January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Apple- oh I am so happy to hear that oh has agreed to talk to someone! That’s a good first step and I hope it goes well and he finds someone he can open up to. Will you be going with or is he wanting to go by himself? Either way I think it can really help if he lets it. New job also sounds like it would be a great opportunity, much better than what he does now.
Also glad O is loving nursery, I’m sure it’s adorable to watch him before he notices you. I would do that too.
I am definitely like you, not feeling quite ready but it’s one of those ready or not things. I do feel mostly physically ready, we have a car seat (although we need to install it), bassinet on my side of the bed with all the newborn/3 mo clothes washed, and a large basket with feeding/changing supplies in our room and I also got a new breast pump (spectra this time). It feels weird to know I’m about to start over again with a newborn even though I had one not that long ago! Now just hoping my body cooperates this time and labors on its own, I know there isn’t much I can do but bouncing on the ball all the time.
Quick update, thinking it may be baby time very soon! Started losing chunks of my plug last night and this morning, then had some bloody mucus (sorry for the tmi) around 10ish and have been having cramps and what I’m assuming are contractions in my back (it’s pretty intense back pain that comes and goes). Currently on yoga ball while dh tries to nap L and I’m attempting to start timing them soon, I have no clue what I’m doing because this didn’t happen with L. Will keep y’all updated as much as I can!
Vroggers / exciting news hon 😀👍 keep bouncing on that ball!! My friend had a little girl this morning, 8lb 6 born at home x she has just put pics of her siblings holding her for first time on Facebook x oooh I’m excited for u haha x will def keep checking now :)

Yeah I’m feeling better that oh has agreed to see someone , I’m going to broach the subject again in the week but for now things are settled here, I think he knows that I’m serious that I’ll go if he doesn’t get sorted, and i think it’s put the wind up him a bit, and to be honest I feel more in control as I’ve kind of decided that pretty much myself and I know I’ll be ok if I do. I’ve been to see theee houses so have a good idea what I could afford. Hopefully it won’t come to that as I love him very much but we will see..

It’s been really nice weather here today. I think I’m going to go to a garden centre tomorrow and get some flowers for Garden and put some in some tubs. Ds can help me do it he got little gardening tools for his birthday. We were in our back garden this afternoon and it was so much more hassle now that O is legging it round !! He was into everything ! He was having proper tantrums if we stopped him going to certain places. He is a little monkey getting dressed or changing his nappy lately , drives me bonkers and he is going through that annoying arching his back phase when ever I try to get him into pram, high chair or car seat ! 😣😣.. still super cute though 😍

Hope everyone else ok x
Vrogers - Yay!!! I won't lie.. every time I see you post I'm hoping for baby announcement :haha: Might be in early labor! Hopefully it doesn't drag out for you. It was odd for me with T since I didn't go into labor naturally with O. Definitely much better experience over all. I got to relax at home and do things I wanted to do till I couldn't handle it anymore.

Apple - I really hope this is the right push for him and he gets it sorted. If not then maybe separating will do it and you guys can come back to each other on good terms.

We've been having some nice weather here and I'm loving it, although I've had some down in the dumps days overall the weather is helping my mood I think.

Ally - They learn so quick I doubt it will be a couple of weeks and more within a week. He may take his time, though. I'm use to my daredevil children.

Everyone else - I'm definitely thinking about you all. Everyone from frequent posters to ones that only occasionally come to ones that haven't posted since before the littles arrived.

AFM - I keep coming meaning to reply and a couple of times I started just never followed through. Been busy over here trying to spring clean which is totally hopeless. I feel like once I start to get something done inside everything just explodes. Outside is slowly coming along. I would say I'm about halfway done with the leaves.. ugh.. Trying to get rid of some evergreen shrubs. Debating on trying to dig them up or seeing if I can get someone with a truck to pull them out. I just really should have them check lines before doing that. Which I don't want to bother with.

I'm not pregnant yet. Ha.. DH is convinced that I conceived this cycle. Wasn't going to try we just didn't protect and happened to DTD on the day I got a positive OPK. The next day I had such HORRIBLE ovulation pains. Felt like my uterus was going to fall out. Going to sit down and stand up was just awful.

O has started preschool. Goes 4 days a week. He loves it, but he's struggling with some transitions. Especially with going inside from the playground. So they're working with him on that.

