January JellyBean mummies

Is anyone delaying immunisation or not giving them at all I think I will be waiting till Mia is older Abby had her first ones at 6 months
:hugs: to Oliver and Bryce! Dreading out jobs, we got em at 10 weeks as were delayed cos of his cold....
I really wish Alex would do a 6 or 7 hour stretch I am soooo knackered and not slept more than 3 hour straight since December :(
Anyone heard from Catherine? (Lovealittleone)
We still having a Sheffield meet northern ladies?
There's no booby group round here :( had an ok day J has been a bit sicky and mucousy and windy poor thing. HV prescribed me stuff for thrush before they will look at other issues and the cream as literally took my skin off :shrug: phoned her and she said stop using it and see a doctor. So ive gone from having sore boobs in the cold to having raw skin on my nips now :grr: thing is apart from some pain on latching (he latches bad when fractious) and pain if im cold it was ok. J also has no symptoms of thrush.

I wont be getting J christened neither f my children are (im not) I did go to a very religious school until 11 my family aren't religious except one brother who is heavily involved.

Hope the back is better soon Jade baby massage takes it out on it.

When weaning sitting unaided is the aim. I dont plan on weaning until 6 months my last baby did use to grab and bite anything sticking out of my mouth. I loved my bumbo seat as it gives good support when feeding.
Is anyone delaying immunisation or not giving them at all I think I will be waiting till Mia is older Abby had her first ones at 6 months

I delayed last time but unintentionally illness and a house move delayed them. I did refuse the mmr when first offered as I wanted it spread out away from other jabs.

:hugs: to Oliver and Bryce! Dreading out jobs, we got em at 10 weeks as were delayed cos of his cold....
I really wish Alex would do a 6 or 7 hour stretch I am soooo knackered and not slept more than 3 hour straight since December :(
Anyone heard from Catherine? (Lovealittleone)
We still having a Sheffield meet northern ladies?

Im still up for a meet :thumbup:
Shall we set a meet date ladies? You all free next week?

Fraggles I used the bumbo too for first weaning! East to clean too :haha:
I bought some bumbo's, but they are too small for them at the mo, but couldnt resist trying them in them ha ha (these were taking few weeks ago) I'm planning to buy the little trays for weaning


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Awww haha. Cute!
How are you coping with two hun?
If anyone is getting a bumbo look out for them on offer in mothercare they give the trays for free in special boxes.
I have Coreys old bumbo, its awesome!

I'm up for a northern meet, next week anytime is fine with me!

Am I the only mean mommy? immunisations don't bother me at all, not since I started nurse training and give them to people myself :haha: I had a letter my my Dr asking if I'd like the numbing cream for corey before his preschool booster and I wouldn't take him for it, thought it only stings for a second he can live with that, he needs toughening up :haha:

Even Fearnes heel prick didn't bother me, didn't like it when it bled loads after she warmed her foot but it soon stopped! x
Is anyone delaying immunisation or not giving them at all I think I will be waiting till Mia is older Abby had her first ones at 6 months

With my eldest Phoebe we had to delay her injections as the GP and H/V werent happy to give her the 1st lot until she had seen the paediatrician at the hospital and they had ok'd them. If we wanted her to have them as scheduled they had to give the 4 in 1 seperately as they didnt want her to have the pertusis (sp?) without the go ahead from the hospital. This is because it can cause fitting/seizures in babies that are prone to fitting. When Phoebe was 2 days old she was admitted and sedated on NICU with fitting due to septicaemia from a Strep B infection.

With Hayley im not delaying hers, she has them booked for the 16th March when she will be exactly 8 weeks old. I want to get them out of the way as soon as possible. I can totally underatand people wanting to delay them though.

We still having a Sheffield meet northern ladies?

Im up for meeting Jade, will be nice to meet the ladies that I have been chatting to for almost a year.

Shall we set a meet date ladies? You all free next week?

Fraggles I used the bumbo too for first weaning! East to clean too :haha:

We're free Tue & Thurs next week. I have Phoebe at home monday & Friday so a day she is at nursery would be better for me. Although Jade I assume you will have Caine with you so she would have an older child to play with and keep her entertained.

If anyone is getting a bumbo look out for them on offer in mothercare they give the trays for free in special boxes.

Ladies if your not bothered about whether it is a used bumbo have a look on eBay. They go pretty quickly on there and always have alot of interest. You may not get the play tray with it though. We got Phoebes for £15 inc postage.

Whilst we are talking about immunisations, has anyone heard about one for chicken pox. The h/v that runs our baby massage course was talking about it today as there has been an 'outbreak' of the pox in our area, and she was getting peoples views on it. She was saying that although it isnt available on the NHS at the moment and that there isnt any talk about making it available, it should be in the immunisation programme.
I dont think anyone answerd my questinos a while back so im asking again. Do you babies coo and smile yet? Quinn does not yet and Im wondering if i should be concerned

Holly smiles all the time an she makes a range of bizarre noises but I'm not sure I've heard a specific coo. However - she is a bit of a grinner, generally, and some of them are followed by loud gas - so they might not be quite the genuine smiles I imagine them to be.

Michael has just started giving me more smiles this week, mostly at breakfast time. I have to work quite hard for them at other times and he has begun to make noises some of the time he is awake. His Dad wants him circumcised because he thinks it looks better and I think it is culturally quite Nigerian because they still hold to some Old Testament practices. His Dad won't eat pork either. He sees him a few times a week but I don't want Michael to go through the pain really and as I carried him, gave birth and raise him I think I'll stick to my guns on that one.

Yeah, stick to your guns - aesthetics is hardly a good reason to be chopping off body parts (sorry, that can be taken in two tones - it was meant light-heartedly and supportive of your standpoint).

