were due same date ! 16july09

its my OH bday aswell this date and hes sure baby will cum on this date aswell, who knows maybe !!!
got my tablets sorted ladies, just spoke to another doc that sorted my early scan out, he said and so i shud put a complait in, i said oh i posted it yday!! i mean this is maybe this other docs opinion on these tablets, but so wot, his opinion aint always right !! wot if he didnt agree on medication someone relied on .... wud he stop it ? cant belive it still uknow OH sick of me goin on now !!!!!!!!
its my bday 2moro ladies

im just happy weve a healthy baby in there, dont want anything eles !!!!!
geogem , i bet were aving boys uknow,cos we aint been ill etc, from wot ive read those with bad ms av girls ! nikki and shelly are defo aving girls

this is wot i reckon anyways, this is my first so i honeslty dont care wot sex i have, ive stepson, but ive not been around him till he was 10, so it wudnt make a difference
does any1eles av a "feeling" wot sex there having ? be gud to look bk see if we were right !!!!!!!!!
av good days lasses