January SnowAngels 2012, 2nd and 3rd Tri

my girls love pancakes, i find i'm making them 2-3 times a week :)
i plan to have bubs and xmas sorted by the end of november, don't want to be waddling round the streets at 35+ weeks dragging 2 kids behind me :haha: though i do have a wiggles concert to go to on the 18th of dec (37 weeks) can't miss that :)

i don't think it had even sunk into my husband that we were having a baby till i put her naked and wriggling into his arms just after she was born (he was NOT a good colour) :haha:
Luckily I don't have any other children so I don't have to worry about xmas! We've said me and OH will just buy each other something little, and everything from relatives etc we're asking for baby stuff. If we haven't got pram by then then we're planning to ask both sets of parents to contribute to it as it's £299. So no struggling with Christmas shopping for me! I do plan to have my hospital bag packed by then though just in case! Really wanted to have all the family here for xmas - my parents and oh's parents, but just don't know if we can fit everybody in! Would be nice to be properly looked after by everyone for a day or so at Christmas though, and be made a fuss of and have everybody's hands on my belly! lol
Completely off topic girls but how can I convince OH that we need to get rid of the dog? We've got a staff and he is great with Annie but lately he has started going through the bin whenever we go out, he poos all over the garden in the most inconvenient places usually, whines and is generally stressing me out to the point of a breakdown!

I really dont think two children under 3 and the dog is going work but how can I make him see this?!
LM - just tell him you're a bit worried and concerned about the dog's current behaviour. How old is he? My parents have got a 2 year old staff and he's a handful (he's obsessed with my OH, likes to try and hump him, but he's good with Tegs!)

Kezz - We're having xmas dinner at my mum's, yum yum! Makes it so much easier for us! But then we live around the corner from them and if we move we won't be far away, within walking distance.

3RAR - a Wiggles concert - brave! I'm guessing your girls like them?
LM - sorry, I can't help there. We have two dogs and I would never get rid of either of them, unless one of them attacked the baby for no reason. I love them to bits, and if your OH is anything like me and my OH, he won't give the dog up easily. People who get dogs after they've had children always feel differently about them I think, but when you have them b4 kids, they are your family and they're here to stay. We have started training ours now not to jump on the bed or the settee unless told they can etc, My mum keeps trying to persuade us to give up the terrier, she says we won't cope, but I know she's only saying it because she wants him, and has wanted him since the day we got him! lol
I'm the same with dogs LM I'm afraid, my choc labrador is going nowhere and he'll see his days out with us. Someone else has already said to DF 'you need to get rid of that dog when the baby comes' but there's no way that's happening, baby will be fine. As for pooing in inconvenient places, well what can I say, he's a dog, they know no better. I just have to keep on top of it and clean up everyday or try to take him out as soon as he's eaten.
im with the others LM :hugs: i wouldnt give up my boy for the world, how old is the staff??

Have you tried putting him in a crate when you go out?? we trained our staff x like that.

My mate has 2 young staff's a 1yr old and a 4yr old and they are fine all together :hugs:

Good luck huni, at the end of the day do whats best for your family :hugs:
Hey ladies, ive just noticed we have moved into second trimester haha! :haha: im so happy :D although im feeling pretty rough today.. hope your all well

Sorry LM but i have 3spaniels and they are going nowhere, i dont particularly agree with you on this however i can see what you mean and why your annoyed, i hope you sort it although i think your in for a fight with dh lol... as said above about the crate 'aka den' our dogs are all in one, a smaller one for my cocker and humongous one for our 2springers, they love going in them as they are their little homes, only when we go out and to bed, but they feel safe... we only started the boys in their 4weeks ago and they love it now... our cocker has been in hers since she was a baby. xx

Rees - hey hunny, my due date is 11/01/2012 :D a day earlier, ive only just noticed. ooopsie sorry :lol:

Kezz - were thinking of doing christmas dinner in our home, but everyone will be bringing different bits so we dont have to do much apart from the turkey and the veg ha! my MIL makes the gravy, my nanna does the beef and my mum brings the pudding... my dad will do the veg in the morning with my dh, and dh and I will do the turkey on xmas eve, we are big fans of the smell after youve been out xmas eve and you come home to a cooked turkey (where you can eat all the bacon too) haha! love it! so it'll be an easy year for me, normally im the one in the kitchen but i can rely on dh and my dad this year! :) i cant wait! ill be like shamu by then ha ha xxx
All changed hun :)

You've got me hungry now talking about the smell of turkey and bacon, mmmmm!

