January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Nice to hear from you Froggy :) beautiful pics.. Glad everything going well. Sorry you are feeling lonely.. Are there any baby groups nearby you could try out. Ollie has hands in mouth all the time also 😂

Ally/ oh works in mental health managing a team of nurses. Just really full on at the min with increasing work loads and staff cuts..he also has to have his phone on most of the time out of work so doesn't get to switch off.. Drives me bonkers!! We need to consider options really but it's a permanent job which is rare in NHS at the min and it would be hard to get another with same pay 😖 so we r stuck at the min. It isn't really the best post for him given his own personal experiences.. Prob the worst actually but just have to get on with it 😖😖

Ali/ sound like u did great with the boys. Must have been a bit awkward with there being people there u didn't really care for.. It's surprising how we just get on with things when we need to .. Not being sexist lol but I'm sure women do.. Anyway u go girl !! ha .. Better than being fake..

I really hope you get your childcare sorted soon. It must be a worry. I'm
already worried about leaving ollie and ive got a while yet b4 I go back..

Little update.. Had nice weekend with youngest boys and oh. Not really spoke much about oh being stressed. Ive decided to leave it as he just seems really tired so ill c how we get on.

O has been great at night with last few him only waking once after his last feed at 10 pm.. Then he will go to 3am ish for quick feed then back unil 6.30 ish which is fine for me as I get up and get my jobs done then. He is just still having porridge in morning but loves it. Definately going to try other stuff this week. Weather has been really nice, i actually burnt yesterday 😬..

Well ive got weighin in the morning at fat club. Ive been off it for a couple of weeks but tried for last few days so hopefully not too bad !!

Hope all you other ladies are having a nice weekend as it's a bit quiet on here.. Its hard to get on sometimes tho. I'm one of the worst. I was saying to a friend the other day how I can't believe how much time I havnt got ! Now I'm on maternity leave haha x I had all these ideas of jobs I wanted to get done..I just keep going for coffees ha x
Apple, I'm sorry your dh is in a stressful situation. I can totally relate to being stressed when they are stressed. I'm sorry to hear about everything he has been through, that is just awful and I couldn't imagine. Glad Ollie has been having good nights! Sleep always seem to make things a bit better.

I did find one mom group, but was kind of turned off that they rotate meeting at everyone's house. I really don't feel comfortable having people I don't really know over to my house, or going to other people's houses. I would rather meet at a public place. It's 25 dollars a year and I do t understand where that 25 dollars goes to??? I'm going to start taking Gage to story time for babies at the library on wednesdays. I just have to time it better because it's at ten and he always seems to be ready for his morning nap around that time. I'm also thinking of starting to go to the family movies that start this month. It's only a dollar and it's in the morning. They don't turn the lights all the way down so you can keep an eye on the kids, and they turn the volume down so it doesn't blast their little ears. Hopefully I can meet someone there!!!
Apple - that is funny and bad that your son ended up spending so much on Amazon prime videos! Sorry your oh is stressed with work and whatnot. That seems to always be the case with my DH as well.

Ali - well done with heading to the lake with 2 young kids on your own! I am almost certain I couldn't have handled that. That's too bad you didn't really get to socialize with not liking that one girl. That can definitely be awkward.

Froggy - yay, it was great to have an update from you! Sorry Gage's sleep has regressed but I am glad that sleep suit has helped a tiny bit. Sleep regressions are awful.
Wow, I can't imagine how lonely you must be! I definitely hope you're able to get out the the library and to movies to try to meet some other moms! I don't blame you for not wanting to let random strangers into your house or going to people's homes when you don't know them!

AFM - had a busy weekend. Saturday we went to a kids' festival which dd1 absolutely loved. It was also nice because my DH did a lot of strolling around with V to keep her asleep while I did activities with dd1, so it felt like we got some quality one-on-one time for once. After a quick break, we went swimming with some friends (they have an outdoor pool at their apartment). We even brought Violet in the water for a bit and she loved it, although she didn't last long. We then had those same friends over for supper and just chatted during the evening, so that was nice. Sunday DH was away for work, but I had a BBQ at my parents' in the evening and dd1 got to go in the paddling pool with her cousin.

