Hi ya, sorry I am a bit behind in my updates...
Awww haha. Cute!
How are you coping with two hun?
Its not too bad actually, we've not had 1 before so its just the norm to us. They are in a good routine and sleep through the night. Few problems with reflux but they started gaviscon on weds so hopefully that will start to work soon. Love being a twin mummy.
Am I the only mean mommy? immunisations don't bother me at all, not since I started nurse training and give them to people myself

I had a letter my my Dr asking if I'd like the numbing cream for corey before his preschool booster and I wouldn't take him for it, thought it only stings for a second he can live with that, he needs toughening up

Even Fearnes heel prick didn't bother me, didn't like it when it bled loads after she warmed her foot but it soon stopped! x
I think I'm kinda used to it after all the needles they had etc in NICU! The 3rd lot was worse though,I think they are getting more aware now.
If anyone is getting a bumbo look out for them on offer in mothercare they give the trays for free in special boxes.
Ladies if your not bothered about whether it is a used bumbo have a look on eBay. They go pretty quickly on there and always have alot of interest. You may not get the play tray with it though. We got Phoebes for £15 inc postage.
Got mine from a 2nd hand baby shop for £12 each! Bargain! They are £45 new arent they? Going to get the trays off ebay.
I love my bumbo! Too bad Sarai doesn't care for it yet.... this is the face I get when I put her in it.. followed by crying! lol... she's not happy if she's not held... my little diva

Can someone explain weaning to me?? When you start solids do you continue BFing of FFing? How do you wean?? lol... I know nothing... All I know is that I hope it happens soon lol!
We were told look for signs from 4 months, do baby rice only for week or 2, then puree veg and fruit only until they turn 6 months then you can start introducing potato, meat, weetabix etc. Do you need to go to hungry milk before you start weaning? I dont know when to start, looking out for signs now.
some ppl introduce the cereals around 4 months and then the fruit and veggies at 6mths. Also only introduce 1 new food at a time and stay with the new food for a week to watch for allergies and stuff.
As I said above we were told baby rice, veg, fruit only until 6 months?
oh and for weaning from formula to homo milk we would start by putting 1oz milk in with the formula and each week add 1 more oz of milk until its just milk. I BF'd Tessa and waited until a year for milk. We started getting her use to a sippy cup around 9mths with just water in it and by a year old she was actually drinking from it so we started giving milk in the cup once a day adn then slowly moved up to 3 times a day adn still BF'd inbetween. I didnt use bottles thou becuause i wanted her to gostraight to a cup but you could put boobie milk inthe bottle and do the same thing with adding 1oz milk at a time just like i explained for the formula.
They told us try to start using a beaker at 6 months for juice. Drinking it from a bottle is bad for their tooth, the sugar stays in their mouth longer with a bottle apparently.
Hope you are ok after your appt, keep us posted
I don't think I told anybody about the lump he has on his head?? But he had one come up about two weeks after he was born and I was told it was due to trauma from the veuntous. It has now got bigger and has gone bright red! Was told yesterday that it's a strawberry Nevus, a type of birth mark. Apparently it is going to get a lot bigger and then should fade by the time he is one. Poor little thing. I think once his hair grows is should cover it up though. Maybe it was the veuntous that caused it!??
Georgia has a big birth lump on her head, the consultant said its a hemangioma it has got quite big now, but he said it will eventually turn white and go down and her hair will grow over it. He has written I in her red book just in case anyone questions it – its awful it looks like I've dropped her on her head – so at least I can prove I havent now so they dont ring social services!
Mum 2B – hope your mum is ok