January/ February Snowflakes 2024

Noticed I have the slightest of brown discharge and trying hard not to freak out. I had this in the first trimester with my daughter too and everything was fine. Hoping it goes back to white and is just from my cervix being irritated or something. I did recently have a weekend away with my partner. Fingers crossed it doesn't get worse.
Hey everyone,
I was hoping I could be added to the list. I just had my dating scan last Friday and found out that I am measuring 2 weeks earlier then what I thought. Instead of being 8 weeks 4 days I measured 6 weeks 3 days. I’m hoping all is still going well though and that I just ovulated late. My new due date is now the 26th of February.
How is everyone feeling? I’m feeling super hormonal and am having major anxiety that keeps me up at night.
@Miss_chicka welcome :)ill add you to the front page. I've been feeling good, starting to feel my energy trying to return though having a bit of tan discharge freaking me out but my gut instinct is telling me it's probably fine.

Hope your next scan is all good and the original dates were just off. Were you tracking ovulation?
I will be having a blood test to check the hcg levels in 5 days. My first blood test my hcg level was 18,000 and that was at 6 weeks.
I wasn’t tracking ovulation. Due to having PCOS I didn’t think I was ovulating.
I’m hoping all goes well with you. Have you had intercourse which may have bumped the cervix? At least it isn’t bright red and being a tan colour means that it is older blood. When is your next appointment/ultrasound?
@Miss_chicka my first 10 week midwife appointment is in 6 days. I'm hoping she'll be able to get the heartbeat on a Doppler then but with my daughter the midwife couldn't find it at 10 weeks so I'll try not to panic if that happens. I should get my requisition to book my 12 week ultrasound then.

I did have a fun weekend with my partner and my cervix could certainly have been irritated which is why I'm managing to stay calm. Also it's barely even spotting so far, not sure if I'd have even noticed if I wasn't wearing white undies today. Hoping it goes away soon. My first pregnancy I had the same thing but for an entire week.
Welcome @josephine3 and @Miss_chicka

@Teanna I had a little spotting early on. I think it was thrush that caused it.

15 weeks today \\:D/ I've been feeling little nudges the past couple of days which is awesome. I have my gender scan on the 22nd. I'm so excited to find out what we're having.
Do you ladies mind if I hang out here please? I've got no bump buddies yet I'm all lonely!!

Welcome hun, lovely to have you in with us. The due date groups seem so quiet these days so certainly the more the merrier. Excited to share our journeys together

Noticed I have the slightest of brown discharge and trying hard not to freak out. I had this in the first trimester with my daughter too and everything was fine. Hoping it goes back to white and is just from my cervix being irritated or something. I did recently have a weekend away with my partner. Fingers crossed it doesn't get worse.

I know it’s hard but try not to panic hun. Could just be an irritated cervix. Still mention it at your appointment. Maybe they could arrange an early reassurance scan for you. Not long until your first appointment and getting so close to your first scan, so exciting.

Hey everyone,
I was hoping I could be added to the list. I just had my dating scan last Friday and found out that I am measuring 2 weeks earlier then what I thought. Instead of being 8 weeks 4 days I measured 6 weeks 3 days. I’m hoping all is still going well though and that I just ovulated late. My new due date is now the 26th of February.
How is everyone feeling? I’m feeling super hormonal and am having major anxiety that keeps me up at night.

Welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy. Sorry you got pushed back to where you thought you were. That sucks. I got pushed back a few days and thought that was bad enough. Sounds like you must have ovulated later than you thought. Will you have any more scans before 20 weeks?

Welcome @josephine3 and @Miss_chicka

@Teanna I had a little spotting early on. I think it was thrush that caused it.

15 weeks today \\:D/ I've been feeling little nudges the past couple of days which is awesome. I have my gender scan on the 22nd. I'm so excited to find out what we're having.

