Hey girls!
Wow at last we've all popped have we not?
Congratulations to the next additions anyway!!
Well its my birthday today and Im poorly

Woke up with a bad throat and sore head and that horrid virusy feeling. Spent all morning in bed, and all afternooon on the sofa. Was meant to be out with my family for lunch bt had to call it off
Also, to top it off Im having dodgy bleeding again. I didnt post it the other day, but I ended up in hospital with weird bleeding. Things had started slowing down, turning darker and less messy. Then the other night after sitting at the PC, I stood up and a gush of red blood came out. It scared me to death! I called a MW at the hosp who said go down. After 5 hrs in a&e I saw a gynae who examined me and said it had stopped bleeding, it wasnt coming from my stitches and it was one fo those things. Its happened again a couple of times but not too bad.
Then about an hr ago, I got up from the sofa, went into the kitchen and another big gush came. I have a pad on, but it bypassed that and ran all down my legs and all over the floor. I havent bled for 2 days, so it was expected, and now Im worried again. I dont remember bleeding like that with William? and the Doc said its normal? Anyone else having random bleeds???