January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

apple- what lovely pics!!!! gorgeous mama and her boys. Love O's cheeky smile. The cake looks so good, especially when i'm fasting and i really fancy cake with a cup of tea. Hope pre-op appt goes ok tomorrow! Glad boys are well.

Vrogers- adorable pics!! what beautiful girls you have, must be so proud. Thanks for smoothie link.

ali lit- hope all well with u both x

all good here. I made a smoothie the other day then for isa. I did a mango and banana one, with greek yoghurt. It was soo tasty but isa wasn't that interested. He just had a little, but i think even a few sips will give him a load of goodness. I'll keep trying different combinations, hopefully they will be one he likes haha.
Joining in with the pics. Isa enjoying the sunshine at my parents x


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Apple- thank you! E is now a month and a half somehow, time is flying already!
Doesn’t sound silly at all that you are more concerned about your boys. Were you given a date yet for the op? Keep us updated!
You are right, they change so much when they’re little that the second I finally get used to something, it changes! Definitely ready for E to be able to interact with L and us more though.

Ally- smoothie sounds delicious to me. Wow look at his hair!! He is such a cutie! How do our babies look so old?? I was going back looking at pics in my phone last night, they go from baby to toddler so fast.
Hi ladies, just quick post :) been out today with my boys to visit nan, a couple of hours drive but both boys were fine. I did cheat a bit and took iPad for ds. Haha but it’s worth it for the drive.. O slept all way there and back which was a bonus. Only downside is he is wide awake now and oh has taken him for a walk to try and settle him ! It’s 10 pm 😣..
I got my date for 5th July for my op 😬 just trying to prep for it now as much as I can ! X
Hi ladies just quick update .. I got a call today asking me to go in Thursday for my op.. I was stressing at having it done 5th July lol..now I have a day to prepare ! Got to be there for 7am 😬Haha the joys ! Really not looking forward to not being able to pick up little man 😕 x

All else fine here boys well hope u r all ok x
I need to pop in and update you all and catch up. Just been busy and life is complicated.. I'll try to find time after work. Miss you all!
Hi ladies , had op yesterday, they managed to do it keyhole. Feel like I’ve been kicked by a horse today 😔 suppose it’s to be expected day after, the dr forgot to write me up painkiller for discharge so having a bit of a battle trying to get strong enough ones today from my own dr 😣 there are 4 wounds where they went in , they are wrecking today 😔

Oh is taking over with boys I’m just in bed x hope it improves soon 😔

Sorry for negative sorry for myself post just feeling bit pants today. I hate hearing boys down stairs n not being able to go to them, really struggling to walk..

Hope u ladies n little ones are all well x
Apple - Oh no.. I hope you feel better soon. That's insane you didn't get any pain killers!! That's such a great picture of O!! We all have the cutest kids lol Your DS is a handsome little man as well.

Ally - He's adorable! I need to get a picture of T up. I need to do smoothie's for T. He would love them. We throw yogurt in a cup and he chugs it down.

Vrogers - Those girls are going to be little heart breakers!

Sorry not a good catch up post haha.. just a lot going on so it's hard to find time and every time I try to type one up I get pulled away and distracted and forget about it and close it.

T is napping so trying to get a decent post in. O is eating spaghetti so that's keeping him distracted.

Been a rough few weeks. I had a horrible day at work last Saturday resulting in 2 residents leaving while another staff member and I stayed with them. Couldn't speak reason into them and the big one who is 500 lbs and has autism straight up back handed me and got me good on the arm. I about just quit that day after work. I just couldn't hardly manage after dealing with them.

Then that night I find out that my FIL is stopping his treatment for his cancer. So now we're trying to figure out how to get him down here. It won't be a problem getting him down here so much as I need to explain to him that he may not have that much time where he can travel.

So between work and stuff with my FIL I have been so torn. I don't know if I will be able to continue where I'm working, but I'm going to hold out for now. I'm so sick of that place, but change may just make things worse right now. It's so frustrating.

T and O are doing well. The whole weaning and night training thing isn't going to the hottest, but doesn't help that I just can't seem to care beyond making sure they're safe and fed right now.

T is talking more and more all the time. It's a big deal to me. So glad to see him talking instead of being like O and basically staring at me like I was nuts for thinking he would say anything other than his few select words. Now he talks a ton.

We did manage to get to the Zoo the last two Mondays. We got a membership so we need to make it at least one more time to cut even. I know we'll do that and more. Just trying to limit the spending there. Going to take a lunch with us next time. I just like to get them something from the gift shop which adds up.

