January JellyBean mummies

Well I guess I am apart of the mommies club now.. yay.

Well ladies, please keep my family in your prayers.. Our new bundle of Joy (Cianna Alicia) failed her hearing test TWICE, some say that it could be because all of the fluids still in her body and it could be clogging her ears. I dunno I feel so negative (and I know that I shouldn't) but loud noises doesn't seem to startle her which scares me. I will be making an appointment with the pediatrician on Monday and the hospital also wants me to schedule an appointment for another hearing test in 2 wks.

I am so nervous, of course I broke down crying. I am looking at this little girl.. MY little girl and it hurts me but I am praying that my awesome God will take care of her.

So please I ask for as much prayers as possible from you all.


P.s. I'm also STILL not leaking, I honestly haven't tried to breast feed yet only because I was soooo tired and in so much pain that I didn't try, I still don't have a breast pump, but I guess tomorrow will be day one with trying to breastfeed.
Will definitely keep you in my prayers! Stay positive, God is always in control :)
Welcome to mummies club ipretti, I'm sure it will be a hard and worrying 2 weeks for you, hugs! There is possibility her ears are still wet so don't lose faith, will be thining of you! Good luck with the breast feeding, hope you will have someone around to help you! Xx
so afraid I'm going to have to go to formula. Nothing against those who do; I just made a promise to myself and my LO to ebf. I'm super exhausted though and I don't know how much more of her tortured cries I can stand. I'm pumping every 2 hours now. doesn't allow for sleep and it's especially bad when there's no milk, she's hungry, and I have to just let her wail while I pump. OH has been wonderful and bought a lot of ready-to-heat and eat meals so that I can steal a bite when I get a second, but they don't seem to be giving me the nutrition I need and I've been feeling nauseous, dizzy, and irritable... with irritated bowels. It's getting a bit overwhelming now. I'm so jealous of you ladies who had the luxuries of OHs, Mums, and MILs to help you during your first weeks. I was on my own starting the 2nd day for most of the day while OH worked... Even the days and nights I was in the hospital, he was away getting the apt. ready for Madison, but at least I had the security blanket that I could call a nurse if I needed to. My mom only comes to visit maybe once a week for an hour or 2, but this weekend she's sick. I went to my aunt's the last 2 sundays and she baby-sat for a couple hours while OH and I went for a motorcycle ride, which was nice, but she's away this weekend. I just can't seem to get a break and I feel like I'm losing it. Damn, now I'm starting to cry just thinking of it. I need to stop typing now before I get all worked up. I'll talk to you all later.

:hugs: I've wanted to give up on the BF quite a few times as well.. it really is a lot of work! Usually when I'm at my wits end, it gets better for a few more days. (good thing it does or who knows what kind of formula I would be shopping for right now!) You are doing an amazing job! Just keep in mind why you're doing it and hopefully it will get you as far as you can go :thumbup: Its so hard when baby is crying constantly too :dohh: remember it gets better! (so I've been told... lol)
It does ladies, first 3 days were hellish, each day a little better ever since. X
Ipretti so sorry to hear you're going through this, thinking of you :hugs:
My precious baby girl is 1 month today!!!!! Congrats to Sarai, Kieran and Avery too :dance:

Ipretti, I'll keep you and little Cianna is my prayers. I was also concerned about the fact that Mackenzie wouldn't startle when there were loud noises but she does now that she's bigger. :hugs:

Jojo, nevermind the first 3 days, I thought the first 2 weeks were torture but I'm so glad I persevered coz it's all worth it now.
I have a few reasons I'm pumping... I'm a bit selfish... she'll latch on and I let her every day once or twice, but she doesn't latch properly and it's very painful. It also takes more time to have her eat from the breast than the bottle. 2nd: Mark wants to share in the feeding so he gets that bonding and can give me a break. Also, we want to know how much she's eating and it's easier to monitor with bottles. I'm pretty lucky she doesn't have nipple confusion. She'll latch on to anything that has the milk. lol

That doesn't sound selfish to me Regina! Hope it gets easier hun :hugs:

Hugs Regina, I know exactly what you mean about been all alone. My hubby hasn't had even a minute off work, he went straight to work from hospital at 7am when I'd given birth at 5am. I've also had to take and pick up corey from school since day two. It's natural to feel overwhelmed by it especially if your stressing about feeds too. Will she not take from the breast is that why your expressing? When it's taking that much of your time to express your not taking the time to relax and enjoy the nice bits with your newborn. I'm very pro breastfeeding don't get me wrong but I think your probably been a bit hard on yourself persevering this way. Of course just my opinion Hun it has to be your decision and one your happy with! X

I don't know how you do it Jo. I have had hubby around since day1 and don't know what I would do without him :wacko:

home but joe has colic....evil thing!

