July 2009 buddies wanted!!

This migt sound a bit wierd, but bear with me. Earlier on I was sitting on the sofa and I felt this wierd feeling/sensation in my tumy where baby is. It was like a small zip was being pulled... really gentle but definitely happened a few times. Could this have been baby or am I far too early? xx

ps. Sorry ShellyLu, don't know anything about photography xx
I have a friend who know quite a bit about photography if you want me to ask her any questions?

Yeah, I was SURE I felt a few flutter/movements at about 13 weeks, but nothing at present. Don't feel that pregnant at the moment, which I'm told is common from 14-16 weeks. My dr says no movements til 18 weeks, but if something the size of my first turns around in side me, I think I can feel that!

Gem- Just when we were so pleased your cough seemed to have gone, now more drama. I'm sure it won't be a prob.

I was wondering about Niki too? Is it UK school holidays?

bye xx
Hello: I'm still here. Sorry: have been back in camp vomit and feeling thoroughly rotten! Today only threw up 2 times so far, which is good. Also finding school really hard. My days are so long, and I am just exhausted, let alone all the going out of lessons to puke. I am going to bed as soon as I get in from school pretty much, so not really finding time to B&B. The puking HAS to stop soon! I just cannot face being one of these women who chucks up for the whole 9 months! I want to enjoy being preggers, but the sick is really getting me down.
Glad you scan went great hun so happy for you,

Niki sorry ur not feeling well, I been feeling rotten my self cant get any food down everytime I do I feel sick really does my head in but never mind xx
well my heads been killing me for days...on n off uknow, anyone eles got this ? taking parcentmal but it says for ages uknow, even went to sleep yday to get rid uknow :? anyone eles like this ?
nikki, cant imagaine how sick u are of been sick :( uv had it really rough :hugs:

whitelilly about 2wk ago i felt this sorta fluttering feeling uknow, and again last night when i was laid in bed !! cant wait to feel proper kicks :)
takecare everyone, my heads just booming :(
Here they are ladies....in the first one baby Elliebank was fast asleep, in the 2nd one he/she is mid jump!!


Ah, brilliant pics Ellie!!

Honey - yes hun, Ive had a migraine for 5 days, but its tailed off a bit today - thank god!! When I went to naurologist the other day, I saw a headache nurse who said taking too many paracteamol (ie more than 3-4 times a week) can encourage headaches!! SO try not to take too many. She did say you can take codeine based pills if the pain is too bad. I took 2 lots of 1 pill this week as I couldnt function without them. Ive found a wholesome dinner, lots of water a relaxing bath and a lie down in a quiet room might help a bit. Hope you feel better sweetie xxx

Niki - sorry to hear you're still bad! Surely your school should let you tell everyone with how poorly you've been? Its a horrid situation to be in. I know we leep saying it, but it has to stop soon??!! Fingers crossed xxx

WL - I felt movement from around 11.5 weeks. It was only once or twice, but definately my LO - you cant mistake it!! I felt DS from 13 weeks, and the specialist I saw the other day said she wouldnt be suprised. Its a weird feeling isnt it??!!

Only asking about photography as me and OH are looking into doing a course together as it interests us both. We were looking at bidding on a camera on evilbay earlier, but went mad and did bid - and we won!!! Woo hoo!! All very exciting - just need to know how to use it now...lol

thanks shelly, for some reason i cant click on the thanks button :? at times ive not even taken anything,just put up with the headaches :?

elliebank .......... fab scan piccies !! when i had mine i cudnt stop looking at them :cloud9:
Ive been having headaches also on and off for past few weeks, that and really bad dizzy spells resulting in me passing out at work last tues :(
I hope you girls arent feeling too unwell, i know how your feeling im sick of being stuck at home as the dizzy spells are stopping me from driving.

:hug: to all
Aww Nikki, I am sorry you feel so ill still. I have had a headache now for 2 days, think I am goinng to take some paracetamol.

Elliebank- great pics xx

OK, I have a question and it might be TMI, but I am giong to ask anyway. Since Xmas, whenever I have been to take a BM, I get this vaginal discharge during/straight after. It is yellowy/green and looks exactly like the snot that would come out of your nose if you have a really bad cold. Then it stops til next time, It doesn't happen in between and I have no pain, itching, burning etc. What do you ladies think?

Morning girls,

hope you are all well ? Im feeling quite sick again today, I think if I was sick it would help me, but Im trying not to, 22 hours to go, not that Im counting :rofl:

Honey, hope your headache is better soon, theres nothing worse, a sleep always seems to help me? xx

EB - lovely pics xx

NJ- hope your feeling better soon too.

