January JellyBean mummies

Aww poor bryce, where about on his head is it?

We are at the park, it's lovely. Want to sit here all day :-) we were sat near the lake but I was getting eyes up by a swan, I think he wanted to play chase haha
If anyone is going via meadowhall could I meet someone there? Im hoping its easy to find. Tuesday is fine for me willbe my first proper time out without someone with me hope I can get the double buggy on the train.

Just had a call from my doctor and a breast feeding specialist and im now o medication for vasospams (reyauds disease) if no improvement we will then start meds for deep seated thrush :shrug:

I have to cut my caffiene intake while on meds too, thats going to be hard!

I have a dinkie baby pinkie was 8lbs9 last weighing at 6 weeks. Will be weighed next week at his checks.
I hope everyone is doing well.

I came to do a quick update.

Cianna is doing well. I had to stick with mostly bottle feeding her and breast feeding her once or twice a day since she still isn't doing well with breast feeding. She had her 1 month Drs visit on Tuesday and it went well.. my chunky baby is now... *lowers head in shame* 10lbs 9oz lol lol Dr says she's doing very well.. She's already holding her head up and when you put her on her stomach she flips over.

I did ask the doctor about her breathing and it's strange it only happens when she's "sleeping" and she's moving about in her sleep her nose sounds so stuffy u can hear her breathing and when she's fussy for a feed you hear the same noise, but like all now she's just laying around with her eyes open you don't hear anything. The Dr didn't say anything about that, I think she forgot I asked her (as I forgot I asked her as well) but last night her breathing sounded so bad (as if she was struggling with a stuffy nose) that it woke me up from my sleep. I tried to use that nose thing to help get the snot out of her nose but nothing was really coming out. So right now I really don't know what to do, but I am going to call her dr about that later.

I am leaving for NY either this Saturday or Sunday and my husband is so excited (he hasn't seen her in 3 wks) also her family there are all excited.
I printed out some pictures and made calenders for some people. The big calender and the pictures of her in the dress hubby hasn't seen so he's going to LOVE them. And also the big calender is going to be in the home office that my husband and his father works in. The small calendar along with the rest of the pictures I printed out i will give to her God Parents, Grand Parents and a few friends and family.

btw i took all these pictures myself

Sorry I don't have a scanner so I had to take pictures of the pictures lol.

oh yes most importantly, Cianna had her hearing test yesterday and she PASSED!!!!! yay!


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Fraggles I am getting the train to meadowhall so can meet you there if you like.
If anyone is going via meadowhall could I meet someone there? Im hoping its easy to find. Tuesday is fine for me willbe my first proper time out without someone with me hope I can get the double buggy on the train.

Just had a call from my doctor and a breast feeding specialist and im now o medication for vasospams (reyauds disease) if no improvement we will then start meds for deep seated thrush :shrug:

I have to cut my caffiene intake while on meds too, thats going to be hard!

I have a dinkie baby pinkie was 8lbs9 last weighing at 6 weeks. Will be weighed next week at his checks.

There is a medication for it! What is it called cuz I want to try it
And WOW my tiny little baby now weighs 1oz more than your daughter.

I hope everyone is doing well.

I came to do a quick update.

Cianna is doing well. I had to stick with mostly bottle feeding her and breast feeding her once or twice a day since she still isn't doing well with breast feeding. She had her 1 month Drs visit on Tuesday and it went well.. my chunky baby is now... *lowers head in shame* 10lbs 9oz lol lol Dr says she's doing very well.. She's already holding her head up and when you put her on her stomach she flips over.

I did ask the doctor about her breathing and it's strange it only happens when she's "sleeping" and she's moving about in her sleep her nose sounds so stuffy u can hear her breathing and when she's fussy for a feed you hear the same noise, but like all now she's just laying around with her eyes open you don't hear anything. The Dr didn't say anything about that, I think she forgot I asked her (as I forgot I asked her as well) but last night her breathing sounded so bad (as if she was struggling with a stuffy nose) that it woke me up from my sleep. I tried to use that nose thing to help get the snot out of her nose but nothing was really coming out. So right now I really don't know what to do, but I am going to call her dr about that later.

I am leaving for NY either this Saturday or Sunday and my husband is so excited (he hasn't seen her in 3 wks) also her family there are all excited.
I printed out some pictures and made calenders for some people. The big calender and the pictures of her in the dress hubby hasn't seen so he's going to LOVE them. And also the big calender is going to be in the home office that my husband and his father works in. The small calendar along with the rest of the pictures I printed out i will give to her God Parents, Grand Parents and a few friends and family.

btw i took all these pictures myself

Sorry I don't have a scanner so I had to take pictures of the pictures lol.

oh yes most importantly, Cianna had her hearing test yesterday and she PASSED!!!!! yay!