T is doing well. He has said a few new words. He says ball, shoe, more, go, swore he said hello several times when playing with a phone, but then wouldn't repeat it for me. Says blue.. every color is blue. Literally as I'm typing this he kind of fell and said "Oh no!" So we were just going back and forth saying "Oh no!" Says whoa a lot.. anything dramatic happens it's "Whoa whoa whoa whoa!" Boom is another one when he falls down. So yeah.. he's doing good! Oh.. one of his favorite things.. blowing raspberries while breastfeeding....

Nothing big to report really. Just chugging along with life.
Not to ignore apple and Ali, but baby number 2 is here!
I called my doc office after hours number Saturday night to basically ask when I should go in and about the bloody mucus, and they sent me in to L&D where I was monitored for an hour. I was at a 2 cm with mild contractions, they sent me home.
I contracted all night with 0 sleep and finally around 5 something in the AM they VERY quickly turned into strong regular contractions coming every 3-4 min and lasting about 45 sec each. I was on the yoga ball timing them with an app and listening to music on headphones when my water broke. Woke dh, jumped in shower and finished packing bag!
This is the part that frustrates me- my doc was not on call, and the one there does not even attempt VBAC, nor does the doc that was going to be coming in at 5. The nurse told me if I had failure to progress I would most likely have it again, and the doc offered repeat section in one hour.
After my water broke the contractions RAMPED up, omg I thought I was dying. They eventually registered at the highest level on the monitor, and they couldn’t give me any pain med at all, so I sat there with non stop excruciating contractions for over an hour. The spinal was hard to sit still for but kicked in immediately and RELIEF. little Elizabeth arrived (time unknown but just before 10am) today april 22, weighing at a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz!! L was 6 lbs 14 oz for reference. She had a couple problems (respitory and temp and breathing) that indicated either stress from the labor (I’ll say!!) or infection. She is doing much better, but I didn’t get to hold and breastfeed her until over 2 hours later! She is a champ latcher so far. I was worried I wouldn’t like her or feel bonded because of how I felt this pregnancy, but I love her and am obsessed! I am now about to attempt a nap while she is in nursery getting her bath and pics made, she will be here soon to eat again. Dh got to be there and my bff watched L in the waiting room, dh is now home with L and may pop in this evening.
Picture in next post!
Can’t helieve I forgot the most frustrating part, I was progressing very well on my own! Was checked in at a 3, and during the surgery the doc said “oh she’s definitely further than a 3” and was showing the nurses. So checked in at 3 cm, and within just one hour progressed and was almost 100% effaced. UGH! I’m pretty sure my doc is going to be upset because of how for VBAC she was for me. Anyway, pic in NEXT post!
Arrr !! Vroggers fab news xx congratulations honey 😘😘 what beautiful pics x what a great weight as well 😀 , pain isn’t the best is it 😬..well done mummy !! x enjoy your first night with your new little lady x sending you lots of hugs x love the name 😍💐
Ali/ nice to hear from u hon, crazy how busy we all are , I’ll flat out all week now so will prob struggle again now this week.
Your boys sound like they are doing great😀.. glad O likes pre school. And T sound like a little chatter box ha.. O says bye and waves and that’s about it apart fro. Arrr when he gives you a cuddle and a sloppy kiss 😘haha ..finger crossed you get your BFPthis cycle ! How cute is baby Elizabeth!! , 😍 so happy for Vroggers x

We have been in the garden all afternoon it’s been a nice day. Oh has cut all the grass and bushes back, we have a pile of stuff to take to tip..

Anyway better get off to watch greys anatomy 😂 it’s the only bit of peace I get haha x I just chill in bed in my iPad n watch it x

Things still settled here plan on having talk to oh in week..

My boys doing fine. O loved it in the garden again today it does make it easier when the sun is out ☀️☀️He is getting really fast toddling about and if he sees somewhere he knows he soulfbt be he legs it to get here , if a gate is open ect .. he is a cheeky monkey 😂.. this afternoon he wa last trying to climb up the slide in the garden from the bottom of slide.. and no matter how many ones we lifted him off he would have a paddy and arch his back then get straight back on ! Ha ..

Hope all you other ladies and babies are well x I’ll try and get in later in the week
Vrogers - Omgosh she's so cute!!! So many congratulations!!

