January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Angel/ loverly to hear from you hon, congrats on the pregnancy,. Brilliant news :)
I really wouldn’t be worrying too much about M with speech she says more than O, he maybe says 3/ 4 words and points for everything he wants, we are trying to get him to say bit more but Ds was the same and like Ali said he is fine now as well. To be honestly I’d say he didn’t really catch up properly u til he was 3 but has no probs now, can’t shut him up lol x

Ali/ so sorry to hear if situation with your fil, 8 hr drive is a long run, hope it goes ok. Feel for your dh, such a lot to deal with is short time 😔 you sound a great support. Hopefully the boys and new bump will keep him distracted a bit. X

Do u think u will find out gender this time? I really wanted a little pink bundle after my 3 blue but so chuffed with O now he is so different personality wise from all my others , love him to bits propper character and so close to Ds :)

Vroggers/ beautiful pics , love Ls hair ha.,
Go E sleeping 6 hours !! Hope you get more of that.

Doing ok here apart from huge black bruises on my butt from fall on the stairs !! Really attractive lol., between by bruised butt and stomach full of dressings I’m starting to look like bride of Frankenstein 😂 I said to oh yesterday “ I’m a right catch ! 😂

Boys doing good. O has sussed the slide in garden, it’s about 5ft. He legs it up the steps then stands at the top turning around 😬😬so we have to stand next to him all the time if he approaches the slide ! Yesterday we ended up laying it in it’s side when we wanted to sit for 5 as he is just so quick. Doesn’t help that Ds starts screaming laughing and that excited O more then he starts jumping about ! He flies off the bottom into mid air and bounces back up for another go laughing while me and oh and panicking he ain’t bothered..

Ds is getting a cheeky monkey he told me to go for a bath and have some chill time yesterday lol.,that’s what other half says sometime.
Yesterday when I asked Ds to come in form the garden he had a strop and said @ I’m getting some air!” That’s also what Other half says sometime lol ..

Anyway have nice day ladies x
Its great to come on here and see so many updates! yah!

ali- T is adorable, look at that hair haha.
so sorry to hear about your fil, must be tough on dh. My dad lost his mum and dad within a month of each other. That was 10 years ago and its still such a raw pain for him. The circle of life though.

vrogers- E sounds like she is doing so well, well done mama :) The pics of the girls are adorable, just lovely :) Amazing that E is doing such long stretches, long may it continue!!!

angel- so nice to hear from you. Massive congrats on the pregnancy!! Isa is 18 months and says two words: mama and hey. The dr isn't concerned, said everyones goes at their own pace. He points to everything and understands so much. I think he's just chilled out. My dh was on the slow side too when a baby, dont worry about it.

apple- can't believe you fell, you poor thing, i feel for you!! glad boys are doing well, they sound so cute and funny.

afm- well i'm feeling rubbish, such a bad cold and my ears are so blocked up i am actually deaf. I am steaming my face and putting ear drops in, but its not doing much. Gonna try get a dr appt tomorrow and get ear checked, might be an infection. So i am jus feeling sorry for myself because i feel lethargic and unwell as well. My parents have taken Isa out for the day and dh is at work so ive been able to just rest today which is nice. Yesterday i felt ok, we went out to a petting zoo for the day but last night i just felt unwell and today just feel horrible...anyway thats me just feeling sorry for myself.
Isa is good, he doesn't say much but feel re-assured from others that not every baby is saying lots. He understands a lot.
I'm so glad to hear from the rest of you that M's speech isn't that far behind. DH and i aren't big talkers at home and so she doesn't hear as much from us. And she knows how to get what she wants by pointing. Although I'd rather her start talking because the whining/squealing noise she makes when she's not getting what she wants grates on my nerves.

DH let me sleep today and got up with M so that was nice. But I'm still exhausted. Ugh. Everything exhausts me lately. Once Melody goes down for a ap here in a few minutes I might take one myself. I feel like such a lazy person lately

Apple -oh my gosh! I hope you're okay! Do be careful!

Vrogers - The girls are adorable!! I love it! Makes me feel better too that Melody isn't the only one not talking a lot. Wish M would let me put her hair up! She fights so bad. I have managed to get it up once, but the minute I start playing wiht her hair I've got about 15 seconds before she starts to aggressively shake her head and run away :dohh: And M does the same thing with bows or headbands. Won't wear them. Hats either.