Omg, how exciting you’re starting to feel baby. I felt my last two around 16 weeks and I can’t wait. I’m so excited for it and I think that’s when it will really sink in for me that I’m having a baby. I thought the scan would have done that but it still just all feels surreal if you know what I mean. I had a listen with my Doppler again yesterday and I could hear baby moving around in there. I had the biggest smile on my face. I also can’t wait to find out baby’s gender. I’m really not bothered this time. After dd2 I always had the preference for a little boy so now I have him I really don’t care this time which is nice. With dd4 I did have some tears when i found out she was a girl because I’d convinced myself it had to have been a boy that time and because I’d built it up in my head I felt like I’d lost him. I know that sounds silly but I also thought she was to be our last so I thought I’d never have a son so I felt a little grief over that. It only lasted about an hour and I felt so guilty for feeling like it. I wouldn’t have changed my girl for the world. When dh agreed to try for another baby I just didn’t even doubt it would be a girl and I’d actually made my peace with not having a boy so I was so shocked when they said boy. I cried so much. My dh wasn’t allowed in with me because of covid so it was bittersweet and still makes me sad we’ll never get that moment back. I wish I had of asked her to write it down so we’d found out together, but I did ask her to print me off a potty shot to prove to him I wasn’t pulling his leg :haha: Our girls were so excited to finally be getting a brother. It feels nice not to have preference this time. The only thing that makes me sway a little more for a boy is for my son so he’s not completely outnumbered with girls but I just thinks odds are it’s a girl and that’s what I’m thinking at the moment. I think I’d still be just as shocked if this one’s a boy. And I guess it would maybe recreate it for us as dh will be there this time. I don’t have any feelings that is making me feel one or the other tho. To be honest this pregnancy has felt different to all of my others. I always suffer bad in the first trimester with morning sickness. With Ollie I ended up on antisickness medication because I couldn’t even keep water down. With the mmc I had last year I really struggled with it but this time it stayed really mild up until 10 weeks when it got stronger and has only now started to pass. But I’ve managed to continue eating through this one. It did make me feel awful by the evening but this one I haven’t physically been sick once which has been great.

Is everyone else finding out genders or will you be staying team :yellow: ??
Part of me always likes the thought of waiting for birth to find out but I get too impatient to wait. Also I love buying colours. I hate having neutral.
@Laurabub84 I think baby has moved up a few days ago because before I was finding the hb on my doppler just above my knicker line but a few days ago it was suddenly like an inch below my belly button so I think that's why I'm starting to feel nudges. We already have 2 boys and a girl so we don't mind what we have this time. My daughter is desperate for a sister though so I'm kind of hoping for a girl to make her happy. I don't have a strong instinct but I'm leaning slightly towards boy. All of my pregnancies have been similar symptoms wise so there's no indication for me lol

I'm glad you're not feeling as sick this time :)
@salamander91 I'll be sure to mention it. It's exciting your feeling nudges now. I can't wait. It's nice to get some reassurance baby is still moving around in there.

@Laurabub84 I'll probably find out the gender between 14-16 weeks. I have no patience so usually do a private gender scan. I am kind of leaning towards wanting a second girl but this time I'd be excited either way. Would also be nice to have one of each.
Thanks for having me ladies! I did make a March due date group but no-one has joined it lol.
@Teanna hope the brown goes away quickly for you!
Im feeling so so sick today, I had to go straight for a nap after dropping the kids off at school but then I got woken up by a post lady banging really hard on the door and the parcel wasn't even for me it's for next door! It was so loud and hard it gave me a real shock and I've been having cramping since which is really worrying me x
Thanks for having me ladies! I did make a March due date group but no-one has joined it lol.
@Teanna hope the brown goes away quickly for you!
Im feeling so so sick today, I had to go straight for a nap after dropping the kids off at school but then I got woken up by a post lady banging really hard on the door and the parcel wasn't even for me it's for next door! It was so loud and hard it gave me a real shock and I've been having cramping since which is really worrying me x