My heart goes out to you! Hope he outgrows it soon :hugs:
My precious baby girl is 1 month today!!!!! Congrats to Sarai, Kieran and Avery too :dance:

Ipretti, I'll keep you and little Cianna is my prayers. I was also concerned about the fact that Mackenzie wouldn't startle when there were loud noises but she does now that she's bigger. :hugs:

Jojo, nevermind the first 3 days, I thought the first 2 weeks were torture but I'm so glad I persevered coz it's all worth it now.

I agree first 2 weeks is hard! With Corey it was a very stressful and upsetting time he lost a lot of weight, needed waking up for feeds or he'd go over 5 hours and to top it off had blood blisters on my nipples. It's weird how it gets so much easier almost overnight it's like it just suddenly clicks! I've been very lucky this time Fearne latches on like a pro I've only had a bit of soreness after the 3 days of constant feeding and since has been going longer and I've even had sleep. X

I have a few reasons I'm pumping... I'm a bit selfish... she'll latch on and I let her every day once or twice, but she doesn't latch properly and it's very painful. It also takes more time to have her eat from the breast than the bottle. 2nd: Mark wants to share in the feeding so he gets that bonding and can give me a break. Also, we want to know how much she's eating and it's easier to monitor with bottles. I'm pretty lucky she doesn't have nipple confusion. She'll latch on to anything that has the milk. lol

That doesn't sound selfish to me Regina! Hope it gets easier hun :hugs:

Hugs Regina, I know exactly what you mean about been all alone. My hubby hasn't had even a minute off work, he went straight to work from hospital at 7am when I'd given birth at 5am. I've also had to take and pick up corey from school since day two. It's natural to feel overwhelmed by it especially if your stressing about feeds too. Will she not take from the breast is that why your expressing? When it's taking that much of your time to express your not taking the time to relax and enjoy the nice bits with your newborn. I'm very pro breastfeeding don't get me wrong but I think your probably been a bit hard on yourself persevering this way. Of course just my opinion Hun it has to be your decision and one your happy with! X

I don't know how you do it Jo. I have had hubby around since day1 and don't know what I would do without him :wacko:

home but joe has colic....evil thing!

My heart goes out to you! Hope he outgrows it soon :hugs:
Jolene no choice just have to get on with it. Must say I have been yelling at him a lot, cried a few times. And he did shopping and made dinner a few times since the UTI. Should start getting easier after first 2 weeks, need to find our new version of normality ;-) x
Morning all, well Jacob slept better last night now he's being propped up a little to sleep. He did 1.30-6 (I was up with the eldest at 5 though) :dohh:

Nipples are killing me at the moment I remember I went through a very painful phase last time too and the cold weather makes them hurt alot more. Im just hoping the pain subsides soon, it's mainly on on latching but if I go outside the cold weather hurts them in an instant.

Im home alone with the kids today, I think you get used to new normality after a while im single so need to learn to just get on with things. Must say its great having family support.
Ipretti - I have you and LO in my thoughts :hugs:

Sar - :hugs: hope it gets better soon

As for BFing becoming easier it definitely has for us and we have had a real hard time! I have flat nipples so have to compress the whole time I feed so never a spare Hand to even scratch my nose or move a hair. My nipples were completely scabbed over for the 1st 2 weeks it was agony. Now they are much better but because they are flat new tissue is forming which is making them more erect nipples so I have raw fleshy bits around each nipple. It kills to have a shower or yep when then get cold ouch!! Just thought I would share as maybe I will help some of you to know that there are others having a hard time too!

Happy 1 month to Kieran and to the other babies celebrating their one month! time is flying too fast!

