July 2009 buddies wanted!!

Can't remember whether I posted on here before, because I'm usually on the other July thread, but my EDD is July 6th.

Hey hun,

yeh u did post we share the same due date cant wait, when is your second scan are u going to find out what ur having? xx

It's supposed to be sometime in Feb, I think. I don't know the actual date yet. I'll know when they tell me, but I suspect it will be closer to 20 wks than not.

I'm supposed to go in today for a regular appt., though.

yeh mines on the 16th are you finding out the sex? we have decided that we are gonna leave it as a suprise hopefully will be able to keep that lol

Yeah, I plan on finding out. I'd rather know than not. Still going to be a surprise, just an earlier one, lol.
Shelley - forgot to say earlier, you've done it now!!

All I have wanted since you were talking about it is Beef Stew!! I went out on my Lunch and bought the stuff and put it in the slow cooker before I came back!!

Really looking forward to it now!! Got a real bargain too - spoke to the butcher when I went to get some beef and he told me to get the braising steak as he had run out and just cut up some Rump steak!! I got loads of it for 7 quid and he worked it out if I'd paid Rump steak price it would have cost me £19!!!
Bargain and hopefully really delicious!!
:rofl: gem all ive been eating is meat uknow ! ! garys mam goes to a farmers sale every saturday for pork n beef, cant get enough of it uknow !!
gem, Im in work and your making me hungry :rofl:

shelley, think by the time id get over the irish sea, it would be too late :dohh:, but thanks anyway :happydance:

eb, I must order one of them bands, sorry about your strtchmark, least its only one

hope everyone else is ok xx

Guess what girls?? Im having stew again for tea! I cant get enough of it!!

Im veiwing more houses tonight, my tummy is still aching loads and the migraine that left for an hour this afternoon was rapidly brought back by a child having a tantrum in the swimming pool where ds was having his lesson.

All in all, not a wonderful afternoon!! :(

Me and OH got into The Tudors in the last series, so I brought him the 1st series for xmas. We have watched 2 episodes a night for the last few days, and its soooooo good! Loads of scandal, sex and violence- so after the house viewings (we have to move house v soon!!), some good honest food and a bit of raunch I hope to feel a lot better!!

Hope everyone is keeping well. SJK, hows about I send you my receipe instead? lol

Gem, well done on the beef situation!!!!! I love me a bargain!!

Im updateing front page at some point - anyone have anything to input? New ladies, any dates or predictions on the sex?? Some of us have had a little guess....

For now, ta ta xxx
I'm predicting mine is going to be a boy. Hoping for a girl, but think it's a boy.
Almost everyone around here has had a boy, so I think this one will be, too.
Yeah, I think boy too. :blue: I'll know for sure on the 29th :)

Weird night last night. Not much sleep as I had some bleeding before bed (I cursed it yesterday in my post by saying I hadn't had any for a while!) and then a m/c dream, but feel fine today and I know it was just the placenta and nothing to worry about.

Don't stress about stretch marks Ellie. They fade away after anyhow. I already have heaps of old ones, just from growing quickly as a teenager (boobs and hips/back). They are just silvery now and hardly noticable. I was planning to use bio-oil, but I'm just too gutted by bed time to be bothered at the moment and I read mixed reports about whether anything actually works.
Which belly-band did you buy? Do you have the link? I was looking at the bella-bands but having a hard time choosing a size, as I'm on the cusp.

I like your EDD range Shelley! I should do that too, as I've had everything from 20th to 13th July. Interestingly, my dr said that most of his patients deliver early????? I though first bubs were often late? Maybe it's an Asian thing? (I'm one of his only 'western' patients).

I'm doing a hospital tour today! And another one on Wednesday. There are only two major private hospitals on the island, so thought we'd give them the once over before we have to pay our deposit.

A question: when people talk about 'beginning to show', do they mean THEY can see they are showing i.e. clothes getting tight/little pot, or does 'showing' mean that strangers could tell you are pregnant?

bye xx
Sarah the Ebay link is -


Let me know if it works. I'm about a size 12 now & it fits well
EB have u been for scan yet hun? maybe not, how excitind,wish u all the best :hugs:
No it's not till 3.15pm chick, not too long now!!!
Hey ladies,
Good luck with your scan Elliebank, hope all goes well.

Sarah+ - When I say it I mean everyone can tell!! there is no way of keeping it a secret anymore. Although I do believe most of my belly is gas!! I have been so gassy its unbelievable!! it gets to about 6pm and I look 7 months gone!! I get bigger as the day goes on!! But I must admit i am getting the look at the mo!! _ you know the one where people are deciding whether to ask if your pregnant as they think it could be just fat and they'd feel awful if it was!!

Ah well beef stew last night was lovely!! My mum came round last night and she fetched a moses basket with her that she had seen in the charity shop - fully wrapped and brand new - she got it for £4!! its gorgeous!! and she had also popped into mothercare and bought some lovely teddy baby-gro's, bless her!!

Well I am getting some quite bad streching pains this week, maybe the gas doesnt help either but its getting quite irritating!!

Anyway hope everyone is well,

Hi girls!

Ellie, hope your scan went well honey, let us know when you get back - I wanna see pictures!!!

Sarah - You think boy, but is that what you want???!!! How was your hospital visit? Hope your bleeding has settled down. I spoke to a freind yesterday about being pg, and she bled all the way through her pregnancy. Its more common than we're lead to believe I think. better that you keep positive about it. Easier said than done at night time though -thats when all my demons come out!!! haha.. Most 1st babies are often late. William was a week late - but I am thinking this one will be early for some reason??

