July 2009 buddies wanted!!

Hiya. Good to see your hCG levels are so nice Sarah.
I've had a mixed bag of a day. Slept badly, but then when I got up for loo in the early hours I had no sore boobs and no nausea and no nothing, so I did 2 tests and they both were nice dark :bfp:s.
Brandishing them firmly in hand I went off to my GPs appointment. He really got me down though. I mentioned to him the total disappearance of symptoms and he was concerned as that was the first sign of my MC last time. He sent me off for hCG bloods to be done, and was talking to me a bit like I'd already lost my beanie. I then got a call from my Gyny when I got in, as I was supposed to have a Lap and Dye tomorrow to see why I was finding it so hard to get PG. Gyny was also concerned about me losing symptoms like last time!!! So by this stage I was in a real state!! Rang my Mum and spilled the beans and had a good weep over the phone.
Anyway: the gyny nurse, who is so, so nice, just rang me up and she's been into the system for my blood results already. My hCG this morning was 1894, which from looking on Sarah's link, looks quite high. I don't think it got that high last PG at all. She said I need to have it repeated in 48 hours and if it has doubled, then all is OK.
So I am a right bag of nerves now!!!! All symptoms gone, which is scary, but hCG seems high, so I don't know what to think!!!!
Sorry, but I'm going to be lazy and paste this into some other posts!!
Glad everyone else's appoitments went OK.
Send my beanie sticky-vibes after all today's worry!!!!

thats a good sign, they are high, try not to worry, you will be ok xxx
i have my fingers so tightly crossed for you all, but seriously symptoms do come and go...i'm not saying i wouldn't worry if it happened to me cos i would (my nausea comes and goes and it does confuse me) but please don't stress out if you can help it

big hug ladies and lots of sticky :dust:
:hugs: Jazzy. Hope it is not too bad.

Anyone had weird ache in pubic bone? I think mine may be tiredness as I have backache from that, or it is where my laptop is pressing down on it! :rofl:
Hi ladies! Got my :bfp: Nov 7th... Due July 23rd :)
:hi: all im joining this thread...if ull av me !?
i got a :bfp: 6nov...clearer 7nov, ff put me due on 15july :)
after been told i prob didnt O this mth this was the last thing i was expecting,but the bloods were done 4days early,so obvioulsey wrong,im not on clomid out like that,,but i wud of been wont i,if i didnt get my :bfp:
im VERY scared as had MC in march this yr(first:bfp: aswell)i didnt know til i was 8wk last time,so didnt have a dating scan,i started spotting at 11.5wk,and i was so confident everything was fine,how very wrong i was,as the baby had died at 6wk:(
so both gary and mesel are scared we darent even talk bout the future yet,been2see me own doc 2day(not the1who told me i didnt O) hes fantastic for putting my mind at rest,and anything to do with ttc and pregnancy/babies he loves as use 2be a gyne,so yeh added bonus,was dying to ask 4his mobby NO 2day when he said phone me anytime:rolf:i thought oh dont u worry i will !!!!
i was goin to ask him for some sort of estrogen supplement cos it was low in last cd21 bloods,n he said totally 4get bout that now,ur body will produce its own,so thats that! lol
im bk to see him on 8dec and hes guna rush me app thro to EPU for dating scan,this im very wary of aswell,cos last time (i know shudnt think bout last time experiences,but i do) i had an internal at 11wk cos she could only see sac,n it hurt me,after that the bleeding was REALLY bad,like it brought the MC on uknow,but lots av these scans dont they ?!?
anyways my syptoms so far are ... feeling :sick: but not been :sick: yet ! my boobs are tender but not yet really bad, and when i smelt milk this morning i thought i was guna throw up..but didnt, the thing thats hurting/doin my head in most is the cramps,just cant remember these last time,mind u last i werent lookin out for them,and nikki its like urs right at top of pubic bone,really uncomfy aswell,but they do cum n go,ive read loads just on this site alone bout cramping so puts me mind at rest :)
thats my story so far,im not guna post everyday cos it will go slow i think ! lol or maybe post at end of the night !
after docs today ive put me new tickers up !! PMA PMA PMA
Hello there, I am due 1st July 2009 and my BFP was 18th October. I would love to be added on the list please. Thanks xx
Welcome Honey08, Aurora and Flutterbylge! We're quite a sizable group here now. Look forward to chatting with you over the next 8 months :)
Hiya. Good to see your hCG levels are so nice Sarah.
I've had a mixed bag of a day. Slept badly, but then when I got up for loo in the early hours I had no sore boobs and no nausea and no nothing, so I did 2 tests and they both were nice dark :bfp:s.
Brandishing them firmly in hand I went off to my GPs appointment. He really got me down though. I mentioned to him the total disappearance of symptoms and he was concerned as that was the first sign of my MC last time. He sent me off for hCG bloods to be done, and was talking to me a bit like I'd already lost my beanie. I then got a call from my Gyny when I got in, as I was supposed to have a Lap and Dye tomorrow to see why I was finding it so hard to get PG. Gyny was also concerned about me losing symptoms like last time!!! So by this stage I was in a real state!! Rang my Mum and spilled the beans and had a good weep over the phone.
Anyway: the gyny nurse, who is so, so nice, just rang me up and she's been into the system for my blood results already. My hCG this morning was 1894, which from looking on Sarah's link, looks quite high. I don't think it got that high last PG at all. She said I need to have it repeated in 48 hours and if it has doubled, then all is OK.
So I am a right bag of nerves now!!!! All symptoms gone, which is scary, but hCG seems high, so I don't know what to think!!!!
Sorry, but I'm going to be lazy and paste this into some other posts!!
Glad everyone else's appoitments went OK.
Send my beanie sticky-vibes after all today's worry!!!!

