January JellyBean mummies

Hi everyone!

Bf is demanding! Must say those first 3 nights were BAD! Now I just suffer from constant feeding just in evenings but it's worth the sleep I get later ;-)

I'm going to start expressing next week! Your LO is def old enough to start expressing. Try stockpile a bit of milk in freezer so when you feeling like this you can give yourself a break! Certainly worth a try.

I bf Corey for 10 weeks, want to do longer than that this time! It's a good idea to have a goal of how long you want to do it! Spurs you to carry on x

I agree! With Caine I said 6 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 etc... I made it to 10 months :) It is hard the first few weeks x

Gosh is it something to do with being a jan jellybean that makes these babies fussy feeders? Toby can be a right pain (in the nipples lol) and did his usual wanting to feed on and off from 8am-12 today. He's finally gone down in his carry cot bed now after being bathed and then rocked to sleep by me and my sister. Little critter. Thing is now Im waiting for him to wake up as we would like him to feed before we go for a walk. So the little fella can't really win lol.

Got my mum here today and now my little sister so have been able to eat food (she cooked) and have a shower and wash my hair. So I feel for you sarah as I could have really done with that yesterday lol. I'm going to her house on thrusday for the day too so gonna make the most of being looked after whilst I'm getting to grips with this feeding malarkey.

To be honest I gave Toby a bottle last night of ready made milk. My nipples and boobs were so sore after a lot of feeding yesterday I just picked up one of those small cartons of sma from boots when we went out. I know its all in my head but when I was giving it to him at his last feed I felt awful. But he slept so well after it. My OH is still all for me going with the BFing but the constant demand is getting tiring now in the day. Gonna wait out the week and see how we go. I'd be happy if I managed to get to a month.

To you ladies who have done this before, when does it start to feel easier?? I enjoy the feeding after the initial ouch of the latch on and would love to continue but hes so demanding!!!


You should get a big growth spurt at 4 weeks and then id say feeding is easier after the 6 week mark. Whn Jacob is constantly feeding I get that ouch on latch and have to tell myself it wont last. We had thrush with LO alot last time and that bloody hurts.

I agree - around 6 or 8 weeks with Caine it gets easier after the biggie spurts and your milk settling x

I think the pain and stress of bf'ing is a worth not having to buy formula, wash bottles and heat bottles in the middle of the night. I'm way too lazy for that! Lol.

Have any of you ladies tried the manual breast pumps? I can't afford an electric one but don't want to waste money on the manual and still have to buy the electric, iykwim. And how much should one express and what do you store it in?

Lisa, it sounds like you're doing a great job. You sound a lot more positive in your posts. I really hope you're feeling better! :hugs: I saw your pic on FB of Holly smiling. So gorgeous!

I have a tommee tippee manual and a medela swing electric. If planning on bf a long time and expressing alot, get an electric. they are always being sold on here and ebay for good prices :)

Manual is good but harder work if used alot.

Well ladies I did promise I would post my belly pics so here they are. I have not stepped on the scale yet but I was totally disgusted with my pics. I feel huge and gross after seeing them. I know its only been 2 weeks and I have not started to work on it or anything but most of you seem to be dropping the pounds with just Bfing and I;m soo jelous. Even with my daughter I didn't drop the weight with just Bfing so i dont know why im beating myself up about it this time. I really dont expect it to be any different....was just hoping i guess.




and here is my section scar. Its not a good shot cuz i still have the tape on after they took the staples out but its not that long and healing nice.


Looking good hun, it will take time to settle, dont worry, its only 2 week! I darnt show my belly! x

Hi yummy mummies

We find out today if kieran has gained enough weight to continue BFing. I'm so nervous. I hope he has. If not then I am planning to pump and cup feed him extra boobie juice as I am way to paranoid to introduce a bottle yet for fear of nipple confusion. I will do my best to log on later to update. I have been practicing him in his sling everyday now. He seems to like it but I need him to love it before we travel to the uk in a month. We are not planning to bring the stroller but just babywear the whole time we are there. We also have a Mei tai which my DH can use too. Anyone else babywear??

I was out today with Caine in stroller and Alexander in freedom sling and he slept 4 hours, loves it snuggled up :)

Hope he has gained weight hun!

Here HV tell us to give a bottle of EBM before 5 weeks if you want to let OH or someone to give them epxressed milk for a break, they are less likely to refuse it then later on x

Thx Fraggles :)

Lovealittle, I bought the baby sense sling but can't seem to get comfortable with it and neither can Mackenzie. Any advice, it cost a lot, I don't want it to go to waste.

