January JellyBean mummies

Been very busy here in the UK. Kieran's sleep habits seem to get worse and worse. Last night he did two 3 hour stretches and then was up at 6,7 and again at 8. I'm so exhausted! Back in Canada he was doing 5 hour stretches. I hope when we get home he will go back to that. He has grown so much In the past few weeks. He can now roll onto his sides, he is reaching for stuff with his hands and is also blowing lots of bubbles! I'm very curious to find out how much he weighs now.
Well 7 hours of screaming today, only thing that stops him is boob. Ive totted up he's been on boobs over 5 hours today. He's quiet at the moment so going to attempt some dinner when its ready.
Cat, our trip to the UK totally messed up Hollys sleep pattern. Its such a big time difference that its hard for the poor things to adjust. She was up every 4 hours last night, which isnt too bad, but considering she was going 6 before we left, which is now 4 weeks ago, its steps backwards.

Ergh I had a friend request from a cow of a girl I used to go to school with. There were 5 of us friends and 3 of them were just awful to me, used to leave me ot of everything, talk about me behind my back and just made me feel stupid and left out, that nobody liked me. It was a situation of needs must, though, as I didnt really have many other friends in school. Anyway, we all stayed in contact after school and met up from time to time. Well I found out a couple of years ago now then 4 of them had been meeting up without me and one of them who I am good friends with said 'are we asking Lisa' and they just ignored her. She still went along with it though, so our friendship has been ruined since then. But it made me feel like I was back in school all over again and I was upset by it - what did I ever do to deserve such treatment? Anyway, I 'defriended' them all on facebook and havent spoken to them since. I got a message from one of them about 4 months ago saying she was sorry with what had happened, she didnt agree with it at the time and would like to move on. For me it was too little too late and I didnt respond - I have good friends in my life now who I can rely on and I dont need them. Anyway, another has just sent me a friend request saying 'are we still defriended?' I find the way she has put that annoying enough, as though she is accusing me of being unreasonable for 'defriending' her, but why does she want to be my friend anyway??? She purposely chose to exclude me from something, she clearly doesnt want me around, why would she care if we are friends or not??? :shrug: It just brings it all back up again though and I'd rather just forget, why cant they just leave me alone? Something so stupid and small still leaves me questioning and doubting myself...argh!!! Anyway sorry for rant, just needed to tell someone! :blush:
Hodbert, i dont blame you, they sound like awful friends. I had some very much like that whilst i was at school, luckily they have all seemed to grow out of the bitchiness. Who needs friends like that though wen you have lovely friends now :)

I dont really have much to update you all on other than Olly giggled for the first time today!! i managed to film it on my phone too! He was lying on his changing mat and all i said was "whos got a smelly bottom!" and tickled under his chin, he giggled so i carried on saying it and he was laughing his head off. He cant roll over yet though.
Well 7 hours of screaming today, only thing that stops him is boob. Ive totted up he's been on boobs over 5 hours today. He's quiet at the moment so going to attempt some dinner when its ready.

Last night my mom kinda bounced Quinn on her legs with him laying on his belly. Took half hour but he fell asleep and she moved him to the bassinet on his belly and he slept til i took him up to bed. 10:30-1:30!!!!! Tonight he started screaming around 7:30. I fed him at 8:30 (was trying to wait until 9 cuz he ate at 6pm) But after he ate i put him on his belly in the bassinet again. hes sleeping now but we will see how long it lasts. I will only keep him on his belly while im awake and only if hes in the bassinet because the matress is not a thick or soft one.

Maybe try putting hinm on his belly once he drifts off. It does make it easier to pass gas and the pressure is suppose to help with the cramping. Again not sure if its going to work tonight but worth a try!!!!

Best of luck. Quinn sees the pediatrician for some reflux meds tomorrow. i sure hope it helps.
Quinn is nowhere near rolling over yet. he still has not smiled, coo'd or laughed. I was at playgroup today and they had baby clinic so I had him weighed and talked tothe nurse about him and the depression stuff.
He weighs 9lbs 14oz now! She said not to worry about him not smiling or cooing yet and told me if i get sad and stuff again to call her but not to worry to much as im feeling fine now. Could have just been baby blues and lack of sleep and lack of help from OH. =Ive been having a great few days with my mom here. she has helped out soo much with the kids and the house and has even been letting me sleep a little longer after Tessa gets up from her nap. Which has been awesome because i cant seem to sleep during nap time. My RLS has been acting up.