Ali - It took some time to establish M to sleep on her own, but I also started pretty early. Now that she is sleeping out of a crib we've had to resort to a turning her door handle around and locking her door at night or she'll just come in and out of hte room all night long. :nope: Funny enough, we'll let her do it once then tell her the door is going to lock now, and she'll try the handle, see it's locked, and then go back to bed on her own. Sometimes she'll play in the room, but then eventually goes to bed and falls asleep. And then we unlock the door once she's asleep so she can come out if she needs to. Recently though she started a string of 3:30am wake ups. :dohh: So we went back to locking it all night until we wake up - she'll try the door and usually go back to bed. If she cries for more than a few minutes I'll go in and settle her back down and leave again. We just bought one of those "ok to wake" clocks (hers is a dog - which she loves) and she's actually been getting better sin we've been usin it. I thought she'd be too young, but I do think it's helping.

I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. :hugs: I hope that you are able to make the trip to say goodbye. I know how hard that can be. We had to do the same thing with my MIL about a year ago. It was awful.

Ally - Thanks! Good to hear that Isa is slow on words too. Maybe it just isn't as big of a deal as the daycare is making it out to be. Especially since all of her other motor skills and developmental things are on point or ahead.

That cold sounds awful! I hope the doctor can help! That doesn't sound good, especially not being able to hear!
Angel/ glad u r reassured about Ms speech. People can really get u worrying. O is such a little babbler he sounds really cute but he knows what he means.. lol.,he would point and just say.. err!! when he wanted something.. now he has progressed to neeerr lol.. today he actually said peppa when he saw peppa pig and and repeated it several times. When he got praise he did this little dance very proud of himself 😂..

Ally/ oh no , sorry u r Poorly hun, that’s sounds rubbish. Hope u managed to get to drs. Hope it’s not making u feel too dizzy ect.. I remember Ds was all over the place when he had ear infection. 😔... glad u managed to get a little rest while your mum had Isa. He sounds like he is doing well. Such a cutie , hope u manage to enjoys some of this nice weather this week x

All ok here. Oh clutch was on way out in his car so he decided to sell it. It sold in a day. So now he is driving mine. I’m still not up to driving now anyway, we have a car on drive that we don’t use so that’s going to be put on the road 1st July.
Boys doing ok, they have been going a big crazy over tea time and leading up to bed time lately, Ds gets really hyper and O will either go hyper with him or moody as he is tired so I’ve tried to get them back into a routine tonight. Ive been splitting them up sometimes and letting Ds go on iPad at night after his tea but is has started to get later and later and he is now starting to kick off asking for it at bedtime so I’ve nipped It in the budd. I spent time sorting his room today and went up and read him a story b4 bed. Got them both tea and In Pjs quite early. They had a little play in garden but I managed to get them both in bed by 7.30. Ds playing with his Lego for a bit but it’s better than iPad. He was really tired this am so I’m hoping he will be better tomorrow , we will c. Me and oh just flopped on the couch once they were up in silence for a bit 😂😂we were shattered.
Physically, I’m better than I was but still feeling bad strain in muscles from the op so ready for a rest. I’ve deceived to take another week off though I was due back this Friday but I’m going to go for another week. I’m not ready to drive yet and won’t get thought any better of for rushing back, prob get dumped in as soon as I return so I’m gonna make sure I’m right. Dr said I could have another week when I saw her the other day .

Also not sure if I mentioned last week, oh got it in his head that it would be a good idea to get to get 2 budgies ! Boy and girl so they might breed. He thought Ds would like to see the eggs and baby chicks, oh is a bit of a bird lover.. 😣 so he turned up with two birds !! They are so loud !! I really wasn’t impressed but they are growing on me.. Ds called them dusty and Lilly !

Anyway have nice evening ladies x
Ali- I hope your ankle is better, that sounds super unpleasant.
I’m so sorry about your FIL, your poor dh. That sucks that he’s not closer for you guys to easily visit.
How are you feeling? I hope the nausea stays away!

Ally- oh no, I’m sorry you’re sick! Were you able to make it to doc? Hope you’re feeling better now!
Seems like a handful of our toddlers are not as talkative yet. Just shows they really do develop at such diff rates!

Apple- how are you feeling? I relate to the flopping on couch in defeat feeling!! Oh the birds sound fun! Cute names too.

