Ergh I had a friend request from a cow of a girl I used to go to school with. There were 5 of us friends and 3 of them were just awful to me, used to leave me ot of everything, talk about me behind my back and just made me feel stupid and left out, that nobody liked me. It was a situation of needs must, though, as I didnt really have many other friends in school. Anyway, we all stayed in contact after school and met up from time to time. Well I found out a couple of years ago now then 4 of them had been meeting up without me and one of them who I am good friends with said 'are we asking Lisa' and they just ignored her. She still went along with it though, so our friendship has been ruined since then. But it made me feel like I was back in school all over again and I was upset by it - what did I ever do to deserve such treatment? Anyway, I 'defriended' them all on facebook and havent spoken to them since. I got a message from one of them about 4 months ago saying she was sorry with what had happened, she didnt agree with it at the time and would like to move on. For me it was too little too late and I didnt respond - I have good friends in my life now who I can rely on and I dont need them. Anyway, another has just sent me a friend request saying 'are we still defriended?' I find the way she has put that annoying enough, as though she is accusing me of being unreasonable for 'defriending' her, but why does she want to be my friend anyway??? She purposely chose to exclude me from something, she clearly doesnt want me around, why would she care if we are friends or not???

It just brings it all back up again though and I'd rather just forget, why cant they just leave me alone? Something so stupid and small still leaves me questioning and doubting myself...argh!!! Anyway sorry for rant, just needed to tell someone!