Hey girls...
Well it went........................................
Woo hoo!!! OK, so it wasnt all good news - I still have the weird looking thing inside my sac, but we saw a little baby and a strong heartbeat. It looked a bit like a hamster lol. I cried with relief when she told me. I had my BP done 10 minutes before the scan which was through the roof (it came down after!!)
The sonograher wasnt sure what it was (it seems to be attatched to the umbilical cord?). she asked someone to look at it and they think it might be bleeding, but cant say for sure. Have been told to go back in 2 weeks to check the dates are staying constistent. They did move me back 3 days

- so sorry Gem, we're not due date buddies spot on anymore, but I'm hoping for an early one this time anyway...lol
The midwife I saw was lovely, and was gentle with the bloods. I was in there 2.5 hours, which wasnt too bad - apart from having a very sore throat (seems lurgy has mutated into a throat problem)
I will post the pic on here, but its not very good. It came out all shady. Im going to ask for another one when we go back.
As the next scan is the day before new yr, Ive decided not to tell William Christmas day. Just so we know whats going on.
Im so thankfull for the messages youve left, and the concern. I really appreciate it. I couldnt wait to log on and tell you all - OH thinks Im barmy!!!
Hope everyone is doing well today? Welcome to the mad house Peanut and jellybean!!!