Afm- E did 7 hours last night for her first stretch, hopefully it continues. Not too exciting of an update here, there’s not much going on! L is now obsessed with running around outside, just wish it wasn’t so hot and humid out. Will be much better in October when the weather cools and E is 6ish months and can use our swing.
Have my best friends baby shower this weekend, trying to convince dh to come for best friends husband and bring along the girls, would be easier to feed E directly instead of leaving her with dh.
I guess that’s about it for now!
Hi ladies , sorry put this on here but I just thought I’d ask u ladies for an honest opinion.
Weather has been really hot hear and has unsettled O. I took him for a walk in his pram last night and once we got home he woke again after 5 mins and then was up until 1am.. it was really exhausting.

I was walking O for almost 2 hours trying to get him to sleep, oh did say come in and I’ll take over but his back was wrecked and I felt ok so I carried on. When I came in the house was just a tip stuff everywhere and basically oh had not lifted a finger. It’s always me that tidies house. Oh will just say it’s not a priority, really does my head in. He will wash up and put a wash on but if I went away for a week and the floor was full of toys ,clothes ect it would be the same when I got home.

Anyway last night when I came in I was pissed off to be honestly but my stomach was aching a bit and I was annoyed that I’d spent all day trying to give oh opportunities to rest his back ect.. he gets really snappy when it’s bad and if he is tired so I feel like my life is constantly trying to prevent this . I have told him how difficult for me when he is like this dozens of times. I made a comment last night he had basically done sod all since I’d been walking around and I had to come in and start tidying at 10,30 at night. He has basically lost it with me, refusing to talk, then being really off, I explained that I meant he hasn’t done at that moment in time not all the time but he he just was really off and asked me is I was going to apologise.

Begrudgingly I said I did , to be honest for a quiet life and thought I’ll take that on the chin but it was just a comment when I was tired, nothing more. I never comment like that I’d just do it myself but I was shattered. He said good now u have apologied now u can go and leave the room !! I told him don’t talk to me like an idiot but he just litterally kept repeating his words every time I spoke, He has carried it on this morning just really sarcastic, he was suppose to Collect a part for my car from the garage and he was fitting it today and he has walked off and said I take it you are going to sort your car left me with both boys n I’m still not right from my op. He said He is going to have a stress free day bacuse he don’t do anything for me so I’ll have some time to myself, just being total arse. He was goading me constantly with nasty digs in front of the kids when I asked him to stop he just kept repeating everything he had done, he even did this In a really nice way in front of Ds. He said to Ds daddy is going out today because mummy thinks she can do things better on her own . I was raging he did this.
He was constantly being quite nasty, I said to him the way he was reacting was not right I’d apologised for the one comment but that is all it was one comment because I’m knackered and still recovering from an op but that’s it, I’m not keep apologising he just said , u go F off and find your mr right good luck with that one.. I’ve had days of funny and off comments from him. I just feel so upset at how he is being. I’ve asked him to stop but he just won’t.. he looks really wired up when talking to me and it’s quite intimidating , this normally lasts for 3 days ish when he is like this. He had purposely left me I know hoping that I’ll suffer , I know this, I’m used to how he works now but I just really struggle with how someone can be like this. I know he is not right after the death of his brother , he is stressed with work and back but I’m getting this all the time 😔I know my friends and family all have concerns so I just don’t want to talk to them as I know this will fuel them 😔 my head is just telling me this is totally unacceptable and I deserve better but I’ve still got hope that he will sort it out , I don’t know if I’m being delusional, the thought of leaving breaks my heart because I do love him but I just don’t know how much of this I can take.
Really sorry for vent ladies 😔I just wondered how others would deal with their partner talking to them this way. He is so good with boys so I find this upsetting x
Apple- I wish I could hug you! You definitely do not deserve the way he is treating and talking to you especially in front of the kids and after you went through surgery on top of it. You needed him to step up and take on extra so you could recover and he hasn’t. He’s showing your kids that it’s okay to disrespect you, his partner and their mom. I’m so sorry you are dealing with this! It sounds like counseling together would really help, do you think he would be willing?
I don’t think you are being delusional, you love him and you want to work it out, that’s a good thing and hopefully he feels the same and does whatever it takes to love you the way you deserve!
Also no need to apologize for venting, vent as much as you want, I’ve found this is the best place with the best group of ladies to encourage/care!
I don't have time to reply to everyone but wanted to say something.