Today has also been busy because I've been determined not to have such a lonely week as last week. I met up with a friend and her 3 girls at the library in the morning, which was great! Then this afternoon my other friend came over with her toddler (the dump-all-the-toys one) and she stayed until I started on supper, so quite a lot of socializing today! It was good as I've been in a good mood all day!
I hope everyone else is good!
Your weekend sounds like it was so fun Lit! I'm glad you got out and about and some quality time with dd1. It's incredibly hard to be soooo lonely. I weave in and out of being depressed and tearful because I need some adult interaction. Some days I play with the idea of going back to work, but I don't know how I would handle putting Gage in daycare. Plus my whole check would go straight to pay for daycare and wouldn't be worth it financially.
Ali-hope the boys went to bed earlier for you and that work was good. Glad the party went well and that T managed 3.5 hours without food.

froggy- pictures are beautiful, how lovely he is :) And what a tall boy! Sorry about your supply, but it's great you managed to get it up quickly! sorry about the short naps, i feel you! isa is the same. 90% of the time he has 30 min naps. But a few times a week he will have longer ones. So unpredictable! story time and family movies sound like good ideas! hope you manage to meet some people!

apple- your oh's job does sounds very full on! Glad you had a nice weekend

lit- that sounds like a great weekend! great that you got some one on one time with dd1 and bbq sounds great! hope your mood continues to be good :)

afm- dh is off work this week, so i am at work. I thought i would use the opportunity to catch up on my work. My work is research for my PhD at a university, so i have a little office i share with 3 other people. It's been nice to chat with others!
we got isa a little walker, he loves it. He just sits in it and tries to eat it haha. That's all he is interested in- putting things in his mouth constantly.
Dh and I booked a little 3 night trip to the highlands, in a log cabin. It's mid july and i really can't wait. Will be a 3 hour long scenic drive.
Anyways best get on with some work!
Froggy - yes, that would be super tough! :( It definitely doesn't sound like working would make much sense for you. Hopefully some of those mom and baby activities you're planning to do will get you enough adult interaction. By the way,very cute pics of Gage! Thanks for sharing.

Ally - that's great you're using the opportunity with your DH home to catch up on some work! It's great you've had some adult interaction! That is always one positive of working.
Your trip this summer sounds amazing! We are also going to take a little road trip this July and will be staying in a cabin. It's going to be fun!

AFM - my mood is still swinging like crazy, but ah well. Violet rolled back to front for the first time this morning! :happydance: Woohoo!
No plans now until Thursday, so hopefully I stay sane...
Froggy / no I wouldn't like people I didn't know in my home either. The cinema sound a good idea. I don't think they do that near me. I hope if goes well. There are quite a lot of mother and toddler- baby groups here. I went to a couple with my toddler but not managed to with ollie yet, I probably need to make more effort.. It's hard to decide if daycare is worth it isn't it. I did have help last year from family but I don't think it's an option for ollie. I'Il definately be trying to change my hours though to be more school friendly, im thinking of asking for extra unpaid leave and take it in holidays. My colleague does this and it works well for her.

Lit/ wow sounds like a great weekend. I'm really glad you are feeling brighter. Glad you got to socialise, it obviously is a good thing for your mood. :) when im feeling a bit blah I always call a friend if I can and meet for a coffee or at least plan one for the next week. There is a little shopping area near where I work with a coffee shop and I always txt a friend at work if im in that area to see if they can pop out between patients. I can normally find one that can't wait to get out of office for half hr ! Lol..I always feel more normal after.

Ally/ glad you are managing to get some of your work done. I know full well what it's like to have uni work and new baby ! Good that u can get some done this week. I can remember doing essays with my son sat on my knee.. Then a post grad with my other son sat on my knee.. I always timed it wrong ha.. There are a couple of things I'd like to do when I go back to work but with no assignments ! Or minimal lol..