I hope the sickness isn’t too hard on you through the coming weeks. Morning sickness can be so debilitating. I had cramping for weeks with this one and even now still have days when I feel like strong period pains that go round into my back and I still worry about them. When will you be having your first scan? Will it be 12 weeks or are you planning on booking a private one? I’m sure alls fine and it’s just things stretching in there. I know it’s still worrying tho. Try and rest whenever possible
Thanks @Laurabub84. Cramping has calmed down again now, Im thinking of booking a private one around 8 weeks the earliest they can do here is 7 weeks, and the kids break up for summer hols bang on when I'm 8 weeks so I think I'm gonna book it for their last school day so I'll be 7+6. I've never had an early scan before so it would be a good experience to have, assuming all is well. And obvs the reassurance would be great x
Thanks @Laurabub84. Cramping has calmed down again now, Im thinking of booking a private one around 8 weeks the earliest they can do here is 7 weeks, and the kids break up for summer hols bang on when I'm 8 weeks so I think I'm gonna book it for their last school day so I'll be 7+6. I've never had an early scan before so it would be a good experience to have, assuming all is well. And obvs the reassurance would be great x

I would say the cramping is everything stretching in there hun. I’ve had a really bad night with period type pain and really strong backache. It’s bloody terrifying but I’m starting to see a pattern that when I have it strong like this my bump seems to grow again in the next couple of days. I have my Doppler to help me relax a little when this happens but I still can’t help but worry and keep checking for bleeding.
I was suppose to have had my midwife appointment yesterday but it was for 16 weeks and I’m not that far along so they changed it for next Wednesday. Hoping it comes round quickly so I can chat to her about it.
My 20 week scan feels like forever away. I’m so excited to find out what we’re having but I’m also desperate to know all is well with baby’s tummy as they noted that some of the stomach was still outside the body and I can’t stop worrying about it. The sonographer I had said that where she came from they would follow that up with another scan after a couple of weeks but when she went and asked about it they told her no need to follow up. So now I’m left worrying about baby having gastrochisis. I’ve debated booking a private scan in the meantime but I’ve been saving that money for a 4d scan at 30 weeks as we’ve never experienced one of those. I wanted to with Ollie but couldn’t because of covid. So I’m trying not to think about it too much. Even if baby has got it, an early scan isn’t going to change that. Just praying so much everything’s in the right place now.
Hope you manage to get your early scan booked. Look forward to seeing your little beanie
I would say the cramping is everything stretching in there hun. I’ve had a really bad night with period type pain and really strong backache. It’s bloody terrifying but I’m starting to see a pattern that when I have it strong like this my bump seems to grow again in the next couple of days. I have my Doppler to help me relax a little when this happens but I still can’t help but worry and keep checking for bleeding.
I was suppose to have had my midwife appointment yesterday but it was for 16 weeks and I’m not that far along so they changed it for next Wednesday. Hoping it comes round quickly so I can chat to her about it.
My 20 week scan feels like forever away. I’m so excited to find out what we’re having but I’m also desperate to know all is well with baby’s tummy as they noted that some of the stomach was still outside the body and I can’t stop worrying about it. The sonographer I had said that where she came from they would follow that up with another scan after a couple of weeks but when she went and asked about it they told her no need to follow up. So now I’m left worrying about baby having gastrochisis. I’ve debated booking a private scan in the meantime but I’ve been saving that money for a 4d scan at 30 weeks as we’ve never experienced one of those. I wanted to with Ollie but couldn’t because of covid. So I’m trying not to think about it too much. Even if baby has got it, an early scan isn’t going to change that. Just praying so much everything’s in the right place now.
Hope you manage to get your early scan booked. Look forward to seeing your little beanie
Did a physician tell you about a potential stomach abnormality, or just the ultrasound technician? If it was not a doctor, I would not worry. The ultrasound technicians don't have the incredible amount of anatomical training that say, a maternal -fetal specialist would have.
If you have not talked to a doctor directly about what was said during your scan, is there someone you can contact regarding your concerns?
It seems like if there was even a point of concern like that, they should repeat a scan sooner. Because would not it be a blessing to hear the first person was mistaken? Instead of it just possibly lingering in the back of your mind?
I hope I didn't overstep boundaries in responding to you about this. I have just been a nurse for 12 years, and I know ultrasound techs sometimes make mistakes.
AFM, I am going to have an ultrasound this afternoon due to some bright red bleeding I had 36 hours ago. Now just occasional light brown spotting. I am scared something will be wrong.
Will update here once the appointment is over.
My brown spotting seems to have stopped last night, so only lasted 24 hours ish. Last time it was a full week so I'm feeling a bit more confident now. 5 days until my midwife appointment, I'll be so glad if they can get the heartbeat on the doppler.
I would say the cramping is everything stretching in there hun. I’ve had a really bad night with period type pain and really strong backache. It’s bloody terrifying but I’m starting to see a pattern that when I have it strong like this my bump seems to grow again in the next couple of days. I have my Doppler to help me relax a little when this happens but I still can’t help but worry and keep checking for bleeding.
I was suppose to have had my midwife appointment yesterday but it was for 16 weeks and I’m not that far along so they changed it for next Wednesday. Hoping it comes round quickly so I can chat to her about it.
My 20 week scan feels like forever away. I’m so excited to find out what we’re having but I’m also desperate to know all is well with baby’s tummy as they noted that some of the stomach was still outside the body and I can’t stop worrying about it. The sonographer I had said that where she came from they would follow that up with another scan after a couple of weeks but when she went and asked about it they told her no need to follow up. So now I’m left worrying about baby having gastrochisis. I’ve debated booking a private scan in the meantime but I’ve been saving that money for a 4d scan at 30 weeks as we’ve never experienced one of those. I wanted to with Ollie but couldn’t because of covid. So I’m trying not to think about it too much. Even if baby has got it, an early scan isn’t going to change that. Just praying so much everything’s in the right place now.
Hope you manage to get your early scan booked. Look forward to seeing your little beanie

