January/ February Snowflakes 2024

This pregnancy is going so so fast. I knew it would but I feel like it needs to slow down so I can appreciate it more. Only a few weeks till we find out the gender and I'm not ready for that either! I've not had long enough to guess and wonder!!!
I agree with you @josephine3 I only have 12/3 weeks until my csection :shock: I was so uncomfortable yesterday after walking and I had to remind myself not to wish the pregnancy over since its my last.
How is everybody feeling? I had my 16 week appt the other day and she said all was good! Got to hear the hb again too which was reassuring. Feeling quite up and down and emotional though!!

sorry your emotions are all over the place. Not nice. Hope you start to feel better soon

Just posting to wish you all well. Life has been rough for me lately, I hope no one in this group has been feeling the same.

24 weeks here. OB appointment is tomorrow, will likely just check fetal Doppler and schedule gestational diabetes test.

Love to all of you, from this little witch and this tiny son of a witch. Happy Fall ;)

I hope things start improving for you hun. Sorry things are rough right now. Hope your appointment went well

afm just plodding along. Feels like such a long wait for my next appointment from my 20 weeks scan. It’s not until 28 weeks, 3 weeks today, but then I have my 4d scan the week after that and I didn’t realise I booked it on the half term so we can take the kids to see their baby brother. Excited so much for that and I’ve never experienced a 4d scan before.
Had my whooping cough jab this morning. Was hoping to get the flu one done at the same time but they only do them on Saturdays so I’ve had to book another appointment for that which was annoying.
Still suffering with this right sided rib pain and last night it crept around to my back and felt like my insides were bruised and tender to touch. Horrible feeling and this is the first time I’ve had it like this in any of my pregnancy’s. Strangely when he’s kicking it’s always in the same spot. He never seems to move. Seeing as I’ve not see my midwife since I was 16 weeks I’ve not been able to ask about it. I really don’t want to book in with the gp because it’s such a nightmare to get through, and they’ll probably just say it’s because of the pregnancy which I’m sure it is, but it’s relentless and so painful. I woke up during the night and felt like I was gonna throw up with the pain of it all. I know I should be like you ladies and remind myself to make the most of being pregnant but I actually can’t wait to reach the end. It’s hard to enjoy it with the constant anxiety of him being ok and these pains. Still feels like a long way to go to have him here. I really can’t wait to meet him :kiss:
@Laurabub84 have you considered gallstones? I think it's more common during pregnancy. I'd definitely try and see a GP as you're in such pain. Yay for 4d scan! I've booked one for the 14th.

Exciting you’ve got one booked too hun. Not long for yours. Mines booked for 24th at 29 weeks. I can’t wait to see his little face and excited we can take the children. Just hope he’s not shy that day so they get to see him. Gonna make sure to drink a cold fizzy drink before we go and be sure to have eaten as they recommend that so he’ll then hopefully be active.
I did worry about maybe my gallbladder but it’s not majorly painful all the time but when it does get bad it’s awful. Will see how I go and if it carry’s on I’ll call and speak to the gp and see what they say. Mine can be quite dismissive tho so I wouldn’t be surprised if she just says it’s because I’m pregnant and it’s probably how he’s laying. I’ve had rib pain before in pregnancy but not until further on and it was all the way across and I just knew it was because of baby but this time it feels different
Just back from the midwife. Holy cow how am I already 27 weeks!?

Met the second midwife on my team today (there are 4 midwives in the practice and they work in teams of two. All my prenatal care will be with my team, but I'll have a chance to meet the other team as one midwife from each team will attend the birth). The midwife is pretty sure that the baby is head down, which is good to know though it's still too early for it to matter much. I don't feel like the baby has settled into a position yet as the location of where I feel the most movements changes so frequently.

It's really lovely to hear that my midwives are so supportive. She basically said that theres no point where midwives here are not legally allowed to attend me or *have* to transfer my care. There are situations where they're required to make recommendations, or consult with an OB/other midwives, but if I make an informed decision to decline their recommendations then they don't have to stop seeing me. (granted, midwives also have the option to decide theyre not comfortable continuing care prior to labour if a woman decides against their recommendation, but my team has expressed that they're quite comfortable following my lead in all situations. I've made it clear that I plan to homebirth whether they're able to attend or not (ie if they're busy with another client at the hospital) and they've said that they'll make themselves available by phone in that instance if I wish, or else they'll just come do a postpartum check as soon as they can get away if they miss the birth.

She also said they have a great relationship with the hospital in the event of a transfer, and that there have been many women in our community who freebirthed as there were many years that there weren't enough midwives in the region to attend homebirths, which has resulted in a lot of awareness and respect for alternative birthing choices. The hospital recognizes that a hostile environment towards women who chose to birth outside the system only makes them more reluctant to seek medical care when it's necessary. And I wholeheartedly agree and was very reassured to hear.

Also I don't have a scale at home and weighed myself for the first time since I was 12ish weeks (the midwives don't track weight gain and only said it was there if I wanted to use it).