Apple - Honestly hun.. I think at this time you need to leave him. You obviously can do as you please and this is just advice from me. He is mentally abusing you. There is no reason for this.. he may have problems and it may be coming from that, but you and your children deserve better. He hasn't come around in awhile and he doesn't appear he is going to. This seems to happen quite often between both of you and it always seems to be completely off the wall without reason. I did hope you could sort it out with him, but I don't see it happening and would rather you be safe and find happiness elsewhere. I love my husband but if something started affecting my happiness and especially my children I would leave. Sometimes leaving is what it takes and maybe you will have a better relationship from afar. I hope you know I only speak up because I care, but it does sound like a mentally abusive relationship you are in at this time. Please stand up for yourself and refuse to be treated that way.

AFM - Like I said I don't have time to reply to everyone. It is very hard to keep up with no internet. We have to head home to Iowa tomorrow for awhile because I need to work. FIL is still holding on and we got him to agree to go to a nursing home to try it out. No one but DHs cousin and I can provide him proper care. Unfortunately we both have to work.

Need to call for an appointment yet.. needing to do that this week. Just a bit nervous to go somewhere in town. Feel like that is the most appropriate place, though. Bit anxious about it. Going to call and see how they run things. I would rather be seen by the sins doctor and one that I don't work with. Otherwise I'm going out of town.
Thanks Vroggers , I really hate venting on here but I just felt shit earlier, I’m bit better now. He has been out of house and I’ve had kids all day and to be honest it’s gone like a dream, no stress ,kids played up with usual things , when tired ect , but I managed them fine. To be honest he has actually helped loads whilst I’ve been off for the last two weeks at took extra time off work ect. It’s just it’s obviously wrecked but him it’s no excuse to just be funny with me, especially over a silly comment that anyone would say when tired. I’m really getting to stage of enough of enough is enough. I know if he went to some type of therapy he would be able to work through loads but he just won’t. I’ve tried so many times and a few weeks back he kind of hinted that he would but that’s been forgotten again. I’m actually at the stage of looking at other houses now , the thought of just being with my boys is quite appealing.. I mean he just came in after being out all day until after 6 pm , he just said he would take them so I could have a rest so I laid on bed for litterally 10 mins, he just shouted up stairs who has left stair gate open ! It was obviously me but he was in the garden.. why even shout ?? It’s just childish petty bullshit, point scoring about smallest things that I wouldn’t even think of, I wouldn’t think of shouting that, I’d just close it. The only time I might mention it being open is if my teen had left it on way up stairs but not when he isn’t in. It’s just annoying ...don’t get me wrong I don’t just take it , I tell him he is being pathetic but I just hate being in that position 😣.. never mind what will be will be ! X
Thanks Ali , really appreciate you replying when u have so much going on yourself x my heads saying there is no way u can stay here like his but then I’ve got another part that’s saying I’ve a teen in middle of exams , holiday booked , it’s a bloody nightmare but like u said it really hit another level today when he involved Ds, even though it was subtle kids are not daft, Ds def isn’t and I just dont want it to progress, I remember my parents splitting when I was 5. My Ds is 5 😔
x sorry u have so much going on hon.. glad your FIL has agreed to go into a nursing home for now as that will take some pressure off u. Hope u manage to get an appointment with a dr u r happy with. X
It’s midnight but it’s been so hot here and I don’t feel tired so logged on here.
Just wanted to make a quick reply to Apple:
I agree with ali that’s it sounds like an abusive relationship. Men are selfish and they aren’t normallyas efficient at looking after kids and housework etc. But there is no excuse to act rude and behave badly to ur partner. No matter what ur mood. And past events can’t justify it either. You do deserve better, n he really needs to change his ways. He doesn’t seem willing too and he doesn’t appreciate you. You know best though as you’re the one living in the situation. Maybe you should take some time apart and have a break then see how you feel. I just know I wouldn’t stand that behaviour from my husband.
Big hugs to u. Rant away on here. Do what’s best for u n kids. Xx
Apple- I hope either way you make the best decision for you and your boys, if you stay that he will get help however he needs and makes a genuine effort, or you are able to leave. You deserve to be loved and happy no matter what! I agree with what Ally said, you know best! We only go by what you’re able to tell us.
How are you doing recovery-wise?