Log cabin sounds bliss.. I'm wanting to book somewhere for us but I think oh is a bit put off with how ds was last month in york 😖 I might just book somewhere anyway ha.. His son goes back to US beginning of August and I know oh will be gutted so I might book something for week after to take his mind off it. He has booked a little break in Wales for just him and his son for some dad / son bonding :) which will be nice for him end of July.

Well O has been in good form last few days.. He has discovered this new noise , but of a gargle screech ha.. Does it all the time then laughs at himself .. Really funny.. He is a happy baby and really loves his big bro which is really cute. He is doing well with his morning porridge and I gave him carrot yesterday with a little rice and he liked that too.

Ds is off nursery today and OH got day off work so hopefully get to spend some time together. Weather is pretty rubbish, hopefully clear up later.

O seems to have decided that his wake up time is 5am 😩.. I try to get him back off to sleep but he is having none of it so I end up getting up about 5.45am .. I'm managing to get him to bed for 7.30 pm and he wakes for feed at 11pm and 3.am ish so can't complain really. I seem to be ok once ive had a strong coffee and then I just plod getting jobs done. My house can be a bit manic first thing with nursery, getting teenager out of bed ! and then school run and I sort all breakfasts n lunches including oh's so a bit of extra time always comes in handy.! I tend to get lots done in the evenings but sometimes I can't be bothered and always regret it in the morning ha

Anyway hope u all have nice day.. :) im hoping to have a productive / organising one in the house .. We will c!! Ha ..

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Apple - that's great you have friends to call up for a spontaneous coffee once in a while. It is amazing how adult conversation can help the mood so much. I am honestly a very introverted person who likes to stay home, but my friend and I were discussing on Monday how the more kids we have (she has 3), the more stir crazy we get and need to be out of the house more. It is hard to entertain the littles once they're not babies, so it's so important to get out and about (if you're the type of person who needs that)!
Sorry Ollie is getting up so bright and early! Glad you are coping ok. Violet went through about a week where she started sleeping less at night and more during the day, but thankfully she seems to have turned her schedule back around. The one morning when she woke up early, I just ignored her, kept my eyes closed and kept popping the soother back in her mouth. After 15ish min she seemed a bit drowsy so I nursed her back to sleep and she slept another couple hours! I'm lucky she did, because I was so not ready to get up yet!

I'm having a less positive day today and was having trouble sleeping again last night. My moods are swinging big time lately. I just don't really know what to do anymore. I feel quite listless a lot of the time. Oh well.
Violet is really enjoying her new skill and keeps rolling back and forth, back and forth! So cute. I forgot that this stage makes for difficult diaper changes. She is always trying to roll over now and I have to keep getting her back on her back so I can get the diaper on!
My DH is down about work as they are still so short staffed. I am sick of having him gone so much, or always stressed/tired when he's home. Feels like there's no light at the end of the tunnel.
Lit/ sorry your mood is fluctuating so much. I can relate to you with your DH being tired or stressed with work. My oh was off today and we could have spent day together with the boys but instead I made an excuse to take boys to park myself, I went out again with them in the afternoon also. I did this to give oh a break because he wouldn't take one otherwise. He always feels guilty with me being with boys all day so feels he needs to do his bit on his days off but he is so shattered with work it's no fun being around him as he can sometimes be snappy also so I decided to get assertive today and made the decision. He definately needed it.

I took boys to a garden centre this afternoon and bought some veg for ds new vegetable patch in the garden 😄..we got carrots beetroot, tomatoes, strawberries and peas so far lol.. He is really pleased with it. We have got him his own little wheelbarrow and garden tools. Ollie was just sat on oh knee this evening watching, taking it all in. Ds then watered them all and as he did he was standing on all the rest he had already watered lol.. 😣😂.. So they all looked like squashed weeds in a big puddle ha..