Hope you all are well!!!!!
So glad your mom has been able to help you out! Thats a blessing!

Sarai has slept on her tummy for weeks.... :( I know she's not supposed to, but it really is the only way she will sleep. If I can tell her tummy is hurting, I'll curl her legs under and she sleeps so well! Doctor was a little upset with me about it, but said thst her neck control is so good it shouldnt be a worry
Well 7 hours of screaming today, only thing that stops him is boob. Ive totted up he's been on boobs over 5 hours today. He's quiet at the moment so going to attempt some dinner when its ready.

Last night my mom kinda bounced Quinn on her legs with him laying on his belly. Took half hour but he fell asleep and she moved him to the bassinet on his belly and he slept til i took him up to bed. 10:30-1:30!!!!! Tonight he started screaming around 7:30. I fed him at 8:30 (was trying to wait until 9 cuz he ate at 6pm) But after he ate i put him on his belly in the bassinet again. hes sleeping now but we will see how long it lasts. I will only keep him on his belly while im awake and only if hes in the bassinet because the matress is not a thick or soft one.

Maybe try putting hinm on his belly once he drifts off. It does make it easier to pass gas and the pressure is suppose to help with the cramping. Again not sure if its going to work tonight but worth a try!!!!

Best of luck. Quinn sees the pediatrician for some reflux meds tomorrow. i sure hope it helps.

Might give the tummy a go. My boobs are producing so much at the moment with all the suckling. Wow Quinn is doing great with weight. J gains slowly so sometimes feel conscious of it at clinic when surrounded by bigger babies.

Wish the weekend would hurry up so holiday could start. Anyone taken their babies swimming yet?
Been very busy here in the UK. Kieran's sleep habits seem to get worse and worse. Last night he did two 3 hour stretches and then was up at 6,7 and again at 8. I'm so exhausted! Back in Canada he was doing 5 hour stretches. I hope when we get home he will go back to that. He has grown so much In the past few weeks. He can now roll onto his sides, he is reaching for stuff with his hands and is also blowing lots of bubbles! I'm very curious to find out how much he weighs now.

What a clever little guy. Mackenzie was born on the same day as him and still can't do any of that.

Well 7 hours of screaming today, only thing that stops him is boob. Ive totted up he's been on boobs over 5 hours today. He's quiet at the moment so going to attempt some dinner when its ready.

Shame hun, that is exhausting :hugs:

Ergh I had a friend request from a cow of a girl I used to go to school with. There were 5 of us friends and 3 of them were just awful to me, used to leave me ot of everything, talk about me behind my back and just made me feel stupid and left out, that nobody liked me. It was a situation of needs must, though, as I didnt really have many other friends in school. Anyway, we all stayed in contact after school and met up from time to time. Well I found out a couple of years ago now then 4 of them had been meeting up without me and one of them who I am good friends with said 'are we asking Lisa' and they just ignored her. She still went along with it though, so our friendship has been ruined since then. But it made me feel like I was back in school all over again and I was upset by it - what did I ever do to deserve such treatment? Anyway, I 'defriended' them all on facebook and havent spoken to them since. I got a message from one of them about 4 months ago saying she was sorry with what had happened, she didnt agree with it at the time and would like to move on. For me it was too little too late and I didnt respond - I have good friends in my life now who I can rely on and I dont need them. Anyway, another has just sent me a friend request saying 'are we still defriended?' I find the way she has put that annoying enough, as though she is accusing me of being unreasonable for 'defriending' her, but why does she want to be my friend anyway??? She purposely chose to exclude me from something, she clearly doesnt want me around, why would she care if we are friends or not??? :shrug: It just brings it all back up again though and I'd rather just forget, why cant they just leave me alone? Something so stupid and small still leaves me questioning and doubting myself...argh!!! Anyway sorry for rant, just needed to tell someone! :blush:

You did the right thing Lisa. It's can only do you good to cut such people out of your life. Surround yourself with people you love and make you feel good about yourself. Besides, a lot of the time they just want to be FB friends because they want to pry into your life to have something to gossip about in their boring lives.
I'm ok to travel too, does anyone know anywhere else? As long as there are seats, baby facilities and cups of tea I'm good! X

Me too :thumbup:

hv just been, she is gonna refer me for counselling as i cant seem to get over the birth experience

:hugs: sounds like a good idea xx

Come to Texas ladies! lol :)

Yes I will come!!!