Wow Gem, I am lovong your moms bargain!! Seems you girls know how to shop baby!!! I could do with a bit of nice shopping, but oh doesnt want to get anything till really close to the birth. I told him I'll be too tired then, and its impossible to get it all in a hurry! Maybe i'll start stashing stuff under the bed without him knowing!!
My tum is getting increasingly bigger to. Especially at night time, but I know thats gas. In the morning its really low and hard. Keep having tightening across my belly too. Had it twice today. Unsure about that. I read someone having early braxton hicks. Anyone else getting it?? Also having pain in my hip bone on my left side. I guess its all the growing - I forgot how painful it all is!!!

We just went to look at another house. We are renting at the minute, and its sooooo hard. It took us long enough to find the one we're in, and now our landlord is horrid we want to move, but we dont have long to find somewhere!! The house we saw was really weird, but OH loved it. Its the first time we've disagreed over a house and I think he's in a bit of a mood about it, but I couldnt see myself there. Bloody houses!!

Right, off to clean the house!

Hope everyone is well??

Hi everyone,

The scan was amazing!!! I cried as soon as I saw the baby!!! Everything was good with the baby, s/he was asleep at first but then started jumping up & down!! It was so cute & the most spectacular experience I have ever had. My new EDD is 26.7.09, which surprises me as I know I O'd late, but I'll go with that!!! My 20 week scan is also booked for 18.3.09 - Shelley please can you update the front page?

I will put pics on tomorrow, I'm off to bed now!! :sleep:
That's great Ellie! So glad it went well. Thanks for the belly-band tips :)

Thanks for the 'showing' info Geo! The reason I asked was that I was reading the thread about when people started to show, and there was a a big range from 8 weeks to 20+ weeks, so it had me a little confused!

Oh, Shelley, I know house hunting is frustrating. We move a lot, so I've done a lot of it. And with your nesting insticts kicking in, I'd say you get veto power! Hope you find something soon.

Yes, I think a boy and WANT a boy (although I hesitate to admit this incase it's a gril!). Happy and healthy and either way I really won't mind. I think DH wants a girl, so we can't lose. (No hospital visit - they rang to change :( )

Yes, bleeding stopped and feel great now.

Have a great weekend everyone,
Sarah xx
glad scan went well ellie :happydance:, cant wait to see pics :cloud9:

oh Im getting so excited about monday now :happydance:

hope everyone is well x
Hi ladies,
eb - glad scan all went well, I cant wait for my next one,

Well I just got a appointment though for my next colposcopy - i dont know if I told everyone but I have servere abnormalities on my cervix and they are keeping an eye on it whilst I am pregnant as they dont want to do anything that might hurt the baby. The appointment is for the 16th of february - and they are thinking that they might take a biopsy as it is quite bad and want to see what they are dealing with!!
Not looking forward to that!!

Anyway - the gas continues, but apart from that I am feeling good!!

hope all is okay ladies - has anyone heard from Nikki????

hiya all :) sarah i think were aving a boy,purley cos ive had no ms uknow, if i already had any kids i wud like to then av one of each,but as this is my first ut dont make the slight bit of differnce...very excitied finding out ,cant wait, then we can start calling him/her by there name etc :)

EB, so glad the scan went well hun, its amazing to see baby i loved every mintue of it and defo wuda laid there for hrs !! xx
shelley, were guna after move,we went to see a house other day and the 2bedrm were smaller than the 2 we av in our flat now ! so we left it of course ! i wud love to move b4 baby here but if not its fine,need to wait for the perfect house :)
Great news about your scan, Ellie... it's great isn't it?

Geogem- hope colposcopy goes ok, glad they're keeping a close eye on you.

I am 13 weeks today and have been feeling ROTTEN all morning again. I thought the sickness would be gone by now but hormones have other ideas.

I used my doppler this morning and bambino had moved places.. used to be right down in left side near pubis cone but was more central and a bit highter today. Still 168bpm so I am pleased with that.

I definitely think the tiredness is catching up with me. I wasn't tired at all in the whole first trimester, but I feel shattered now! Must be all that growing!!

Shellylu- my EDD has changed to 25th July now. Know it's only one day earlier but makes a huge difference ;) xxx
pubis cone was meant to be pubic bone. oops.
TTFN (I also knew what that meant, I LOVED Winnie the Pooh.....! "Oh the wonderful thing about tiggers, is Tiggers are wonderful things, their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs......")
Ha ha WL, my son had me singing that the other day!! I couldnt remember the next bit, so I made it up, then he asked me to go over it slowly (which I obv couldnt!!)- OH just sat there staring at me.. lmao...

Gem, I had bad smears forever, till last year, when I got my first good result back. Ive been having colposcopies for years now - they are a serious pain in the ass - so I totally know how stressful it ll is and how worried you must be. WL is right, its good they are looking after you. Hows everthing else??

Honey - I was so ill with my son when PG, and my last pregnancy was awful too, but this is totally different. This is what has made me think it might be a girl after all! It'll be interesting to know if it makes any difference??

Ellie - SO pleased your scan went well!! Im like evryone else - Id stay there all day if I could!! Ive had loads of scans - only had one last week!! But I dont think I can wait till March for another now!! Was gonna have a private sexing scan, but we're going to wait. Seems silly to spend all that money when I can just wait 3 weeks?!

SJK - Nearly Monday!!!! Bet you're excited!!!!

Sarah - pleased yourbleeding has stopped sweetie - it must be horrid when it happens. Poor thing. At least you know all is well with LO xxx

Anyone feeling anymore movements?? Ive been having terible pain again. Really low down inside felt like it was falling out of me this morning. I was in agony!! I woke up on my tummy too, and when I turned over LO was really high up and on my left side saying hello! I hate going to the loo cause it pops back down and hides again!!!!!

Just out of interest -anyone know anything about photography???

TTFN xxx

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