Morning all, well Jacob slept better last night now he's being propped up a little to sleep. He did 1.30-6 (I was up with the eldest at 5 though)
Nipples are killing me at the moment I remember I went through a very painful phase last time too and the cold weather makes them hurt alot more. Im just hoping the pain subsides soon, it's mainly on on latching but if I go outside the cold weather hurts them in an instant.
Im home alone with the kids today, I think you get used to new normality after a while im single so need to learn to just get on with things. Must say its great having family support.
Morning all, well Jacob slept better last night now he's being propped up a little to sleep. He did 1.30-6 (I was up with the eldest at 5 though)
Nipples are killing me at the moment I remember I went through a very painful phase last time too and the cold weather makes them hurt alot more. Im just hoping the pain subsides soon, it's mainly on on latching but if I go outside the cold weather hurts them in an instant.
Im home alone with the kids today, I think you get used to new normality after a while im single so need to learn to just get on with things. Must say its great having family support.
Do your nipples turn white when they get cold? If they do then you have something called vasospasm. I had it with my daughter and now again with my son. its caused by a poor latch or can be caused by thursh (most common bad latch) If you want to look it up try Dr. jack newmans website. He is a breastfeeding specialist in canada and knows everthing....hes a genius. Vasospasm sucks....burning white nipples and the cold makes it worse.
Also cant remember who talked about it but someone said they are not making enough milk? You can get a prescription for dompeirone (SP?) it helps increase milk within 2-3 days but you might need to keep taking it as long as you want to BF. I had to take it with my daughter as i started to dry up around 7months becuse of birth control (depo provera shot) there are also herbal things you can try and they are also listed on DR jack newmans website.
Best of luck ladies
Quinn actually woke up on his own last night for a feed at 3am. I was glad because i forgot to set my alarm. he sleept for 7 hours one night and 8.5 the next so i decided toset an alarm but was soo tired I forgot. Hes awake now so i gotta go ladies. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Thanks for everyones tips. I used some dentinox shampoo on him last night and it looks a lot better already.
How many growth spurts do babies have? I have been feeding Bryce non
Stop today, so assume he is having a growth spurt and just wondered how many more times I will have to go through this? Lol
is this the last one now he is five weeks? xx
hey ladies. I just have to share my great deal I found today. Went to walmart to get wipes and found Quinn a snowsuit for next year. Regularly $35 and on clearancce for $15. Its a coat with hood, snowpants and the coat has mittens that are attatched. what a great find. Wish i had more money thou as lots of stuff was on clearnace. maybe some of it will still be there Tuesday when ihave money to spend!!!!
Thanks for everyones tips. I used some dentinox shampoo on him last night and it looks a lot better already.
How many growth spurts do babies have? I have been feeding Bryce non
Stop today, so assume he is having a growth spurt and just wondered how many more times I will have to go through this? Lol
is this the last one now he is five weeks? xx
Ive read they have 3 growth spurts in the first 6 weeks then one at 3, 4 and 6 months
its a forum for parents of babies born in January!I'm a bit confused as too what this threads for.
So I'm going on Day #5 with the flu...It makes it difficult to feed LO because I have a fever and my milk is hot... she doesn't like that much
On top of all that I'm engorged due to a growth spurt she had and now she won't eat too much! Ack! I wonder if cabbage leaves really work? (its not like I have any on hand though... lol)
Hi guys not read anything. Just posting to say Im hoping to go home with Michael today. It is taking a while to get going with bf. We are doing ok though and my stitches are not as entirely painful - just very stingy! Anyone got good tips for that? Post properly with pics when back on laptop, Susie x
I'm a bit confused as too what this threads for.
I'm a bit confused as too what this threads for.
So I'm going on Day #5 with the flu...It makes it difficult to feed LO because I have a fever and my milk is hot... she doesn't like that much
On top of all that I'm engorged due to a growth spurt she had and now she won't eat too much! Ack! I wonder if cabbage leaves really work? (its not like I have any on hand though... lol)
its a forum for parents of babies born in January!I'm a bit confused as too what this threads for.
Ok reign check on going homeMichael is yellow so think he may need treating for jaundice. It was hard to tell yesterday because of him being mixed race. Will be working on his latch today - remember Susie burger in a bun! We have the rugby ball hold down to a tee now though.
Hi guys not read anything. Just posting to say Im hoping to go home with Michael today. It is taking a while to get going with bf. We are doing ok though and my stitches are not as entirely painful - just very stingy! Anyone got good tips for that? Post properly with pics when back on laptop, Susie x
I'm a bit confused as too what this threads for.
Hi JColeman, what did you think it was for?
So I'm going on Day #5 with the flu...It makes it difficult to feed LO because I have a fever and my milk is hot... she doesn't like that much
On top of all that I'm engorged due to a growth spurt she had and now she won't eat too much! Ack! I wonder if cabbage leaves really work? (its not like I have any on hand though... lol)
Cabbage leaves worked for me
its a forum for parents of babies born in January!I'm a bit confused as too what this threads for.
ummm Sarah, then what are we doing hereJColeman, I think she meant to say it's for babies born in Jan and due in Jan, lol (a lot of us came over from a 'due in Jan' thread)
Ok reign check on going homeMichael is yellow so think he may need treating for jaundice. It was hard to tell yesterday because of him being mixed race. Will be working on his latch today - remember Susie burger in a bun! We have the rugby ball hold down to a tee now though.
I hope it clears up soon so you can go home. Good luck with the breastfeeding, it's really tough at first but DOES get easier!
Do you ladies find that your diet affects the LO's skin? Mackenzie has pimples on her face. I don't know if it's the curry or choc brownies and ice cream I was eating??