I'm up 8lbs since I got pregnant (3+4 weeks when I saw the Dr for bloodwork) but I'd lost 5lbs by 12 weeks, so I've gained 13lbs in 15 weeks.
@Laurabub84 I'll be 28+3 at mine. I'm so excited to take the kids and they're so excited to see their little brother :cloud9: gallbladder pain does come and go I think? It might be worth taking a note for a few days of when it happens to see if it correlates to specific times or anything. I hope if you do need to see the gp they don't dismiss you.
@NDH I actually feel like you've been pregnant for ages haha. Not just a couple months before me lol.
It's so scary how fast it goes though I feel so unprepared!!
Im feeling much better physically, and think I'm getting into that second trimester sweet spot! Although walking is sapping my energy and is uncomfortable. School runs are no fun pregnant I've not had to do them pregnant before!
Weird someone mentioned about gallstones @Laurabub84, when I was recovering after my first birth there was a pregnant lady in the bed opposite me who had gallstones! Must be a pregnancy thing! Its one of those weird memories that's stuck with me cos she was on the phone to her boyfriend and said they were keeping her in, he must have asked why and she went 'I dunno, cos of the gallstones innit?!' lol :haha:

That's great your appointment went well and they're supportive :)
Still having all this pain in my right side. Had it so bad the other night it woke me. The pain had spread round to my back and made me feel so sick. I’ve noticed mild itching the last couple of days but today I’ve woke up feeling like I’ve been coated in itching powder. I googled and have come across a condition called icp which is something to do with the liver. Itching and right sided pain under the ribs are signs so now I’m freaking out a little. I don’t know whether to call my gp or midwife to ask about it. It says icp can lead to premature birth and stillbirth if left untreated. I’ve never had anything like this in my other pregnancy’s so it’s strange but being anxious already I’ve now scared myself. He’s movements have been perfectly fine. He’s been so active the last couple of days so that’s reassuring. I might try call my midwife first as I don’t have a lot of faith in my doctors
:hugs: Laura. A call to the midwives will be a good idea. They'll run your liver function and bile acid salts. If it does come back as ICP there is medication you can take, and they'll monitor your bile salts usually weekly to make sure they stay in the range that is safe for the baby.. the good news is,most of the time with medication and monitoring babies can make it to, or very near to, term and not need any NICU time.
@Laurabub84 I haven't heard of ICP. Though a call to the midwife seems necessary to check your okay and get diagnosed if you have it. Itching is definitely a sign there's something going on with your liver.
Thanks ladies. I gave them a call this morning and they had me in to check bloods and have a listen in to baby. Bloods have come back fine thank god. Really don’t need any worries now I’ve finally started to relax. She said she was still waiting on one result but didn’t say what it was for but that can take 24hrs. Said if I don’t hear from her then alls fine. Been given some cream and tablets in case I feel I need them for the itching and offered codine for the pain in my ribs but I’m really not comfortable taking them so said no to those. I hate even taken paracetamol while pregnant coz I worry about anything affecting him. I’ll try the cream if it carry’s on and see how I go. If things persist over the next 2 weeks I’m to call back and have bloods repeated but I have my next midwife appointment in 2 and a half weeks so will just wait to see her as it will only be an extra couple of days. Hoping it doesn’t continue coz it’s driving me crazy feeing itchy all over. It’s more this pain in the right side of my ribs that’s really bothering me tho. Been going on for around 4 weeks now and it’s so sore. Some days I could sit and cry coz it’s relentless and can get really painful. Also annoyed she said I’m anaemic so the iron tablets I’ve been taking don’t seem to be doing anything. I hate to have to up the dosage from one a day as that’s when they start affecting my stomach and it’s horrible.
I don’t really know much about icp, just that it’s something to do with the liver and can cause itching. A friend of ours had it and her waters broke at 36 weeks so it seems a worry it can cause premature birth. Thankfully her little girl and herself were fine. Funnily another lady came in while I was on the ward complaining of the same thing as me, just not to rib pain so she was being checked for the same thing. I’m so relieved alls come back fine and glad I got checked over for peace of mind. I can’t wait for him to be here safe and sound.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Can’t believe some of us are coming up to the 3rd trimester already. So exciting. I can’t wait to get to 30 weeks because then I feel the countdown begins to meeting baby
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@Laurabub84 I also had my bile acids tested in my first pregnancy due to itching and I think it came back borderline, I didn't have to have any treatment it was just very very annoying!! Mine was itchy hands and feet mainly t was awful I used talc a lot on my belly too x
@Laurabub84 I also had my bile acids tested in my first pregnancy due to itching and I think it came back borderline, I didn't have to have any treatment it was just very very annoying!! Mine was itchy hands and feet mainly t was awful I used talc a lot on my belly too x

I’m still feeling itchy but not quite as bad. It’s strange as I’ve never had it before in other pregnancy’s. Touch wood tho I haven’t had the rib pain for a few days either which has been a relieve coz it can get quite painful. Will just see how it carry’s on and if I need to will mention at my next midwife appointment in a few weeks. Getting so nervous for the measurements to start because I feel huge already lol and his movement are getting stronger. Not just jabs anymore I can really feel him squirming around in there and sometimes feel those little feet sticking out and grazing down my tummy. It’s amazing to be feeling so much of him now. My stomach can go from being hard to a little squidgy. It was soft this morning while I was laying on my side and I could feel the shape of his little leg. Brings the reality that there’s a real little person in there. I love watching my belly and seeing his movements.

I had my whooping cough jab on Tuesday and still feeling a little bruised from that and I have my flu one booked for Saturday. Still can’t make my mind up about the covid one. I’m so back and forth with it. One day I think yeah I’ll just get it done but then the next I worry to have it as it’s still not been out long enough for me to feel comfortable having it while pregnant. Just don’t know what to do. The school news letters have already said it’s doing the rounds so I may not have chance to get one booked anyway before one of the kids end up bringing it home. Really don’t know what to do about it.

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