It's terrible they've left you waiting until 20 weeks. There's an episode of one born every minute that has a baby with gastrochisis I believe if you are interested in seeing what it's like. It all went well for them.

@littlewitch I hope your scan goes well hun
My brown spotting seems to have stopped last night, so only lasted 24 hours ish. Last time it was a full week so I'm feeling a bit more confident now. 5 days until my midwife appointment, I'll be so glad if they can get the heartbeat on the doppler.

Glad the spotting stopped. Good luck for your appointment.
Did a physician tell you about a potential stomach abnormality, or just the ultrasound technician? If it was not a doctor, I would not worry. The ultrasound technicians don't have the incredible amount of anatomical training that say, a maternal -fetal specialist would have.
If you have not talked to a doctor directly about what was said during your scan, is there someone you can contact regarding your concerns?
It seems like if there was even a point of concern like that, they should repeat a scan sooner. Because would not it be a blessing to hear the first person was mistaken? Instead of it just possibly lingering in the back of your mind?
I hope I didn't overstep boundaries in responding to you about this. I have just been a nurse for 12 years, and I know ultrasound techs sometimes make mistakes.

They didn’t say anything about seeing anybody else about it. Was just the sonographer that did the scan. She’s put it down in my notes. She said where she previously worked they would usually follow up with another scan in a couple of weeks but when she went and asked about it they told her no. She said it can be normal but I’ve never had this with any of my other babies so it is worrying me the not knowing if alls ok with it now. I see my midwife on Wednesday and I’m going to ask her about it and tell her it’s worrying me and she what she says.
I hope your scan goes perfectly. Let us know it goes

It's terrible they've left you waiting until 20 weeks. There's an episode of one born every minute that has a baby with gastrochisis I believe if you are interested in seeing what it's like. It all went well for them.

@littlewitch I hope your scan goes well hun

I love one born every minute and have seen the two episodes. There was a second one with the young couple that had twins and one of them had gastrochisis. I know it seems an easy fix but the thought of my new born having to go through surgery and having them taken from me straight after birth it’s really upsetting to think about. Just hoping things were still developing and just hadn’t made their way into the right place just yet. I keep looking at the scan and I don’t think I see anything worrying. The part above baby’s tummy looks like the umbilical cord to me. At least I hope that’s what it is.

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