Sending sticky-vibes your way :) Glad the website was useful. Apparently symptoms disappear as your body gets used to the hormones, then reappear as they increase to the higher levels. That's a great number :) I too, have absolutely no symptoms anymore. Can't believe your doctor jumped to conclusions, especially as this seems so common. Bring on morning sickness :rofl:
:hi: all im joining this thread...if ull av me !?
i got a :bfp: 6nov...clearer 7nov, ff put me due on 15july :)
after been told i prob didnt O this mth this was the last thing i was expecting,but the bloods were done 4days early,so obvioulsey wrong,im not on clomid out like that,,but i wud of been wont i,if i didnt get my :bfp:
im VERY scared as had MC in march this yr(first:bfp: aswell)i didnt know til i was 8wk last time,so didnt have a dating scan,i started spotting at 11.5wk,and i was so confident everything was fine,how very wrong i was,as the baby had died at 6wk:(
so both gary and mesel are scared we darent even talk bout the future yet,been2see me own doc 2day(not the1who told me i didnt O) hes fantastic for putting my mind at rest,and anything to do with ttc and pregnancy/babies he loves as use 2be a gyne,so yeh added bonus,was dying to ask 4his mobby NO 2day when he said phone me anytime:rolf:i thought oh dont u worry i will !!!!
i was goin to ask him for some sort of estrogen supplement cos it was low in last cd21 bloods,n he said totally 4get bout that now,ur body will produce its own,so thats that! lol
im bk to see him on 8dec and hes guna rush me app thro to EPU for dating scan,this im very wary of aswell,cos last time (i know shudnt think bout last time experiences,but i do) i had an internal at 11wk cos she could only see sac,n it hurt me,after that the bleeding was REALLY bad,like it brought the MC on uknow,but lots av these scans dont they ?!?
anyways my syptoms so far are ... feeling :sick: but not been :sick: yet ! my boobs are tender but not yet really bad, and when i smelt milk this morning i thought i was guna throw up..but didnt, the thing thats hurting/doin my head in most is the cramps,just cant remember these last time,mind u last i werent lookin out for them,and nikki its like urs right at top of pubic bone,really uncomfy aswell,but they do cum n go,ive read loads just on this site alone bout cramping so puts me mind at rest :)
thats my story so far,im not guna post everyday cos it will go slow i think ! lol or maybe post at end of the night !
after docs today ive put me new tickers up !! PMA PMA PMA

Hi Honey08, Sorry you lost your first little bean :hugs: Maybe ask about progesterone as well. That is given to people with a history of m/c, and can reduce the chances. I'm on that (for other reasons). Great symptoms. I'm jealous as I have none. It's funny how many people were about to go on Clomid, then it happens. Have a great day :)
Just coming to say good morning ladies! 3 new BFP's overnight - wow, you're trying to keep me busy - its a good job I dont have ot go to work!!!