Afm- happy 4th to ladies/babies celebrating! Dh is thankfully off today. We don’t really do much especially after having kids, we are headed to my bffs house in a bit for ribs! It’s weird because today feels like a Saturday but then I remember dh has to go back to work tomorrow and Friday.
Hi ladies,
Thanks for replies, it is a difficult situation. I do own my own house separate from the one we live in but at the moment my eldest son lives in it with his girlfriend. In fairness he has been amazing and said if ever I need it back he and his girlfriend will move to her mums and he even said he would leave me all their furnature , bless him he is such a good boy/ or should I say man at 21 ! X I’ve been talking to my close friend at work who is in a difficult position herself so we are supporting each other really. The way I feel at the moment in my head it’s kind of like I’ve decided the realities are I will end up leaving , it’s just a matter of when. For now my sons in middle of exams and has his own stuff going on so I’m really trying to give him the time he needs at the moment. My two youngest are great, full on but that's normal. I told oh if I had the option to go away for a month at least I would want to do that but the reality of up shipping with a teenager, 5 yr old and 1 year old isn’t that easy. Oh wouldnt go I know that it would be me.

I’ve had a long chat with oh and basically said everything I felt needed saying. I’ve told him his actions and behaviours are not acceptable or normal and I’ve basically lost faith in him and his life experiences are no excuse for talking to me the way he does when he is under pressure and I’ve justified it enough but no more.

I’ve basically said I know I’ll be totally fine on my own, have good friends, good wage and family who will be there for me and basically he would have no one. I’ve told him that if I leave that I will not be held responsible for the breakdown of our relationship as I’ve gone above and beyond what most would. I would feel very angry with him for making me feel I had to do this and I wouldn’t be covering for him with his family, Id take no blame !

I’ve told him I will not live on egg shells. He might have got away with it with his ex wife but not with me. Wel the conversation was over two hours so I won’t bore u with the rest apart from we looked at an online relationship counselling website. I got the whole don’t want to lose I and I will def make an effort and try his best to manage things better, I don’t want a life without you and the boys ..but I’ve heard it before and I told him so..
I’m honestly not holding my breath which is sad because I do love him very much .. i do believe my oh is suffering following his brothers death but I know it may sound harsh but I told oh his brother took his own life that was his decision , he is not taking mine. If oh wants to allow him to distroy his and not try and get help to deal with it then he is doing it alone he can’t have any more of mine. I’ve told him he needs a plan and it need to be different to what he has already done as that doesn’t work.

I’m just going to see how things go for the next few weeks but in the meantime I’m already sorting through my stuff, De cluttering and getting organised. Loads on eBay, stashing a bit of extra cash.. I’ve looked into sorting my finances and even looked into options of part exchanging my house for a new build. He isn’t aware of any of this. So I feel more on control. I’ve got a nice holiday booked just me and my boys for August. Oh was suppose to pop to see us for the day whilst I was away but I’ve told him not to to give me at least a bit of space..I’m still off work sick and I’m going to take another week. It’s really taking me a while to get right but I’m getting there. I’m not rushing back to get dumped on by my bosses.

On brighter note !! O is doing great , such a little cutie, really trying to talk but making lots of babbling and pointing :)

Ds is fine, I just adore him even though he is a cheeky monkey at the moment. He comes out with some classics. He is learning about dinosaurs and fossils at school .. on the way walking home just us two the other day he said “ mummy you know my little ball bits under my winky , they are like fossils you know “ how on earth he linked the two I have know idea.. but that one is def going in his memory book for his 18th ! Lol..

Thank I again ladies for your support x I really do appreciate your replies x

Hope all little ones are doing ok x
Hi ladies, how are you all?

Apple-it's good you have had a long chat with oh, and got important stuff off ur chest. Good idea to get organised, and sorting out finances, you are so organised haha.
will u try the online counseling then? And defo, i hate when you hear things again and again and nothing changes. U just lose faith, I had that with my ex. keep us updated with stuff and rant away of course.
Glad boys are well. So funny what ur younger son said about the balls.kids come out with the best stuff.

AFM- all good here, isa doing great, very happy boy these days and sleeping through the night mostly in his cot. I feel so great about that, and hope it continues.
Got a job interview for the open university in a couple of weeks, it's online tutoring, so will be really good to get that as its flexible and online, but it's only like 10 hours a week i think, so will need to find something else as well. But a good start if i get it.
Been watching the world cup, don't think America is that big on football, but i really enjoy it haha. U been watching at all Apple? I' m not interested in footy generally but i do like world cup.
Sorry, this is just going a poor me post!

Life is pretty hard and frustrating right now. Hard to think about my pregnancy because so much is going on.