Apple - I need to get my garden going. Need someone to come till a patch for my vegetable garden. T will likely eat my garden when it starts producing. That child LOVES vegetables and fruit. Will eat that over other things on his plate usually.
Ali/ we had a vegetable patch last year for ds. 1st one we had done.. It didn’t do very well ha .. I was looking at it today and it’s looking very sorry for itself ha.. I’m going to have to get it going again soonish as well..I was thinking of putting some carrots in tubs as well as they didn’t do very well in the ground 🥕🥕..
Thank you, ladies! Promise I will get on here when I’m home in a couple days and actually answer the new posts.
Elizabeth has blood work at 11:30 tonight (about 2 hours from now) to check her levels again, basically something that shouldn’t be higher than 1-2, her first blood work came back at 10 indicating she may be fighting some infection. If it comes back that high again she has to go to NICU for iv antibiotics. I know it could be worse but it’s got me a little worried! Will keep updating y’all as I can, so sorry for the crap posts not replying to anyone!
Nothing to apologise for Vroggers u focus on your little lady , hope she is ok , thinking of u x
apple- great ur oh is going to talk about how he feels with someone! all the best to him in applying for the new job, sounds like a less stressfull one.
We had really nice weather on saturday, but seems to be back to dreary darkness and rain again now.

vrogers- omg many many congrats! Well done to you, and what a beautiful little girl you have! I'm over the moon, and so happy she is latching. Ahhhh, happy times.
Hope all is ok with her infection, keep us updated and just get some rest. All will be just fine :)

ali- good luck with getting pregnant very soon then haha. Glad all is well and boys are doing well

afm- im at uni and need to go very soon, but just wanted to get on quickly and update. All is good here, my thesis deadline is approaching nearer and nearer and starting to get quite anxious about it, Still have a lot to do.
Isa is just great, he loves being outside, when i bring him inside, he takes my fingers and gets me to walk with him back outside, he is such an outdoorsy boy! He happily sits in buggy for hours now (never used to) so on saturday i took him to town, and we wondered about and he was just so smiley and happy. We were out for 5 hours and got home and he was trying to get back out into the garden!!!
anyway will get on again very soon, just wanted to pop on xx
Thank yall for the congrats and well wishes! Quick update, E is in the NICU for 7-10 days receiving antibiotics for infection (of which they said we may not ever know what exactly it is). It sounds like it has to do with the fact that I was GBS positive but since I got to the hospital in labor at approx 7:30am and delivered just over 2 hours later, I didn’t get the full 4 hours antibiotics in me. She is doing well so far, it’s just hard that i can’t just cuddle and feed my newborn, so it’s hard to feel like I’m bonding with her yet! I finally got to hold her yesterday (annoying due to her hooked up to so many things and my wearing a huge gown and gloves) and it absolutely broke my heart because she wanted to nurse when she realized it was me. They had given her a paci, she will root around and find the paci and then get pissed when she realized it isn’t boob. They won’t let me breastfeed her until her breathing is more stable. She’s got fluid in her lungs (apparently common in c sections) but they do seem to want me to be able to breastfeed her so I’m confident they’ll let me know as soon as I can. Side note to that, if anyone has any advice/info, I have been pumping every 2-3 hours although my milk isn’t in yet. I was able to hand express a small amount of colostrum which they swabbed into her mouth, but it seems like the colostrum is lessening? I’m going to keep pumping even if I get 0 drops of anything but wow is it frustrating! Just wish my milk would come in.
Anyways, going to try to get a little nap, so so sorry this is jumbled and all over the place! I know it’s going to be insane with a toddler and newborn at home and I may regret saying this but I’m soooo ready to be out of the hospital and home with both of them!
Thank y’all for being so encouraging/understanding!
I got to breastfeed E! They are supposed to call me any time she shows hunger signs. Hopefully she continues getting better so she can keep eating!
Vroggers that’s great news hon that u got to breast feed her I hope you get lots of opportunities. I breast fed O for 6 months. I think if it was me I’d just keep pumping away as much as I could tolerate to try and get my milk flowing.. as well as feeding little E when ever you could. Sorry to hear she is in NICU. I cant imagine the stress of that for you and your dh. Have you been discharged yourself yet ? Hopefully she will be out soon and you can have your little girls together at home. Thank goodness there are the medical facilities these days to give her what she needs to make her well. Have you managed to get much time with L, how is she doing? You must feel torn between the two at the minute xx I know when I had O I felt terrible leaving ds but I soon learnt that he was easily distracted by others and was fine. It’s was my anxieties not his x hope you are managing to rest x