Quinn has breathing problems just like what your describing but he also does it while BFing. DR said its mucous in his sinuses and to use saline nasal drops and suction it out.....but i never get anything when i suction his nose either. Im goign to ask again at his 8wk apptment. Dr did say as long as their chest is not caving in while breathing then its nothing to worry about. Does she cough lots too? Quinn does.
Joe got eye drops for infection, he's not happy!
Quinn has breathing problems just like what your describing but he also does it while BFing. DR said its mucous in his sinuses and to use saline nasal drops and suction it out.....but i never get anything when i suction his nose either. Im goign to ask again at his 8wk apptment. Dr did say as long as their chest is not caving in while breathing then its nothing to worry about. Does she cough lots too? Quinn does.

Cianna has sounded this way from birth, they said "she's just nasal" but I really don't hear it all the time, just mostly when she's about to wake up. I'm going to try the nasal drops and see if that works. Also when I did mention it to the dr she said her lungs sound great, so i know it's not a major concern but 4 weeks later and it sounds worse doesn't seem right.
Olly slept all day yesterday after his vaccinations, food wasnt on his mind at all. I was all prepared for having a really unsettled baby, but he was the total opposite. Hes pretty chilled out today too :wacko:

We had a really busy day yesterday, after Olivers doctors visit, we came home and i had some lunch then went to work for some training, Oliver had to come with me much to my dads disappointment (not):haha:. I dont think he got any work done at all! All the girls in the office were cooing over Olly and he was thanking them with the biggest smiles ever!! He also met his great uncle for the first time. I was hoping my Grandad would be there (87 years old and still working) but he wasnt, hes not met Olly yet. He was out when i visited my Granny. We then got home about 2.30 and walked round to the garden centre to get my bunny some hay. I had a nice walk round, wanted to buy some plants but things arent going well with OH at the mo, so dont really want to buy anything for the house. Well hes not even my OH at the moment in my eyes.

Thanks for that Emily. I got worried today because Mackenzie has slept the whole day. I hope she sleeps tonight, lol. Sorry to hear about you and your OH. I really hope you sort it out soon :hugs:

I hope everyone is doing well.

I came to do a quick update.

Cianna is doing well. I had to stick with mostly bottle feeding her and breast feeding her once or twice a day since she still isn't doing well with breast feeding. She had her 1 month Drs visit on Tuesday and it went well.. my chunky baby is now... *lowers head in shame* 10lbs 9oz lol lol Dr says she's doing very well.. She's already holding her head up and when you put her on her stomach she flips over.

I did ask the doctor about her breathing and it's strange it only happens when she's "sleeping" and she's moving about in her sleep her nose sounds so stuffy u can hear her breathing and when she's fussy for a feed you hear the same noise, but like all now she's just laying around with her eyes open you don't hear anything. The Dr didn't say anything about that, I think she forgot I asked her (as I forgot I asked her as well) but last night her breathing sounded so bad (as if she was struggling with a stuffy nose) that it woke me up from my sleep. I tried to use that nose thing to help get the snot out of her nose but nothing was really coming out. So right now I really don't know what to do, but I am going to call her dr about that later.

I am leaving for NY either this Saturday or Sunday and my husband is so excited (he hasn't seen her in 3 wks) also her family there are all excited.
I printed out some pictures and made calenders for some people. The big calender and the pictures of her in the dress hubby hasn't seen so he's going to LOVE them. And also the big calender is going to be in the home office that my husband and his father works in. The small calendar along with the rest of the pictures I printed out i will give to her God Parents, Grand Parents and a few friends and family.

btw i took all these pictures myself

Sorry I don't have a scanner so I had to take pictures of the pictures lol.

oh yes most importantly, Cianna had her hearing test yesterday and she PASSED!!!!! yay!

I'm so glad to hear her hearing test went well!! I used to use saline drops with my son but he would gag and cry because he didn't like the taste. If she fusses too much with it, try breast milk, it works very well for Mackenzie.
Hi ladies. I MISS you all so much!! We are doing well but staying wiht the inlaws here in the UK so havent had a lot of time to get on BnB. I have not read any updates but just want to say hello :wave: and let you know we are well!
Wow chatty today can't remember who said about birth marks but Abby had a strawberry birth mark on her head they go in a few years and are not caused by ventouse so don't worry

Mia gets weighed tomorrow so I hope she has gained again i think she may be the smallest she was 7 lbs 7 last friday
If anyone is going via meadowhall could I meet someone there? Im hoping its easy to find. Tuesday is fine for me willbe my first proper time out without someone with me hope I can get the double buggy on the train.

Just had a call from my doctor and a breast feeding specialist and im now o medication for vasospams (reyauds disease) if no improvement we will then start meds for deep seated thrush :shrug:

I have to cut my caffiene intake while on meds too, thats going to be hard!

I have a dinkie baby pinkie was 8lbs9 last weighing at 6 weeks. Will be weighed next week at his checks.

Hey hun I can meet you and Leanne there too? I have got MIL to have Caine so its easier for me as Caine is in tip top terrible twos stage and I wont be able to chat and relax with you all :haha:
What double buggy you got? I am struggling with my Graco Orbit Duo, its mahooooosve so have bought a Silver Cross Pop duo for out and about when Alex is a little older. I can help too. Do I park at Meadowhall then and then we get a tram? Am confused lol
Jade im getting the train to the Meadow hall and then the tram down to soft play.