Shelley, sorry I dont know much about photgraphy, apart from how to push the button, but glad you won the camera :happydance:

better go and get ready for work :hissy:, later girls x
Hi girls,

WL, I had this exactly the same thing. I had a few problems with my water works too - no stinging or anything which didnt add up. I had a urine sample sent off via MW, but that came back negative, and then I went and saw my GP who told me it wasnt normal. I thought I was having a show one day, it was huge and yellow - sorry tmi!

Aaaanyway, gp done another urine sample n his office, and confimred I had a vaginal bacterial infection. God knows how I'd got it, because nothing had been near there for 2.5 months! lol..

I suggest going to see your GP as it could turn nasty if left. saying that, mine continues way after the anitbiotics, but has all stopped now. Good luck sweetie xxx

Crikey, everyones been having these headaches then! Its hard not to take something, but sometimes it just gets too bad. If you take a pill as it starts, but doesnt come on properly, but then how are you know if its going to come on properly anyway??!! haha, you cant win...

SJK - WOO HOO!!!! nearly time!!! Makes work go a bit quicker at least!! Make sure you get on here straight after your appointment!!!!!! xxxx

Hope everyone is good xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've only had one really bad headache, knock on wood. It was accompanied by retching, etc.

Thankfully, I've not had more, and hope it stays that way.
12 hours 15 to go :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:,

will let yous know xxx
does anyone know why i cant click the thanks button :? it takes me somewhere eles !! not sure wot it says didnt read it :rofl:

whiteliily, ive not had this,but ive read a few that have, maybe phone mw ?!xx
morning girls,

just back, alls well :happydance:, beany is 16 weeks and has grown so much from the last time. Dr was happy enough, we saw the cord pumping and the heartbeat :cloud9:, and there was slight movement, so I think she was sleeping :cloud9:, she is breech at the minute, but dr said thats normal and there is plenty of time and room for her to turn and there was loads of fluid around her. Only problem, she didnt offer a pic and as it was an extra scan, I didnt like to ask :cry:, but I dont mind, Im sure Il get a few in 4 weeks at my 20 week scan :happydance:

anyway hope all is well, be back later

ps. sorry honey not sure about the thanks button x
Great news SJK!!! :wohoo:

I called the midwife and she said that some women get this and as long as it's not sore, itchy or smelly then it's ok.

I am feeling sooo uncomfortable today, bump been sore since last night and I was sick this morning so feel poo too xxxxx
Hi girls,

SJK - brilliant news that all is well! I bet you were excited!! I had the same when I went for one fo my scans, They didnt offer a pic. You have to pay £4 per pic in my hospital. but when I went for my kidney scan, he gave us 2 for free which was nice. I didnt post them did I? PG brain again! I'll do it in a bit.

WL - great news too hun. Always better to be safe then sorry with these things. Im feeling a lot of stretching too. This weekend has been terrible for it. Im sure its ligament pain as it makes sense where it is. There's just no stopping the worry with this pregnancy lark is there??!!1

Honey, you did thank me when you said you were trying to? maybe you have a delay somewhere?? x

Hope eveyone is well?

Hey ladies,

Great news on scan sjk - glad all went well, feels amazing doesnt it??

Nikki, sorry to hear you are still feeling rubbish - lets hope it doesnt last too much longer.

Honey - your not the only one with the headaches, mine are terrible and I get one most days!! trying not to take any medication tho as I heard the same as shelley - that it can actually make them worse!!

Anyways - I have been having some terrible stretching pains this weekend too - not very nice but lo has also been moving about a lot so makes me feel better!! I went to a Rock gig last night and it was fantastic!! but I am sure lo was dancing/headbanging! I know daddy was - got drunk and was very amusing in his giggly state!!
Kids found it very amusing!! Think we are going to see them again next Saturday - so will have to endure again!

As far as scans go we only have to pay £3 per pic at our hospital - but hubby complained that one of them wernt very good so they gave us an extra one free!!

Have decided my belly must be big as my mum commented yesterday and to quote her she said "bloody hell woman are you breeding an elephant you look 6 months gone already!!" I then had to admit that I think it is 90% gas 10% baby!! ha.

Ah well better stop babbling!! spk soon ladies!!
SJK Glad the scan went great hun, and everything is going well,

Im bloody tired today got loads of uni work to do so ill be good and crack on with that, Tutor said I could suspend my course if it gets to much but rather get it out way graduate in June which is a bouns and already been offered a job after I have the baby which is great, do me 24 hours as a Manager in private care, For a friend who I used to volentree for good to know that those hours paid off, Lucky that it does not open till september whoo.

hope everyone is great xx and those who are hope u feel better soon

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