What is this one like? I just got a freedom sling off someone on here. OK for me at the mo. Would like a mei tei tho at some point :)
Hodbert - yes we got his passport sorted it is due to arrive first week of feb. We are also Hoping to get him a uk passport too as DH is british. Are you nervous to travel with baby? I am Sooopo nervous to be on a plane that long. So worried he will cry and fuss the whole time!! Also nervous to be away from he comforts of home.

As for getting baby used to a sling/carrier. It is best just to practice them in it as much as possible and when they are in it do lots of movement/rocking etc.

Jade- sounds like you got it sorted with baby wearing and pram!!

So kieran has gained some weight not quite as much as we were hoping but no need to intervene yet.
Thanks ladies but I thinkyour all being to kind. I hope to take more pics in 2 weeks and see the progress. it wont be drastic thou as it is winter time and I can't go out much. I should have gotten OH to bring the stroller down so I could have gone for awalk today it was fairly mild out. But i didn't think of it til now. Might get him to bring it down tonight and see what the weather is like tomorrow. I can't wait for the snow to go away!!!!!!!
Hodbert - yes we got his passport sorted it is due to arrive first week of feb. We are also Hoping to get him a uk passport too as DH is british. Are you nervous to travel with baby? I am Sooopo nervous to be on a plane that long. So worried he will cry and fuss the whole time!! Also nervous to be away from he comforts of home.

As for getting baby used to a sling/carrier. It is best just to practice them in it as much as possible and when they are in it do lots of movement/rocking etc.

Jade- sounds like you got it sorted with baby wearing and pram!!

So kieran has gained some weight not quite as much as we were hoping but no need to intervene yet.

Great news on the weight :)
Alexander WILL NOT be put down tonight :( keeps crying everytime we get him off to sleep and put him down. Thinks its because he has been next to me in the sling :nope:
FF is so expensive too!

ITA on that. Avery was too sleepy to latch on right the first week. Those tubs of formula are expensive.

I feel bad asking this since several of you have babies that are keeping you up. But does anyone think their baby sleeps too much. Mine does wake to eat every 3-4 hours, but outside that she's maybe awake twice a day for 1-3 hours each time. Can't remember what's normal for a little baby. My other baby is 11.
FF is so expensive too!

ITA on that. Avery was too sleepy to latch on right the first week. Those tubs of formula are expensive.

I feel bad asking this since several of you have babies that are keeping you up. But does anyone think their baby sleeps too much. Mine does wake to eat every 3-4 hours, but outside that she's maybe awake twice a day for 1-3 hours each time. Can't remember what's normal for a little baby. My other baby is 11.

All my boy does is sleep!!!!!!! I have to wake him every 3-4 hours to eat and it takes half hour to get him awake enough to actually eat. he has only stayed awake for 3 hours during the day 2-3 times. I was told hes so sleepy becuase of his size. hes so small all he wants to do is sleep so that he can save his energy to grow.
Hodbert - yes we got his passport sorted it is due to arrive first week of feb. We are also Hoping to get him a uk passport too as DH is british. Are you nervous to travel with baby? I am Sooopo nervous to be on a plane that long. So worried he will cry and fuss the whole time!! Also nervous to be away from he comforts of home.

Holly's passport arrived today!! :happydance: Although on her photo she looks like a hamster and she's going to have it for 5 years! Crazy! :dohh: I am also going to apply for a UK passport but not until we move back home in September as she doesnt need it for travelling and its will just be easier to do when we are in the UK. I am nervous about travelling with her, hope she doesnt cry too much. We have booked a bassinet seat so at least we'll be able to put her in that - have you done the same thing?

Ok ladies, I bit the bullet and took some pics, wouldnt want to upset Regina :winkwink: !! Can't believe I'm posting these! So I put on 3 stone during my pregnancy and have now lost just over 2, 10lb left to go and a lot of saggy tummy!

At 39 weeks, just beofre Holly was born:


Side shot:


Front & stretchmark view:


All my boy does is sleep!!!!!!! I have to wake him every 3-4 hours to eat and it takes half hour to get him awake enough to actually eat. he has only stayed awake for 3 hours during the day 2-3 times. I was told hes so sleepy becuase of his size. hes so small all he wants to do is sleep so that he can save his energy to grow.

oh good.. I was wondering if it's just me who has a baby that sleeps a lot.

lol @ the passport, hodbert. I think it's weird for kids pictures not to change for 5 years on a passport. How is anyone going to know it's them.
All my boy does is sleep!!!!!!! I have to wake him every 3-4 hours to eat and it takes half hour to get him awake enough to actually eat. he has only stayed awake for 3 hours during the day 2-3 times. I was told hes so sleepy becuase of his size. hes so small all he wants to do is sleep so that he can save his energy to grow.

oh good.. I was wondering if it's just me who has a baby that sleeps a lot.

lol @ the passport, hodbert. I think it's weird for kids pictures not to change for 5 years on a passport. How is anyone going to know it's them.

