im with you on that one Jo. Hayley will sleep wherever during the day. On our bed, the spare bed, her playmat, bouncer, on me or in her car seat. I dont have a routine I follow what Hayley wants and I let her sleep where and when she wants. I learnt the hard way with Phoebe when we went through a phase when she was 4/5 months old where she wouldnt sleep anywhere but her swinging crib.
Hayley is currently tucked up on the spare bed whilst im on here and sorting paperwork out. We might venture out into the garden with a blanket and then her playmat on top a bit later on for her to get some fresh air.
Everyone will tell you different, the h/v will have their ideas and books and the internet will be different again. You do what is best for you and Kieran, sod everyone else. Hayley probably sleeps more during the day than other babies but i figure that if she is sleeping she needs it. Sleep is when they do their growing and re-create what they have done in the day. As long as you get some playtime and bonding/close time with you then you cant go wrong.
its not easy I know as there is so much conflicting advice out there but follow your heart and Kieran 
Hayley is currently tucked up on the spare bed whilst im on here and sorting paperwork out. We might venture out into the garden with a blanket and then her playmat on top a bit later on for her to get some fresh air.
Everyone will tell you different, the h/v will have their ideas and books and the internet will be different again. You do what is best for you and Kieran, sod everyone else. Hayley probably sleeps more during the day than other babies but i figure that if she is sleeping she needs it. Sleep is when they do their growing and re-create what they have done in the day. As long as you get some playtime and bonding/close time with you then you cant go wrong.