January JellyBean mummies

Hi ladies, can I come and join you please?? I had my little girl Isobel grace on new years eve.

I have only just made my way over, its been a mad few weeks! I have just posted my birth story if any one wants a nosey.


Or if u want to see some pictures

X x x x x

course you can welcome over, im off to look at your other threads
Well im back from the circ now. he cried quite a bit but seems ok now as long as hes wrapped and cant move his legs too much. I cried too. glad OH was there with me. I have to go back at 2pm to have it checked.
Hi ladies, can I come and join you please?? I had my little girl Isobel grace on new years eve.

I have only just made my way over, its been a mad few weeks! I have just posted my birth story if any one wants a nosey.


Or if u want to see some pictures

X x x x x

COngrats and welcome over! My baby was born New Years Eve too :)
introducing my new baby daughter Fearne

She is beautiful Jojo :cloud9:

Are any of you having newborn photos done?

I have had some done. Will post them soon. Can anyone tell me how you attach pics below your post without having to use the attach application (that way you can only post 5 pics at a time)

just copied and pasted from my journal
Whoops! Sat there for an hour at the drs waiting and when i got in there i said i was there for the 6week check, she asked if it was for me and i said it was for Joe, she said he's booked in next week for 8 week check and jabs, so she didnt check him!! The dr i saw last week said I had to make appt for him... oh well..
Had a lovely time at work, all the staff loved him and i took him into the dinner hall to show the kids but didnt stay with the kids long as there are lots of bugs going round, i was fine driving him on my own, glad ive done it now.

So glad you had a good time out. I knew you'd do great on your own!

Well im back from the circ now. he cried quite a bit but seems ok now as long as hes wrapped and cant move his legs too much. I cried too. glad OH was there with me. I have to go back at 2pm to have it checked.

What a relief that it's all over!

I heard a few of you ladies talk about cluster feeding and didn't know what it was. Because of Mackenzie wanting to drink continuously for a few hours last night, I looked it up and realised she was cluster feeding. It was driving me insane but I feel so much better about it now that I know what was going on. So for those ladies who don't know, this site is great: https://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/cluster-feedings.html
Laura – as for burping Kieran normally burps pretty well but sometimes I pat his back for ages before one comes out. Hope the circumcision goes well.

Lostunicorn – please don’t beat yourself up. Lotsa :hugs: :hugs:

Welcome jojo-m and congrats on baby Fearne. I LOVE LOVE that name!! She is so sweet.

Daddy and Kieran are upstairs in bed still. I have some ME time and all I am doing is worrying about Kieran. Him and Daddy have not co slept alone yet. I feel like going to peek in but I don’t want to disturb either of them.

Are any of you having newborn photos done?

BF is still going as good as can be. It feels like it is 2 steps forward one step back all the time. Question for other BF Mummies – do you offer both breasts at each feeding or just alternate breasts between feedings?

We are heading out to the mall today. It is my only way of getting out and getting some exercise. So the mall it is…….. Probably get some baby clothes and get some pictures printed.

Have a great day Mummies xxxooo

Hope you had a fun day!
I let him drain a boob but if he still fusses I offer the other, which is rare xx
Well im back from the circ now. he cried quite a bit but seems ok now as long as hes wrapped and cant move his legs too much. I cried too. glad OH was there with me. I have to go back at 2pm to have it checked.

Glad all is ok xx
Everyone - Kellymom is a fabulous site for breastfeeding advice too xx
Sarah, how is Joe since his tongue tie op?

hi, thanks for asking, he is really well, he hardly makes any mess now and it seems to of healed a lot. It was quite swollen behind his gum but he didnt seem bothered.
I am quite surprised at how much movement he has now, didnt realise how restricted he was before.

Well im back from the circ now. he cried quite a bit but seems ok now as long as hes wrapped and cant move his legs too much. I cried too. glad OH was there with me. I have to go back at 2pm to have it checked.

how did you get on at 2pm (sorry dont know the time there) Hope he isnt too uncomfortable :hugs:
Hi ladies. Back from our 2pm check. I was afraid to take the gauze off before giong to the drs so I didn't have a look until we were there. We had a little problem with bleeding while there because Quinn moved around so much while waiting for the dr and pulled the gauze off and it must have been stuck and kinda ripped some skin away. But the bleeding stopped quick and there was not too much. I was horrified adn ran to get the dr but he said its ok. Once i calmed down a bit I got a good look at his penis. OMFG it looks huge now. I know its a little swollen but it looks 3 times the size it was before so I think his foreskin really was quite tight and squishing everything and hiding it. Im giong to take some after circ pics and i have a naked pic after birth in hospital but not sure if i should post them. It might be considered child porn? Let me know what you think. Would you ladies want to see them or not?

Wow it seems weird to even write that....do you ladies want to see my sons penis....LOL but its not in a sexual way at all so let me know if your interested.
OMG ladies I am going insane!!!!! Yesterday was the first day I had Holly on my own and it didnt go too well - she just would not settle all day and I'd had a bad night the night before so really needed to get a nap, but it just didnt happen. I thought it was a one off but today is turning out exactly the same. She will only settle in my arms and I cant get a break at all. She wasnt like this before and would have a sleep after most feeds for a bit or sit in her swing.

I am so exhausted I feel like just breaking down and crying. I have only just managed to get some lunch and even then was up and down every two mins to put her dummy back in, which is the only thing that stops her crying but she spits it out every two mins then screams. Shes not wet, iv just fed her, but every time I put her down she screams. I tried leaving her to cry but just worked herself up into a frenzy. I dont know if its because wev had people here and shes got so used to being held, but I'm going insane very quickly. I really dont know what to do. :help: :cry:
Sarah, good for little Joe. It must be such a relief for you.