Alright, T is up so means I'll lose this if I don't post it now lol
Uhhh... soooo I tested this morning at 8 DPO.. knowing I would probably not see anything but it's Father's day so I thought why not go ahead and test. It would be a great addition to our Father's day gift for him.

Well IC was stark white.. buuuuuut.. my FRER has the FAINTEST of lines.. But it's there!!! I'm freaking out haha.. I'm going to wait till he goes to sleep then go to the store and get more FRERs. I really hope this is it! I'm so excited and I shouldn't be yet. Still too early to know for sure, but the thought is great!

I keep staring at it like "There's no way.. no it's definitely there!! My mind isn't playing tricks" AH
HI ladies!! hope u are all well

apple- hope you are feeling ok after your surgery! thinking of u.

ali- how exciting about the line, keep us updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry you have had a rough few weeks tho, what sad news about FIL, how is ur dh coping?

afm- all good here, we had eid the other day so a nice day of celebrations, food and getting dressed up. Today is fathers day, got dh presents from Isa, and he opened them in bed, and then i made him coffee and breakkie. Then we went to the park, and had a nice day out.
Isa has a chesty cough just now, hes not been eating much and v unsettled at night but does seem to be getting better so fingers crossed hes back to himself soon.
Thats about it i think, will get on again soon x
I just took another FRER on a 5 hour hold and it was darker!!! :happydance:

Going to tell DH as part of his Father's Day gift.. I'm so excited!

It's faint, especially on the imagine, but it's more there than the one with FMU!
I def see a line Ali! Xx fingers crossed it gets darker .. exciting stuff hon,..I used clear blue digital , do u have those ? I can remember the freaking out exciting feeling seeing the word pregnant ! Ha..

Ally/ hope Isa is better soon hun, glad you had a nice day of celebrations and your Father’s Day sounded loverly.

My boys are fine, I’ve been really sore over the weekend. Finding it really frustrating not being able to do things the way I’m used to doing them. I’m not a perfectionist but I’m finding oh a little frustrating., there is no way he can cope with the boys like I do. I think it’s been a big wake up call for him. Not that he would admit it. I’ve ended up getting up with O as oh just struggles with it and by time he has come round himself I’ve been up and sorted him. If I just sat there and let oh do it then O would have woke himself up properly and no way would be going to sleep. This morning was the school run, so teen to get up n 2 youngest to sort. I told oh that he needed the stuff sorting might b4 but he decided to do work emails instead , so all complete chaos this morning.. it was actually quite pathetic, I got up and sorted everything myself even though I was uncomfortable, just easier for the boys. I’ll choose my moment later and have words with oh. My teen was also told he had to step up and sort himself as I wasn’t good , he was also pathetic ! Stood in kitchen in his boxer shorts complaining of being cold asking me to iron his shirt for school. I wish I could have filmed it for you ladies you had to see it to believe it. Oh ended up taking ds to school having a melt down. I’m not happy about that so we will be having words about that later 😣.
Anyway vent over about my useless , not able to cope without mum family !! Ha x

Hope u r all ok x
ali- i defo see a line!!!!!!!!!!! exciting!!

apple- without mum the family falls apart eh, this is why mums need to be appreciated all the time. I only have one son, but my dh just cannot look after him the way i do, slow and just not up to my standard haha. funny story about ur teen ahah, would have been funny to record.
Defo have words with oh, totally not acceptable as you should be resting and need to know he can sort the boys out.
Ally / lol I didn’t have to have words in the end. Oh came back with his tails between his legs from school run apologising .. so he managed to get himself a few points back lol.. i told him it has to be organised and run like a ship or it will sink ..and this morning he well and truly sank ! until I came in with the lifeboats !! I think he gets the message., let’s see how tonight goes 😂

My teen is def getting his butt kicked ! .. my eldest is the complete opposite, totally independent, cooks cleans, and sorts himself. How kids can be different. I’m going to make an extra effort with my teen now to teach him to be a good husband !! Starting with a pile of ironing ha.. he will be able to do it by the end lol.. I’m also going to get him to help me when I’m making teas ect ., I did all this with my eldest but I’m thinking because my youngest two arrived I’ve prob done a lot more for my teen for an easy life.. well times are gonna change boyo lol ..

