Jennifurball's that was it! (warning, gruesome! lol) - *UPDATED first post (+ pics)*


Mother of 1 and a bump!
Sep 14, 2011
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Can't put pics up yet cos I'm on my phone and have to be kept in overnight cos she had meconium in her water. Basically I did it all with zero pain relief, not by choice. Woke up in AGONY at 1.50, went to hospital about 4ish and my waters broke in triage and I was pushing! They said I was fully dilated and tough luck about ANY pain relief. In the end I BEGGED for forceps, it was horrible, truly horrible but I just couldn't push hard enough, I was pushing for over 2 hours, and had her at 7.35am, she weighed 7lb 10oz and she is stunning, I can't wait to share pics. Seriously though, and I mean this, I am NEVER going through that again. Sorry for all the caps but it really was the worst experience of my life and I am only just coming to now. I feel in shock with what I had to go through. They didn't even let me have gas and air but offered it for the stitches, I declined, I had gone through enough. Honestly girls, don't delay in going to hospital if you are crying with pain like me, I threw up out of my bedroom window lol. The tens machine didn't even have time to work so it was truly traumatic.



Well we only got home last night, was horrendous, I got really emotional because I thought I was getting depression and getting tearful, just wanted to get home then told twice I could go, then I couldn't, so only got home after 7pm last night.

She is a total doll, very cuddly and clingy though bless her. Feeding isn't too bad although I am combining at the moment because she doesn't latch long before falling asleep then ends up screaming with hunger. She loves her cuddles though. :)

Although I had a pretty quick labour, I had no pain relief at all because I just woke up in agony, there was no build up. I tried my tens machine but there wasn't enough time for it to become effective. I was home 2 hours in agony before I went to hospital. In so much pain I cried and was sick but still convinced they would send me back home.

I hid in the toilets in triage cos there was another girl there and felt I was being overdramatic and showing myself up, then I had a massive urge to push, my waters went everywhere, I was screaming in agony, came back out and told them I am pushing, the midwives were practically laughing at me like I was playing up, but then they got me on the bed, examined me and said sorry too late for pain relief, you are fully dilated and ready to push.

As I had been in pain from before 2, this was like 5am now and I was so tired from the pain so when it came to pushing, I was feeling weak and let myself down really, although her head was about half and inch from coming out but she still wasn't round the bend and I just couldn't do it although the doctor came in and said she can see her going down, I was just begging for help and she was saying you still need to push even with the instruments, I was so fed up by then I just said do it, and begged for forceps. I was pushing for over 2 hours and it was so important I got her out but I just couldn't do it unassisted. :(

So she cut me and got to work, it hurt a million times more but it was the only way to get her out. I felt her head stuck between my legs for ages before my next contraction and it felt so weird but knew there wasn't long, so I gave a few more pushes and got her body out, the relief I felt I can not explain, I was sooooooooooo glad it was over but felt traumatised so I didn't get the rush of OMG and I didn't cry or anything, but they put her straight on me and I could not believe how tiny she looked. She is stunning.

Took ages to be stitched up and it wasn't nice but I had her in my arms to distract me. I am getting all the rushes of love now I am home and relaxed with her. I didn't enjoy staying in and got treated like shite for wanting bottles (even a visitor from the bay across gave me the evils when he saw me with a bottle and said "SHE'S bottle feeding") - how I never kicked off with him I do not know.

She is happy at home now anyway. I am still trying to bf but got her some formula in, she has been so much more contented since.

Here is an album I made of her, there is also a video of her enjoying her swing lol, she loves it.

It will take a while to get over what I have been through, and I know I won't do it again, it was horrible. I was told so many times the pushing was a relief but to me it wasn't, it felt impossible and torture. :(
Congrats. Xxx
Sorry you had such a hard time of it, but at least you have her now. Xx
Congrats!! Well done you for doing so well without pain relief :hugs:
YAY CONGRATS!!!!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

ETA: I'm very sorry to hear it was traumatic but I'm so happy you have your baby girl now :hugs:
Aww Congrats Jen, can't wait to see photos. Well done! ,X x
Aw Jen, that's a shame, but it's over with now and look at your reward - baby Scarlett :)

Congratulations x
Ohh gosh you poor thing. But hey it was all worth it.. You have a gorgeous baby girl you've been waiting 9months to meet :D .. Enjoy her and I can't wait to see pics. Well done chick.. x x
Congrats!!.... but ahhhh nooo I'm scared :o
All done now hun, you can enjoy your little bundle of joy :flower: Congratulations, sorry it was awful for you xxx
Massive congrats :)
Really sorry to hear you had such a traumatic time of it :( I hope you physically and mentally heal from it soon.
Congratulations cant wait to see pictures :D and that sounds horrible :(!
Aww sweety i have been waiting for ur update. A huge congratulations Hun. sorry it was tough for u.
Congrats and well done. My birth story was similar. I couldn't push and had forceps. I did have gas & air but they took it off me cos I was using it too much. I had stiches and feel like I've been kicked in the vaj by a donkey! Congrats again.
ah hun, sorry it was so traumatic but you now have your precious lil bundle :) Big congrats, cant wait for piccys xx
Sorry it was so traumatic for you but huge congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you. I feel like my LO's arrival is just around the corner because I've been reading your threads since I got pregnant. I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your wonderful daughter, I can't wait to see pics xx
congratulations!! I've been waiting for this update all day. So glad you had your baby girl. Sorry it was so traumatic for you though xx
Awhh, I can't wait to see pictures! Sorry it was so traumatic for you!! :/ But now you have your beautiful baby girl in your arms and that's all that matters. :D
Woohoo! Glad you're both ok. Hope you recover really quickly!

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