I know! She doesnt even look like her passport photo now, its such a terrible photo!
Ive got a little quiz thing I picked up from the newsagent and the answers are HOLES, its doing my head in, wonder if you can help.... For example if the clue was BIRD the answer would be PIGEON ..PIGEON HOLE

1 Song.....................
2 Do a runner.......................
3 Look both ways.............................Eye
4 Ask for a lift....................................
5 Court opener.....................................
6 A piece of it is easy............................ We thought cake
7 Carry with difficulty........................Lughole
8 Unintersting robe................................Cubby
9 Advertise a lot.....................................
10 Projectile............................
11 Gardens need it.................................. Watering
12 Fastener........................................Key
13 Backhander..........................
14 Magnificence...............................
15 One is pressed...................................Button
16 Multiply.............................................
17 Agent......................................Spy?(hole)
18 Game comes back..........................
19 Used with a computer ...................................Mouse (hole)
20 Filthy......................................................Mud

and what I thought might be there but couldnt find clue was pot hole and black hole, cant think of any others.............maybe ass hole lol[/QUOTE]
we should put all our photos together on a post somewhere, they are really good, it shows we are normal
ive just bled through a towel and my jeans! phoned mw who said is normal! would you agree? changing pad every hour, got maternity pad on now
Have you been busy or anything? This is your first period isn't it? Have you got pain and cramping too? I have known friends have terrible periods after baby they were ok but if flow keeps up like that keep an eye out for anaemia x
Yay I've found you all!

It's my first day with the kids on my own and so far it's going ok, in that we are all fed, dressed and still breathing:haha::haha:

Hazel is great. I feel all your pain though as she has sections of the day when she just cluster feeds and my nipples are paying the price, particularly the right one. I can't remember how long it lasted with Oscar (I fed him for 11months) She does however do one 4.5-5 hours stint at night which is bliss!

She is a piggy like her brother. She gained 10oz in 5 days and weighed 8lb 2oz last Friday. I reckon she's near 9lbs now.

Have you been busy or anything? This is your first period isn't it? Have you got pain and cramping too? I have known friends have terrible periods after baby they were ok but if flow keeps up like that keep an eye out for anaemia x

thanks, thats what worries me as i had a blood transfusion too. Im gonna see what this pad is like after an hour then ring GP if its flooded again!

Yay I've found you all!

It's my first day with the kids on my own and so far it's going ok, in that we are all fed, dressed and still breathing:haha::haha:

Hazel is great. I feel all your pain though as she has sections of the day when she just cluster feeds and my nipples are paying the price, particularly the right one. I can't remember how long it lasted with Oscar (I fed him for 11months) She does however do one 4.5-5 hours stint at night which is bliss!

She is a piggy like her brother. She gained 10oz in 5 days and weighed 8lb 2oz last Friday. I reckon she's near 9lbs now.


absolutely beautiful x:cloud9:
Gorgeous baby central perk!

Hope it settles Sarah , it's awful like that isn't it you daren't go anywhere! X
Gorgeous baby central perk!

Hope it settles Sarah , it's awful like that isn't it you daren't go anywhere! X

i know, got Joes 8week check and injections, cant really go there in my pj bottoms lol... I can feel it coming out... I dont think its as bad as initially thought, i spose im still freaking out with blood. I think the first one is bad as i googled it, ill get some more maternity pads, got a 5 hour drive to Devon later thatll be fun!!!
Sarah, I hope it eases up soon for you.

Central Perk, what a cute little baby!

Jade, the baby sense sling is similar to the freedom sling. Here's a link to the baby sense sling: https://www.babysense.co.za/shop/sling-stone.html

Lisa, my pc isn't showing your pics :( I will post my pics soon.
AHHHH im so mad at myself this morning.. It took me two days (once each day) to pump 2.5 oz. I cooled them both off and mixed in a freezer bag last night and marked the date and amount so i could freeze it. I realized this morning I left it on the counter ALL NIGHT. now its garbage!!!!! So mad!!!!!

Taking Quinn for his hearing check today as he failed the one in the hospital. Wish us luck that he passes
good luck Quinn x

Joe wasnt too impressed with his jabs.... but he is fast asleep now, all ok and the bleeding isnt as fierce now (me that is)

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