Congratulations Flutterbyge, HOney and aurora, I will add you to our list. Here's to a healthy and happy 8 months (left) for us all!!

How are you symptoms coming along?

Honey - youy must be delighted with your BFP - especially as it came without an egg?!
Sending lots of sticky things xxxx

Hoping everyone is ok xx
Hey all congrats on your BFP (flutterbyge, honey and aurora).

Started to get some ligerment streching again but both sides this time, a warm fuzzy feeling and I have my appetite back but starting to think its gonna come back up.

My midwife was showing me some forms to fill in yesterday but she forgot to give them me back. Shall i call her and tell her or shall i just call her on the sat because she asked me to call her then as thats when im seeing her again?

Cheers steph
Hey Ladies! I'd like to join your group, had my first :bfp: on Nov. 7th and think I should be due around July 20th. My period is only just due today but still getting :bfp: and no sign of AF. This is my first pregnancy, so really scared something will go wrong. Have been putting off telling too many people just in case, but so excited that it's hard to stay quiet! Have had morning sickness since last week, increased appetite and REALLY tired.

Also been having creamy CM with really slight brownish tint each morning since first tested positive (barely noticeable), but no fresh blood or anything.....anyone else having this? Should I be worried, or is this likely just from implantation?

Congrats to everyone, really glad to have some July buddies :happydance:

Hi Merechick -I will add you to our ever growing list!

Congratulations on your BFP - Have you been trying long?

I dont know an awful lot about slight bleeding, but from what Ive read everything you've said sounds quite normal. My GP advised me to relax unless I got any fresh red blood. I had loads and loads of creamy CM (tmi!!) for the first few days after my BFP - so much so I thought there was a problem. Seems to have sorted itself out now, but now my symptoms have gone?! Not too worried yet, as I know how crazy the first few weeks are. Poor us eh!!

Good luck with your pregnancy, Sending you lots of glue and dust xxx
Thanks Shelleylu! We've only been trying for about 3-months, only just came off the pill in July. But both my husband and I are July babies, so makes since that we'll have one ourselves! Like you said, trying not to worry too much about the spotting since it's barely noticeable and defo not fresh blood. Having enough other symptoms to keep my confidence up that things are going ok. Will feel much better when I see the midwife on December 5th though.

So nice to have other women to chat with who are going through the same thing, never realized how nervous I would be when we finally got the :bfp:!!


P.S. have you ladies pretty much told all your friends and family or are you waiting until further down the line? I'm so torn right now, don't want to jinx it b/c it's still such early days, but can hardly contain myself!!
I know what you mean Merechick. I had a MC in sept, so we're reluctant to tell the world like we did before. I once read that there should be no reason to tell your close friends and family, because if something did happen, wouldnt you want thier support through it? I guess that kind of makes sense..? I thin kits all down to the individual though.

As for being nervous, its what we do best on this thread! You wont be alone there, and I am to believe it is completely normal to turn into an irrational crazy woman for 9 months - its your duty!!

Thank you SOOO much Shelleylu, really does make me feel better to know I'm not the only one feeling like a nervous wreck! My husband is gone during the week, only home on weekends, so I find myself turning to these threads to calm myself down. This really is a lifesaver :)

So sorry to hear about your earlier MC, hoping that this little angel sticks for ya. Sending you and all our other buddies lots of :dust:


I know what you mean Merechick. I had a MC in sept, so we're reluctant to tell the world like we did before. I once read that there should be no reason to tell your close friends and family, because if something did happen, wouldnt you want thier support through it? I guess that kind of makes sense..? I thin kits all down to the individual though.


That's a really good way of looking at it Shellylu. My parents are about to arrive here to stay with us for a few weeks (we live overseas from our home) and I didn't want to say anything yet, but DH kind of said the same thing, that if things didn't work out, why hide it from them when they could be of great support. Sure that won't be an issue for any of us though :)
Hello to the new ladies and congrats. Honey: glad you found us!!!
Shelley: I've still lost my symptoms. 3 days with nothing now. It feels odd after they were so strong for a week around by :bfp:. I don't feel hungry though, and that is usual for me- VERY! I think that is nerves though.
I thought TTC was stressful enough!!! This is a complete rollercoaster!! I don't remember being quite this nervous last time, but I guess after MC is is inevitable.

By the way: how many of you are needing to pee more? I do remember this last PG, but this time, not at all.

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