Thx Laura, I will show my DH your comment coz he says it's coz of me that she's got pimples

I'm NOT giving up chocolate, lol
Jennifer has loads of pimples too! I was told it is baby acne and is just the natural oils cleaning their pores so their skin gets used to the air.
how rude. ppl can be so dumb. Bfing is the most natual thing in the world. The only reason ppl dont do it as common as they use to is because its not seen by girls of a young age. I totally think you have the right to be mad and curse her for not letting her LO watch and learn and ask questions. I like when the little kids ask about what im doing and dont mind them watching as long as baby is latched on. Feel weird with little boys seeing my nips.....LOL But if baby is on i have no probs with it.
Totally agree, I let my little cousin watch over Christmas (he's 5 and about to be a big brother), like you I hid the nipple but after I answered all his questions he proclaimed BF to be AMAZING, and I have to say I agreed with him
ETA Ihave BFed in public once so far and it was fine, I was in a restaurant and kinda hid the boob under the table! Mothercare and John Lewis usually have good BFing rooms too
I hope this cluster feeding ends soon! Yesterday and today have been a nightmare!
Oh the fun, Jennifer did 4 hours straight on Sat night, everytime she fell off the nipple she screamed. She's got a cold now so think that may be why, either that or another growth spurt
It's so quiet on here at night now, I'm starting to think all your babies are all sleeping thru...Where is everyone? Surely im not the only one up twice a night! Mind you she feeds for an hour so messing on my phone keeps me awake! Perhaps your LO's are quicker? X
Nope I'm still up, unless Jennifer co-sleeps she only goes down for 90mins, occasionally she'll make 3 hours, but usually we are up a lot in the night. Problem is she is super nosey and with be bright eyed and bushy tailed if I turn the laptop on! Can't remember if it was you who mentioned being text buddies?? If so I'll PM you my mobile number so we can keep each other awake x
Still working on editing the photos, but I might post some later.
Please do

I'll try to post some bump piccies later, although they will be clothed ones as my raspberry ripple tummy is getting worse!!!
Unfortunately u are mostly 8 hours ahead of me!
Got the all clear from docs yday

Jus got to decide on birth control as dont want to go on pill as it can trigger depression for me.
But we won't be in September

The pill triggers my bipolar/depression as well-evil things! I have to say Dave and I just use condoms as most of the other methods use hormones of some kind or you have to have something fitted. Looking forward to trying for number two already as worrying about birth control again is so annoying!
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Things here are good bar the fact that Jennifer has a nasty cold, she was just starting to sleep in her moses basket or on her playmat and now we are back to refusing to be put down except fot 15mins this morn when I managed to eat breakfast. In fact she is on my now! She does seem poorly though so I don't blame her, lots of

for me today then x