My FIL passed away yesterday. Tomorrow I have to work, but then my next 3 days I'm taking off so I will have 9 days off in a row. Waiting for a text or call from my boss ripping into me about it.

When I went back to work Tuesday after going up and getting things sorted with my FIL she wanted to talk to me. I was in the middle of charting and she causally brings up my FIL. Asked what happened and if SHE passed. I stopped, turned around.. and said "He..." her "Oh, he? I thought it was a grandmother" "No.. father in law" her "Oh.. father in law.. father in law" I was LIVID. This women didn't even LISTEN to me the week prior and thought it was a grandmother. I wish I would have been lippy and told her she wouldn't have to worry about them because they're already dead.

So I tell her.. No he didn't pass, got things sorted, got him in a nursing home because we couldn't bring him back. That I didn't expect him to live past the week.

She then says "What happens then?" me "Um.. I'll have to take time off and go up there" her "See, that's kind of what I want to talk about. About your dependability" UM WHAT?! I promptly said "I'm usually pretty dependable, but sometimes life throws your curve balls" Turned around and started back on charting. She didn't say anything to me again. I was shaking.. I was so PISSED.

Later that day she said something about a resident being gone and I didn't really hear her and she said to me all joke like "Where have you been?!" I flatly said "With my dying father in law" ugh..

So she made my mind up that day. I'm leaving. Not sure how soon, but soon. Going to start applying for more jobs if I can't transfer, because my administrator threw a fit and got a hold put on transfers. Which I feel is bull.. it's my choice to work elsewhere if they will have me.

If she says something to me over this, though. I'm quitting without something lined up. I will manage. I'm a nurse and that's a high demand field.

Now.. to make everything even better we have a "Family friend" that was "helping" Terry totally screwing with everything. Like my DH isn't having a hard enough time. Family called the cops on her because she was pulling stuff out of the trailer saying it was her stuff. She had nothing there.

It all sickens me. She left her key and a note for DH. Told them to pick up the note because nothing hurtful is going to be said to him. He's suffering enough and she is being greedy. Said that she paid for the life alert herself and was going to get her money back.. umm.. no she didn't. It was on his bank statements.

So I keep checking his phone and FB to make sure she isn't leaving any messages to him.

DH lost both parents in less than a year and this "friend" can't be supportive. Straight up F her..

So life is hard, I want to cry and give up, my DH wants to give up, we both are finding it hard to be happy. I'm snapping on the boys too easily then feeling so guilty because it's not them.. it's just life and I just can't seem to handle them well right now.
I'm 6 weeks, woot.. still need to set up an appointment.
Ally/ good luck with the job interview. It will be a good start if you get it and great for cv. Glad Isa is sleeping so well for you. It makes a big difference to your energy levels if you are getting sleeep yourself. I’ve been watching the England games. Did a little England tea party for ds for last match. Got flags plates ect, just made pizza and nachos , all the healthy stuff ! :) will be watching this afternoon. Not sure Ds fully understands he was shouting Denmark Denmark ! And they weren’t even playing 😂

Ali/ sorry u are having such a difficult time. You boss sounds like a total ass. Totally unsupportive and clearly hasn’t taken in anything in you have told her.You do right looking for something else, I would be, life throws stuff at us sometimes and we can’t choose when. Sorry you dh is getting grief from the family friend 😣 we had a lot of trouble when my nans husband passed, lots of family coming out of woodworks trying to get hands of things, and got nasty about it. Couldn’t care less that someone had just passed away 😣some people are just idiots and true colours come out at times like this. Try and take care of yourself hon, and that little bundle u have, it’s so hard when u have so much going on. I totally get it, especially with having other children to care for and you are also caring for dh as I’m sure he is all over the place. I went through a period a few years ago where it was literally one thing after another and I felt like I was going crazy. Just try and get the odd 10 mins to yourself if poss to gather yourself before the getting through the next part of the day. Don’t be beating yourself up about stressing with little ones , it’s hard and we all do it at times but we make up for it. U are a super mommy that’s clear, The pressure cooker can only take so much before it blows now and again. Mines blown a few times lately but they are just moments and you move on from them.. You have so much going on but also have things to look forward to.. let us know how you get on with your appointment, 6 weeks ! Half way through 1st trimester already;) That’s great:) how’s the sickness doing.
You know your situation better than anyone you will make the right decision for u and your family regarding work x sending 🤗 hugs and alcohol free wine 🍷 x

All not too bad here, not of plodding and going through motions. Oh has taken Ds to see red arrows today Ds is jet plane crazy. He went to watch them last night landing for the night and managed to get his pic with pilots and his little hat signed.
O is doing great just real handful at the min, just into everything and legging it off evweytine I say no. I think it’s more stressful as I’m still not right and it pulls to lift him. Not sleeping at all in this heat !

