January JellyBean mummies

OMG ladies I am going insane!!!!! Yesterday was the first day I had Holly on my own and it didnt go too well - she just would not settle all day and I'd had a bad night the night before so really needed to get a nap, but it just didnt happen. I thought it was a one off but today is turning out exactly the same. She will only settle in my arms and I cant get a break at all. She wasnt like this before and would have a sleep after most feeds for a bit or sit in her swing.

I am so exhausted I feel like just breaking down and crying. I have only just managed to get some lunch and even then was up and down every two mins to put her dummy back in, which is the only thing that stops her crying but she spits it out every two mins then screams. Shes not wet, iv just fed her, but every time I put her down she screams. I tried leaving her to cry but just worked herself up into a frenzy. I dont know if its because wev had people here and shes got so used to being held, but I'm going insane very quickly. I really dont know what to do. :help: :cry:

Oh Lisa, I dont know what to suggest really sorry! Maybe as someone else suggested a sling? Can someone else have her for an hour to give you a break?

I just noticed we have a thread for the January mother's. I feel like I'm slow on keeping up with anything lately.

Hi and welcome

Who was it that said their LO wanted to bed fed or held all night? Not had a wink of sleep yet for bf or holding Fearne. She wakes and crys and starts rooting every time I put her in her bed. Did it get better? Any tips? X

What about expressing for night feeds, maybe she will take more milk and settle longer :shrug: I dont know, sorry!

Bfing has gotten better for me these last 2 days. I was worried because he has only been feeding for 10 minutes on one side for each feeding but he seems to still be wetting and dirtying diapers as normal so he must be getting enough in those 10 minutes. Im still going to keep an eye on his diaper thou. he use to take 45-60 minutes and use both sides so maybe hes just gotten better at Bfing and I definatly have more milk now as when I let down it almost chokes him there is so much and it comes pretty easy.

Circ today was good except for the bleeding scare when we went back to get checked at 2pm. he has barely cried all day...except to say hes hungry. So he seems to be dealing with the pain well. Ive not given him more tylenol since 2pm because he seems fine.

We had a fun diaper change earlier this evening. he pooped and I had to give him a little bit of a bath because he had some on his penis and was told to rinse it off if it happened. So i bathed him and started getting his diaper on and he let out the biggest pee ever. i think he was scared to pee after the circ and held it until that moment. he peed EVERYWHERE!!!! I managed to help him not hit his face with it but it was all over him and i had to give him a second bath!!!! It was kinda funny thou.

After that I started looking online for a store close to me that sells those pee pee teepees and there is not one near me. So I tried to make my own using a burp cloth. Its a little big but my Mr. Man is so little still. Im sure that if i make a smaller one it will work just fine. BTW they dont work if LO pees when its not on!!!! LOL he peed on the couch tonight but it was because i was putting the ointment on him for the circ.

LOL boys eh! just keep your mouth closed when changing him!!!!:) Glad he isnt suffering too much :hugs:
Welcome Jo, Fraggles i hope you get some rest today.
Ive done my photos but cant find the camera lead!!
I look about 6months pregnant still.

Ive got a little quiz thing I picked up from the newsagent and the answers are HOLES, its doing my head in, wonder if you can help.... For example if the clue was BIRD the answer would be PIGEON ..PIGEON HOLE

1 Song.....................
2 Do a runner.......................
3 Look both ways.............................Eye
4 Ask for a lift....................................
5 Court opener.....................................
6 A piece of it is easy............................ We thought cake
7 Carry with difficulty........................Lughole
8 Unintersting robe................................Cubby
9 Advertise a lot.....................................
10 Projectile............................
11 Gardens need it.................................. Watering
12 Fastener........................................Key
13 Backhander..........................
14 Magnificence...............................
15 One is pressed...................................Button
16 Multiply.............................................
17 Agent......................................Spy?(hole)
18 Game comes back..........................
19 Used with a computer ...................................Mouse (hole)
20 Filthy......................................................Mud

and what I thought might be there but couldnt find clue was pot hole and black hole, cant think of any others.............maybe ass hole lol

words that end hole:


im running out of holes :haha:

Plug hole (but it doesnt fit any where)
OMG ladies I am going insane!!!!! Yesterday was the first day I had Holly on my own and it didnt go too well - she just would not settle all day and I'd had a bad night the night before so really needed to get a nap, but it just didnt happen. I thought it was a one off but today is turning out exactly the same. She will only settle in my arms and I cant get a break at all. She wasnt like this before and would have a sleep after most feeds for a bit or sit in her swing.

I am so exhausted I feel like just breaking down and crying. I have only just managed to get some lunch and even then was up and down every two mins to put her dummy back in, which is the only thing that stops her crying but she spits it out every two mins then screams. Shes not wet, iv just fed her, but every time I put her down she screams. I tried leaving her to cry but just worked herself up into a frenzy. I dont know if its because wev had people here and shes got so used to being held, but I'm going insane very quickly. I really dont know what to do. :help: :cry:

:hugs: it sounds like Holly is having a bit of a growth spurt, there's a good chance she may want to up her milk intake a little now.

