January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali - sorry to hear that AF came. I’d almost forgotten how stressful and discouraging TTC was, especially since Vi happened on the first try (but that was NOT the case with dd1). I hope weaning helps with your fertility. Although, if he does stay BFing, don’t worry too much because I was still BFing when I got pregnant with Vi!
T sounds so great! I love hearing their new little words. Violet is also getting new ones all the time now, although she still says far less than dd1 ever did because dd1 talked extremely early.
The girls are getting so fun! They play well together (sometimes) and it’s so fun to watch those sisterly moments. Violet is SO strong willed and controlling. She likes to spend her days being carried around and screeching until you give her exactly what she wants at all times. As soon as she gets what she wanted, she grins and laughs to herself. She’s quite the stinker.
I am trying really hrd to get Violet to sleep on her own for even an hour. She is still at the point of nursing CONSTANTLY at night and can’t be put down for a second. I am trying to get her used to no milk until midnight at least. Once I’m in bed, I don’t really care. I would just like to get a few things done at night before I come to bed. This is the third night. The first two nights I managed to avoid the milk, but I had to be holding her and rocking her constantly. Any time I tried to lie down with her, she screamed for milk and refused to sleep until I rocked her again. She is a tough cookie. Hoping tonight goes a bit better. Wish me luck!
I can’t believe that T did such an amazing night in the crib like that! I hope it wasn’t just a one-off and that you’ll soon have an amazing sleeper on your hands. Would come in handy if getting pregnant. I don’t blame you for lying about him sleeping in a crib.
Good luck with TTC this month!

VRogers - that sounds quite challenging with the two really little ones, but I am glad L is so independent. That must help a lot! Don’t feel bad about co sleeping either. You have to do what works for you and gets you the most sleep. Sorry L is causing issues with her naps and bedtime! I would imagine the transition of becoming a big sister could be contributing, and I’m sure she’ll settle down soon. Hugs!
To answer your question, work is good, but working full time is so tiring and we also feel financially stressed because we are trying to pay off debt and save for a down payment on a house. The girls are great but I miss them dearly. <3
Lit/ nice to hear from you. Sorry everything so busy at the min, I think we are all similar at the min with these growing babies , glad the girls are well. V sounds a little doll ! Xx I was wondering about how u were getting on with childcare. It’s loverly they get on and play nice ( sometimes) lol .. my two are such characters. O is also do strong willed. Sorry it’s so hard being away from your girls whilst at work &#128532; I feel the same. I went back 3 days but now my private work has built up which is good but it means I’m nearly back up to the hours I was previously and like u I need the cash at the min &#128532;..so miss O whilst I’m at work. Good luck with getting V to sleep in her own it’s so hard but you sound like u r doing a fab job.. super mummy xx

Vroggers/ your dh sounds a gem. It’s hard when there isn’t much they can do with a newborn but it’s loverly he is taking over with L in the evening. Sorry the sleep with L isn’t the best at the min. It’s such a lot for them to take in and I’m sure she will settle into a routine eventually. Like Ali said I’d just do what you are doing and go with the flow and if def not be feeling bad about the co sleeping. I felt the same with O and want too sure about it initially but then realised how much better both mine and his sleep was and I loved the night time feeding, x

Ali/ sorry the Ttc is so frustrating..sorry Af adived &#128577;.
I caught straight away with ds and again once but unfortunately mc &#128577; then with O it took 3 cycles. I can remember the frustration ! Got fingers crossed for you this time hon x

Yay for T going to sleep by himself ! Hope it continues xx T sounds a little cutie with all his chatting bless him. I think you are def right and I wouldn’t worry about the chunk thing :) my eldest was a little chunk and so is O. Both super cute. T sounds like he eats great! O isn’t great at all. It’s so annoying &#128547;..

Update/ well I’ve had crazy few days, I’ve had loads of dental work done on one tooth that cracked ! &#128556; not pleasant , I’ve got a crown on it now but I’ve been up in night again taking really strong pain killers so I think I’m going to need root canal &#128547;.. I hate tooth ache !! Dentist said that would be next thing he would need to try &#128577;

On more positive it was my sons 21st !!! Yesterday . We had a loverly family meal at restaurant. I made a huge 2tier birthday cake with my mum for him which was fun making. Covered In choc buttercream and every chocolate sweet you can imagine &#128514;. My eldest is quite a character, very lovable and caring but also likes a joke and takes the mic, always laughing with his mates so as a bit if a joke we bought this thing off the internet that makes him officially a lord.. my mum made and embroidered his official lord title on this Scottish sash, it was really funny , I did a speech for him in front of 25 people, I’m very proud of him and the young man he has grown into x

O is doing great , such a character and we have decided this week that he is the dominant one for sure out of him and my poor 5 yr old ! Lol..he does seem to have started the biting thing so need to nip that in the bud !