Who else is going to Meadow hall and then onto Soft play? So far im meeting Fraggles at MH, would be nice if you joined us as well Jade. Glad MIL has Caine for you, I find going out alot easier with just Hayley,
Yes what time i meet you both? Can you send me your mob number? xx
If anyone is going via meadowhall could I meet someone there? Im hoping its easy to find. Tuesday is fine for me willbe my first proper time out without someone with me hope I can get the double buggy on the train.

Just had a call from my doctor and a breast feeding specialist and im now o medication for vasospams (reyauds disease) if no improvement we will then start meds for deep seated thrush :shrug:

I have to cut my caffiene intake while on meds too, thats going to be hard!

I have a dinkie baby pinkie was 8lbs9 last weighing at 6 weeks. Will be weighed next week at his checks.

There is a medication for it! What is it called cuz I want to try it
And WOW my tiny little baby now weighs 1oz more than your daughter.

Its called Nifedipine, doc said they can have side effects but most common side affects are some headaches and ankle swelling, i'll cope with those rather than feel like my boobs are being hacked off in the cold. If no improvement in a week will reassess to see if I need tablets for thrush.
If anyone is going via meadowhall could I meet someone there? Im hoping its easy to find. Tuesday is fine for me willbe my first proper time out without someone with me hope I can get the double buggy on the train.

Just had a call from my doctor and a breast feeding specialist and im now o medication for vasospams (reyauds disease) if no improvement we will then start meds for deep seated thrush :shrug:

I have to cut my caffiene intake while on meds too, thats going to be hard!

I have a dinkie baby pinkie was 8lbs9 last weighing at 6 weeks. Will be weighed next week at his checks.

Hey hun I can meet you and Leanne there too? I have got MIL to have Caine so its easier for me as Caine is in tip top terrible twos stage and I wont be able to chat and relax with you all :haha:
What double buggy you got? I am struggling with my Graco Orbit Duo, its mahooooosve so have bought a Silver Cross Pop duo for out and about when Alex is a little older. I can help too. Do I park at Meadowhall then and then we get a tram? Am confused lol

I have the candy peach blossom, I cant use it as a single pram as didnt buy the second pram body to it. Ido have another pram but think my eldest will want to come.
Jade ive PM'd you my mobile number.

Just a quick update from me.

Had my 6 week post-natal check up with the GP today and im not in the best of moods after the appointment. Why after you have had a baby does everyone push contraception in your face? Yes me and Luke have discussed it but at the moment Hayley is the best contraception going. Havent :sex: since before Hayley was born, just not interested in it at the moment and im in enough pain with my stomach.

The dr tried to push the pill on me but I explained that im useless at remembering to take tablets and with BF can only have the mini-pill which if i remember rightly has to be taken at the same time each day. I explained that I had 'researched' into contraception and that I think the implant would suit us better. She then went onto say that they cant fit the implant at the drs and that I would have to go to family planning to get it. They could offer me the mirena coil or the depo injection, both of which im not interested in. The coil I have no faith in as we got pregnant Aug 08 with the coil fitted and miscarried in the September when they removed the coil. The depo isnt recommended if you have PCOS and if I do react im stuck with the hormones flying around for 12 weeks.

After finally sorting that out she went on to ask about my mood and then we moved on to the examination. As soon as she touched my stomach I almost hit the roof, it was so sore and tender. She had a good prod and poke around and decided that it wasnt anything to do with my uterus as that had fully contracted and was back to pre-pregnancy size and well down in my pelvis. After having a chat she decided that I must have pockets of active endometriosis and she is concerned that I either have an ovarian cyst on my right ovary as it is very tender and i keep getting sharp pains on the right hand side or enlarged cysts in my ovary from the PCOS. She has requested an urgent ultrasound scan for me and wants to see me 10 days after the scan to discuss the results. In the meantime she wants me to hang fire on getting the implant fitted until after the scan and she is getting me an urgent referral back to my gynaecologist (there was a missed appointment back in 09 that I swear i never received the letter for and they discharged me back to the gp) so I should get an appointment for about 2-3 months time.

Got the H/V coming tomorrow for the 6 week check although it isnt our normal h/v as ours is off on long term sick with stress.

What is everyone upto this weekend? Tomorrow me and the girls are off round to a friend of mine and her 17 month old and 16 week old for a play date. Saturday we are off to Stafford for a good friend and Phoebe's godmothers little boys 2nd birthday party and then on sunday ive got another friend coming round to ours with her 16 month old little boy for a playdate. He is 11 days older than Phoebs
Aww poor bryce, where about on his head is it?

It is just above his hair line on the side of his head. If he hadore hair you wouldn't be able to see it, it's just because he is a baldy! Lol :)

Wow chatty today can't remember who said about birth marks but Abby had a strawberry birth mark on her head they go in a few years and are not caused by ventouse so don't worry.

It was me. How big did Abby's get? When did it stop growing? I read somewhere that it gets to 80% of it's size at three months. Bryce is two months and his is about 1cm at the moment.

I wonder what causes them then? Did you he e a straight forward birth with Abby?


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