Laura, it's such a pity there are such weirdos out there. I don't think I would post them because of that but it's entirely up to you. I hope his recovery is a quick one!
:hugs: Lisa. I went out and bought a Baby Sense sling today so that I can have my hands free to get more done when she wants to be with me. Have you perhaps tried one of those?
I hear this can happen Lisa, that sometimes babies just do that and send their mummies into crisis. Hope she settles tonight and gets back to being contented x
I just noticed we have a thread for the January mother's. I feel like I'm slow on keeping up with anything lately.
Laura so glad circ went well. I agree many weirdos out there so perhaps best not to post!

Lisa(( hugs))) I don't think there is a right or wrong way to deal with that. Some people leave to cry, others using slings, some just think growth spurt and feed (If bf) you will find what's best for both of you! Hope she settles better tomorro! It may be just a phase xx
Hodbert - you mean it gets worse?? :wacko: my LO has been like that since day 1... *sigh* I'm pretty sure she's colicky though... I bet your precious girl will settle tomorrow and all will be back to normal. Lots of visitors has my LO acting funny too at times
Who was it that said their LO wanted to bed fed or held all night? Not had a wink of sleep yet for bf or holding Fearne. She wakes and crys and starts rooting every time I put her in her bed. Did it get better? Any tips? X
OMG just typed out a massive post and stupid computer deleted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BREATHE CHERYL BREATHE!!!!:growlmad::growlmad:

Lets try again...

Thanks for all your reassurance and :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for my last post. Dave was exaggerating and she was on her side next to the gap between the pillows, but I’m still freaked out!!!

I’m sure Jennifer is tryng to give me a heart attack, I woke up this morning to her screaming because she had kicked the covers over her head. We only ever put covers up to her armpits anyway so how she got them so high is a mystery. If she is the right weight tomorrow at clinic she is going into her sleeping bags tomorrow night!:dohh:

Lovealittle1-I only offer one but that’s due to having lots of milk, if Jennifer still seems hungry I offer the second but she can be on one boob for an hour and still not have emptied it. If I offered her two (like a MW told me to do last week) she would never get any hind milk. Do what you feel is best for you and your LO :)

Hodbert-Jennifer is still like this, I’ve had days this week where I have only put her down when I’m using the oven or doing a wee!!! It’s really stressful but I found when she has days where you can’t even eat resigning yourself to the fact that you won’t leave the sofa does help. Set yourself up with some good DVD’s/TV. your laptop, a blanket, lots of food that doesn’t need any preparation and it does feel better. Imho the no prep food is the key one, even if it does mean you eat very unhealthy until Hubby gets back from work, at least you are eating. Hope this helps, sending lots of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: as I know how lonely and stressed this makes me feel xx

BF is a nightmare here again, Jennifer has suddenly developed a really weak latch, refuses to tip her head back or open her mouth properly and screams through feeds. She is feeding every hour which doesn’t help either!!! I just feel like the worst mother, all I want to do is feed her and she won’t let me. She fights me every step of the way :(
She also choks, coughs and stops breathing at pretty much every feed now and everytime she latches off she empties a mouthful of unswallowed milk on me. I had her checked for tongue tie but I’m not convinced there’s not something hurting her in her mouth, she also seems to be starting teething as her gums have really thinned out the last few days and look like they are about to split. Needless to say I have been crying about this for the last hour.:cry::cry: I’m, so glad I have BF clinic tomorrow.

I still haven’t written her birth story but I realised today that I don’t want to write it (hope this isn’t a symptom of depression, due to bipolar I’m determined to prove the Drs, MWs and HVs wrong that I will get PND), so if you want to know the gory details you’ll have to ask me in question form. I don’t know why I don’t wanna write it out but everytime I sit down to do it I end up doing something else. Maybe I’ll dictate it to Dave! Reading this back I feel so mean and like such a bad Mum.

Well I’d better go as Jellybean is asleep now and I've used way to many exclimation marks in this post!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bfing has gotten better for me these last 2 days. I was worried because he has only been feeding for 10 minutes on one side for each feeding but he seems to still be wetting and dirtying diapers as normal so he must be getting enough in those 10 minutes. Im still going to keep an eye on his diaper thou. he use to take 45-60 minutes and use both sides so maybe hes just gotten better at Bfing and I definatly have more milk now as when I let down it almost chokes him there is so much and it comes pretty easy.

Circ today was good except for the bleeding scare when we went back to get checked at 2pm. he has barely cried all day...except to say hes hungry. So he seems to be dealing with the pain well. Ive not given him more tylenol since 2pm because he seems fine.

We had a fun diaper change earlier this evening. he pooped and I had to give him a little bit of a bath because he had some on his penis and was told to rinse it off if it happened. So i bathed him and started getting his diaper on and he let out the biggest pee ever. i think he was scared to pee after the circ and held it until that moment. he peed EVERYWHERE!!!! I managed to help him not hit his face with it but it was all over him and i had to give him a second bath!!!! It was kinda funny thou.

After that I started looking online for a store close to me that sells those pee pee teepees and there is not one near me. So I tried to make my own using a burp cloth. Its a little big but my Mr. Man is so little still. Im sure that if i make a smaller one it will work just fine. BTW they dont work if LO pees when its not on!!!! LOL he peed on the couch tonight but it was because i was putting the ointment on him for the circ.

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