Well it’s bank holiday here so off a few days. We are going to a food festival today at our local park.

Also I’ve had a date for my pre op 6 th June and they have said they will give me a date for gall bladder removal that afternoon !! &#128547; really not looking forward to that but at least I can plan I suppose x

Hope you all have nice rest of weekend ladies x I’ll get back on when I can x
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Apple - great to hear from you! Sorry you’re working more than you would like as well. It’s amazing how fast maternity leave flies, and then you’re just stuck back to the grind again. Apparently life is just work work work! :p That’s great to hear that your private practice is doing so well, though! Well done!!
Yay for your son’s 21st! Sounds like you had a great celebration. That cake sounds yummy!
Enjoy your long weekend!
Sorry your gall bladder surgery is coming up. Let us know when it is. I hope it at least offers you relief from your health issues! Hugs!
Just a very quick update then I will catch up after work.

Last night was a no go. I tried but he eventually got very upset. I won't allow that so I gave him a cup and comforted him and he chilled. Tried the crib again he was instantly asking for me and I tried to step away and he was super upset. So I will try again tonight. He ended up nursing after I laid him in bed with me. I tried not to but he was insistent. So laying in bed with me is definitely a nursing trigger.
Oh Ali sounds difficult one hon, I’m sure you will get there in the end. U will just do it at your own pace u know your little man xx it’s so hard when they are upset , fingers crossed it gets easier for u both soon x

I’m having an annoying weekend with tooth ache &#128556; taking loads of painkillers it’s gettibg me so mad !! Had nice afternoon at park in my own with the boys x weather beautiful here today x
Hey ladies!!! I keep up with you all every day, just don’t post!! I’m glad all of the little ones are doing so well.

Vrogers it’s so crazy how fast your pregnancy went by. Congrats on your baby girl!

Apple how exciting about the boob job! I have considered a reduction, which i think includes a lift, after I’m done having children. I hope your toothache eases, i honestly believe tooth pain is the worst pain ever.

Lit it sounds like you are really busy!!! I’m in awe of you with the crazy work schedules and still being such an amazing mom!! Good luck with getting V sleeping on her own.

Ali, good luck TTC! I hope it happens soon for you. Hopefully you can get T weaned soon.

Arm, gage is getting so big!! He is just in general a big kid, but always has been. He is in between 2t and 3t clothes right now!! He loves to eat and snack. He doesn’t walk anywhere, he only RUNS lol. He is saying some words, juice, tree, hi, bye, momma, daddy, cheese, please, thank you, nose, and his favorite is no haha. He can point out his nose, eyes, tummy and belly button. He’s so cute! I haven’t been on birth control and we haven’t been preventing at all since I was cleared to have sex again after having him. We are planning on doing an embryo transfer in November, but I have baby fever bad!! I can’t bring myself to test for ovulation, because I did that for so many years before, and I know it’s only going to make me obsess over something that has slim to none chances. So I have just been watching my cervical mucous and watching the calendar! I think that’s about all that’s going on here!!
Hey froggy , nice to hear from u hon ! X what a beautiful picture, I really need to get my butt into gear and sort out loading up a couple myself I don’t seem to be able to do it from my phone..
I can’t believe how many words these little ones are saying &#128513; Ollie just babbles still lol,,he says bye and hiya , waves and dances but that’s it.. oh and he says awww when hugging his teddy and gives it a kiss &#128537;..