Ally/ Isa sounds a little gem. Your day out sounded loverly. It’s so much easier when they will sit in the pram. O is quite good in the buggy recently , taking it all in. I take him to park with ds quite a lot and he loves being on the swings. I bet you will be glad once your uni work is finished .. not long to go now hon x weather been loverly this week her now raining 🙁

Update here/ my boys are doing fine. O is such a little cutie. He gets more gorgeous by the day. Such a character. Ds is great as well, proper opinionated little 5 yr old haha.. asks so many questions 😂and going through the “but why!!” Phase !! Teen is being a teen 😣but we are dealing with that.

I’m currently trying to organise my mornings a bit better as since I’ve been back at work and starting early they have been a bit crazy sorting three boys and getting out on time and since me and oh have been having quite a lot of conversation lately I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to let others do more. I basically do everything for everyone all the time. Prob a bit of a control thing but at the same time if I’m honest I’m doing things to prevent oh doing them so he isn’t stressed. Well I’ve given myself a kick up the butt and decided basically tough .. deal with it . I have to and I’ve been letting him do more. I’ve been dealing with things with my work/ therapy head and I need to snap out of it as it makes me justify everything by looking at bigger picture. Consequence of this though is that I end up doing everything myself and my own self care suffers. Well I’m trying to improve that and looking at things more black and white. Oh has been quite clingy the last week and keeps saying he knows needs to sort his stuff and doesn’t want to lose me and boys so we will see how it goes.. I hope it works out but not going to stand for anything on the way x my friends and family have been really supportive although it’s been hard as the common opinion is for me to move out. Well I’ve decided it’s not the right time for me and I want to try and make this work. I do think this is my last shot though x

Hope all you ladies and babies are doing ok xx 😘
I promise once we are home from the hospital I will return to normal posting and responding! Just want to keep y’all updated.
Breastfeeding is going really well this time around. E is a wonderful latcher and I feel more confident about feeding her. I love it! The frustrating thing is that I can’t just hear my baby crying or see her rooting and go feed her, I’m replaying on the Nicu nurses to call me (I am discharged as of yesterday morning, and am in a courtesy room, free to use and able to come and go). They have been kind of calling every 3 hours. We all know newborns do not follow schedules! So now they are on me about her getting enough nutrition and milk, and I’m going to tell each nurse please please call me when she’s hungry, screw the schedule.
Other than that, she is doing great! She had a little bout with jaundice but it’s much better, and after today she has 2 more days of antibiotics which means we should be going home Monday I believe. Omg I never thought I would want to be home so bad with my toddler and a newborn! This makes doing it at home feel like a breeze imagining it.
I think that’s about it for major updates, will keep you updated and sooo look forward to being home and replying to everyone as normal!
Vrogers - I'm glad she's getting better! Has L met her yet? I bet she's going to love her to pieces.

Apple - I hope for the best for you and your family. I really hope this makes your OH finally make some changes. He needs to keep his eye on the goal, though. Old habits are VERY hard to break. I'm still working on mine from childhood. It's crazy how easy it is to fall back into old habits.

AFM - CD1 today. I'm okay with it. Means I will probably not have another January baby. Still could if I conceive this cycle. Would be late January. So we're full on trying now. I think it's going to be harder since T is still breastfeeding. I just can't get myself to cut him off. Even during the day! I'm horrible. I feel like I give in because it's just easier that way. I just don't have the energy to fight it.
Ali- she met her the day she was born, they showed her the baby through the waiting room window but apparently all L cared about was her daddy! Today I put E in the swing we have and L just went up to her and giggled/stared, it was so cute! We’re attempting to teach her “be gentle” when she loves throwing/hitting/etc!
Wow TTC is exciting! I hope it happens quick, I’m excited to have more babies in here! :)

Afm- we are home!!! We got discharged yesterday afternoon after E’s last antibiotic dose. E slept so well in the bassinet in the Nicu but after her first stretch of sleep, she would not stay asleep in her bassinet at home. I eventually slept with her swaddled tight on my chest, with a body pillow on one side and nursing pillow on the other. I hate resorting to that but omg I needed sleep!! She lost so much weight in the hospital so I’m paranoid about making sure she eats no longer than every 3 hours, preferably 2.
Sooo glad to be home and hope everyone else who hasn’t gotten on in awhile is good!

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