Going to meet my eldest now for coffee n there is a carnival so taking O to that.

Hope u have nice day ladies xx 😘
Apple- you sound like such a great/dedicated mom and your 21 year old sounds so sweet! I’m glad you have a work friends support, I’m sure it helps when someone has been through/is going through the same thing. Im glad you were able to say all that to him and that you have a plan in place. I HOPE that he decides enough is enough and does whatever it takes for his family, but you seem incredibly tough and strong and you’ll survive (and thrive) with or without him!

Ally- yay for the job interview, let us know how it goes!

Ali- what a jerk of a boss, I don’t blame you at all for leaving. I’m so sorry about your FIL. And good riddance to that “friend”. Sounds like you guys won’t be missing out on anything with her.
Don’t feel guilty with the boys, you’ve got a ton with your FIL, job situation, new pregnancy on top of everything. You’re doing great and they won’t remember the snapping they’ll remember how much you love them!
Have you been able to set up an appointment?

Afm- not much going on here. We went to my bff house for 4th of July, were there for about 4 hours. My bff and I hung out in their bedroom mostly, with me feeding baby and chatting with her dh and my dh in the front with L playing and talking. Both kids were a mess on the way home because it was so late. But we had fun being with other adults! My bff is set to have her baby in the next 2-3 weeks, she has to be induced, so excited to meet her little man!
Both girls are doing great, E sleeps about 5-7 hours (it varies) for a first stretch, eats and then is back down for 2-4 hours. Her naps are a crap shoot, she seems to only like to nap if I’m lying down feeding her. She doesn’t settle with rocking like L did, but I can’t just go lie down with her for over an hour while I’m alone with both of them. Ready for her to be on a more consistent schedule! Definitely gonna have to get her napping on her own somehow.
She is cooing up a storm and gives the biggest gummy smiles, it kills me. She’s even trying to laugh. Forgot how drooly this stage is though!
L is sleeping well (still has late bed time and late wake up but it works for us now) and seems like she changes every day. She LOVES being outside (another reason I’m ready for fall) and going out to new places. She’s such an explorative curious little thing and this is by far my fav age! She’s officially 18 months today, can’t believe our little January babies will be TWO in 6 months!!
Vroggers/ glad u got some grown up time with your friends. It’s good the E is sleeping a long stretch and even though L is up late and leastvshe is sleeping in a bit later as well. Like u said it works for u so that’s good. It will be good for u to get E to take naps in her own but u will will get there eventually. These kiddies change their routines so much. Ollie was great sleeping but is a nightmare at the minute. I’m currently walking him in his pram in the evening to get him to sleep and then transferring him to hot cot ! It’s hard work. I won’t be able to do it when the dark nights return.

Ali/ hope u r doing ok hon x have u got your appointment yet :) ?

Ally hope u are well and managing ok with Isa is this heat! O just will not sleep. Hope interview went ok if u have had it. Good luck if u haven’t yet !!

I don’t know how u US ladies cope with high temps all the time ! Haha.. I’m soft , melting in a mini heat wave. I couldn’t cope with it all the time !

Nothing new here. It was oh birthday yesterday so we had day off together today and went for a walk and to a pub for lunch child free. Things calm here at the min, had lots of talks but I think oh seems to be realising I’m not messing about. I even told him I’d been looking at houses a few weeks ago and I could tell he was a little surprised and he didn’t really say much. We will see :)

Boys doing good , O being a little monkey, throwing everything at the min out of his pram. Frustrating !! Dummies , drinks, just lobs them, he thinks it’s a game so I’ve just started putting them under pram so he doesn’t get a reaction , I’m hoping this phase passes soon. He has been getting a bit rough at nursery as well, grabbing faces and scratched a little boy 😬 .. he does it at home as well and just laughs if I say no!! Or stop 😣 he will be ok , I know loads of little ones go through this stage but I don’t think rolling around with his big bro helps ! 😬

we are just sat watching England World Cup match so won’t stay on here , hope all u other ladies are ok x

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