July 2009 buddies wanted!!

godiva - hope all goes well today,

I am thinking pink for you but i am usually wrong so take no note!!

My mum told me yesterday she thought we were having a girl, but makes me think as my mum has always had some sort of sixth sense with these things!! I'm not saying she's pshycic or anything but ya know what I mean!! But this would prove me wrong!! But in all fairness I thought my first was a girl but he's definatey not!! and I know what you mean about him only having brothers!! MY hubby has 3 brothers but between them they have 9 girls and 2 boys!! so I really dont know!!

but I have decided I am officially on team Yellow!!
Hi girls, hope you are all well :happydance:

godiva have fun today xx

welcome purple socks xx

yay gem, team yellow :happydance:, I was starting to have 2nd thoughts, but no Ive decided, we're half way there. Hope we dont see by accident at the 4d scan :dohh:

who else is on team yellow me, WL, MB and gem xx
ps. how do you get the triple test you are all talking about, is it the same as the amnio ?

Anyone else not getting the downs test ?
hey SJK we didnt get the downs test as we decided if it came back high it wouldnt make any difference 2 us :) im gonna add my team yellow 2 my sig lol keep me strong girls i have my scan in 7 days but I heard how lovly it is when u dont find out so I really dont want to lol,
SJK, ur mw will sort the triple test out for u asap,its just blood test,they let uknow in a couple of days, then if it came bk high risk then they wud give u an amnio ......... i got mine bk at low risk,then they dont do any follow up on it xxx
would the mw have done it at the 8-10 week appoint when they took bloods then, I know I had to sign for tests to be done then ?? :dohh:

Im not asking for it, I dont remember it being done with my son, and if it came back high risk, I wouldnt change it at this stage, me and hubby had a talk about it the other day xxx

MB, must find a yellow blinkie too :happydance: xx
Hiya: EB glad your appointment was promising. I hope they get your properly checked regularly and all the care you need.

Hello all the newbies on here! I am so jealous of those of you who already know the sex!!!! I can't wait to know!
OH my gosh - sooo much happening on here at the minute. I only need to turn my back for a second and its crazy! - Lots of updating on the front page too!!

Babydance, I will add you right now. Congratulations on your Pink bump - you must be so excited! I tell you, I cant wait for my scan. I had all those scans in the begining, and havent had one for weeks and weeks now!!

Saxogirl, nice to see you're back. Glad everything has settled down for you. Must be a drag changing hopsitals etc.. Congratulations on your Blue bump!!

Whitelilly - I would use the name!! It wouldnt matter to me. If anything, Id see it as a compliment :)

Ellie - Woo hoo! you spoke to someone understnding!! Makes a nice change doesnt it??!!makes you feel ebtter when you see someone who gives a crap. I hate these health care professionals who brush you off - will stop there as it could turn into major rant lol. At least you got something sorted hun xx

Purple socks I will add you too. One week till your scan!! Do you have any predictions???

SJK - Tripple test is a separate blood screaning done around 16 weeks. I dont know why it hasnt been offered to you? It would be too late for you now anyway I think?? Did you have a nuchal scan?? I know that you can have either. They both give an indication of a problem. The nuchal scan is more detailed, and when I had mine (which I wasnt expecting) I asked if I still needed triple and they said no. If youre high risk from either, you then have an amnio. Have you not had either? I didnt have one wirth my son either and everything was fine. I wouldnt worry :)

Godiva - How did you get on?????!!!!!

Gem - I am predicting Blue for you too. Just a feeling....... But I guess I wont know for aaaaaaaaaaages as you're all on team yellow!!!!!!!No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha..

In other news...

I wentot o a funeral today. I looked so pregnant is was shocking. Ive gone from no bump, to a massive one. It was because I wasnt in my usual jeans and t-shirt get up I think. The only sensivle thing I had was a black knitted dress/black tights and high shoes. Not sensible for pregnant women in the ice.......
Well the funeral wasnt too bad. I didnt know the man, but it was a sort of relative of my OH's. Made me feel all weird and emotional as they do. You start thinking about life ending and life begining.... oooo bit deep and meaningful for a Monday afternoon!

Anyone have any snow yet???

Im off to start some dinner. Still ccant get enough food down my neck!!