I’m in bed now being brought lunch ! It’s blooming hard going working and sorting 3 kids , I think oh sees that more now. Planning to just spend as long as poss in bed today whilst boys at school/ nursery try n get myself right ..x

Hope u all have nice day/ week ladies x

I’ll keep checking for updates Ali xx !! 🤞

It's definitely darker!! It's safe to say I'm pregnant! Even my internet cheapies are starting to show a line!! Very faint.. like a shadow.. but it's there. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't have FRERs.

Apple - No one really taught us.. we kind of learned early because if we wanted lunch most of the time we had to figure it out haha.. My mother stayed home with us most of the time, but she was in her own world and wanted nothing to do with us.
Omg I feel like I have already missed so much!

Apple- so glad oh took over so you can fully focus on recovery! You just had surgery, no apologies needed!
How are you feeling now?

Ali- I saw your ticker before your official post and freaked out!! I am so excited for you!! That first line on frer is exactly what my line at 8 dpo looked like with L and the second one is for sure darker, you are pregnant!! How are you feeling? How did you tell dh? A March baby, so exciting!

Ally- sounds like your dh had a lovely father’s day. I hope Isa is feeling better!

Afm- nothing super exciting here, we have E’s 2 month appt this Friday, just noticing both of my tickers for the girls ages have disappeared so will have to find new ones when I can.
E is sleeping well (for now) she will do a 5-6 hour stretch the first half, usually midnight till 6 or so, and then 2 hours after that a couple times. She’s eating well too, was able to go out for a haircut Saturday as well as a target trip and dh fed her a bottle of my milk. She does prefer breast over bottle seems like.
L is growing like crazy and learning so many new things all the time! She has started coloring (though she runs off with the crayon so we have to chase her down) and loves her little toddler Elmo chair, she carries it around the house which is adorable looking. We do way more tv time than I would like and I miss taking her outside to her swing and cozy coupe but hoping after the summer when baby is older and it isn’t so hot out we can have more outside time again!
That’s about it here, just trying to keep my sanity with a toddler and newborn haha!
Vrogers - Aww L sounds so cute. T likes to color.. and eat colors.. loooooves kinetic sand. Found that one out today.

Yeah my tickers went away too. 2 of my favorite places took away tickers now.

I'm feeling fine. No different yet. Maybe having to Lee more. I was really gassy but that's finally passing. My acne didn't flare like it does before AF arrives so that's been nice. Hoping it stays that way. With both boys my face was horrible for the first tri.

Kind of just in disbelief. I do cramp a little from time to time.

I'll definitely keep you all posted. I'm sure I will feel something from this soon enough. I'm still sooo early.

So I started exercising. Going to keep doing it but be easy with it. I need to get in better shape. Hopefully not gain too much weight this time haha...
Ali/ fantastic lines hon xx congratulations. !! Really pleased for u :) sorry the support weren’t there properly when u were younger hon, you’re a supper mummy to those boys yourself now and all your own doing x hope your are well first tri x my skin was rubbish during pregnancy as well. It’s not been great with this Gall bladder rubbish but hopefully that will improve now it’s out haha.

Vroggers girls sound like they are doing great, funny O has started to like colouring as well, in his own way haha..such a character..great that E will have a good stretch of sleep and has had milk from bottle with your dh. Glad you got to hair dresser ;) I can’t believe it’s time for 8 week check !

Well I’m still really sore, I changed my dressings after a shower yesterday and onr of my wounds was really smelly 😬I went to hospital today for it checking out and they said it was ok, just upped my pain meds as they are doing nothing the ones I have.

Boys doing ok, ds a little clingy but getting a right Little chatterbox. He comes out with some funny things lately, he was in bathroom the other day brushing his teeth and I shouted up asking what he was doing as it was quiet lol.. he said
“ it’s gods love “ when I asked what he was talking about he said ,
at school they said god made everything
and god loves everything
and this is his water that god made
so he loves it ..
so brushing his teeth is God’s love..

confused ?? Yes so was I haha 😂

O has started to just point to everything he wants and just make this err sound .. to let us know he wants it. I’ve tried to get him to say little words like sock shoe ect ,. But no.. he likes errr instead with a point lol..,my other boys did things their own way so I’m not overly concerned. He will get there. He is doing mainly gestures and def knows how to let u know what he wants, just need to keep an eye it doesn’t make his speech lazy.,

I’m having to just rest myself now, stomach and wounds from op killing me 😣 hopefully new meds will help, I’m so fed up of not being able be mum ! Be glad when I’m back on form. I’ve had loads of private enquires for work as well so having to turn them down for now. Hopefully they might be there when I get back to myself ,

Anyway back to greys Anatomy ! I’m at s10 now ha x just what I need after surgery haha x

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