Better get off and get this lot some tea made, I’m shattered today after work &#128528;can’t be bothered ha x
hi ladies,
i will be online tomorrow to catch up with everyone. but just wanted to say I submitted my thesis today, woooo! such a relief.
And its my two year wedding anniversary today as well.
hoe u all well and looking forward to catching up soon.
Look forward to catch up Ally x yey for handing work in !! What a relief x &#128525;

Happy anniversary &#10084;&#65039;
vrogers- it sounds so difficult managing both girls, especially with them not sleeping so well. Co- sleep if you need to, her routine and habits will change a lot, and you need to sleep! You're doing amazing though.

ali= that sounds like such a stressful weekend, so sorry to hear of your step mums, mum passing. Glad ur dad is ok though. That's great T slept in the crib , Iguess he knew u were there and had that comfort. Hope it lasts. Good luck with TTC journey, maybe once u wean him your fertility will increase.

lit- nice to hear from you, sorry things are so busy and stressful. Girls sound like they are doing great though, and hope hubby is alright as well.

froggy- adorable pic! Gage sounds like hes doing great and growing well. Well done mama. I really do not have baby fever haha. I Actually agree with Apple, can't believe how much some of the wee ones are talking. Isa says mama, and hey and apart from that just babbles and makes all sorts of sounds.

apple- glad to hear boys are well, and good luck with setting up the business. Its good things are settled with OH, and gives u time to think and see how u feel.
I think i'd be too scared to get a boob job, although it would be nice to have bigger perkier boobs haha. I know its too late now, but if u have toothache, put a clove in your mouth where the pain is and just suck on it, and I guarantee it will go away. Glad u had a nice time at ur sons 21st and the cake sounds amazing.

I think I got everyone, sorry If I didn't. I had a quick read.

I'm good, in fact I feel great as a I finally submitted my thesis. The uni have given me work for june and july, it's just helping prepare materials for courses starting in September, but good money and it should be really flexible. In the mean time, i'm gonna be job hunting. I think I want to stay in research and the uni environment so aiming for that.

Isa is great, walking everywhere, and trying to climb. He has cuts and little bruises on his legs as he gets carried away or falls often, but I guess that is part and parcel of being so curious about everything. He is not eating great, I think it's because he just wants to be outside, he just loves it. He'll have a few bits in his chair and then he points to the door, and he wants out. In the morning he goes to the cupboard, opens it and takes his socks and shoes out. This boy is obsessed with the outdoors!! He loves birds, and chasing them about and looking at dogs. He is fun, but I always feel knackered by the time his bedtime comes.

Also, it's Ramadan, so I have been fasting. They are quite long, about 18 hours, but actually they have been ok. People always say, how can u go without food or drink for so long, but ur body adjusts so fast. I sometimes feel like I have more energy.

Anyway I think that is my update for now, I will definitely get on again soon.
Oh was going to say, cause Isa isn't eating that well just now, I was going to start making him smoothies so I can top him up and make sure hes full. Anyone make them for their wee ones? any recipe ideas? that's what im gonna do next, have a look online for some ideas and then go get ingredients.
Ally / sounds like things are all going well for you. Such a relief isn’t it handing that work in ! Great that uni have given you a couple of monthd work. I’m sure u will get a job u like soon. It sounds like they would be lucky to have u :)

Isa sounds a little gem. He does sound similar to Ollie in terms of development. I think they have always been similar. Ollie also loves the outdoors. Oh takes him straight into garden every night as soon as he comes in from work lol..

Thanks for the Clove advice ! I was doped up for days on painkillers, it’s literally just stared to settle down. I had cloves in the cupboard the whole time haha !! I’ll def remember that one!

It’s funny I heard it mentioned on the tv this am that it was Ramadan and I thought of u straight away as I remembered you doing it last time. Good luck with it. X

Hope all other ladies doing ok.

I met with a friend with our children today , had a nice walk and ds loved her little dog. I am tempted to get one but just going to hold on I think until O is a bit older. I think he would just harass a puppy at the minute and I’d prob find it stressful !! &#128514; O loves it legging it around. He has gone straight to sleep tonight .. so that’s a result !

Hope u all have a nice weekend.. I’m planning to have a bit of a sort. I’ve got 45 throngs on eBay at the min lol x trying to raise some spends for hols and de clutter !!
Apple - sorry about your toothache. Sounds like a nice weekend for you. Always nice to catch up with a friend!

Froggy - what an adorable pic of you and Gage! You are so pretty. Gage sounds like dd1 with his size (and also running everywhere)! That’s exciting you will do an embryo transfer in November! I also sort of have baby fever (not TOO bad), but we will be waiting until April 2019 to try, most likely. I don’t even have my cycle back, so we couldn’t even get pregnant if we wanted to anyway.