Hi Shelley,

I forgot to say thankyou for the stew, it was lovely :happydance::rofl:,
thanks for that, not sure why I wasnt offered or it mentioned either, still tbh Im not to bothered really. I wouldnt change beany for the world now.

sorry about the funeral, :cry:, my granda is very sick and I think its the beginning of the end, bless him :cry:

hope all else is well,

how was your scan godiva xxx
I forgot to say with not being on much, on thurs night, I was lying in bed with the wee man and he turned round, lifted his bum in the air and landed with his full weight on my belly, so I rang the hospital and they said to come down and they done a scan straight away , all seemed ok thank goodness, and they said the fluid wouldve acted as a shock absorber, but he has been warned not to do WWF on beanys head again, bless him he didnt realise he'd done anything wrong xx
Well...had my scan. I will do what is taboo on here and say that I'm not too happy about the results of the sexing.

As I thought this whole time (and hoped against) it's a boy. On the bright side, it means I already have a name picked out for it, because I was pretty damn certain it was a boy. Yes I really, really hoped I was wrong, especially toward the end when I dared hope it might be a girl, but it really didn't surprise me when I was told it was a boy. Yes, that's how my life goes.

I'm not mad at the kid, because it's not his fault. None of us get to choose who/what we are. I'm just irritated at every male I've met that said "it better be a boy", like somehow that a boy child is more special than a girl child.

It's that, and I know that now my life is going to be filled with football, football, and more damn football. You have no idea how much I hate football. My OH does know, but he doesn't care. Already he has talked about teaching "him" (he still doesn't know that it's a boy, yet) to play football.

So, just for that, I don't care what my OH thinks, I am going to name him what I want. :muaha:

Oh, and when he's teaching him to play football, I'm going to be teaching him to cook and clean so he makes some future woman very happy :D.

Honestly, if it weren't all the stupid comments from males that I hear about boys this, boys that, better be a boy, boys are better, I'd not care one way or another.

Well, I did hear boys take longer to potty train then girls, so that won't make me happy, lol. I really don't want to change diapers forever :hissy:. Oh, and I hear they are worse about peeing on the people changing them.

Oh, and I've met plenty of women who have told me their sons miss the toilet and pee on the floor all the time. Adult men still do it, but little boys are worse about it. (Actually, I like to joke that if a man misses the toilet, they shouldn't be allowed in the military :rofl:)

Ok, on the health side of it, the u/s tech didn't say anything about anything abnormal. Actually, she didn't say much at all, so I had to ask questions to get a response. I wasn't really concerned about the health, because I'm not a paranoid sort, but I am a very curious person and I just wanted to know everything she was looking at. Some stuff was obvious, and others were not (like when she was looking at the stomach and kidneys).

She did make that comment that he was really active (which I could have told her). I could see he was moving on the screen. I only felt it half the time. He was stretching out and curling up in a ball, and looked like he was sucking his thumb (or could be fingers). Placenta is on the top. Head up, tail down (I pretty much knew this because he kicks my bladder every so often now, usually like he's bouncing on a trampoline, though he's probably just kicking it).

So, unless they tell me otherwise, I'm pretty sure he's fine and healthy. And very active. Of course, I did drink pop before I went, lol. I took the advice on sugar.
awk darling :hugs:,

try not to be too down, good news is all is ok with the wee man :cloud9:
I have a son and he is the best wee boy I have ever met, he is 4, he cheers me up everyday, he makes me laugh when I am crying, yes he does occasionally miss the toilet, like his daddy :rofl:, but boys will be boys :rofl: and when you hold him in your arms, you will forget this feeling and someday you will get your little girl :hugs: xxx
well godivalocks if i have a girl im up for a swap if you are?:rofl:

i already have 2 girls an if i have another girl i will have pink overload! ive about had enough of dolls and my little pony now and would love a little boy.

i dont know where the potty training thing comes from because daisy wouldnt entertain a potty/toilet until the day after her 3rd bday and all my friends boys were doing it way before her.

i also have a few friends who are pregnant and are desperate for a girl because they love all things girly and then theres me who is soooo not girly!!!
im not really bothered about getting dressed up and make up an all that stuff and god gives me 2 maybe 3 girls! im alomst certain this one is another girl, ive even put my scan pic on the ingender site and all replies come back saying girl, girl girl!!! oh is going crazy at the thought of living in a house full of women :rofl:

on the triple test subject, how long does it take for the results to come back for everyone else?
i had mine last wednesday an im going away next week so i bet they come then!
to be honest i only got it done as i think it is best to know what to expect, so even if it come back as high risk i wouldnt change anything but think its best to know so you can do any research or find any info you would need to be prepared for things.

so the snow has gone now but its comin again tonight so they say!:hissy:
i hate it!!!!!!