*sigh* I know I'm just dissapointed :( I had attended the Church for over 20 years, was confirmed, married and worked there. My brother's funeral was held there. I know God is not a building but this Church holds a lot of memories and significance for my faith and I wanted Jennifer to be part of that. I agree that a child shouldn't be christened for the sake of it but I have many reasons for doing so and the vicar wouldn't even let me explain.
Just wanted to explain that there were reasons (was feeding earlier so couldn't type too much) but thank you for your comment I really appriciate it and value your friendship too :hugs::hugs: I'm very sensitive about this atm so I'm sorry if this has come across as being rude or out of order it isn't meant to x

I'm sorry you're upset :hugs::hugs::hugs:

:hugs: to Oliver and Bryce! Dreading out jobs, we got em at 10 weeks as were delayed cos of his cold....
I really wish Alex would do a 6 or 7 hour stretch I am soooo knackered and not slept more than 3 hour straight since December :(
Anyone heard from Catherine? (Lovealittleone)
We still having a Sheffield meet northern ladies?

Yay! I will happily come to Sheffield - if you'll forgive the fact that I chatter nervously and so am incredibly annoying.

There's no booby group round here :( had an ok day J has been a bit sicky and mucousy and windy poor thing. HV prescribed me stuff for thrush before they will look at other issues and the cream as literally took my skin off :shrug: phoned her and she said stop using it and see a doctor. So ive gone from having sore boobs in the cold to having raw skin on my nips now :grr: thing is apart from some pain on latching (he latches bad when fractious) and pain if im cold it was ok. J also has no symptoms of thrush.

Fraggles - have you got vasospasms like me and Laura because that is effected by cold. Have a look on internet and see if it looks right to you. I have so far asked 2 health professionals about it and none of them have heard of it.

I think we've made a decision about Holly's religious upbringing. We've agreed that we want her to have a choice but that having no exposure to religion usually results in missing out all together so we're going to buy her a baby bible and possibly a collection of other religious stories so that she can truly mak a decision and if, when she gets a little bit older she decides she wants togo to church and sunday school etc then we'll take her. OH has stated that he does belief in God today so I'm happy because he has regained his faith thanks to our little girl. I'm still the same as ever (religiously on the fence) but I'm happy; he seems so much more.. settled.

I'm really dreading the injections - Holly is booked in for next week. I think I agree with Laura; I will cry more than Holly (at least I hope so because that means she won't be in too much pain). Having said that, we may find them delayed because Daddy has brought home yet ANOTHER bloomin' cold - I could swing for him, honestly, if ever there's a reason to take better care of yourself. Hmph.
I love my bumbo! Too bad Sarai doesn't care for it yet.... this is the face I get when I put her in it.. followed by crying! lol... she's not happy if she's not held... my little diva :)


Can someone explain weaning to me?? When you start solids do you continue BFing of FFing? How do you wean?? lol... I know nothing... All I know is that I hope it happens soon lol!
Poor little bryce has a temperature. :( just given him some calpol to hopefully bring it down. He is still smiling though bless him. X
I love my bumbo! Too bad Sarai doesn't care for it yet.... this is the face I get when I put her in it.. followed by crying! lol... she's not happy if she's not held... my little diva :)


Can someone explain weaning to me?? When you start solids do you continue BFing of FFing? How do you wean?? lol... I know nothing... All I know is that I hope it happens soon lol!

here in Canada we dont introduce soids untilk 6mnths and we keep BFing of FF until atleast a year then we start introducing homoginized milk (homo) and they are suppose to drink homo until they are 3 but we switched TEssa to 2% a few weeks ago because we drink 2% and its easier to buy that and we can all share.

some ppl introduce the cereals around 4 months and then the fruit and veggies at 6mths. Also only introduce 1 new food at a time and stay with the new food for a week to watch for allergies and stuff.
oh and for weaning from formula to homo milk we would start by putting 1oz milk in with the formula and each week add 1 more oz of milk until its just milk. I BF'd Tessa and waited until a year for milk. We started getting her use to a sippy cup around 9mths with just water in it and by a year old she was actually drinking from it so we started giving milk in the cup once a day adn then slowly moved up to 3 times a day adn still BF'd inbetween. I didnt use bottles thou becuause i wanted her to gostraight to a cup but you could put boobie milk inthe bottle and do the same thing with adding 1oz milk at a time just like i explained for the formula.

Littlemrs I think its vasospasms but doc said to treat thrush first before diagnosing that :shrug:

we should sort a date for a meet up northern girls :thumbup:

blessed last time i weaned i carried on bf and slowly introduced 3 meals i left it upto baby to slowly reduce feeds he still has ebm or formula twice a day at 16 months
hi angel, i think our babies have the same adjusted age! i FF and havent thought about weaning or hungry baby milk, he is not a very hungry baby and struggles to finish 4oz, he has gaviscon in his milk too so that thickens it up

Avery still only takes 4 oz at a feeding also. Guess she's a small eater also.

Our two month appointment is on Friday. Not looking forward to all those shots.
Hi ladies I am removing myself and Hayley from the sleeping through club. It's 2:30am and we are on our 2nd feed of the night. Mummy is tired and feels like a zombie.
I'm up feeding too Rachael tho we just had 5 hours sleep so I'm not complaining! X
Glad you got 5 hours Jo, its definately your turn for it.

I'm on feed number 4 of the night. After sleeping all day yesterday, hayley has decided nighttime is a great time to make up for it. We've had 2 hourly feeds since 8pm. I'm going to be a mean mummy today and not let her have as much sleep.

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