinced Jamie is working harder on his social, verbal and communication skills. He is quite the talker, has started making mumumumumum type sounds and will babble to himself now.
I've decided not to worry. She thinks he is developing normally so I will just sit back and relax a bit and I am sure he will get there in his own time.
slammer- sounds like a horrible night, i'm sorry it was so rough. Hope tonight is better. You are not a shitty parent, you have so much going on, you cannot entertain dd1 24/7. Glad the wedding went well

Pomp-Jamie, the little chub! sounds like he is doing great though :) Yeah im sure he will get there in his own time. Its one month of fasts, but honestly it's not as bad as you think. I feel quite good, it;s like a detox for the body. It is tiring though. Fast starts around 3am, and close to 10pm, so between 10pm and 3am you can eat as much as you like. But after such a long fast you actually can't eat much, stomach shrinks.

afm- not much to update, fast number 3. Yesterday was hard as i had a sore head, but today is much better. I go back to work soon, few weeks... feeling apprehensive. Will leave isa with my parents, and i just hope they stick to the routine i have for Isa. It;s nothing strict but is a rough guide.
3am to 10pm is super long! We're at 3am to right before 7pm. I'm not fasting again this year because I'm breastfeeding still and dh can't because of the medication he needs to take, so not much has changed at home. Work, on the other hand... all the Muslim kids are trying to prove themselves by fasting at school, even as young as grade 2. They are not required to but they like to try. We've had a couple of incidents when fasting kids have teased non fasting kids, but our teachers have been right on it. I've spent the last two days in the cafeteria during our lunch rotation to monitor things. It is great to see the kids who support each other and so many of them head to the prayer room to either pray or sit quietly and read the Koran.

Afm, ds had his five month check up and shots on Saturday and he was all out of sorts afterwards. He didn't even nap well in the car on the way home. It was obvious he was in a lie of pain. He slept well at night but yesterday at work, he wouldn't settle well in day care. Right before the end of the day, I was working in my office and I heard a baby screaming. I immediately knew it was ds. The school doctor was there and she gave him some medicine to help his pain. I fed him and took him home early. He screamed for two hours :-( once I got him to bed, he slept from 8-2, then again until 6:30! He must have been exhausted. Today, he is a totally different baby...

I'm sorry I haven't replied to everyone. I read all the time and will try to more regularly. It'll be better when I finish for summer... Only a few weeks!
Angel- I hope the lake trip was fun! I understand being nervous about how the baby will do, I would feel the same way.

Literati- wow, thank you so much for saying that! I had been giving her 2 1/2 oz every other day after storing a bottle in the fridge, and today she got 4 oz! The 4 oz took a little less than two days, but felt awesome to see!
Thank you for the birthday wishes.
I guess I should be happy that she at least STTN, and I have hope for longer naps in the future...eventually haha!
I've just started using my ergo! They are so much easier than wraps and I'm hoping next time I'm out to use it instead of her stroller and see if she does better.
So glad V has been settling into a better mood!
It's crazy how fast time is going. What exersaucer do you use? I have my eye on the skip hop explore and more one!

Ally- short nap solidarity, then. I'm sorry you're dealing with it too! Definitely good he goes down without a fight though.
It's so fun to watch them discover things! Even their own feet and ears are new and exciting to them, I could watch all day haha
I saw the January 2018 group and almost clicked it accidentally, our babies will be ONE!!! What the heck.

Slammer- thank you!! She won't latch anymore, she just kind of gnaws on the tip of my nipple like it's a toy. She's so used to bottles now, it kind of makes me sad!
Glad the wedding went well, I'm sure you did amazing! That does sound like it'd be exhausting though.
Oh man, I'm sorry for the horrible exhausting night, sounds awful. That was nice of your dh to take over so you could get some rest! Also, you're NOT a lazy or bad parent at all. I can't imagine how hard it is with an infant and a toddler, you're a great mom.

Pompey- thank you for the encouraging words and birthday wish!
Sounds like you've taken a good approach, if baby's doctor isn't worried you are good. Seems like there's such a wide range of normal and healthy in babies!

Newbie- shots are my absolute least favorite thing. I know they are necessary and good in the long run, but seeing your little baby who doesn't understand in pain is heart wrenching!

L has started rolling so much more. It's like she doesn't stay on her back for long at all anymore. I've gotten used to putting her on one of her mats so I can grab food/ use the bathroom/ etc and now she's constantly rolling around. Sometimes she'll get her leg caught on her play mat, or she'll just be in the wrong mood and she'll scream so I have to come flip her. Looks like we'll be moving her out of the rock n play very soon, I'm just nervous about her rolling over to her tummy and getting her face stuck.
Anyone's baby started getting stranger anxiety already? My dad is a teacher and started his summer break, and he came over a few days last week w/ coffee and lunch, and L just looked at him and screamed and only settled when I got her. My bff came over today, and L loved her until she held her, then she screamed. She's only started it in the past couple weeks.

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