Congrats Sonia, he's beautiful!
AFM, I finally got Lilah to at least have her butt to my left side and her feet in the other direction, maybe I can get her to turn the rest of the way today. I was sitting on my bed and suddenly my husband came in a little while ago, pushed me over and started rubbing my feet in the hopes he'd hit those pressure points that can induce labor. Not in labor, but it felt really nice. I love when he does sweet things without me having to ask or even imply that I would like to have them done.
Ok, I need breastfeeding advice. So, I wanna try and stock up on some stored milk for times that I'm not able to breastfeed due to being out or like last night I was so sick so kevin wanted to feed blake and let me sleep. When is the best time to pump?? I feed blake every 3 hours and I feed ten mins on each side. I tried pumping after I fed him but it took me a while and only filled half a bottle... Should I feed him 20 mins on one side and pump the other side? Should I pump in between the 3 hour break?? I'm so confused!
Hi ladies. Archie George Allen, born 4.56pm weighing 7lb 12oz, labour started at 4.45am, fully dilated, at 1.30pm (came in at 8.30am 5cm), spent two hours resting, started pushing at 4pm, consultant came in at 4.30 and said if by 5pm he not here we'll do instrumental - NO CHANCE! He arrived at 4.56pm.
Pics on FB ladies, feel free to post on here if you like so others can see them x