I just noticed we have a thread for the January mother's. I feel like I'm slow on keeping up with anything lately.

:hi: how are you and Avery doing (such a beautiful name)

Who was it that said their LO wanted to bed fed or held all night? Not had a wink of sleep yet for bf or holding Fearne. She wakes and crys and starts rooting every time I put her in her bed. Did it get better? Any tips? X

J did this for the first 3 days or so as he brought my milk in. The first few days in hospital he didnt sleep at night but had naps in the day. It really does get better (says me who's going through a growth spurt so we are knackered :rofl:)

Bfing has gotten better for me these last 2 days. I was worried because he has only been feeding for 10 minutes on one side for each feeding but he seems to still be wetting and dirtying diapers as normal so he must be getting enough in those 10 minutes. Im still going to keep an eye on his diaper thou. he use to take 45-60 minutes and use both sides so maybe hes just gotten better at Bfing and I definatly have more milk now as when I let down it almost chokes him there is so much and it comes pretty easy.

Circ today was good except for the bleeding scare when we went back to get checked at 2pm. he has barely cried all day...except to say hes hungry. So he seems to be dealing with the pain well. Ive not given him more tylenol since 2pm because he seems fine.

We had a fun diaper change earlier this evening. he pooped and I had to give him a little bit of a bath because he had some on his penis and was told to rinse it off if it happened. So i bathed him and started getting his diaper on and he let out the biggest pee ever. i think he was scared to pee after the circ and held it until that moment. he peed EVERYWHERE!!!! I managed to help him not hit his face with it but it was all over him and i had to give him a second bath!!!! It was kinda funny thou.

After that I started looking online for a store close to me that sells those pee pee teepees and there is not one near me. So I tried to make my own using a burp cloth. Its a little big but my Mr. Man is so little still. Im sure that if i make a smaller one it will work just fine. BTW they dont work if LO pees when its not on!!!! LOL he peed on the couch tonight but it was because i was putting the ointment on him for the circ.

Ive been told a BF is classed as a feed as long as it's between 5-30 minutes. He might have longer feeds when he's upping your supply so a few days of extra suckling will signal your body into making more milk.

For wee at nappy change I use a reusable wipe just on his bits and they soak up a wee fast (I tend yo use ones with bamboo in them as they are super absorbent)
got my scan today, will be weird to not see anything in there, and even weirder if there was something in there :rofl:

New dramas in our house...Joe screams everytime his daddy holds him and daddy is getting really stressed and upset! It doesnt help that daddy doesnt really comfort him or talk to him while he's doing this he just sits there as if to say ' I told you so, he doesn't like me'
Don't know what to do as I don't want John to become distant from him. Joe settles with just about everyone else :shrug:
Joe sleeping now, if I didnt have to get my son up for school I could still be asleep
got my scan today, will be weird to not see anything in there, and even weirder if there was something in there :rofl:

New dramas in our house...Joe screams everytime his daddy holds him and daddy is getting really stressed and upset! It doesnt help that daddy doesnt really comfort him or talk to him while he's doing this he just sits there as if to say ' I told you so, he doesn't like me'
Don't know what to do as I don't want John to become distant from him. Joe settles with just about everyone else :shrug:
Joe sleeping now, if I didnt have to get my son up for school I could still be asleep

Maybe some skin to skin time with daddy would be good :shrug:
got my scan today, will be weird to not see anything in there, and even weirder if there was something in there :rofl:

New dramas in our house...Joe screams everytime his daddy holds him and daddy is getting really stressed and upset! It doesnt help that daddy doesnt really comfort him or talk to him while he's doing this he just sits there as if to say ' I told you so, he doesn't like me'
Don't know what to do as I don't want John to become distant from him. Joe settles with just about everyone else :shrug:
Joe sleeping now, if I didnt have to get my son up for school I could still be asleep

Maybe some skin to skin time with daddy would be good :shrug:

yeah he liked that last time :thumbup:
got my scan today, will be weird to not see anything in there, and even weirder if there was something in there :rofl:

New dramas in our house...Joe screams everytime his daddy holds him and daddy is getting really stressed and upset! It doesnt help that daddy doesnt really comfort him or talk to him while he's doing this he just sits there as if to say ' I told you so, he doesn't like me'
Don't know what to do as I don't want John to become distant from him. Joe settles with just about everyone else :shrug:
Joe sleeping now, if I didnt have to get my son up for school I could still be asleep

2 suggestions i can think of....try having OH read him a book while holding him. I know my BIL had trouble talking to his baby because he thought it was weird at first because the baby didn't talk back. Reading to him helped. Or maybe he doesn't like the smell of daddy? Try having OH put yesterdays shirt on his chest before holding him so he smells more like you. I know in the baby room at my daycare they suggest the moms bring in a shirt for the new baby so they will eat while someone new is holding them.
Not sure if they will help you but its all i can think of right now. Best of luck to you and OH.
Well the little madam played up for her daddy too when he got home. He could see I was frazzled so took over when he got in and ended up awake until 1am with her and she still hadnt settled then! He gave in and just put her in her moses basket anyway and she eventually dropped off. I am now up for 4am feed and not surprisingly she's just zonked out on me! Shes as knackered as me, only I want to sleep!
Lisa is she poohing ok?