I'm currently eating butterkist popcorn, mmmmm, saw it in the shop earlier and thought it's perfect to eat while watching One Born Every Minute USA :)

We went to look at a 3 bedroom house today - far too small, can see myself falling down the stairs :( Not good with a toddler on my hip or a baby in my arms!

We've seen another 3 bedroom house and the viewing is on Saturday when I'm at work, I just took a walk to see the outside and it looks good :) So fingers crossed we can get it!

Off to work for the next 2 days :( So I won't be around, any changes that need doing to the list just put up and I'll do them on Sunday.

Hope you girlies enjoy the rest of your week! xx
Rees: She was a natural at potty training, though in saying that she has her own personal little portable potty that she uses as the toilet is still too high and scary for her, but we are getting there! And learning to pull her pants down before going potty took a little longer too but feeling pretty successful now :) She still wears a nappy to bed though, but is keen to take it off first thing in the morning.

Kezz: My mother in law usually takes over the christmas 'lunch'. We don't really have a christmas dinner with turkey etc (Its VERY hard to find turkeys in the grocery stores here in N.Z, only chickens and hams, plus our christmas is in the middle of summer so everyone just has BBQs!) My partners family is from Switzerland so we have lots of filled crossaints, cheese fondues and salads for xmas lunch. But depending on how I feel I might make a small xmas dinner for my little family.

LM: We have a Chihuahua/Jack Russell cross, hes small but in my opinion overweight and heavy so I get nervous that he will jump on my tummy or something when im laying down and he is used to just jumping on the furniture or bed to sleep and especially trying to sleep with us! I keep trying to tell OH to keep him off the bed as he just walks over you and at the mo I sleep on my back. He weighs like 10-12kgs! (22-26lbs) But OH is very...whats the word....USELESS at listening to me :dohh:. For some reason that dog really stresses me out but I wouldn't expect OH to get rid of him as he's had him since before we were even together! Lol though if he jumps on my tummy OH is going to cop an earfull!!
Hi rees can u add me to te list team yellow due 3rd :) xxx
Rees; it's the big 20th birthday for the wiggles so should be good.
Jaz; yay for our summer xmas, i think it would be weird to have a turkey or not be able to go to the beach xmas morning. though i love the thought of filled croissants.
We live round the corner from my parents too, so will probably going there for Xmas dinner. When I was pregnant with Annie though I could hardly eat any of it so I am planning on storing an Xmas pudding in the cupboard until after Ive had bubs and will stuff my face on it when I get home from hospital as its my favourite lol!

The dog is 3 and 1/2 we brought him together. He is amazing with Annie would never hurt her and Im sure would ever hurt the baby. I know we probably will never get rid of him he just stresses me, he nearly pushed me down the stairs yesterday, just something Ive got to work past, he's probably getting the brunt of my hormones.

Talking of stress, what do u all do to relax? I find it very hard to relax and always seem to be on edge at the moment.
Morning everyone!

I've not managed to catch up for ages... so kinda glad that the thread has moved as it only means I had to read through 6 pages!!

Rees... I'll definately be on team yellow again!

Well... I've had a fun few weeks... I can't remember if I mentioned Isaac having slapped cheek - well finally got my bloods and I'd had it before not quite sure when though!!

We are on the 2nd day of potty training, and I am sure he is holding it in rather than sitting on his potty. Only 2 accidents yesterday!

Other than that.... I've had some cakes to make, and went to Edinburgh for a long weekend.

Goodluck to all those having scans soon... I've got to wait until 31st August for mine (and OH won't be there as he's on a business trip and the hospital wouldn't let me have it a week early or 2 weeks late :cry:)
Oh K477, thats pants about your OH not being able to be at the scan. Is there anyone else who can go with you? Im sure a family member would love the opportunity!

Potty is fun isnt it? We've tried pull ups in the past few days but Annie thinks they are just like a nappy so doesnt even bother pulling them down and pees in them so we're back to running around in a nightie and no pants, but hey if it works what can you do?