Today is Kieran's baby shower and I am nervous. I don like the idea of him being passed around. I am planning to keep him in his sling as much as possible! I also really dislike being the centre of attention. Hope I don't sound ungrateful. I am very thankful to everyone that helped to plan it and of course everyone that attends.

Freezing here today -30's brrrr
I bought hand warmers for in my bra last time I think im going to buy some more. Im finding biofem instant relief compresses good (found a place in the uk with 35% off) so stocked up.

I just keep telling myself once the 1st big growth spurt is out the way it will get easier.
:hugs: Catherin hope he is ok now?

Lisa, where/which thread? Send me a link

I try and keep out of the BF/FF debate as it usually ends in tears/swear words :haha:

Thanks jade yes we are okay. It's daytime again which I find much easier. Can you believ Kieran and Alex will be 1 month in the next couple days!!!

I know its going to quick! :wacko: Hope your ok! Can you feed keiron lying down now? I tried it with Alexander on my boob with the flatter nipple and now he is more efficient he manages to latch on with me and him lying down :wohoo: xx Give it a try?

Well I have finally given into formula as my little man was putting so much pressure on me. Jack and my mum both thought I was starting with PND cos of it and I was sos tressed out. I talked to the midwife yesterday and she said combi feeding is fine as long as he's putting on weight and I am happy. A happy mummy is much better than a sad one! And he is putting weight on YAY! At the check up yesterday he was 7lb 6 oz! Thats 5oz in 5 days lol! Little porker. Also today he has slept between his feeds which means I haven't been as stressed about that either. He wasn't sleeping between boob feeds at all this week unless I went out with him in the car or the pram. So happy days!

Also I was told by a friend that if your lo's poo has white bits in that they are getting enough milk as that is undigested milk. Thought I would pass on that little nugget of wisdom lol. By the way do your babies pull funny faces when pooing?!? Toby is hilarious bless him!

Hugs for Laura! And for anyone else who needs them.

Got out on my own for an hour today. Went in the city centre to buy a birthday present for jacks grandad as its his bday today and were seeing them for sunday lunch tomorrow! It was weird not to take all Toby's stuff in a big bag around and use a handbag lol!


You dont need to explain it to us hun, its hard work BF, you do whatever you think is best hun.xx

I thought I would brush Bryce's hair today and the poor little thing is now covered in dry skin! I think he must have cradle cap. I hope if I wash it later it will look a bit better as it looks awful now!

Alexander has loads of spots :dohh: it looks a bit horrible. And dry skin in between eye brows. Caine had it too. Dentinox shampoo got rid of the cradle cap for Caine x

home but joe has colic....evil thing!

so afraid I'm going to have to go to formula. Nothing against those who do; I just made a promise to myself and my LO to ebf. I'm super exhausted though and I don't know how much more of her tortured cries I can stand. I'm pumping every 2 hours now. doesn't allow for sleep and it's especially bad when there's no milk, she's hungry, and I have to just let her wail while I pump. OH has been wonderful and bought a lot of ready-to-heat and eat meals so that I can steal a bite when I get a second, but they don't seem to be giving me the nutrition I need and I've been feeling nauseous, dizzy, and irritable... with irritated bowels. It's getting a bit overwhelming now. I'm so jealous of you ladies who had the luxuries of OHs, Mums, and MILs to help you during your first weeks. I was on my own starting the 2nd day for most of the day while OH worked... Even the days and nights I was in the hospital, he was away getting the apt. ready for Madison, but at least I had the security blanket that I could call a nurse if I needed to. My mom only comes to visit maybe once a week for an hour or 2, but this weekend she's sick. I went to my aunt's the last 2 sundays and she baby-sat for a couple hours while OH and I went for a motorcycle ride, which was nice, but she's away this weekend. I just can't seem to get a break and I feel like I'm losing it. Damn, now I'm starting to cry just thinking of it. I need to stop typing now before I get all worked up. I'll talk to you all later.

Do wahtever you feel best, like I said to Smiffy, you dont need to explain yourself to anyone and feel hard on yourself. But I know how you feel about stopping BF its very emotional x

Well I guess I am apart of the mommies club now.. yay.