Caine was spoilt and constsntly held for weeks i could never put him down and he fed edvery hour or so it was a nightmare :hugs: xxx
Laura - glad the circ went as well as can be.

Still havin BF problems. He basically cries through every latch and I usually takes me holding him and DH holding his arms down and about 15 mins of him not opening wide enough, kicking, screaming etc before we finally get him on. Half the time I am crying at this point too :cry. I have been advised to only do clutch hold until my nipples are healed butthis hold is very hard once he is in a mood and he basically is in a mood everytime we bf :cry: why does it have to be so hard!! This is supposed to be natural! I also have to compress my aerole the whole time I feed due to flat nipples so I never have a free hand to do anything else. I am going to a bf clinic tomorrow to get more help. Fingers crossed!!

Hope everyone is well. I am very sleep deprived today so sorry for the negative post. Happy 3 weeks to kieran!!
Laura - glad the circ went as well as can be.

Still havin BF problems. He basically cries through every latch and I usually takes me holding him and DH holding his arms down and about 15 mins of him not opening wide enough, kicking, screaming etc before we finally get him on. Half the time I am crying at this point too :cry. I have been advised to only do clutch hold until my nipples are healed butthis hold is very hard once he is in a mood and he basically is in a mood everytime we bf :cry: why does it have to be so hard!! This is supposed to be natural! I also have to compress my aerole the whole time I feed due to flat nipples so I never have a free hand to do anything else. I am going to a bf clinic tomorrow to get more help. Fingers crossed!!

Hope everyone is well. I am very sleep deprived today so sorry for the negative post. Happy 3 weeks to kieran!!

I completely understand! Maybe this is something that happens to the kids who were born on December 30th? lol... my DD is 3 weeks today too! I ended up having to use nipple shields (which are now IMPOSSIBLE to wean her off of... :wacko: ) I don't mind too much, she eats very well as long as the shield is on and it hasn't done any damage (that I know of) to my supply. I'm SUPPOSED to be able to wean her off the nipple shield, but she screams like crazy without it :cry: We'll see what happens in the future, she might get better as she gets older... but I'm thankful for the shields, they've allowed us to breastfeed thus far!
Lovealittleone have you tried expressing a bit to 'pull' the nipple out a bit before he latches? x
Jade - I always express a few drops so he tastes it when he latches - do you recommend more Than that??
Blessed - glad the nipple shields are working for you. I have never seen them nor have any lactation consultants ever brought them up with me. Wonder if we have them here.
Do you do it with a pump? Its really good for helping to pull the nipple out. I still have to put Alexander on with the rugby hold every time on my left nipple. It is frustrating and I totally feel your pain hun :hugs:

It does get easier and baby does not get more efficient at feeding.
Hi ladies,

I have a question for you, when we chose our pram we got the mamas and papas sola with the carrycot. The pushchair bit is rear facing and lies completely flat so is durable from birth.

We are going to the caravan and motorbike show on Saturday. We will be there most of the day so csnt use the car seat and Isobel is starting to be more aware of her surroundings so don't think she will be too happy in the carrycot for the whole day, she likes eye contact.

Do u think she will be okay when awake to be in the pram on the first click up so she can see around here a little and flat when asleep? Know she can't see yet but when awake she like to be up. It is less inclined than her car seat?

So confused.... Plus she will be in and out of it all day as we will be in and out of motorhomes so will never be in it for any time really.

X x x
Blessed - glad the nipple shields are working for you. I have never seen them nor have any lactation consultants ever brought them up with me. Wonder if we have them here.

I'm sure they have them where you are... the ones I have are made by Medela.. people/lactation consultants are not too keen on using them because it can be difficult for babies to wean off... they are God send for people with flat nipples (I didn't even know my nipples were flat! They poke out to me... :shrug: lol) but my feeling is when the baby is ready, he/she will come off the nipple shield (maybe..... fingers crossed) and if not, what harm is it doing if baby is getting the breastmilk? My lactation consultant is not concerned at all, but wants me to try daily without the shield, just to see if it will work. :)

They also do a really great job at pulling the nipples out further to help baby latch on. This works for MANY people... my DD is just way too stubborn :wacko:
Well Quinn is 10 days old today and has developed a barking cough. Its not all day just here and there. I hope its just a bit of a cold and not something else like asthma or RSV. I went to pharmacy to ask about vicks vapour rub. I know hes to young to rub it on him but SIL said to add some to a pot of boiling water and stand in the kitchen with him. The pharmacist said not to as it can irritate his lungs and throat and nose. Just to let it pass but if it gets worse to take him to the Dr. He seems to be diong ok thou. Doesn't seem to feel aweful but who knows really as at this point he still pretty much sleeps all day! LOL Anyways just wanted to update you all.
Do you do it with a pump? Its really good for helping to pull the nipple out. I still have to put Alexander on with the rugby hold every time on my left nipple. It is frustrating and I totally feel your pain hun :hugs:

It does get easier and baby does not get more efficient at feeding.

I do not have a pump is that what you use to express?? Thanks jade xo

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