Forgot to update after my weigh in on Monday .. I lost another 2.5 lb so got my stone certificate lol.. Still got a bit to go. Oh wants to lose a bit so he is on it with me now so bit easier at meal times.

When I went to collect ds from nursery last week the child minders were laughing saying ds had been showing them how to do push-ups like mummy does in the morning ! He is funny .. U can't keep any secrets with toddlers about !!

Suppose better get some sleep before O wakes !
Apple - I think I'd be okay with that wake time if O would follow it as well. O tends to stay up late and it has ended up causing T to stay up later. Hopefully I can get it shifted some. 530 would work well for me because that's when I need to be getting them up when they start going to a child care provider.

That's really cute that O will laugh at himself! I wish T would entertain himself more.

Great job on the weight loss! I wish I was losing, but nooope. That's funny about him showing them how to do push ups!

Lite - I wonder why your mood is so up and down. I know mine is at times, but you do seem to deal with high and lows more often than I do. If it keeps getting worse and not better get some sort of help. Make sure you're taking care of yourself!

Yay for V rolling!! So exciting! Once T started he chilled a little because he could flip around and entertain himself a little more. Then after he got use to the fact that he could do it and it was no longer new.. now he demands attention more again. He's not bound determined to learn to sit up. They just don't stay content with their new skills very long!

Ally - That trip sounds like a nice little getaway! We're so overdue for some kind of vacation.

Froggy - Glad to see you back! I love the pictures of your little handsome man!

It's hard being lonely. I get it, I really do! It was harder with my first because it was all new to me. Work does help some for me, but it's stressful there and I would rather deal with the loneliness and stay home if I could manage it financially. Plus I never get to go out and do adult things outside of working. If you could find a good mom friend I bet it would help. It's just making one and that's super hard. Hopefully you meet someone at the movies! I'm no good with striking up conversations with strangers, but try!

AFM - Just doing a shorter post atm. I read back but I'm kind of just replying to the most recent. I need to get back to cleaning and organizing while I have the chance.

We were going to go to the zoo today but I felt like there is too much to get done so we didn't. I kind of regret it because we don't get many chances. At the same time though my back is killing me. Constantly hurting and having spasms. It's a little better than it was yesterday, but it's getting worse as the day goes on. I don't think walking the zoo would have helped it and probably would have made it worse.

The boys are doing well. T is eating once a day at least, sometimes twice now. He really enjoys his food and eagerly opens his mouth for more. I need to get something to make some of my own when I have time to do it.

On the whole childcare situation.. I don't have this Friday or Saturday figured out, but I did meet up with someone and I feel really good about sending my boys to her. She just wanted to watch a couple of kids so that her boys had someone to play with because she decided to be a SAHM. She and her husband are our ages, her two boys are about the same age as ours. Her baby was born Dec 30th and her toddler is about 6 months younger than O. Her husband works for the same company that my husband does. She was going for nursing but decided it's not what she wanted to do. They're almost our mirror couple! My DH and her's got along. I definitely feel like we all could become friends and she feels the same way. We were over there for 3 hours to see how our children did together and it was a nice little get together. So I'm really happy that this might work out.
Ali - don't worry. I haven't lost any more weight either. :( I am fairly sure I am stuck this way forever now.
That sounds excellent and so promising about this potential new childcare situation. It definitely sounds like you have the potential to be good friends as well! That would be so nice if it works out!

Oh yes, they're definitely not satisfied with a new skill for long. Always onto the next one! Violet seemed entertained by rolling this morning but already just wanted to be held for the rest of the day. Then again, she has also caught a cold so she isn't feeling the greatest.

Yeah, my up and down moods are no fun. I find I basically just have to keep busy constantly to keep my mood up/stay distracted.

Apple - that is very hard that your oh is so stressed with work as well. That was great of you to take it upon yourself to give him a couple breaks on your day off together. I hope he benefited from them! My DH is the same with still feeling the need to help out as much as he can too and then ends up getting burnt out.