My scan is 3rd September, seems like a long time so Im focusing on MW appointment next week and then start counting down to the scan after that.
Thanks for changing my date Rees. x

K477 - I had to go to my last scan alone (OH was too busy at work) and I do wish I'd taken my Mum or a friend. It's not quite the same on your own. I bet your OH is gutted!
wow you ladies can talk in a day i had 5 pages to read! lol.

Rees: in answer to your earlier Q re: Fetal Heart... Personally i started trying to listen to my own (as a little experiement) once a week from 8+ wks but i didnt find it until the GP i work with had a go at 12+ since then i found it dead easy. i dont listen often tbh. However - At work i do not listen before 16wks. if someone books late maybe 13+ and begs i might try but anxiety is worse if not found so i never offer that early. I always listen at 16wks tho. Its rare i cant find on then, sometimes takes a while but "touchwood" i dont think i ever sent anyone in for a scan cus i couldnt find it. although it happens. It must depend on the area etc as to whether they listen at 16wks or not, all mw i have ever know do so i find it odd that some have to wait until 25wk!

Hmmm DOGGIE fights..... well i have a dally and he is my baby he thinks he is one too i have to say im sik of ppl saying "oh youll have to get rid of the dog!!" what!!! just cuz he is big! arghhhh.. he is 28kg admittedly and needs some work on the walking to heel which i have told DH he has tobe consistent with rules so that he doesnt pull me too much. we just had him castrated in hope will calm him. i am in no doubt that he will be no problem with the baby at all, obviously if he was we would have to think otherwise, but we plan on making the changes with him before the baby so he doesnt resent the baby.
As for the staffy... my sisters dog did the same. No offence but is he walked frequently/gets attention etc? My Sis wasnt and he started playing up after the baby and pooing everywhere too. but the poor sod practically lived inhis crate! Crates are good for when you go out, once they see them as their space they wont mess in them either.

Ohhh Xmas... tbh we always go to my moms for xmas dinner, i would love to have all the family here but my house is too small. plus my dad is a way better cook! lol. I plan on doing nothing! hehe! i love that ill be a lady of leisure by then (well for a little while) do plan on doing all xmas shopping etc in leave (beg dec) but i do alot of internet shopping so if i dont feel like waddling around will be ok.
Plan on having all baby stuff ready by november time. i like to be organsised n quite frankly would wait till next xmas if we wait for DH!! lol.

As for men and not being excited.... urgh what they like! I do think its diff for them, maybe when you have a visible moving bump things will change. my dh is quite good but insensitive at time!! before uss it just wasnt real but now im belly is changing he is too. diff for us, we feel it in some way almost everyday! i know i do. it being mainly shite!! lol.

Anyways sorry for the waffle :blush: alot to catch up on! lol.

Oh K477, thats pants about your OH not being able to be at the scan. Is there anyone else who can go with you? Im sure a family member would love the opportunity!

Potty is fun isnt it? We've tried pull ups in the past few days but Annie thinks they are just like a nappy so doesnt even bother pulling them down and pees in them so we're back to running around in a nightie and no pants, but hey if it works what can you do?

My scan is 3rd September, seems like a long time so Im focusing on MW appointment next week and then start counting down to the scan after that.
Yeah, I think my mum would jump at the opportunity... just a shame to miss it with OH! Potty is soo much fun! We haven't used pull-ups as use reusables anyway... and tried pants, but he just weed in them! found it easier being butt naked!! Luckily it's not cold!

Thanks for changing my date Rees. x

K477 - I had to go to my last scan alone (OH was too busy at work) and I do wish I'd taken my Mum or a friend. It's not quite the same on your own. I bet your OH is gutted!

He is gutted... I'm under strict instructions to send him piccies straight away! I may see if they'll let me record a tiny bit so I can send it to him! I think I will take my mum as I agree I don't think it would be the same!
Thats good K477, I think if my mum thought she would get away with she would purposely pack my OH off somewhere so she could come to the scan instead, lol!

Do any of you know if Im having the fasting blood test for diabetes is that literally all it is a quick blood test because I remember when my friend was pregnant she had to have this sugary drink and tests and then wait like 2 hours and have more tests?
LM2104 - when I was last pregnant I had to fast over night and have a blood test first thing, then sit in the waiting room and drink - oh what's that energy/sports drink called? (baby brain) - wait a while and then have another blood test. They need to do two to check how the sugar effects your blood levels.

That was 4 years ago though, so it may have changed.

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