Ali - how was your week?

Ally - congrats on finishing your thesis! That must have been a lot of hard work. Yay!
There’s a lot going on in here, so glad to see all the updates! I just read through and will try to get on tonight when dh gets home with a better reply to everyone.
Just got back from getting my IUD inserted, I got the copper one. E will usually give me a 4-5 hour stretch at first and then 3, but last night was all 3, I’m tired! Both girls are doing great, still adjusting sleep wise but getting there and slowly getting used to a family of 4.
So sorry for the crappy post, running after a toddler and nursing newborn is no joke!
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This is me and ds, chilling this weekend at a farm. Oh and the cake I made my son last weekend &#128514;&#127874;&#127874;


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Hope this works :) if so this is my little man x I’ll reply to ladies properly later x


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Literati- you are seriously awesome for working full time, I can’t imagine having the energy to go to work FT and then come home and parent. I imagine you do miss your girls though, I would too! Debt is stressful, I hope it’s quickly paid off so it’s one less thing to worry about.

Ali- I’m sorry about AF! TTC can be so stressful.
Also sorry about T resisting the crib! I can definitely see why bed sharing would be a nursing trigger, it’s too easy! He’ll get there eventually but I’m sure it’s stressful and sad when he gets so upset and won’t sleep on his own.

Froggy- so good to hear from you! And how exciting about the transfer in November! Gage sounds like a little cutie and would be a great big brother! What a sweet picture, you look so happy and look at his little smirk!

Ally- congrats on being done with your thesis! I bet you’re relieved. It’s great that Isa loves being outside so much but on the other hand I’m sure it’s frustrating that he doesn’t eat well. I’ve heard smoothies are a great way to get nutrition into them when they won’t eat well, I actually want to try them too!
There’s a mix of diff smoothies, but disclaimer I haven’t tried any yet!

Apple- I don’t blame you for wanting a dog but smart to wait until you think the timing is best! We have 2 dogs that stay outdoors (they are hyper hound dogs that love running around/hunting animals and bugs!) and L is obsessed with them. She watches them through the back door and we take her to see them through the gate outside. I imagine they will get along great when she gets older and can play with them more.
You have some cute kiddos, and look at you, you are gorgeous! And you made that cake? It’s amazing! When I make cakes they look nothing like that.
Thought I would join and share pictures of the girls!


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Gorgeous girlies Vroggers / love Ls hair , and E looks so big lol x bless her, how old is she now x
Hope rest of you ladies and babies are doing ok, we are good here. I’ve had a really busy couple of days at work. I have some really unwell people at the moment but I’ll make it my mission to do what I can for them. Tuesdays is just a hard day, I had 5 1hr sessions back to back, I was starving haha.. just grabbing biscuit from my bag inbetween lol.. I was rushing with boys this am so didn’t get breakfast ! My boys are doin good. Ds is on school holidays still until next week so he goes to a holiday club at the same nursery as O. It’s nice they are together but the staff have told me that O just doesn’t leave ds alone lol..

I’ve got pre op tomorrow at the hospital so I’m hoping I’ll be given a date for my op. I know it prob sounds silly but I’m not bothered about the op or any pain ect just worried about being out of sorts for the boys , I can’t lift at all after for at least 2 weeks and O is a chunky munk so realistically I’ll need to be careful after that time as well. How they expect me to do that with O I don’t know but I’m gonna have to just let oh do it, suppose I’m worried as his back is bad and I know how he gets when it’s his day off and I’m at work , he is wrecked after. Think I’m just a bit of a control freak ha., I just like to feel in control with the boys.. hopefully I’ll be over it quickly !!

Ali/ hope ttc is going ok n boys doing alright. Hope T is going in the crib for u x

Lit / hope u getting V to have some nap time away from u is going ok, it’s so hard isn’t it. Hope u r not too tired from work x

Ally hope u r well, n hope the food introductions are going well with Isa x sure u r still in elated mode after handing work in !! X

Vroggers/ great pics:) I do go all broody when I see girls having 4 boys !! Ha
You sound like u are doing a great job hon getting the girls into a little routine. I’m sure if u are anything like I was it will take a while and then when u get one , one of the girls will change it haha :) hope u r getting some rest when u can x

Froggy: hope u and Gage are well , what a cutie is he !! X

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