Excellent job on the weight loss! Is nursery the equivalent of preschool, or daycare? It is definitely pretty hard keeping any aspect of your life secret with a toddler!
Lit / well done to V with the rolling , bless her I hope her little cold gets better soon. It's horrible when they get poorly and don't know what to do with themselves.

The place where ds goes was originally a mum and daughter they were registered childminders and they looked after around 6 children between then. They have now taken on more staff and have around 15. It's in their house which is really big, very homely. He has been going there since 12 months. I started him at his new one in addition which is attached to the school he starts in September a couple of mornings. That one is a lot more like school, little uniforms and they have jobs to do ! I didn't like it at first but he seems to enjoy it so im okish now.

Ali / great news on the childcare situation . That sounds ideal. I really hope it works out for you and would be great if u made a new mum friend as well.:).
Sorry you are struggling with your back that's rubbish. Hope you get some relief soon.. Glad T is enjoying his solids , ollie is getting better...
Apple - thanks. Poor Violet is having it pretty rough with this cold. Last night she was swallowing so much phlegm that she got a sour stomach and cried and cried until she would spit up a bunch and then gag on her phlegm. She had a difficult night and feels like she's burning up a bit. I haven't checked her temperature but she definitely feels warm - probably a low grade fever. Today her nose is running like a faucet!

Ooh cool. Does your ds go to nursery full time? It must be nice to get some quality time with just Ollie while he's gone. Exciting that he will be starting 'preschool' or whatever you call it there in the fall!

AFM - as I said to Apple, Violet is really quite sick with this cold. Her mood is pretty good, thankfully, but you can tell she really is feeling poorly! She is also grossing everyone out with her runny nose.
I had a busy day today with my exercise class, a play Date at my sister's house (and also a visit with my cousin there because he is building my sister's fence) and then taking the girls to the spray park before supper! Haven't had much time to think, which is good for me. I was SO proud of dd1 because she fell asleep ON HER OWN last night (after being bribed with the prospect of sour candy), and then proceeded to sleep through the night! :happydance: woohoo! She has slept through a few times before, so I am not expecting her to keep doing it consistently or anything, but it was nice for a change!
Sorry I have been missing. I have been very distractable lately and can't focus on reading or replying! Sorry if I miss anyone...

Froggy - glad to hear from you! Gage is a cutie! Sort you are lonely. I am too, but at least I work. I have hosted and attended meetups at my house and others. I can understand being wary, but maybe still consider it if you really want to meet people.

Apple - sorry DH is so stressed with work. Poor guy. And those early wakeups are horrible! Good job on losing weight! I haven't lost any in a while. I feel so weak. I need to exercise but I'm not getting around to it.

Literati - poor V being sick! That sound pretty bad. I hope she feels better soon! Do you think meds would help your moods?

AFM - I think we are finally past the night pooping! Its been a while now since he did it. But when I have to get up at 5 for work he usually ends up farting and pooping up a storm then and won't go back to sleep for DH so it's an early wakeup then.

He has started taking some long naps! A few over two hours! This is awesome. Way better than DD was. It's still not a guarantee any day, but I think it might become a norm for him to have a long one each day around mid morning.

He still doesn't sleep well at night. Lots of wakeups and boobing. I haven't even counted.

DH and I have DTD twice this week!

I feel in general like life is getting better. Jack is still a bit hard with needing a lot of entertainment, but still easier than before. DD has started venturing out more to interact with the neighborhood kids, which is awesome. There are a lot of kids on our street - a couple girls near her age too. She still wants someone to be with her though.

DD had her last dance class this week and while there wasn't a real recital, parents were allowed in for the full class, so it was basically a chance for them to show all they've learned. It was so cute!! I got teary-eyed looking at my beautiful girl.

DH has a rare night off tonight. Hoping to buy some flowers and fill in our garden.

One more week of work before our trip! I need to go buy presents for all our nieces and nephews.
Thanks,Midnight! How is your Violet?

