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January gender scans,FINAL RESULTS! 52 PINK +58 BLUE+3 YELLOW

my husband is worried that when we find out the gender that they might be wrong...any advice on making him stop worrying lol.
Danielle, we were worried that they were wrong at my 18 week u/s. I just had my anatomy scan at 21 weeks and it was clear we were looking a boy parts. If they get a good shot, your husband will be sure.
just had a second ultrasound to find out the gender and AGAIN the umbilical cord was in the way and the tech couldn't tell :( I feel like everyone I know was able to find out on the first try and I havent been able to find out after two! frustrated...
Aggh Mela that is a huge bummer! Maybe it's a hint that you're supposed to stay team yellow??
melastar they couldn't try to move the baby around/out of the way?
they tried both times to move me all around, made me eat some candy, drink water, lay on all sides, the cord wouldn't move!
Melastar - I understand how you feel....at my anomaly scan they couldn't tell me the sex because the cord was tucked between baby's legs...I just hope when I go back on the 17th that it will have moved [-o<
I had a scan at about 13 weeks and the same thing happened with the cord. I wasn't too disappointed then because I don't think the gender is that reliable at that point, but now I'm a bit worried about the same thing happening on Wednesday
got my 20 weeks scan on the 31st...lets see what the sonographer says :thumbup:

is it strange i want to get a private gender scan like...now?! i cant wait till the 31st....haha
got my 20 weeks scan on the 31st...lets see what the sonographer says :thumbup:

is it strange i want to get a private gender scan like...now?! i cant wait till the 31st....haha

I've been thinking the same! I'm so close now that I'm just going to have to wait.

Love the bunny in your avatar by the way, so cute!
Only two more days for me, but feels like torture waiting!!
7 more days to wait. I'm getting excited.
We have finally had our scan... it was torture waiting and I don't think I slept at all last night! All was well and it was confirmed we are team blue!! Had totally expected a girl so for us, old wives tales and intuition were all wrong!
Got a call from my drs office, the ultrasound tech called in sick :( so no finding out for me today. Since we live over an hour away I'll probably have to wait until my 20 week appointment... :(
sassy, how unfortunate!! They couldn't reschedule you sooner than 20 weeks?
Week on Wednesday for us. Can't wait!

Congrats to everyone who's found out and sorry to those who haven't x
9 days for me and the nerves set in this morning..I have every worry possible going thru my head..from will baby be in the right position to I hope everything is ok!! But I am just happy to be in single digits..plus the day I go in will be the half way mark!!

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