Been very busy here in the UK. Kieran's sleep habits seem to get worse and worse. Last night he did two 3 hour stretches and then was up at 6,7 and again at 8. I'm so exhausted! Back in Canada he was doing 5 hour stretches. I hope when we get home he will go back to that. He has grown so much In the past few weeks. He can now roll onto his sides, he is reaching for stuff with his hands and is also blowing lots of bubbles! I'm very curious to find out how much he weighs now.

:hugs: xx

Well 7 hours of screaming today, only thing that stops him is boob. Ive totted up he's been on boobs over 5 hours today. He's quiet at the moment so going to attempt some dinner when its ready.

Aww bless him!

So glad your mom has been able to help you out! Thats a blessing!

Sarai has slept on her tummy for weeks.... :( I know she's not supposed to, but it really is the only way she will sleep. If I can tell her tummy is hurting, I'll curl her legs under and she sleeps so well! Doctor was a little upset with me about it, but said thst her neck control is so good it shouldnt be a worry

Alex sleeps on his side x
clever kieran and olly!
leanne how did you get on with work?
took joe swimming last week he loved it
hope you not too long waiting for the counselling hun, have you requested a look at your medical notes from the birth? knowing exactly what happened can sometimes help you resolve things, I know a lady who had a bad birth experience who had a consultant go over her notes with her and it really helped. Could also scare the hell out of you though so guess you have to decide that! x
i 'think' i know what actually happened. Dont know what can be acheived by counselling though really...Dont really know what my problem is apart from looking back at the whole experience with sadness.
i 'think' i know what actually happened. Dont know what can be acheived by counselling though really...Dont really know what my problem is apart from looking back at the whole experience with sadness.

It can hep to talk to someone I didnt with my first birth (I still remember the conversations about possible hysterctomy to save life :sick:) I broke down in front of the doctor while pregnant with J and just talking through what happened and how they would put measures in place to stop things going so wrong really ghelped me. I still ball my eyes out on occasion though :shrug:
i 'think' i know what actually happened. Dont know what can be acheived by counselling though really...Dont really know what my problem is apart from looking back at the whole experience with sadness.

It can hep to talk to someone I didnt with my first birth (I still remember the conversations about possible hysterctomy to save life :sick:) I broke down in front of the doctor while pregnant with J and just talking through what happened and how they would put measures in place to stop things going so wrong really ghelped me. I still ball my eyes out on occasion though :shrug:

:hugs: hysterectomy was also mentioned to me amongst all the chaos!
:hugs: I think its afterwards when you get to process it all it dawns on you more. At the time everything is always a bit manic so things dont sink in so much.
i 'think' i know what actually happened. Dont know what can be acheived by counselling though really...Dont really know what my problem is apart from looking back at the whole experience with sadness.

It can hep to talk to someone I didnt with my first birth (I still remember the conversations about possible hysterctomy to save life :sick:) I broke down in front of the doctor while pregnant with J and just talking through what happened and how they would put measures in place to stop things going so wrong really ghelped me. I still ball my eyes out on occasion though :shrug:

:hugs: hysterectomy was also mentioned to me amongst all the chaos!

hysterectomy wasn't mentioned to me, but looking at my notes i had actually signed to say that it was okay for them to give me one if needs be :dohh:. The lady who delivered Oliver via c-section came to see us before we left hospital, she asked if i had any questions but i said no, i have loads to ask her now though :(
I hope the counseling works for you Sarah. :hugs:
ive seen loads of people with a bumbo, whats so good about them? Ive asked for one on Freecycle and the babies look very comfy on them but do they have to hold their heads up to be in one? joe can but still flops occasionaly
:cloud9: bumbos i used it loads last time. Once they have head control i use them. Great for sittng before they can sit unaided
I got one as Holly doesnt like to be laid down much anymore so she can sit in that and look around without me having to hold her. She is a bit little for it yet tho and gets uncomfy quite quickly.

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