Slammer - I totally understand not having the attention span to post lately! I get like that sometimes. You must be quite busy now that you're working as well.

I don't know if meds would help my mood, but I'm pretty leery of antidepressants and am not really interested in taking them. They are very needed and helpful for some people, but I just wouldn't really want to go on them unless absolutely necessary.

Yay for Jack no longer pooping at night and also for taking some longer naps. Are those longer naps when he is put down? If so, that's quite amazing.
That is really cute that your dd is making friends with the other kids in the neighbourhood. I have lots of fond memories of playing with the kids on the cul-de-sac where I grew up.

I am glad things are going well for you. That dance recital sounds very cute.

AFM - poor dd1 woke up super sick today as well. She is clearly feeling crummy because she barely wanted to play at the park, and has hardly eaten all day. Her nose is constantly running as well. This is quite a bad cold! Violet is still feeling rotten, but her nose is a little less runny today. I have a scratchy throat now so I guess I will be next.

I have a girls' night tonight, but DH of course forgot and won't be home in time to pick up buns for the pulled pork I made and still leave time for me to eat supper before I leave. Extremely annoying! So now I guess I can drag two kids to the store just to get buns, or make some sort of second supper after going through that effort for nothing (which would probably take less time than going to the store). SOOO incredibly frustrating!
Lite - Ugh.. I think I'd just deal with the store myself. Quick trips aren't so bad with the boys. It's if I want to actually take time. Then it's a complete nightmare.

I really hope your girls get to feeling better and you don't actually get sick. I get a scratchy throat now and then, but lately it just goes away. I think it's the pollen.

I really need to do something to get the weight dropping. I'm sure it would help my miserable back.

Slammer - Thank goodness Jack's nightly pooping seems to have come to an end! I couldn't even imagine especially with him still getting up so often. That's good that he's at least napping better. Hopefully the better napping will transform his nights.

Glad you got to enjoy DD1's dancing! I bet it just warms your heart to see her transformation!

Apple - I hope I can make a mom friend. It would be nice to have someone to talk to near by at least every once in awhile.

AFM - Yeah so my back is way worse as of tonight. I was picking up the toy room and of course I throw it out even worse. I can't stand straight without putting myself in near crippling pain. So I'm walking weird. Carrying T 10 feet almost killed me. I walked all hunched over taking him to the crib. Sitting here with O on my lap hurts like none other. I'm suppose to work a 12 hour shift tomorrow. Really hope it feels better. There is no way I can work this way. Now T is awake.. off to face the back demons.
sorry guys, catching up now. Not logged on for a few days

lit- sorry you are feeling down, must be so hard with your dh's job. i hoe he can sort something out, or look for another job. However, i would like to remind you that you are doing a great job!
poor baby V, i hope she gets better soon! well done to your dd1 for sleeping! great achievement!
apple- i could not cope with a 5am wake time haha. Isa wakes at 7.30 and i struggle haha. Hope you manage to book a little trip away. I really can't wait to go. well done about weight loss! Thats a shame about the girls night, i would be really annoyed!

ali- great about T enjoying his food. I give isa food twice now, usually breakfast and lunch. Really glad u got some care sorted! sorry about your back, hope u feel better soon!
I have a question- how do you give baby T his solids? on its own as a meal or with milk? i find milk and food is too much for Isa, so i normally guve him some food then a bottle an hour later or so.

slammer- yah on dtd! we normally manage a few times a week now, its great. Glad things seem to be getting better!

AFM- on my period just now, and also have a cold. Feel so rotten, blocked up and sore. You dont' need to fast when on your period so that is a bit of a relief, although i honestly don't feel hungry as i have gotten used to not eating during the day now.
Isa has been fussy the last few nights, just randomly waking and screaming. As soon as i pick him up he stops and i put him back down after a few mins.

We got Isa this little walker in the shape of an aeroplane and he just loves it so much. He has now started moving in it, which is just the cutest thing to watch!
Still doing mostly 30 min naps but he took an 90 min one today which was bliss!

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