Well ladies, please keep my family in your prayers.. Our new bundle of Joy (Cianna Alicia) failed her hearing test TWICE, some say that it could be because all of the fluids still in her body and it could be clogging her ears. I dunno I feel so negative (and I know that I shouldn't) but loud noises doesn't seem to startle her which scares me. I will be making an appointment with the pediatrician on Monday and the hospital also wants me to schedule an appointment for another hearing test in 2 wks.

I am so nervous, of course I broke down crying. I am looking at this little girl.. MY little girl and it hurts me but I am praying that my awesome God will take care of her.

So please I ask for as much prayers as possible from you all.


P.s. I'm also STILL not leaking, I honestly haven't tried to breast feed yet only because I was soooo tired and in so much pain that I didn't try, I still don't have a breast pump, but I guess tomorrow will be day one with trying to breastfeed.

Welcome over hun :hugs:

My precious baby girl is 1 month today!!!!! Congrats to Sarai, Kieran and Avery too :dance:

Ipretti, I'll keep you and little Cianna is my prayers. I was also concerned about the fact that Mackenzie wouldn't startle when there were loud noises but she does now that she's bigger. :hugs:

Jojo, nevermind the first 3 days, I thought the first 2 weeks were torture but I'm so glad I persevered coz it's all worth it now.

Happy 1 month baby girl! x

Morning all, well Jacob slept better last night now he's being propped up a little to sleep. He did 1.30-6 (I was up with the eldest at 5 though) :dohh:

Nipples are killing me at the moment I remember I went through a very painful phase last time too and the cold weather makes them hurt alot more. Im just hoping the pain subsides soon, it's mainly on on latching but if I go outside the cold weather hurts them in an instant.

Im home alone with the kids today, I think you get used to new normality after a while im single so need to learn to just get on with things. Must say its great having family support.

Great sleep Jacob! :hugs:

Ipretti - I have you and LO in my thoughts :hugs:

Sar - :hugs: hope it gets better soon

As for BFing becoming easier it definitely has for us and we have had a real hard time! I have flat nipples so have to compress the whole time I feed so never a spare Hand to even scratch my nose or move a hair. My nipples were completely scabbed over for the 1st 2 weeks it was agony. Now they are much better but because they are flat new tissue is forming which is making them more erect nipples so I have raw fleshy bits around each nipple. It kills to have a shower or yep when then get cold ouch!! Just thought I would share as maybe I will help some of you to know that there are others having a hard time too!

Happy 1 month to Kieran and to the other babies celebrating their one month! time is flying too fast!

Today is Kieran's baby shower and I am nervous. I don like the idea of him being passed around. I am planning to keep him in his sling as much as possible! I also really dislike being the centre of attention. Hope I don't sound ungrateful. I am very thankful to everyone that helped to plan it and of course everyone that attends.

Freezing here today -30's brrrr

Have a great baby shower and wow that is MEGA cold hun! Keep wrapped up!
My nipples still feel like they are being rubbed when sandpaper when I dry with a towel too but other than that they are fine x
Caine has just poked Alexande rin the eye :grr:

I cant wait for a roast dinner today, out and about again all afternoon tho! I need a PJ day! And a new car, mine is fooked!
Well last night Holly slept from 10pm - 2am after a 9pm feed and guess who did the 2am feed after doing the 9pm? Hubby didnt have to get up til 6am then to feed her. That was all well and good but who is up again doing 2am feed after doing 9pm? Bloody muggins here! And to top it off little miss is properly wide awake and shows NO signs of sleeping anytime! Think hubby will be getting a wake up call soon to take over, theres no way I'm having crap all sleep yet again whilst he snoozes!

Happy 1 month to u girls and :hugs: to the bfers who are struggling. I beliieve peseverance is the key but I cant talk as stopped after 2 days. Dont beat yourself up about forumla though, Holly is doing fine on it and it works out a lot better for us :thumbup: each to their own.
Jade I find patting rather than rubbing with towel is my saviour.
Hi ladies! Can't believe I'm here at last!!!

My little princess Francesca Margaret was born at 8.26am on Friday 28th Jan weighing 7lbs 9ozs. She is just so perfect and I'm so in love.

I have posted my full birth story and some pics on my big momma's thread - the link to it is at the bottom of my signature.
hi welcome new mummies, will update soon, hope all is well x

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