Oh godivalocks dont be down, I know what you mean as when I found out I was having a boy last time I felt the same, but do you know what - he is adorable - he is 8 now and still absoloutely gorgeous, yes he misses the toilet, yes he loves football and motorbikes and wrestling but he also loves his mum and lightens up my life.

I would love a girl although I am pretty convinced its another boy, but I have stepdaughters and when I see them now as growing up teenagers I think another boy would be a good idea!! What a nightmare teenage girls are!! you cant let them out of the house wthout worrying where they are or who they are with!!

I'm sure you'll be so in love when you first meet the little chap everything else will go out of the window. It definately did for me - watching them grow and guiding them through life no matter what gender they are is sooo rewarding.
Well, I had my consultant appointment this afternoon - they were absolutely brilliant. They said with the treatment that I had with my cervix there was unlikely to be a problem, however they understood my concerns. I had a scan & they measured my cervix - it's 39mm which they said was really good, anything below 2.5cm is when you have to worry. I saw bubs too briefly, he/she looked so much bigger than at 12wks!!! S/he was kicking away too.

They changed my 20wk scan to 12th March when I'll actually be 20wks & not 21, and asked me what else I wanted them to do. I asked if they could check my cervix again in 2wks - they said they didn't think it was necessary however as I was anxious they will do!! :happydance: So I have another scan on 26th Feb.....I'm hoping they'll be able to tell me the sex then (I was under strict instructions not to ask today as OH wasn't with me!!)

So now I'm feeling good about it all - they're really looking after me!!!
thats great ellie, at least you know now that its okay!! glad they finally got you sorted.

Well hubby is on nights so I think Im gonna get me an early night and play starfish until he comes in and moans at me at 6am!! Making the most of a comfy bed I say - why waste the other side if he aint there!!

anyway im gonna go,

well godivalocks if i have a girl im up for a swap if you are?:rofl:

i already have 2 girls an if i have another girl i will have pink overload! ive about had enough of dolls and my little pony now and would love a little boy.

i dont know where the potty training thing comes from because daisy wouldnt entertain a potty/toilet until the day after her 3rd bday and all my friends boys were doing it way before her.

i also have a few friends who are pregnant and are desperate for a girl because they love all things girly and then theres me who is soooo not girly!!!
im not really bothered about getting dressed up and make up an all that stuff and god gives me 2 maybe 3 girls! im alomst certain this one is another girl, ive even put my scan pic on the ingender site and all replies come back saying girl, girl girl!!! oh is going crazy at the thought of living in a house full of women :rofl:

on the triple test subject, how long does it take for the results to come back for everyone else?
i had mine last wednesday an im going away next week so i bet they come then!
to be honest i only got it done as i think it is best to know what to expect, so even if it come back as high risk i wouldnt change anything but think its best to know so you can do any research or find any info you would need to be prepared for things.

so the snow has gone now but its comin again tonight so they say!:hissy:
i hate it!!!!!!


Hey hun my test results came back 8 days late got it done on the Tuesday and results arrived Wednesday morning. I've already felt her kick my hand really dont think if my results had come back bad i'd have done anything about it either. All the best :) xx
God i've only been away for a day and there's mountains of posts!! hehe July is gonna be a busy month :D xx Has anyone started the nursery yet? xxx
awk darling :hugs:,

try not to be too down, good news is all is ok with the wee man :cloud9:
I have a son and he is the best wee boy I have ever met, he is 4, he cheers me up everyday, he makes me laugh when I am crying, yes he does occasionally miss the toilet, like his daddy :rofl:, but boys will be boys :rofl: and when you hold him in your arms, you will forget this feeling and someday you will get your little girl :hugs: xxx

Well, I don't blame him for being a boy. Like I said, we don't get to pick what we are.

Honestly, I don't think I will go for another one, especially since I can't guarantee a girl. I really, really hate being pregnant. It's been miserable and I can't wait until it's over. Yes, I said I can't wait until it's over and I can actually do stuff I like to do without being sick or in pain.

Maybe I'll change my mind later, but at the rate things are going I'm doubtful.
thanks babydance,:hugs:
knowing my hospital my results are sitting around in a tray somewhere!!

i wont be doing a nursery this time:cry:

we have 3 bedrooms, the 2 girls have a room each so baby will be in with us for a few months then will be moving in with daisy, although i will probably decorate the room for the both of them, especially if i have boy cos its pink stripes now! lol

but im missing all that getting the nursery ready bit :cry:

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